‘This scandal could bring down the administration’: Fox military analyst

Trump's tax return is very long and complicated. Probably hundreds of pages. He gets audited every year.

Translation: Trump told me his returns are long. That means something. I might be very long...and that means even more. And he told me he gets audited every year so he does.

If he was cheating the IRS would be screaming it from the rooftops. If he released them, none of the crazed dems or the media cronies would even understand them. But, they would pull out one page and make up lies about it. We all know that is what this is all about.

If he cheated the IRS would say something since they havent, we don't need to know anything more. Plus if it was put out, I haven't seen it but I'm sure your head would explode and in the interest of saving exploding heads Trump is protecting us all by not releasing them. And even tho they wouldnt understand they could lie about one page of numbers because numbers lie. So it's to help you all.

Trump's tax return is very long and complicated. Probably hundreds of pages. He gets audited every year. If he was cheating the IRS would be screaming it from the rooftops. If he released them, none of the crazed dems or the media cronies would even understand them. But, they would pull out one page and make up lies about it. We all know that is what this is all about.

Trump should hire you. You make a great apologist for him. Now that you have expressed your commitment to Trump's lack of transparency , your loyalties as an American Patriot in solidarity with We The People, are called into question. What red blooded American wouldn't want to know that their president isn't hiding something that could be detrimental to the nation, specifically to the clandestine Intelligence operatives we have ensconced in secret places around the world. Surely the American moles in Russia are nervous about Trump's personal ties with Russia and his adoration of Putin.

Trump's tax returns might be expansive but all of it would fit on a 2 GB flash drive with room to spare. A MAC computer could use Spotify or Finder to zoom in on any query the user might be interested in. But we don't have to do that. There are plenty of analysts willing to narrow the pertinent information down to a few pages and explain them to us on national TV. I wouldn't be interested in any cheating Trump might have done, that is an IRS problem. I would be interested in income or payouts involving deals done in certain time frames, with ties to Russia or Russian interests. If there is nothing there. I would be happy to celebrate in spirit with our at risk Intelligence operatives in Russia and elsewhere.

There is no scandal except in the minds of the corrupt media and the butthurt defeated democrats.

If there is no scandal, then the release of Trump's tax returns ought to be of little concern to you. I just want validation that there is NO scandal... Your saying so just doesn't quite cut it!

Doing business with foreign companies and governments is not illegal. If you have a 401K it is very likely that you own some foreign company stock and have a vested interest in the success of that foreign company.

Your premise here might be ok for an average private citizen,but; high government officials, vested with the secrets of our nation to include the names of our Intelligence operatives cannot be afforded the luxury of having direct opaque personal foreign dealings, especially those involving a known foreign enemy.

This is a ridiculous attempt to create talking points from the desperate alt left in this country and their lying comrades the media.

i would trust all of them before I would trust the known liar, Trump and his Russian KGB ally,Putin!

"i would trust all of them before I would trust the known liar, Trump and his Russian KGB ally,Putin!"

That explains your entire rant.
Damn right it does. You got a problem with it?
Just the fact that I can get all of it from any LWNJ media outlet.
And Faux Noise if the peninccle of virtuous and factual news???? Get the fuk outta here...
Trump should hire you. You make a great apologist for him. Now that you have expressed your commitment to Trump's lack of transparency , your loyalties as an American Patriot in solidarity with We The People, are called into question. What red blooded American wouldn't want to know that their president isn't hiding something that could be detrimental to the nation, specifically to the clandestine Intelligence operatives we have ensconced in secret places around the world. Surely the American moles in Russia are nervous about Trump's personal ties with Russia and his adoration of Putin.

Trump's tax returns might be expansive but all of it would fit on a 2 GB flash drive with room to spare. A MAC computer could use Spotify or Finder to zoom in on any query the user might be interested in. But we don't have to do that. There are plenty of analysts willing to narrow the pertinent information down to a few pages and explain them to us on national TV. I wouldn't be interested in any cheating Trump might have done, that is an IRS problem. I would be interested in income or payouts involving deals done in certain time frames, with ties to Russia or Russian interests. If there is nothing there. I would be happy to celebrate in spirit with our at risk Intelligence operatives in Russia and elsewhere.

If there is no scandal, then the release of Trump's tax returns ought to be of little concern to you. I just want validation that there is NO scandal... Your saying so just doesn't quite cut it!

Your premise here might be ok for an average private citizen,but; high government officials, vested with the secrets of our nation to include the names of our Intelligence operatives cannot be afforded the luxury of having direct opaque personal foreign dealings, especially those involving a known foreign enemy.

i would trust all of them before I would trust the known liar, Trump and his Russian KGB ally,Putin!
transparency, oh that double standard thing that only applies to conservatives? guess what? we will be saying fk off a lot in the next four years as we ignore your nonsense games. see below......
When the lack of transparency involves a president's personal dealings with Russia or any other enemy in this country I don't give a rats ass about party affiliation. I want transparency or I want him gone whether he is democrat OR republican.

