This Syrian refugee rescued an American student after she was assaulted in Cologne

How is it stories like this get ignored?

This Syrian refugee rescued an American student after she was assaulted in Cologne

PRI's The World

Caitlin Duncan was terrified. She'd already been assaulted, twice, by the mobs that gathered near Cologne's train station on New Year's Eve.

Then she heard a voice in German. He was a Syrian refugee.

He was coming to her aid.

"He came up to me and said, 'Kann ich dir helfen?' which in German is 'Can I help you?'" Duncan says. "He made sure to keep a distance between us, and he looked really concerned."

To say she was uncertain would be an understatement. "At this point, I had been attacked for the second time by this larger group, groped all over my body, my hair pulled."

The world knows of the attacks on scores of women as Cologne brought in the New Year. But the story of 5-foot-2 American neuroscience student — and her Muslim rescuers — stands out.

At that moment, she was sobbing, disheveled, distraught. Separated from her German boyfriend and her cellphone. And it became clear to her new Syrian protector that she knew limited German. So the Syrian man went to get his friend, Hesham Ahmad Mohammad, who spoke English.

The men volunteered to help Duncan locate her boyfriend.

"They first said, 'OK, you can use our phone,'" she says, adding that in the craziness of the moment she couldn't remember her boyfriend's number.

Then they went one step further: They offered Duncan 70 euros for a taxi back to her boyfriend's home. But she wanted to stay and keep looking for her friend.

"I helped her because she was alone, and she was crying," says Hesham Ahmad Mohammad. "I take hand of Caitlin. I make Caitlin behind me and I speak with high voice, saying, 'If you want problem, I can make problem.' My friends hear my voice, they came to me, to be beside me. First of all I say to them, 'We must make circle about Caitlin because somebody tried to kiss her or to touch her, she didn't need that again.' Because I am Muslim, I cannot leave anybody who needs help alone. From my story people know there are good refugees, good people. They will help anybody."

rest of story at link


A Syrian refugee that speaks fluent German?

That's actually not all that surprising.

Germany actually has government funded free German classes, to teach immigrants, how to speak German.

Unlike the multi-cultural crap that's been going on in the US, in Germany, that try and teach people the culture of Germany. So that they can integrate into society.

Instead of trying to live like you are in a Muslim country, get fired from Cargil for not working, and then claim you are discriminated against.

It doesn't surprise me at all that many Syrians have started learning German fluently.

I generally don't support government spending on many programs, but on this one, I agree with. We should offer english classes to immigrants, to teach them English. "That's ethno-centric arrogance". No, it's called helping people be American. Which is the best thing for them, if they intend to live in America.

Instead of having them think they can be Egyptian, walk off the job to pray, get fired, and think somehow they have been wronged.

They dont want to be Americans.
Good story and I'm glad those 2 guys saved her.

It doesn't change what the others did that forced her to be saved though.

It isn't meant to - but people tar an entire group by the actions of those.

If you import that group, you get those actions.

That not all of that group commit those actions does not change that.

And your being oh so careful to be fair to those members of that group does not make the streets of Cologne any safer.

Right - I keep forgetting there was no rape in Germany before refugees arrived.

Deflection doesn't change the fact that the mass sexual assault is a direct result of the Government Policy of high Muslim Immigration.

Deflection does not change the fact that if that policy had not been in place over the last couple of decades that those mass assaults would not have taken place.

That thousand sex offenders? They are still in Germany.

Do you think that mass sex assault was a one time fluke and now they will settle down and be good little GErmans?

DO you think that that extreme behavior does not reflect more widespread cultural differences that will be manifested in other ways that will affect negatively Germans and Germany?

I think there are criminals in every culture.

Go after the criminals.

Novel idea that.

Doesn't change that fact that this new change is a direct result of the Government policy of high Muslim Immigration.

And this is not a one time thing. This is and will increasingly be, the new normal.

That is a change for the worse.

A change that Germans did not even get to debate honestly before the policy, because anyone that raised any concerns was demonized as racist.

Stop Third World Immigration. Deport ever single muslim that can legally be deported and just maybe Germany can turn the clock back to when women could go to New Year's celebrations in public.
How is it stories like this get ignored?

This Syrian refugee rescued an American student after she was assaulted in Cologne

PRI's The World

Caitlin Duncan was terrified. She'd already been assaulted, twice, by the mobs that gathered near Cologne's train station on New Year's Eve.

Then she heard a voice in German. He was a Syrian refugee.

He was coming to her aid.

"He came up to me and said, 'Kann ich dir helfen?' which in German is 'Can I help you?'" Duncan says. "He made sure to keep a distance between us, and he looked really concerned."

To say she was uncertain would be an understatement. "At this point, I had been attacked for the second time by this larger group, groped all over my body, my hair pulled."

The world knows of the attacks on scores of women as Cologne brought in the New Year. But the story of 5-foot-2 American neuroscience student — and her Muslim rescuers — stands out.

At that moment, she was sobbing, disheveled, distraught. Separated from her German boyfriend and her cellphone. And it became clear to her new Syrian protector that she knew limited German. So the Syrian man went to get his friend, Hesham Ahmad Mohammad, who spoke English.

The men volunteered to help Duncan locate her boyfriend.

"They first said, 'OK, you can use our phone,'" she says, adding that in the craziness of the moment she couldn't remember her boyfriend's number.

Then they went one step further: They offered Duncan 70 euros for a taxi back to her boyfriend's home. But she wanted to stay and keep looking for her friend.

