This Report Could Be the End of Joe Biden


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Joe Biden’s Presidency is an absolute disaster. Everything he has done is destroying the United States at its very foundation. But this report could be the end of Joe Biden.

Ever since being inaugurated, Joe Biden has been doing all he can to make sure America is unrecognizable. Whether it’s infecting the military with Critical Race Theory or negotiating with terrorists on the international stage, Biden is slowly morphing America into his socialist “utopia.” But one of his biggest blunders comes from the border.

While Donald Trump was President, he oversaw a massive enforcement of our nation’s immigration laws. Unfortunately, Joe Biden is so rabidly against Trump that he reversed course when he became president. The result has been an enormous border crisis where tens of thousands are held in cramped conditions.

And Americans have had enough of Biden fumbling the ball. A new Harvard/Harris poll just came out that showed 80% of Americans believe illegal immigration is a serious issue that needs more attention from Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Not only that, but “68% said that signals from Biden’s White House are encouraging illegal immigration, and 55% believe that former President Donald Trump’s border closing policies should have been left in place” according to the Washington Examiner.

“Overall, 74% of voters view the current surge in illegal immigrants as a crisis that needs to be addressed immediately, and 56% do not view climate change, racism, and sexism as root causes of migration from South and Central America,” said pollster Mark Penn. And the poll didn’t stop at illegal immigration, voters also dismissed Biden’s push for Critical Race Theory to be taught in schools.On schooling and education, another sleeper issue, 61% do not believe students should be taught that America is structurally racist and is dominated by white supremacy,” Penn continued.

These numbers show undeniably that Americans are not buying into Biden’s schemes, and that could spell doom for him in 2024 – assuming he makes it there.

Joe Biden’s Presidency is an absolute disaster. Everything he has done is destroying the United States at its very foundation. But this report could be the end of Joe Biden.

How is the Amazing Biden doing?

Highest stock market EVER
800,000 jobs added last month
Restoring relations with our allies
300 million vaccines given
America returning to normal

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Joe Biden’s Presidency is an absolute disaster. Everything he has done is destroying the United States at its very foundation. But this report could be the end of Joe Biden.

How is the Amazing Biden doing?

Highest stock market EVER
800,000 jobs added last month
Restoring relations with our allies
300 million vaccines given
America returning to normal


You're tarded:

Highest stock market EVER - You're a hypocrite & dishonest, the market was the highest ever on Trump's watch too. It has nothing to do with Joe and everything to do with globalization & inflation.

800,000 jobs added last month Ah no shit? Ever heard of summer? How about COVID, ever heard of that? Biden has nothing to do with it, but it sure was interesting to see the Democrats close the gates on Trump and reopen them on Biden when daily COVID cases were more than one year ago.

Restoring relations with our allies Who else read restoring bureaucracy for appearances at the detriment of the country asshole is supposed to be running?

300,000 vaccines given That's tarded to even suggest. You ran out of material before you responded.

America returning to normal Who else read MSM is silent and to the simple head that's normal? What exactly is normal dumbshit?
"On schooling and education, another sleeper issue, 61% do not believe students should be taught that America is structurally racist and is dominated by white supremacy"

I look at that as really sad, as it means 39% of Americans believe kids should be taught that America is structurally racist and dominated by white supremacy. If this poll is remotely accurate, it extrapolates to well over a hundred million Americans believing this drivel. This isn't a poll to brag about, this is an indictment of logic and reason and shows how effective the indoctrination and brainwashing by the left has been
Joe Biden’s Presidency is an absolute disaster. Everything he has done is destroying the United States at its very foundation. But this report could be the end of Joe Biden.

How is the Amazing Biden doing?

Highest stock market EVER
800,000 jobs added last month
Restoring relations with our allies
300,000 vaccines given
America returning to normal
highest stock market ever when Trump was president. Now it is BS.

Even if this laughable 800,000 jobs added last month were true, FOR WHOM would the jobs be ? By the end of this year Biden will have dumped ONE MILLION illegal aliens into the US and spread them all over the country. That's who these jobs, and existing ones are going to go to.

Yup, Biden is restoring relations with our "allies" all right, So instead of them paying their shares for NATO, they now go back to chiseling us, and paying less than their agreed to 2% of GDPs, while we get stuck with paying their bill. At G7, weakling Biden notoriously took the knee, allowing the Europeans to once again take advantage of us. Nordstream 2 same thing, while he stopped our pipeline putting thousands of US workers out of jobs. Moron union boss voted for him.

Vaccines that wouldn't exist without Trump's incredible Operation Warp Speed. Trump did the hard part. Biden the easy.

America returning to Globalist, anti-America trash.
Joe Biden’s Presidency is an absolute disaster. Everything he has done is destroying the United States at its very foundation. But this report could be the end of Joe Biden.

Ever since being inaugurated, Joe Biden has been doing all he can to make sure America is unrecognizable. Whether it’s infecting the military with Critical Race Theory or negotiating with terrorists on the international stage, Biden is slowly morphing America into his socialist “utopia.” But one of his biggest blunders comes from the border.

