This story is so sad

It is a Putin/Trump conspiracy. I recommend you have Mueller investigate and impeach Trump again.
No sense in it. Mueller all ready proved Trump is to stupid, and there is no crime in being a useful idiot. Isn't that what Barr said?
Hell, so you agree with the MI judge who gave but then took away (after outrage) a rapist gaining parental rights?

Because your religion wants to control women.
I never said that Moonbat. You are just making shit up as usual.

Your side has brought us here YELLING AND SCREAMING allowing Barbarism and late Term abortion, WHICH YOU STILL HAVE NOW.............

I suggest you Fucking compromise...........because if you don't..........we will gain power and FORCE you too.........better to compromise now huh...........


Thu Mar 11, 2004 - 12:15 pm EST
DETROIT, MI, March 11, 2004 ( – A 15-year-old in a Detroit suburb died January 8 as a result of a second trimester abortion. News of the death has not been published anywhere except a minor mention on a local Fox station.

Dr. Leigh Hlavaty performed an autopsy on 15-year-old Tamia Russell on January 9. Dr. Hlavaty told a local registered nurse and pro-life activist who contacted that the girl’s death was caused by “uterine infarction with sepsis due to status second trimester abortion.” She ruled the death as “normal.” The doctor explained, “I ruled it normal because these complications are expected with this type of abortion.” The case is complicated by the fact that Russell’s boyfriend was 24 and in Michigan that constitutes statutory rape. Moreover, the boyfriend’s sister took Russell in for the abortion without the knowledge of Russell’s parents. Michigan law requires parental notification for abortions for minors under 18. Tamia’s family told Fox that they did not even know their daughter was six months pregnant. The family is outraged over the incident and are blaming the abortionist at the Woman Care Clinic in Lanthrup Village for their daughter’s death. Michigan pro-life activist Ann Norton told that the abortionist in question is Alberto Hotari. Local police, and the attorney general are reportedly investigating the case however phone calls to the local police department were not returned by press time. Michigan Right to Life told they are following the case closely.
Read harder.

You asked "Then why end all exemptions.........................." and I clarified that nobody ended anything.
At least 10 states will have abortion bans that don't include rape or incest. Some are working for total ban on exemptions.

Then will will see proposed laws against interstate travel, internet surveillance and home confinement if a girl/women maybe pregnant.
No sense in it. Mueller all ready proved Trump is to stupid, and there is no crime in being a useful idiot. Isn't that what Barr said?
Ok, then televise another hearing about it

You people need something to do with yourselves since the country is basically running itself so well under your leadership.
At least 10 states will have abortion bans that don't include rape or incest. Some are working for total ban on exemptions.

Then will will see proposed laws against interstate travel, internet surveillance and home confinement if a girl/women maybe pregnant.
Until this happens, you're just whining and frankly, it's really annoying.
Google your heart out lol
As I showed in the Gosnell case, abortion doctors just ignore the laws, like the DNC will ignore the SCOTUS ruling, like they ignore immigration laws

They are lawless.

Who will report them? The media? Merrick Garland?
Then the law in Texas needs to be changed....I wouldn't even disagree.

But this is the backlash from 50 years of a bad ruling that screwed up the works....It's going to take time to work through matters such as this.
Why should it take time? The moral, ethical, and compassionate rout is obvious.

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