"I helped her because she was alone, and she was crying," says Hesham Ahmad Mohammad. "I take hand of Caitlin. I make Caitlin behind me and I speak with high voice, saying, 'If you want problem, I can make problem.' My friends hear my voice, they came to me, to be beside me. First of all I say to them, 'We must make circle about Caitlin because somebody tried to kiss her or to touch her, she didn't need that again.' Because I am Muslim, I cannot leave anybody who needs help alone. From my story people know there are good refugees, good people. They will help anybody."

rest of story at link


A Syrian refugee that speaks fluent German?

That's actually not all that surprising.

Germany actually has government funded free German classes, to teach immigrants, how to speak German.

Unlike the multi-cultural crap that's been going on in the US, in Germany, that try and teach people the culture of Germany. So that they can integrate into society.

Instead of trying to live like you are in a Muslim country, get fired from Cargil for not working, and then claim you are discriminated against.

It doesn't surprise me at all that many Syrians have started learning German fluently.

I generally don't support government spending on many programs, but on this one, I agree with. We should offer english classes to immigrants, to teach them English. "That's ethno-centric arrogance". No, it's called helping people be American. Which is the best thing for them, if they intend to live in America.

Instead of having them think they can be Egyptian, walk off the job to pray, get fired, and think somehow they have been wronged.

They dont want to be Americans.

Correct they want to alter America into just another Islamic state with all the bad things that go with that. Look at the Islamic states that have sprung up in the last 100 years, how many of the indigenous population that was non muslim or the wrong muslim are left living in those nations.
It isn't meant to - but people tar an entire group by the actions of those.

If you import that group, you get those actions.

That not all of that group commit those actions does not change that.

And your being oh so careful to be fair to those members of that group does not make the streets of Cologne any safer.

Right - I keep forgetting there was no rape in Germany before refugees arrived.

Deflection doesn't change the fact that the mass sexual assault is a direct result of the Government Policy of high Muslim Immigration.

Deflection does not change the fact that if that policy had not been in place over the last couple of decades that those mass assaults would not have taken place.

That thousand sex offenders? They are still in Germany.

Do you think that mass sex assault was a one time fluke and now they will settle down and be good little GErmans?

DO you think that that extreme behavior does not reflect more widespread cultural differences that will be manifested in other ways that will affect negatively Germans and Germany?

I think there are criminals in every culture.

Go after the criminals.

Novel idea that.

Doesn't change that fact that this new change is a direct result of the Government policy of high Muslim Immigration.

And this is not a one time thing. This is and will increasingly be, the new normal.

That is a change for the worse.

A change that Germans did not even get to debate honestly before the policy, because anyone that raised any concerns was demonized as racist.

Stop Third World Immigration. Deport ever single muslim that can legally be deported and just maybe Germany can turn the clock back to when women could go to New Year's celebrations in public.

This is a neo Marxist tactic so they can garner support in the near future when they agree with the population and say they will start deporting the criminals and close the doors to further immigrants. Then get a change in the laws to stop all elections and have a one party political system.
How is it stories like this get ignored?

This Syrian refugee rescued an American student after she was assaulted in Cologne

PRI's The World

Caitlin Duncan was terrified. She'd already been assaulted, twice, by the mobs that gathered near Cologne's train station on New Year's Eve.

Then she heard a voice in German. He was a Syrian refugee.

He was coming to her aid.

"He came up to me and said, 'Kann ich dir helfen?' which in German is 'Can I help you?'" Duncan says. "He made sure to keep a distance between us, and he looked really concerned."

To say she was uncertain would be an understatement. "At this point, I had been attacked for the second time by this larger group, groped all over my body, my hair pulled."

The world knows of the attacks on scores of women as Cologne brought in the New Year. But the story of 5-foot-2 American neuroscience student — and her Muslim rescuers — stands out.

At that moment, she was sobbing, disheveled, distraught. Separated from her German boyfriend and her cellphone. And it became clear to her new Syrian protector that she knew limited German. So the Syrian man went to get his friend, Hesham Ahmad Mohammad, who spoke English.

The men volunteered to help Duncan locate her boyfriend.

"They first said, 'OK, you can use our phone,'" she says, adding that in the craziness of the moment she couldn't remember her boyfriend's number.

Then they went one step further: They offered Duncan 70 euros for a taxi back to her boyfriend's home. But she wanted to stay and keep looking for her friend.

"I helped her because she was alone, and she was crying," says Hesham Ahmad Mohammad. "I take hand of Caitlin. I make Caitlin behind me and I speak with high voice, saying, 'If you want problem, I can make problem.' My friends hear my voice, they came to me, to be beside me. First of all I say to them, 'We must make circle about Caitlin because somebody tried to kiss her or to touch her, she didn't need that again.' Because I am Muslim, I cannot leave anybody who needs help alone. From my story people know there are good refugees, good people. They will help anybody."

rest of story at link

Good story and I'm glad those 2 guys saved her.

It doesn't change what the others did that forced her to be saved though.

It isn't meant to - but people tar an entire group by the actions of those.

If you import that group, you get those actions.

That not all of that group commit those actions does not change that.

And your being oh so careful to be fair to those members of that group does not make the streets of Cologne any safer.

Right - I keep forgetting there was no rape in Germany before refugees arrived.

You keep forgetting that the numbers were so low as to be manageable and the punishment meted out was a deterrent. Now the numbers are uncontrollable other than to deport all immigrants and close borders, the muslims have no self control and use rape as a terror tactic so they can take over in the long run. Look at the facts and not at the propaganda and you may be swayed to stop defending muslims when they do something wrong.

Rape in Germany - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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