While Donald Trump was President, he oversaw a massive enforcement of our nation’s immigration laws. Unfortunately, Joe Biden is so rabidly against Trump that he reversed course when he became president. The result has been an enormous border crisis where tens of thousands are held in cramped conditions.

And Americans have had enough of Biden fumbling the ball. A new Harvard/Harris poll just came out that showed 80% of Americans believe illegal immigration is a serious issue that needs more attention from Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Not only that, but “68% said that signals from Biden’s White House are encouraging illegal immigration, and 55% believe that former President Donald Trump’s border closing policies should have been left in place” according to the Washington Examiner.

“Overall, 74% of voters view the current surge in illegal immigrants as a crisis that needs to be addressed immediately, and 56% do not view climate change, racism, and sexism as root causes of migration from South and Central America,” said pollster Mark Penn. And the poll didn’t stop at illegal immigration, voters also dismissed Biden’s push for Critical Race Theory to be taught in schools.On schooling and education, another sleeper issue, 61% do not believe students should be taught that America is structurally racist and is dominated by white supremacy,” Penn continued.

These numbers show undeniably that Americans are not buying into Biden’s schemes, and that could spell doom for him in 2024 – assuming he makes it there.

Lying isn't patriotic.

Independence Bell - Literature English
When a nation ’ s life ’ s at hazard, We ’ ve no time to think of men! ” So they surged against the State House, While all solemnly inside, Sat the Continental Congress, Truth and reason for their guide, Over a simple scroll debating, Which, though simple it might be, Yet should shake the cliffs of England With the thunders of the free.

Author Unknown

There was a tumult in the city
In the quaint old Quaker town,
And the streets were rife with people
Pacing restless up and down–
People gathering at corners,
Where they whispered each to each,
And the sweat stood on their temples
With the earnestness of speech.

As the bleak Atlantic currents
Lash the wild Newfoundland shore,
So they beat against the State House,
So they surged against the door;
And the mingling of their voices
Made the harmony profound,
Till the quiet street of Chestnut
Was all turbulent with sound.

“Will they do it?” “Dare they do it?”
“Who is speaking?” “What’s the news?”
“What of Adams?” “What of Sherman?”

“Oh, God grant they won’t refuse!”
“Make some way there!” “Let me nearer!”
“I am stifling!” “Stifle then!
When a nation’s life’s at hazard,
We’ve no time to think of men!”

So they surged against the State House,
While all solemnly inside,
Sat the Continental Congress,
Truth and reason for their guide,
Over a simple scroll debating,
Which, though simple it might be,
Yet should shake the cliffs of England
With the thunders of the free.

Joe Biden’s Presidency is an absolute disaster. Everything he has done is destroying the United States at its very foundation. But this report could be the end of Joe Biden.

How is the Amazing Biden doing?

Highest stock market EVER
800,000 jobs added last month
Restoring relations with our allies
300 million vaccines given
America returning to normal


You're tarded:

Highest stock market EVER - You're a hypocrite & dishonest, the market was the highest ever on Trump's watch too. It has nothing to do with Joe and everything to do with globalization & inflation.

800,000 jobs added last month Ah no shit? Ever heard of summer? How about COVID, ever heard of that? Biden has nothing to do with it, but it sure was interesting to see the Democrats close the gates on Trump and reopen them on Biden when daily COVID cases were more than one year ago.

Restoring relations with our allies Who else read restoring bureaucracy for appearances at the detriment of the country asshole is supposed to be running?

300,000 vaccines given That's tarded to even suggest. You ran out of material before you responded.

America returning to normal Who else read MSM is silent and to the simple head that's normal? What exactly is normal dumbshit?
Got to LOVE Joe Biden

Best economy EVER
Restoring America to its former Greatness
"On schooling and education, another sleeper issue, 61% do not believe students should be taught that America is structurally racist and is dominated by white supremacy"

I look at that as really sad, as it means 39% of Americans believe kids should be taught that America is structurally racist and dominated by white supremacy. If this poll is remotely accurate, it extrapolates to well over a hundred million Americans believing this drivel. This isn't a poll to brag about, this is an indictment of logic and reason and shows how effective the indoctrination and brainwashing by the left has been
It's not that bad. Like almost all polls, this is a very Democrat poll, the response of which is almost entirely from Democrats. So, NO it does NOT mean that 39% of Americans support CRT, It means 39% OF DEMOCRATS support the CRT idiocy, that's all.
Try again Skippy
Fat Donnie never dreamed of having a stock market as high as the Amazing Biden
Donald had stock market figures. Biden has stock market fabrications. Even 10 year old kids in the 5th grade know that.

And any improvements in the economy that are happening now are a result of the economy opening back up from the lockdowns, not from anything Biden has done. Only thing Biden has done on the economy is give us record-breaking INFLATION.. ,...Skippy.
If the media was doing it's job and if federal law enforcement hadn't been corrupted by politics, Biden would have been laughed out of Washington. As it stands a democrat with a majority in congress and a liberal media as his propaganda arm is capable of anything and God help us.
God and the US Supreme Court.

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