This thrills me no end.


Jan 29, 2011
The no-kids-allowed movement is spreading - Parenting on Shine

What's the matter with kids today and why doesn't anyone want them around? In June, Malaysia Airlines banned babies from many of their first class cabins, prompting other major airlines to consider similar policies.

Lately, complaints about screaming kids are being taken seriously, not only by airlines, but by hotels, movie theaters, restaurants, and even grocery stores.

Earlier this month, McDain's, a Pittsburgh area restaurant that banned kids under 6 became a mascot for the no-kids-zone movement.

According to a Pittsburgh local news poll, more than half of area residents were in favor of the ban. And now big business is paying attention.

"Brat bans could well be the next frontier in destination and leisure-product marketing," writes Robert Klara in an article on the child-free trend in AdWeek.

Klara points to, a travel website for kid-free vacations, with a massive list of yoga retreats, luxury resorts and bargain hotels around the world that ban children.

"Call me a grinch, a misanthrope, a DINK (dual-income-no-kids), or the anti-cute-police, but I hate (hate a thousand times over) ill-behaved children/infants/screaming banshees in upscale restaurants (ok, anywhere, really, but I don’t want any death threats)," writes Charlotte Savino on Travel and Leisure's blog. She lists a slew of a popular destination restaurants with kid-free areas and policies for travelers looking for quiet vacation dining.

Traveling is one thing, but what about in kids' own hometowns? Should kids been banned from local movie theaters, like they were at a recent adults-only Harry Potter screening? In Texas, one cinema chain has even flipped the model, banning kids under six altogether, except on specified "baby days".

Even running errands with toddlers may be off limits. This summer Whole Foods stores in Missouri are offering child-free shopping hours and in Florida, a controversy brews over whether kids can be banned from a condominium's outdoor area. That's right, some people don't even want kids outdoors.

When did kids become the equivalent of second-hand smoke? Blame a wave of childless adults with money to spare. "Empty nesters continue to wield a huge swath of discretionary spending dollars, and population dips in first-world countries mean more childless couples than ever," writes AdWeek's Klara.

Catering to the child-free community may be good for business but is it good for parents? It could help narrow choices and make kid-friendly environments even kid-friendlier. And let's be honest, babies won't miss flying first class. They won't even remember it. But their moms and dads will.

Most parents with young children have self-imposed limits on spending and leisure. This new movement imposes limits set by the public. And the public isn't as child-friendly as it used to be. As businesses respond to their new breed of 'first-class' clientele, are parents in danger of becoming second-class citizens?

Red highlight=WRONG. Time outs, calmly talking to a screaming brat, ignoring tantrums and in short, subjecting people to your heathen's bad manners and your lack of teaching them proper behavior is what made this happen. (you as in general you).
The no-kids-allowed movement is spreading - Parenting on Shine

What's the matter with kids today and why doesn't anyone want them around? In June, Malaysia Airlines banned babies from many of their first class cabins, prompting other major airlines to consider similar policies.

Lately, complaints about screaming kids are being taken seriously, not only by airlines, but by hotels, movie theaters, restaurants, and even grocery stores.

Earlier this month, McDain's, a Pittsburgh area restaurant that banned kids under 6 became a mascot for the no-kids-zone movement.

According to a Pittsburgh local news poll, more than half of area residents were in favor of the ban. And now big business is paying attention.

"Brat bans could well be the next frontier in destination and leisure-product marketing," writes Robert Klara in an article on the child-free trend in AdWeek.

Klara points to, a travel website for kid-free vacations, with a massive list of yoga retreats, luxury resorts and bargain hotels around the world that ban children.

"Call me a grinch, a misanthrope, a DINK (dual-income-no-kids), or the anti-cute-police, but I hate (hate a thousand times over) ill-behaved children/infants/screaming banshees in upscale restaurants (ok, anywhere, really, but I don’t want any death threats)," writes Charlotte Savino on Travel and Leisure's blog. She lists a slew of a popular destination restaurants with kid-free areas and policies for travelers looking for quiet vacation dining.

Traveling is one thing, but what about in kids' own hometowns? Should kids been banned from local movie theaters, like they were at a recent adults-only Harry Potter screening? In Texas, one cinema chain has even flipped the model, banning kids under six altogether, except on specified "baby days".

Even running errands with toddlers may be off limits. This summer Whole Foods stores in Missouri are offering child-free shopping hours and in Florida, a controversy brews over whether kids can be banned from a condominium's outdoor area. That's right, some people don't even want kids outdoors.

When did kids become the equivalent of second-hand smoke? Blame a wave of childless adults with money to spare. "Empty nesters continue to wield a huge swath of discretionary spending dollars, and population dips in first-world countries mean more childless couples than ever," writes AdWeek's Klara.

