‘This scandal could bring down the administration’: Fox military analyst

I didn't say it did, I said ISIS. Iran is allied with Russia and Syria.

Isis vs Islamic State vs Isil vs Daesh: What do the different names

His group was initially known as Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad, before changing to the simpler al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) after pledging allegiance to Osama bin Laden’s network in October 2004.

Since then, the group waged an insurgency and terror attacks under numerous guises until leaders declared it the Islamic State in Iraq (ISI) in 2006, adding the “and al-Sham” to make “Isis” in 2013.
I am not defending them Homer, in fact they have over 80,000 troops in Iraq helping to defeat ISIS. I just want to know from you what terrorism they support

Please show us your reliable source and link stating that Russia has over 80,000 troops in Iraq.
Its people like you who hear on right wing news that Iran is a sponsor of terorism. You dont know who they sponsor, or when they sponsor, and you wouldn't think of checking out facts for yourself. But like a good little righty you keep repeating and repeating, as though you know what the phyuck you are talking about

PLEASE tell us you're being facetious!
Its people like you who hear on right wing news that Iran is a sponsor of terorism. You dont know who they sponsor, or when they sponsor, and you wouldn't think of checking out facts for yourself. But like a good little righty you keep repeating and repeating, as though you know what the phyuck you are talking about

PLEASE tell us you're being facetious!

Sadly he isn't.
If russia nuked israel, there would be nothing left for the US to defend.

Russia would not nuke Israel.

Under another administration I would agree, but with Putin's control of Trump, that no longer holds. The US can't launch a retaliatory strike against Russia without Trump giving the authorization. And with Trumps pro-russian position, and willingness to abandon NATO allies he may let russia do anything they want.
They've been saying that ever since Tony Rezko.

Most folks here have no clue as to who Tony Rezko is or his relationship to petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama. I never thought it would send President Obama to jail. Obama had not done anything illegal. What had transpired spoke to the lack of character and desperation of Obama.
Under another administration I would agree, but with Putin's control of Trump, that no longer holds. The US can't launch a retaliatory strike against Russia without Trump giving the authorization. And with Trumps pro-russian position, and willingness to abandon NATO allies he may let russia do anything they want.

More than a few fries short of a Happy Meal aren't you?
They've been saying that ever since Tony Rezko.

Most folks here have no clue as to who Tony Rezko is or his relationship to petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama. I never thought it would send President Obama to jail. Obama had not done anything illegal. What had transpired spoke to the lack of character and desperation of Obama.

Rezko, Kenyan birth certificate, Obamacare, Benghazi, you name it, they said it would would result in Obama being thrown in jail.
ISIS is fighting the governments of both Iraq and Syria. Our support of Syrian rebels isnt support for all their affiliates.

ISIS turned into a driving force when petulant former President Obama declared the end of the war in Iraq and, against all his advisers, pulled all our troops out of Iraq leaving a dangerous vacuum. That vacuum was filled by ISIS who is fighting all the Western European countries along with the United States.
ISIS turned into a driving force when petulant former President Obama declared the end of the war in Iraq and, against all his advisers, pulled all our troops out of Iraq leaving a dangerous vacuum. That vacuum was filled by ISIS who is fighting all the Western European countries along with the United States.

What did the SOFA of December 2008 require of the US forces? Oh look, it said they had to withdraw from combat by 2009 and completely by 2011.

Next you'll claim that Obama shut down the space shuttle program.
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If the money we sent to Iran was a bribe, or a ransom, it was the most clever in history. Paying the bad guys with their on money.

I would say stupid rather than clever. They have tested a lot of medium and long range missiles since they got that money. Now they can put a nuclear warhead on them and start WWIII.
We could have kept the money but what message would that send to other foreign governments doing business with us?
They might think twice before investing in our national debt or storing large fortunes in our banks.

They might, or they might think twice about sponsoring terrorism.
Ask Trump if the USA is any better...

No need, I already know the answer to the question.

Good, then you agree with Trump:

President Donald Trump appeared to equate US actions with the authoritarian regime of Russian President Vladimir Putin in an interview released Saturday, saying, "There are a lot of killers. You think our country's so innocent?"
Trump defends Putin: 'You think our country's so innocent?' - CNNPolitics.com
Trump's tax return is very long and complicated. Probably hundreds of pages. He gets audited every year.

Translation: Trump told me his returns are long. That means something. I might be very long...and that means even more. And he told me he gets audited every year so he does.

If he was cheating the IRS would be screaming it from the rooftops. If he released them, none of the crazed dems or the media cronies would even understand them. But, they would pull out one page and make up lies about it. We all know that is what this is all about.

If he cheated the IRS would say something since they havent, we don't need to know anything more. Plus if it was put out, I haven't seen it but I'm sure your head would explode and in the interest of saving exploding heads Trump is protecting us all by not releasing them. And even tho they wouldnt understand they could lie about one page of numbers because numbers lie. So it's to help you all.

If he cheated, the IRS would say nothing. If he refused to pay his taxes, the IRS would say nothing publicly

Right, but that's not a reason to not release. There is a reason for every action.
I would say stupid rather than clever. They have tested a lot of medium and long range missiles since they got that money. Now they can put a nuclear warhead on them and start WWIII.
We could have kept the money but what message would that send to other foreign governments doing business with us?
They might think twice before investing in our national debt or storing large fortunes in our banks.

They might, or they might think twice about sponsoring terrorism.
Ask Trump if the USA is any better...

No need, I already know the answer to the question.

Good, then you agree with Trump:

President Donald Trump appeared to equate US actions with the authoritarian regime of Russian President Vladimir Putin in an interview released Saturday, saying, "There are a lot of killers. You think our country's so innocent?"
Trump defends Putin: 'You think our country's so innocent?' - CNNPolitics.com

he was not defending Putin, he was telling the truth.

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