This should end the Panic Demic NOW - Facts and Medical Science, Not Politics

Masks are altruistic. My mask protects people from my possible infection, other peoples masks protects me from their possible infection.

If I wear a mask, I'm protecting others, if they don't then they're not protecting me in return.

That's what people have to be afraid of.
How the fk is that logical? How do you get from me? Please

are you saying masks only protect one way?HAHAHA
#14: We're not paranoid precisely because of science. Just because you don't have symptoms doesn't mean that it's not contagious. Why in the world would one risk infection knowing quite well that the virus might be using (your [italics]) genome) with which to mutate, symptoms or no symptoms? Wear your mask, Dummy.
Explain to me how the Republicans win in November arguing that a million dead people, with more dying all the time, is good for the Country?

How you can put YOUR vicious, hateful words in other people's mouths and then condemn them for the words YOU put in their mouths is sickening. Nobody said deaths are "good for the Country" except you. But decimating the economy when in fact the total death count will not be changed even slightly is insane. Not that you give a shit because you have to be insane to support the evil Democrat Party, supporter of infanticide, BLM, socialism, and Antifa.
Dude, you got the wrong thread. Nobody supporting Hillary here. This the the thread about somebody supposed to be a doctor, but not in favor of taking all the small precautions you take to avoid spreading or contracting coronvirus.

"Small precautions" - shutting down all schools, millions of jobs, and inciting panic. You've fallen for it. No doubt you are a Climate Change alarmist as well. Fear is your metier. You operate on emotions, not science, not common sense. "Dude."
Talking about wearing a God damn mask which you assfucks refuse to do.
You stupid fuck Trumpettes will believe anything. No wonder you still support that fat assed orange piece of shit.

Go out with your Trumpette buddies without PPE & hug & kissd easch other. Please.
This post has public school written all over it

Yep, I attended public school & then private universities.
Explain to me how the Republicans win in November arguing that a million dead people, with more dying all the time, is good for the Country?

How you can put YOUR vicious, hateful words in other people's mouths and then condemn them for the words YOU put in their mouths is sickening. Nobody said deaths are "good for the Country" except you. But decimating the economy when in fact the total death count will not be changed even slightly is insane. Not that you give a shit because you have to be insane to support the evil Democrat Party, supporter of infanticide, BLM, socialism, and Antifa.

Actually. I do not like either party. I am sick of the insane anyone who opposes us is a traitor mantra from both sides.
Yep, I attended public school & then private universities.
I guess then a paraphrased axiom is in order: you can take the student out of public school but ya can't take the public school out of the student...were you just visiting those "universities" or did you attend and graduate them? if its the latter would you mind giving the names?
Yep, I attended public school & then private universities.
I guess then a paraphrased axiom is in order: you can take the student out of public school but ya can't take the public school out of the student...were you just visiting those "universities" or did you attend and graduate them? if its the latter would you mind giving the names?

I see your private school education was a waste of money.

First you tell me all those fine institutions from which you graduated.
Explain to me how the Republicans win in November arguing that a million dead people, with more dying all the time, is good for the Country?

How you can put YOUR vicious, hateful words in other people's mouths and then condemn them for the words YOU put in their mouths is sickening. Nobody said deaths are "good for the Country" except you. But decimating the economy when in fact the total death count will not be changed even slightly is insane. Not that you give a shit because you have to be insane to support the evil Democrat Party, supporter of infanticide, BLM, socialism, and Antifa.

I came back to address the rest of your rant, since I covered the party of support earlier. I didn't have time to address your silliness.

Those who argue against Masks either argue that 1) Covid does not exist. Obviously it exists. When they aren't here, they are probably arguing the Moon Landing didn't happen. But those idiots are just so marginalized that we can't really argue with them.

The other folks are the second group. 2) Herd Immunity. For Herd Immunity you have to have antibodies in a large percentage of your population. The number I have found during several searches is 80%. That means that 80% of the surviving population has to have been exposed to the virus, and developed antibodies. The way we achieved that number with diseases is through Immunizations in the past. But there is no vaccine for Covid. And one will take years to develop using normal procedures and testing. By then, it is likely to be burned out anyway.

