This Speech Gives the Main Reasons I support Trump on Border Wall


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is an excellent speech and totally justifies Trumps victory in 2016 and his 24/7 war with the oligarch pets in control of our Political Elite.

Seems like all of DC and their lemmings are determined to overthrow the man AMERICA chose. Our future depends on his victory.
Seems like all of DC and their lemmings are determined to overthrow the man AMERICA chose. Our future depends on his victory.
America chose Hillary. The EC chose Trump, who didn't even get a plurality of the vote.

But don't get me wrong, I support him as POTUS as he is most likely to reduce America's influence in the world, which needs doing. Of course this means domestic mayhem for Americans, but thanks for taking one for the team, guys.
Seems like all of DC and their lemmings are determined to overthrow the man AMERICA chose. Our future depends on his victory.

I agree with all but the last part.

The thing that got Trump elected was that he was among the earliest leaders capable of effecting change in our political system because he has deep pockets and can afford to lose gullible donor class supporters who believe pretty much everything the major media tell them, at least until recently.

I think the tide has been turned for many reasons that are more movement oriented like the blatant racism of Identity Politics is being exposed, the corruption of our corporate owned media and the growing obsolescence of political parties whose advantages of communication among the major players at the state and local level that feed the national system, funding from these people and news media favoritism are vanishing rapidly.

All we need now is chain block social platforms than cannot be controlled and we will have won, IMO.
This is an excellent speech and totally justifies Trumps victory in 2016 and his 24/7 war with the oligarch pets in control of our Political Elite.

Political establishment. Foreign lobbyists, Clinton’s, Pelosi, idiots like Maxine Waters and Shelia Jackson Lee.
This is an excellent speech and totally justifies Trumps victory in 2016 and his 24/7 war with the oligarch pets in control of our Political Elite.

President Trump sounds assertive and 'leader like' , until it dawns on one that the last 4-5 potus' stumped in similar fashion, with similar promises

So maybe it's not so much who occupies the oval office ,as it is the system in which any given potus serves in

He's done a great job so far and is trying to keep his campaign promises which is something unheard of.

He has my support.

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