This story is so sad

This is what happens when ideology trumps reason.
We could exchange horror stories on both ends of the political spectrum on abortion. In fact, one of the reasons people say we need abortion to be legal is to provide a safe and legal method for abortion. In fact, I in no way favor a ban on all abortion, but the SCOTUS decision does not do such a thing as states will now have to figure things out.

Ever heard of Dr. Kermit Gosnell? No? The hell you say!

What I can tell you is that he was not a frog on the Muppets.

He was an abortion doctor who was labelled America's #1 mass murderer, so why have you not heard of him? It was because he was an abortion doctor who started to practice after Roe vs. Wade. For you see, the health department flagged him for numerous health care violations, but instead of trying to make him comply, or shut him down entirely, they simply stopped coming round. Abortion was as much as a political football back then as it is today, as it was seen that any impediment to abortion was a point for the other team.

Now turn the clock forward some 30 years later. The FBI got word that Gosnell was mixed up in some narcotic discrepancies. Local law enforcement also got involved. And although they could not prove Gosnell was guilty of any narcotic violations, which he was found to be later on, they did see the horrendous working conditions in the abortion clinic. But since the FBI could not link Gosnell to any narcotic violations, they just wanted to move on, but the local law enforcement could not. For you see, even though they were all pro-choice, they were haunted at night by the images and smells from that abortion clinic. In short, they could not sleep at night even though the FBI agents did not seem to have the same problem.

So local law enforcement began to investigate Gosnell. However, when they started, they were all pulled aside and warned about investigating him. The led investigator had political aspirations, as she was told that not only would her political aspirations be threatened, but that she may even lose her job if she persisted. But again, she could not sleep at night, so she pressed on. To make a long story short, they proved a hand full of murders which included one woman and some viable infants, but those are only ones they could prove as this man had been in practice for over 30 years. What he would do was to treat white women well and give them good care, and neglect the black woman and give them subpar care, all because of the almighty dollar. It was just cheaper.

When it went to court, local law enforcement prepared for a media blitz and insanity in the court room, as this man was essentially America's #1 mass murderer now. But to their shock, not one member from the press showed up. In fact, the news of the story was basically buried, which is why those reading this have no inkling as to who he is or what he did. So when they put Gosnell in jail for life, they decided to try and get the story out with a movie, but no one in Hollywood wanted any part of it. So they got actors outside of Hollywood, but when the movie was made, no one wanted to play the movie, but they eventually found a sparse few movie theatres who would play the movie, but no one wanted to advertise for it, etc.

So they proved he was America's #1 mass murderer and the media and political figures don't care, cuz abortion is a political football that must be embraced at all cost, and not even a word from the NAACP about the white women being treated better than the black women. Why? Because the NAACP is more concerned about the power of the DNC than black folk. In fact, in New York City alone there have been more Black abortions than births, and 89% of abortion centers around the country are in black neighborhoods. It is Black genocide 101.

I can only wonder how pervasive these types of abortion facilities operate in poor sections of large cities all across the country.

But thanks to the radical extremism of the Left, we will never know.

And no, I don't believe you care either.
Get ready for more of them

Sixteen weeks into her pregnancy she and her husband learned that Finley had a rare disease called triploidy. He was also missing a kidney, had a heart with no valves and an improperly developed brain.

She also claims was experiencing high blood pressure, writing: 'I had been pulled off of the blood thinners that were protecting my body from an autoimmune response.

'There was now a higher chance that I might not make it and my husband was looking at me with fear in his eyes and saying that he would NOT lose me, too.'

Her doctors said Finley would not survive and she was likely to face dangerous complications if the pregnancy continued.

DeSpain had three failed pregnancies and battled cervical cancer before she learned she was carrying her 'miracle' baby, Finley.

Due to previous heartbreak and complications, she and her husband remained cautious after learning she was pregnant for a fourth time.

Carrying the pregnancy to full-term would have put DeSpain at risk of potentially fatal complications, but Texas's so-called heartbeat abortion bill bans almost all abortions except for those vaguely defined as 'medical emergencies.'

DeSpain was told hers did not fit that criteria, and instead set out on a lengthy journey to a neighboring state, where she was branded a murderer by pro-life protesters on arriving at the abortion clinic.

'They assumed that I did not WANT the child that I had prayed for for almost 8 years,' DeSpain wrote. 'I knew that people like that do not want to understand. People like that will never have a heart for people like me.'

She wanted this baby. She wasnt using abortion for "birth control" Yet, despite all the rhetoric from pro-lifers, she was denied this abortion where the baby was going to DIE as it had no heart valves and was missing a kidney. In fact, she could have died as well.
This is where we are at now. Awesome.
What a stupid point. Very few of us pro-lifers want women to die to avoid abortions, and if you're opining that we are all that way, you are full of shit.
What a stupid point. Very few of us pro-lifers want women to die to avoid abortions, and if you're opining that we are all that way, you are full of shit.
When it involves the state, there will be horror stories no matter what side of right and wrong they are, cuz it is the state. They all suck, nothing can be done about it.