The only other way would be for people to be exposed. In other words, catch the disease. Now, these people argue this is good for the country because we could carry on with our daily lives, since many people, some 85% of those exposed, are not symptomatic, and they could keep going to work and parties and all that. But the remaining 15% of those exposed would go symptomatic, and that means that roughly speaking, about 12% of our population would be symptomatic with Covid. The death rate for Covid is at or below 1%. That is with a lot of medical effort. In other words, it is expensive treatment for those who are symptomatic, Intensive Care Units, and expensive treatments.

We will use 1% for this discussion. To reach that 80% threshold, we have to have 80% of our population exposed. That means that one percent of those exposed will die. That comes to over two million people. But more than that will really die won't they?

Do you think that Cops, Paramedics, Firemen, Doctors and Nurses, will show up to work after a million people die while they are trying to keep ICU patients alive in the hallways? Nope. The Hospitals will close, because nobody will be there to care for the ill.

Now, according to these Herd Immunity idiots, this is good for our nation, it keeps the economy going. But they are wrong. Because nobody is going to be working with dead people all over the place that nobody is picking up because the system is swamped. Folks will be burying the bodies of their loved ones in the back yard.

Herd Immunity does not consider anything other than the theoretical firewall. The 80% who have survived an infection, symptomatic or not, who are not able to get it again because of antibodies, and who are able to keep going to work. It does not consider social or economic impacts of reaching that 80%. In other words, they are stupid. They are inevitably the most vocal Trump supporters and Liberals need to die a horrible death types.

So I asked them, how do Republicans win in November with a million dead from COVID? Realistically a Republican could not win an election to Dog Catcher in that scenario. A million dead, people starving from lack of food because Truckers are not moving the chow. Hospitals empty because people are hiding at home. There is literally no way a Republican wins anything advocating that stupid course of action.

Now, if you are one of those Flat Earth Moon Landing was faked COVID does not exist, do not bother replying. If you are one of those the Hype is worse than reality, I might agree with you, but the reality isn't good either. If you are one of those Liberals want this because it gives them a chance in November and it's all fake news. Well don't bother replying.

To close with Politics. To expand on what I wrote earlier. Both Parties are completely full of shit. When this nation collapses, it won't be the Liberals Fault. It won't be the Republicans Fault. It will be our fault, because we hate the Constitution, and refused to stand up and say it mattered, and vote those out of office who kept trying to find ways around it. We didn't show up at the Court Houses with Pitchforks and Torches when the Judges created loopholes. We figured the loophole was good because it got a bad guy, or someone who deserved it, and we whittled little loop holes into the document, a few, then more, and now the document looks like a large hole fishnet. There is nothing but holes.
#14: We're not paranoid precisely because of science. Just because you don't have symptoms doesn't mean that it's not contagious. Why in the world would one risk infection knowing quite well that the virus might be using (your [italics]) genome) with which to mutate, symptoms or no symptoms? Wear your mask, Dummy.
Well, if 85% are in that category, who cares?

and, wear your mask, why do you need anyone else to then? Are you sayingyour mask doesn’t work?
Those who argue against Masks either argue that 1) Covid does not exist. Obviously it exists. When they aren't here, they are probably arguing the Moon Landing didn't happen. But those idiots are just so marginalized that we can't really argue with them.

The other folks are the second group. 2) Herd Immunity. For Herd Immunity you have to have antibodies in a large percentage of your population. The number I have found during several searches is 80%. That means that 80% of the surviving population has to have been exposed to the virus, and developed antibodies. The way we achieved that number with diseases is through Immunizations in the past. But there is no vaccine for Covid. And one will take years to develop using normal procedures and testing. By then, it is likely to be burned out anyway.

You talk a very great deal but you don't listen. You don't care to learn, not even from the physician.
Pride goeth before a fall.
There are many diseases without immunizations. 85% of people contracting the Covid virus are asymptomatic. Zooom. That goes right over your head.
ciao brutto
To my Ignore List you go.