I didn't see your opinion on the Obama administration giving Billions to Iran, or the selling of Uranium to Russia. Would you mind if I call Obama, a known liar, a friend of his Russian KGB ally, Putin and the Iranian Ayatollah?

I gave my opinion on those incidents in the proper threads when they happened. But since Obama released his tax returns and no personal connections were found to any of the above, his transparency allowed people t give hm a pass. Trump hasn't done that.

I wonder if the money he sent to Iran in the middle of the night was meant to be transparent or did he just get caught.

The money wasn't ours, it belonged to the people of Iran. Are you a thief...Hmm I forgot...Isn't that how America got started.... I guess Obama restored some sense of morality...God bless 'im.
With the money Obama gave them they can buy several nukes from North Korea. Aren't you glad you asked?

What makes you think Pooti hasn't already given them a weapon?

That a million times more likely than Iran getting them from N. Korea. Putin has more nukes than he knows what to do with, and can supply Iran with vintage weapons that would look like designs the Iranians would be able to make today.
Iran had their own nuclear program which for now is disbanded. Why would they want to buy nukes?
The pace of progress suggests that North Korea will soon reach a point where it’s able to sell nuclear weapons to the highest bidder."

So N. Korea can't currently sell nukes to Iran. And even if they could, Iran would need to buy dozens, which if far beyond the N. Koreans capabilities.

They only need one to his Israel with and start WWIII.
Iran has never started any aggression or war, why would they do that now knowing that their country would be destroyed
Trump's tax return is very long and complicated. Probably hundreds of pages. He gets audited every year.

Translation: Trump told me his returns are long. That means something. I might be very long...and that means even more. And he told me he gets audited every year so he does.

If he was cheating the IRS would be screaming it from the rooftops. If he released them, none of the crazed dems or the media cronies would even understand them. But, they would pull out one page and make up lies about it. We all know that is what this is all about.

If he cheated the IRS would say something since they havent, we don't need to know anything more. Plus if it was put out, I haven't seen it but I'm sure your head would explode and in the interest of saving exploding heads Trump is protecting us all by not releasing them. And even tho they wouldnt understand they could lie about one page of numbers because numbers lie. So it's to help you all.

If he cheated, the IRS would say nothing. If he refused to pay his taxes, the IRS would say nothing publicly
I gave my opinion on those incidents in the proper threads when they happened. But since Obama released his tax returns and no personal connections were found to any of the above, his transparency allowed people t give hm a pass. Trump hasn't done that.

I wonder if the money he sent to Iran in the middle of the night was meant to be transparent or did he just get caught.

If the money we sent to Iran was a bribe, or a ransom, it was the most clever in history. Paying the bad guys with their on money.

I would say stupid rather than clever. They have tested a lot of medium and long range missiles since they got that money. Now they can put a nuclear warhead on them and start WWIII.
We could have kept the money but what message would that send to other foreign governments doing business with us?
They might think twice before investing in our national debt or storing large fortunes in our banks.
I gave my opinion on those incidents in the proper threads when they happened. But since Obama released his tax returns and no personal connections were found to any of the above, his transparency allowed people t give hm a pass. Trump hasn't done that.

I wonder if the money he sent to Iran in the middle of the night was meant to be transparent or did he just get caught.

If the money we sent to Iran was a bribe, or a ransom, it was the most clever in history. Paying the bad guys with their on money.

I would say stupid rather than clever. They have tested a lot of medium and long range missiles since they got that money. Now they can put a nuclear warhead on them and start WWIII.
We could have kept the money but what message would that send to other foreign governments doing business with us?
They might think twice before investing in our national debt or storing large fortunes in our banks.

They might, or they might think twice about sponsoring terrorism.
I gave my opinion on those incidents in the proper threads when they happened. But since Obama released his tax returns and no personal connections were found to any of the above, his transparency allowed people t give hm a pass. Trump hasn't done that.

I wonder if the money he sent to Iran in the middle of the night was meant to be transparent or did he just get caught.

If the money we sent to Iran was a bribe, or a ransom, it was the most clever in history. Paying the bad guys with their on money.

I would say stupid rather than clever. They have tested a lot of medium and long range missiles since they got that money. Now they can put a nuclear warhead on them and start WWIII.
We could have kept the money but what message would that send to other foreign governments doing business with us?
They might think twice before investing in our national debt or storing large fortunes in our banks.

They might, or they might think twice about sponsoring terrorism.
Could you tell us exactly what terrorism they sponsor
I wonder if the money he sent to Iran in the middle of the night was meant to be transparent or did he just get caught.

If the money we sent to Iran was a bribe, or a ransom, it was the most clever in history. Paying the bad guys with their on money.

