This should end the Panic Demic NOW - Facts and Medical Science, Not Politics


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2019
This video should be required watching for everyone afraid of Covid 19.
Dr. Kelly calmly expresses medical science and common sense that are desperately needed to correct the Panic Demic which has "profoundly damaged" Americans.
"Eighty-five percent of people contracting the virus have NO SYMPTOMS!
The sooner we develop herd immunity (having everyone exposed to it), the sooner it will end.
Social distancing was the brainchild of a high school student, not any medical research."
"It's time to take back our lives." - Dr. Kelly.
I'd at least use an accent..

Many experts do ...

She does have a specialty on a lack of medical/scientific terminology.
You know, you can always combine three idiotic statements in the same post so you don't pollute the board by making many more stupid posts than necessary.

This virus is magnitudes less deadly than the politicians and media have been telling us and herd immunity IS the answer to it.
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This video should be required watching for everyone afraid of Covid 19.
Dr. Kelly calmly expresses medical science and common sense that are desperately needed to correct the Panic Demic which has "profoundly damaged" Americans.
"Eighty-five percent of people contracting the virus have NO SYMPTOMS!
The sooner we develop herd immunity (having everyone exposed to it), the sooner it will end.
Social distancing was the brainchild of a high school student, not any medical research."
"It's time to take back our lives." - Dr. Kelly.

Is this the dude that used to be Trump's personal physician getting a uh..."change"?..Dr Kelly Victory??..Sounds like a porn star name..kinda fitting. :)
You need to come with stronger sauce than this. LOL....
Does every medical specialist do videos of them in their living rooms especially the ones advocating the ending of the pandemic restrictions?

I'd at least use an accent..

I'm sure your Tony Curtis impression would go over well

Actually opinions when shrouded by a charlatan can and do harm others. We have seen that in every rally & tweet wherein Donald Trump's hate and fear rhetoric defamed others; Reporters, Democrats, Women and former appointees who speak the truth.
Does every medical specialist do videos of them in their living rooms especially the ones advocating the ending of the pandemic restrictions?

I'd at least use an accent..

I'm sure your Tony Curtis impression would go over well

Actually opinions when shrouded by a charlatan can and do harm others. We have seen that in every rally & tweet wherein Donald Trump's hate and fear rhetoric defamed others; Reporters, Democrats, Women and former appointees who speak the truth.

What does that have to do with moon affecting a Brooklyn accent?
A good way to play Russian roulette with one's personal genome is to go mask-less,: the virus has mutated and transmission via the eyes is a confirmed possibility. Not even god knows the implications, or the 'nine billion names for god.' Moscow Times 9 Jul 2020: 'Russians shouldn't expect a return to their normal pre-coronavirus lives before February 2021, Health Minister Mikhail Murashko said.'
A good way to play Russian roulette with one's personal genome is to go mask-less,: the virus has mutated and transmission via the eyes is a confirmed possibility.

OOOOoo, very scary, the steadily declining death rate per day.

Be afraid, badger. Be very, very afraid, and tell everyone else to be afraid as well.
Wear your mask and gloves everywhere. Keep your distance, please. Far away from thinking people.

Daily death rates July 9.jpg

Age chart.jpg
This video should be required watching for everyone afraid of Covid 19.
Dr. Kelly calmly expresses medical science and common sense that are desperately needed to correct the Panic Demic which has "profoundly damaged" Americans.
"Eighty-five percent of people contracting the virus have NO SYMPTOMS!
The sooner we develop herd immunity (having everyone exposed to it), the sooner it will end.
Social distancing was the brainchild of a high school student, not any medical research."
"It's time to take back our lives." - Dr. Kelly.

Well, this coronavirus appears to be picking up activity of spread and infection here in the summer months, so kind of doubtful about is not surviving above 70 Degree Fahrenheit. I personnally stay around 97.7 deg. It is spreading pretty good in Florida these days and the temp has been in the 90s, as well as in phoenix Az where the temp has been over 110 deg lately. So much for the temperature thing. Masks? WHO file:///C:/Users/lapax/AppData/Local/Temp/WHO-2019-nCov-IPC_Masks-2020.4-eng.pdf says : Current evidence suggests that most transmission of COVID-19 is occurring from symptomatic people to others in close contact, when not wearing appropriate PPE. There is also the possibility of transmission from people who are infected and shedding virus but have not yet developed symptoms; this is called pre-symptomatic transmission.
Some people infected with the COVID-19 virus do not ever develop any symptoms, although they can shed virus which may then be transmitted to others.
The prolonged use of medical masks can be uncomfortable. However, it does not lead to CO2 intoxication nor oxygen deficiency. While wearing a medical mask, make sure it fits properly and that it is tight enough to allow you to breathe normally.
I checked info here again WHO just now, have not check CDC, but I hear News from CDC, read what Fauci and Birx have had to say. In my humble opinion the bitch on the video with this thread is possibly a FKN quack or a trump supporter.
I checked info here again WHO just now, have not check CDC, but I hear News from CDC, read what Fauci and Birx have had to say. In my humble opinion the bitch on the video with this thread is possibly a FKN quack or a trump supporter.

NO TRUMP SUPPORTER ON EARTH can be trusted, right? Only Hillary Sycophants.
Your opinion is far less than "humble." It is less than worthless.

I checked info here again WHO just now, have not check CDC, but I hear News from CDC, read what Fauci and Birx have had to say. In my humble opinion the bitch on the video with this thread is possibly a FKN quack or a trump supporter.

NO TRUMP SUPPORTER ON EARTH can be trusted, right? Only Hillary Sycophants.
Your opinion is far less than "humble." It is less than worthless.

Dude, you got the wrong thread. Nobody supporting Hillary here. This the the thread about somebody supposed to be a doctor, but not in favor of taking all the small precautions you take to avoid spreading or contracting coronvirus.
This video should be required watching for everyone afraid of Covid 19.
Dr. Kelly calmly expresses medical science and common sense that are desperately needed to correct the Panic Demic which has "profoundly damaged" Americans.
"Eighty-five percent of people contracting the virus have NO SYMPTOMS!
The sooner we develop herd immunity (having everyone exposed to it), the sooner it will end.
Social distancing was the brainchild of a high school student, not any medical research."
"It's time to take back our lives." - Dr. Kelly.

Better download this video before Google/YouTube finds it. I'm sure the lefties here have reported it for spreading common sense
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This video should be required watching for everyone afraid of Covid 19.
Dr. Kelly calmly expresses medical science and common sense that are desperately needed to correct the Panic Demic which has "profoundly damaged" Americans.
"Eighty-five percent of people contracting the virus have NO SYMPTOMS!
The sooner we develop herd immunity (having everyone exposed to it), the sooner it will end.
Social distancing was the brainchild of a high school student, not any medical research."
"It's time to take back our lives." - Dr. Kelly.

You stupid fuck Trumpettes will believe anything. No wonder you still support that fat assed orange piece of shit.

Go out with your Trumpette buddies without PPE & hug & kissd easch other. Please.

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