"Go from the presence of a foolish man." - The Holy Bible
Those who argue against Masks either argue that 1) Covid does not exist. Obviously it exists. When they aren't here, they are probably arguing the Moon Landing didn't happen. But those idiots are just so marginalized that we can't really argue with them.

The other folks are the second group. 2) Herd Immunity. For Herd Immunity you have to have antibodies in a large percentage of your population. The number I have found during several searches is 80%. That means that 80% of the surviving population has to have been exposed to the virus, and developed antibodies. The way we achieved that number with diseases is through Immunizations in the past. But there is no vaccine for Covid. And one will take years to develop using normal procedures and testing. By then, it is likely to be burned out anyway.

You talk a very great deal but you don't listen. You don't care to learn, not even from the physician.
Pride goeth before a fall.
There are many diseases without immunizations. 85% of people contracting the Covid virus are asymptomatic. Zooom. That goes right over your head.
ciao brutto
To my Ignore List you go.

"Go from the presence of a foolish man." - The Holy Bible

Because they are asymptomatic, does that mean they are not contagious?
Actually. I do not like either party. I am sick of the insane anyone who opposes us is a traitor mantra from both sides
No one from the right ever said that! You’re projecting the demofks hate as ours and that’s insincere of you! Amazing. How can you have any fking dignity doing that?
Demofks can say and act as they wish within the confines of the constitution, why do they think we cannot? You never asked them that.

they show no respect and in my world, respect begets respect. Know that
Explain to me how the Republicans win in November arguing that a million dead people, with more dying all the time, is good for the Country?

How you can put YOUR vicious, hateful words in other people's mouths and then condemn them for the words YOU put in their mouths is sickening. Nobody said deaths are "good for the Country" except you. But decimating the economy when in fact the total death count will not be changed even slightly is insane. Not that you give a shit because you have to be insane to support the evil Democrat Party, supporter of infanticide, BLM, socialism, and Antifa.

I came back to address the rest of your rant, since I covered the party of support earlier. I didn't have time to address your silliness.

Those who argue against Masks either argue that 1) Covid does not exist. Obviously it exists. When they aren't here, they are probably arguing the Moon Landing didn't happen. But those idiots are just so marginalized that we can't really argue with them.

The other folks are the second group. 2) Herd Immunity. For Herd Immunity you have to have antibodies in a large percentage of your population. The number I have found during several searches is 80%. That means that 80% of the surviving population has to have been exposed to the virus, and developed antibodies. The way we achieved that number with diseases is through Immunizations in the past. But there is no vaccine for Covid. And one will take years to develop using normal procedures and testing. By then, it is likely to be burned out anyway.

The only other way would be for people to be exposed. In other words, catch the disease. Now, these people argue this is good for the country because we could carry on with our daily lives, since many people, some 85% of those exposed, are not symptomatic, and they could keep going to work and parties and all that. But the remaining 15% of those exposed would go symptomatic, and that means that roughly speaking, about 12% of our population would be symptomatic with Covid. The death rate for Covid is at or below 1%. That is with a lot of medical effort. In other words, it is expensive treatment for those who are symptomatic, Intensive Care Units, and expensive treatments.

We will use 1% for this discussion. To reach that 80% threshold, we have to have 80% of our population exposed. That means that one percent of those exposed will die. That comes to over two million people. But more than that will really die won't they?

Do you think that Cops, Paramedics, Firemen, Doctors and Nurses, will show up to work after a million people die while they are trying to keep ICU patients alive in the hallways? Nope. The Hospitals will close, because nobody will be there to care for the ill.

Now, according to these Herd Immunity idiots, this is good for our nation, it keeps the economy going. But they are wrong. Because nobody is going to be working with dead people all over the place that nobody is picking up because the system is swamped. Folks will be burying the bodies of their loved ones in the back yard.

Herd Immunity does not consider anything other than the theoretical firewall. The 80% who have survived an infection, symptomatic or not, who are not able to get it again because of antibodies, and who are able to keep going to work. It does not consider social or economic impacts of reaching that 80%. In other words, they are stupid. They are inevitably the most vocal Trump supporters and Liberals need to die a horrible death types.

