this story doesn't do much for the "gays should adopt children" crusaders


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2022

If you skip over the Andrea Yates story, you'll find the story of the Hart family, which was headed by 2 lesbians married to one another.

It's a very disturbing, sad story about child abuse that was never dealt with by the authorities.

One of the strangest things about the story is that OR is or used to be very gung-ho about taking children from their parents when there was even a hint of abuse. Maybe things have changed?

Or maybe they just like lesbians (which is why the Harts were not investigated or prosecuted)

Extreme religious views may have played a role in Yates’ delusions.

This is not about Yates' story. But since u brought it up

I think that was a total travesty of justice. It's like Kill someone and then act crazy and you'll get off and get to go to a mental hosp instead of prison where you belong.

People will read about that and figure: Hmm... I could kill this one person I hate and.. well, I will have to get a prescription for some psych drug first like Yates did and be on it for awhile and then have a few issues w/ it and etc.. but then I could get away with killing ---

sick society we live in

If you skip over the Andrea Yates story, you'll find the story of the Hart family, which was headed by 2 lesbians married to one another.

It's a very disturbing, sad story about child abuse that was never dealt with by the authorities.

One of the strangest things about the story is that OR is or used to be very gung-ho about taking children from their parents when there was even a hint of abuse. Maybe things have changed?

Or maybe they just like lesbians (which is why the Harts were not investigated or prosecuted)

So I guess the point you are making is that since the Yates were such bad parents, heterosexuals should not have children

These stories don't do much for those advocating for heterosexual adoption.
So I guess the point you are making is that since the Yates were such bad parents, heterosexuals should not have children
some of them shouldn't

Why isn't there a class in junior high about how difficult it is to.. i dunno... do the most difficult job known to man--and be a success at it?

no class on that. Sorry, folks.. but not to worry. We have a class on how to change your gender! Then we have a class on how to hate conservatives or anyone else who disagrees with you.
Homos shouldn't be allowed to adopt.
Allowing the mentally ill & sexual deviants to adopt is just asking for trouble & abuse.
that was my thought. . namely that if they are so deranged as to marry someone of the same gender, maybe they can't be trusted w/ other important decisions either and the most important is parenting
Homos shouldn't be allowed to adopt.
Allowing the mentally ill & sexual deviants to adopt is just asking for trouble & abuse.
Like the faggot couple in the Northeast some where who adopted a bunch of little black boys, about 9 of them iirc; building themselves a little harem.
that was my thought. . namely that if they are so deranged as to marry someone of the same gender, maybe they can't be trusted w/ other important decisions either and the most important is parenting

They make up maybe 2% of the population, yet they commit over 40%-50% of kiddie rapes, and they're the only 'movement' that had NAMBLA as a founding member. So yeah, if it walks like a duck ....
some of them shouldn't

Why isn't there a class in junior high about how difficult it is to.. i dunno... do the most difficult job known to man--and be a success at it?

no class on that. Sorry, folks.. but not to worry. We have a class on how to change your gender! Then we have a class on how to hate conservatives or anyone else who disagrees with you.
We need a class on how to ignore Conservative craziness

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