Catering to the child-free community may be good for business but is it good for parents? It could help narrow choices and make kid-friendly environments even kid-friendlier. And let's be honest, babies won't miss flying first class. They won't even remember it. But their moms and dads will.

Most parents with young children have self-imposed limits on spending and leisure. This new movement imposes limits set by the public. And the public isn't as child-friendly as it used to be. As businesses respond to their new breed of 'first-class' clientele, are parents in danger of becoming second-class citizens?

Red highlight=WRONG. Time outs, calmly talking to a screaming brat, ignoring tantrums and in short, subjecting people to your heathen's bad manners and your lack of teaching them proper behavior is what made this happen. (you as in general you).

Are these the same children that gain their human rights at conception?
I ain't even going there. This is not about abortion or conception. It's about businesses who are going with the trend of No Kids...which I love the concept of. BTDT. I want to have a meal and not be subjected to screaming kids. Whether it is a restaurant, a grocery store, a movie, a vacation. Too bad it's illegal to not rent to people with kids or even advertise No Kids. Older folks or childless folks (who chose to be childless) don't have the option to NOT be subjected to them or at least know certain hours will be Kid Free.
I'm definitely in favor of the first class ban by airlines. Sounds bad to some but heck you pay a hell of a premium for first class these days for certain amenities, but loud and/or unruly babies/toddlers/kids instantly negate them.
Note to parents:

Nobody thinks your kids are cute except you. Please keep them under control at all times.

Today it seems that the kids control the parents, not the other way around. Catering to thier every need, and giving in the second junior or princess starts screaming and throwing stuff.

Kids don't fear any consequences from thier parents anymore, and to them it gives them carte blanche to do whatever they feel like.
Tell me about it. I teach high school. I can't tell you how many parents call demanding schedule changes because their kid "doesn't like the teacher" or "doesn't get along with the kids in that class". My folks would have told me "tough shit" but of course it never would have occurred to me to complain to them.
Society in general is just less tolerant of children than they were in the past, alot of adults don't want to have children and don't even want them around, the thing I have noticed is its usually the people with good jobs and careers who don't like or want children,but the idiot who smokes pot all day and works part time at and Pizza Hut will have 3 or 4 kids. We are getting to the point where only idiots are having children and the people with the money and brains are not.
I've seen this sign in stores. Kinda cute. I don't much mind it when kids scream and holler.
I miss those days. Now I'm just hoping to be a grandpa.

so now as a society we found kids too much trouble .... too annoying....too worrisome....

and yet, we as a society claim to care for our children...right
we live in a aging society.

The baby Boom drives the economy to a large extent.

The baby boomers are mostly post kids now.

There is a time when you just dont want to be arround kids for a time.

I have never really reached it but I do find I am no where near as kid oriented as I once was.
My wife and I went to New Orleans recently. We paid good money for a nice hotel in the French Quarter. One afternoon while we were trying to nap some fucking brat in the room next to us was screaming his lungs out for about 30 minutes.

I could hear the brat's asshole father in the room but the fuck head was ignoring the brat's screaming.

I called security and told them there was an unattended child in the next room who was in obvious distress as he had been crying for more than 30 minutes.

Long story short; 2 security guards and the hotel manager came to the room. The brat was not allowed to make a peep after that as we heard nothing the rest of the time they were there.

If you want to bring your fucking rug rats out in public stick to the old tried and true adage that children should be seen and not heard.
Society in general is just less tolerant of children than they were in the past, alot of adults don't want to have children and don't even want them around, the thing I have noticed is its usually the people with good jobs and careers who don't like or want children,but the idiot who smokes pot all day and works part time at and Pizza Hut will have 3 or 4 kids. We are getting to the point where only idiots are having children and the people with the money and brains are not.
It's not that we are less tolerant of children. It's that children are less tolerable.
When I was a young parent, I would take my infant son to restaurants, church, movies, etc and generally I could control him. When I couldn't, either me or my wife would remove the child from the room and only return when he was quiet.
These days, parents have very little control over their children and no consideration for those they subject their brats to.
It's not always about your child! Have some damned consideration for others.
Society in general is just less tolerant of children than they were in the past, alot of adults don't want to have children and don't even want them around, the thing I have noticed is its usually the people with good jobs and careers who don't like or want children,but the idiot who smokes pot all day and works part time at and Pizza Hut will have 3 or 4 kids. We are getting to the point where only idiots are having children and the people with the money and brains are not.
It's not that we are less tolerant of children. It's that children are less tolerable.
When I was a young parent, I would take my infant son to restaurants, church, movies, etc and generally I could control him. When I couldn't, either me or my wife would remove the child from the room and only return when he was quiet.
These days, parents have very little control over their children and no consideration for those they subject their brats to.
It's not always about your child! Have some damned consideration for others.

I see your point.
When dining out, my husband and I choose restaurants with nice lounge areas where we can have dinner at the bar so that there is zero chance of a child being present.

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