So I asked them, how do Republicans win in November with a million dead from COVID? Realistically a Republican could not win an election to Dog Catcher in that scenario. A million dead, people starving from lack of food because Truckers are not moving the chow. Hospitals empty because people are hiding at home. There is literally no way a Republican wins anything advocating that stupid course of action.

Now, if you are one of those Flat Earth Moon Landing was faked COVID does not exist, do not bother replying. If you are one of those the Hype is worse than reality, I might agree with you, but the reality isn't good either. If you are one of those Liberals want this because it gives them a chance in November and it's all fake news. Well don't bother replying.

To close with Politics. To expand on what I wrote earlier. Both Parties are completely full of shit. When this nation collapses, it won't be the Liberals Fault. It won't be the Republicans Fault. It will be our fault, because we hate the Constitution, and refused to stand up and say it mattered, and vote those out of office who kept trying to find ways around it. We didn't show up at the Court Houses with Pitchforks and Torches when the Judges created loopholes. We figured the loophole was good because it got a bad guy, or someone who deserved it, and we whittled little loop holes into the document, a few, then more, and now the document looks like a large hole fishnet. There is nothing but holes.
Herd immunity has worked to at least some extent with practically every virus in the past. That’s how the species has survived.
You’re a doctor?
Those who argue against Masks either argue that 1) Covid does not exist. Obviously it exists. When they aren't here, they are probably arguing the Moon Landing didn't happen. But those idiots are just so marginalized that we can't really argue with them
If you wear a mask, why do you care if I don’t? I’m no pussy against that kind of stupid
Actually. I do not like either party. I am sick of the insane anyone who opposes us is a traitor mantra from both sides
No one from the right ever said that! You’re projecting the demofks hate as ours and that’s insincere of you! Amazing. How can you have any fking dignity doing that?
Demofks can say and act as they wish within the confines of the constitution, why do they think we cannot? You never asked them that.

they show no respect and in my world, respect begets respect. Know that

When I voted for Trump four years ago it was largely because of a rejection of the trends of the extreme left. I have taken issue with the actions of the left many times. I am one of the few who speaks coherently about Benghazi as one example.

as my statement you went irrational to clearly said. I reject the statement and attitude from both sides. I do not believe anyone on the right is a traitor. Nor do I believe anyone on the left is. No wonder it infuriates you. You believe anyone who disagrees with you is a traitor.

So your outrage is meaningless. You were wrong on every point about the McMichaels and refused to admit it. You were wrong on many other issues. Your hatred makes you as idiotic as those you detest. It makes you weak. And stupid. And you have no one to blame but yourself.
Those who argue against Masks either argue that 1) Covid does not exist. Obviously it exists. When they aren't here, they are probably arguing the Moon Landing didn't happen. But those idiots are just so marginalized that we can't really argue with them
If you wear a mask, why do you care if I don’t? I’m no pussy against that kind of stupid

When you speak droplets of spittle fly about. When you are infected and contagious but non symptomatic you present a public health risk. Those droplets may well contain COVID that could infect someone who is more susceptible and frail.

The mask I am wearing is less to protect me. And more to protect you. If I am infected and show no symptoms but still contagious those around me are at risk. The mask helps reduce that risk. It is common sense for those who do not have a deficiency of sense.
Actually. I do not like either party. I am sick of the insane anyone who opposes us is a traitor mantra from both sides
No one from the right ever said that! You’re projecting the demofks hate as ours and that’s insincere of you! Amazing. How can you have any fking dignity doing that?
Demofks can say and act as they wish within the confines of the constitution, why do they think we cannot? You never asked them that.

they show no respect and in my world, respect begets respect. Know that

I do not have time to check. But I would be surprised if you went a single day without calling someone a traitor.

as my statement you went irrational to clearly said. I reject the statement and attitude from both sides. I do not believe anyone on the right is a traitor. Nor do I believe anyone on the left is. No wonder it infuriates you. You believe anyone who disagrees with you is a traitor
Quote me saying that or you’re a liar! How has the left won you back? Interesting. Can’t make up that kind of stupid

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