I would say stupid rather than clever. They have tested a lot of medium and long range missiles since they got that money. Now they can put a nuclear warhead on them and start WWIII.
We could have kept the money but what message would that send to other foreign governments doing business with us?
They might think twice before investing in our national debt or storing large fortunes in our banks.

They might, or they might think twice about sponsoring terrorism.
Could you tell us exactly what terrorism they sponsor

I decline to participate in your education. You might be the only person on earth who defends the Iranian Gov.
I gave my opinion on those incidents in the proper threads when they happened. But since Obama released his tax returns and no personal connections were found to any of the above, his transparency allowed people t give hm a pass. Trump hasn't done that.

I wonder if the money he sent to Iran in the middle of the night was meant to be transparent or did he just get caught.

If the money we sent to Iran was a bribe, or a ransom, it was the most clever in history. Paying the bad guys with their on money.

I would say stupid rather than clever. They have tested a lot of medium and long range missiles since they got that money. Now they can put a nuclear warhead on them and start WWIII.
We could have kept the money but what message would that send to other foreign governments doing business with us?
They might think twice before investing in our national debt or storing large fortunes in our banks.

They might, or they might think twice about sponsoring terrorism.
Ask Trump if the USA is any better...
If he cheated the IRS would say something since they havent, we don't need to know anything more.

The IRS doesn't publicly announce even the worst of tax cheats. In this case it would be a challenge that Trumps lawyers would be fighting, and the IRS coming up with fines or compromises that aren't made public. Nothing becomes public unless the IRS takes them to tax court or charges them with tax evasion.
If the money we sent to Iran was a bribe, or a ransom, it was the most clever in history. Paying the bad guys with their on money.

I would say stupid rather than clever. They have tested a lot of medium and long range missiles since they got that money. Now they can put a nuclear warhead on them and start WWIII.
We could have kept the money but what message would that send to other foreign governments doing business with us?
They might think twice before investing in our national debt or storing large fortunes in our banks.

They might, or they might think twice about sponsoring terrorism.
Could you tell us exactly what terrorism they sponsor

I decline to participate in your education. You might be the only person on earth who defends the Iranian Gov.
I am not defending them Homer, in fact they have over 80,000 troops in Iraq helping to defeat ISIS. I just want to know from you what terrorism they support
I wonder if the money he sent to Iran in the middle of the night was meant to be transparent or did he just get caught.

If the money we sent to Iran was a bribe, or a ransom, it was the most clever in history. Paying the bad guys with their on money.

I would say stupid rather than clever. They have tested a lot of medium and long range missiles since they got that money. Now they can put a nuclear warhead on them and start WWIII.
We could have kept the money but what message would that send to other foreign governments doing business with us?
They might think twice before investing in our national debt or storing large fortunes in our banks.

They might, or they might think twice about sponsoring terrorism.
Ask Trump if the USA is any better...

No need, I already know the answer to the question.
I would say stupid rather than clever. They have tested a lot of medium and long range missiles since they got that money. Now they can put a nuclear warhead on them and start WWIII.
We could have kept the money but what message would that send to other foreign governments doing business with us?
They might think twice before investing in our national debt or storing large fortunes in our banks.

They might, or they might think twice about sponsoring terrorism.
Could you tell us exactly what terrorism they sponsor

I decline to participate in your education. You might be the only person on earth who defends the Iranian Gov.
I am not defending them Homer, in fact they have over 80,000 troops in Iraq helping to defeat ISIS. I just want to know from you what terrorism they support

LOL, do some research. You do realize that ISIS is a part of the "rebel" group fighting Assad, right? You DO know we are supporting said "rebels" , right?
I wonder if the money he sent to Iran in the middle of the night was meant to be transparent or did he just get caught.

If the money we sent to Iran was a bribe, or a ransom, it was the most clever in history. Paying the bad guys with their on money.

I would say stupid rather than clever. They have tested a lot of medium and long range missiles since they got that money. Now they can put a nuclear warhead on them and start WWIII.
We could have kept the money but what message would that send to other foreign governments doing business with us?
They might think twice before investing in our national debt or storing large fortunes in our banks.

They might, or they might think twice about sponsoring terrorism.
Ask Trump if the USA is any better...
GW and Cheney certainly weren't.
If the money we sent to Iran was a bribe, or a ransom, it was the most clever in history. Paying the bad guys with their on money.

I would say stupid rather than clever. They have tested a lot of medium and long range missiles since they got that money. Now they can put a nuclear warhead on them and start WWIII.
We could have kept the money but what message would that send to other foreign governments doing business with us?
They might think twice before investing in our national debt or storing large fortunes in our banks.

They might, or they might think twice about sponsoring terrorism.
Ask Trump if the USA is any better...

No need, I already know the answer to the question.
Its people like you who hear on right wing news that Iran is a sponsor of terorism. You dont know who they sponsor, or when they sponsor, and you wouldn't think of checking out facts for yourself. But like a good little righty you keep repeating and repeating, as though you know what the phyuck you are talking about

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