The difference will be, only one side of the horror stories will be mentioned, and probably blown out of proportion, if not made up entirely and the other side ignored entirely.
What a stupid point. Very few of us pro-lifers want women to die to avoid abortions, and if you're opining that we are all that way, you are full of shit.
I didnt even come close to implying that. Did you bother reading the OP?
It did not stop her from getting the abortion. It made it less convienent..............

Since we went 50 years the opposite way, it now swings to the other side.......and their will be pain with it. But had Congress done their Fucking Jobs we wouldn't be here today.

They LOVE CHAOS...........and refuse to compromise. And Now Each state will have to go at it to get a law that is a compromise to the most people.

Most in this country would be ok with a ban starting in the 2nd Trimester, which exceptions for the mothers health and for complications with the baby. But THEY HAVE NO INTENTION of fixing it BECAUSE IT IS A POLITICAL WEDGE.

Texas can fix this................As the people go you WENT TOO FAR.......But that will be for Texas to work out now. Either way ......a short ride isn't that DAMNED HORRIBLE.....

Let's get into COVID............Lock downs and can't get medical treatment. My wife waited over a fucking year to get mesh removed that her body was rejecting and NO ONE WANTED TO DO IT. Many hospitals and all playing the stupid Covid Game...........

We finally drove to Texas to get the surgery after a year. And that was over 11 hours away. Cry me a river...........File complaints to Texas and get this part straightened out or fire your reps.
To their credit, democrats are doing their best to convince school children to transition, thus sterilizing their sex organs before they are even old enough to have sex, thus limiting abortions.
Pure insanity.

I just want it to hit the fan so we can start doing something.






And if she didnt wear that dress, she wouldnt have been raped, right?
Look, I get trigger laws outlawing abortion after a certain time or whatever, because of the fake federal right to it. But my gawd, woman. A state turning down an abortion when the baby will have ZERO chance of survival and the mother could die before birth? This shit is messed up. You cant blame this on anyone besides the dipshits that made the TX laws.
I didnt even come close to implying that. Did you bother reading the OP?
I read it and have said the shift will go too far the other way. We are in a time of Faction as the founders called it. Full throttle the other way. Hopefully cooler heads will find the compromise necessary to deal with this.


But this has been done by the Barbarism of the left Blue Shit holes states doing Late Term and BRAGGING ABOUT IT.......Country is DISGUSTED and people will get caught in the crossfire.

Time for the dang Congress to do it's FUCKING JOB.
It did not stop her from getting the abortion. It made it less convienent..............

Since we went 50 years the opposite way, it now swings to the other side.......and their will be pain with it. But had Congress done their Fucking Jobs we wouldn't be here today.

They LOVE CHAOS...........and refuse to compromise. And Now Each state will have to go at it to get a law that is a compromise to the most people.

Most in this country would be ok with a ban starting in the 2nd Trimester, which exceptions for the mothers health and for complications with the baby. But THEY HAVE NO INTENTION of fixing it BECAUSE IT IS A POLITICAL WEDGE.

Texas can fix this................As the people go you WENT TOO FAR.......But that will be for Texas to work out now. Either way ......a short ride isn't that DAMNED HORRIBLE.....

Let's get into COVID............Lock downs and can't get medical treatment. My wife waited over a fucking year to get mesh removed that her body was rejecting and NO ONE WANTED TO DO IT. Many hospitals and all playing the stupid Covid Game...........

We finally drove to Texas to get the surgery after a year. And that was over 11 hours away. Cry me a river...........File complaints to Texas and get this part straightened out or fire your reps.
Every time democrats defend abortion it is regarding horror stories, like the one mentioned or a 10 year old who was raped, etc. However, the vast majority of abortions are done just for monetary convenience. But they never try to defened how abortion is done normally. Very telling.

People are just greedy is all and could care less as to the greater question, when is a life a life? They don't care. They never try to answer this.
And if she didnt wear that dress, she wouldnt have been raped, right?
Look, I get trigger laws outlawing abortion after a certain time or whatever, because of the fake federal right to it. But my gawd, woman. A state turning down an abortion when the baby will have ZERO chance of survival and the mother could die before birth? This shit is messed up. You cant blame this on anyone besides the dipshits that made the TX laws.
I used to enjoy reading your posts and agreed with you on some issues.
Merrick Garland will have the FBI arrest you.

And abortions will continue. Democrats will just ignore the courts.
Of course they will continue killing babies because they CAN NOT CONTROL THEIR GENITALS.

I'm so happy that I was raised by someone who taught me responsibility and morals.

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