This title says it all, from 2016: "No, the DNC Didn’t Rig the Primary in Favor of Hillary"


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Seems all the media who avoided the truth now have egg on their faces after the Donna Brazille revelations, which really just confirmed what most suspected (if they were paying attention). No surprise there, you'd have to have your head in the sand to see how the Primary was being operated in the interests of Clinton.

All of the articles links below are from 2016, they illustrate just how willing so many were to try and destroy this narrative in hopes the Sanders voters would forgive and forget and pull the lever for Clinton.

This is why I repeat over and over, there is something to the Uranium One scandal, no matter how many people say that there is nothing there. I would bet my right arm the Russians rewarded the Clintons quite well for their assistance. I would just love to hear who was behind the scenes fighting hard for the comrades. The media can continue to ignore it and pretend that Hillary just did her job, the amount of money siphoned to their Foundation and Bill defies logic without some purpose behind it.

The Toronto Police, Ontario Provincial Police, CSIS and RCMP all looked away, while a Uranium company in Toronto is purchased by Russia. Based on the type of business they are in, this almost ensures that the Russian government purchased this. Of course in turn, with her friends to the North allowing it to happen (I even recall Clinton was in Canada meeting with the Premier of Ontario, NOT our PM), Clinton benefited.

Shame, Shame!

No, the DNC Didn’t Rig the Primary in Favor of Hillary
No, the DNC Didn’t Rig the Primary in Favor of Hillary

The Democratic Primary Wasn’t Rigged

The Democratic Primary Wasn’t Rigged

The System Isn’t ‘Rigged’ Against Sanders

The System Isn’t ‘Rigged’ Against Sanders

Exit Polls, and Why the Primary Was Not Stolen From Bernie Sanders

Exit Polls, and Why the Primary Was Not Stolen From Bernie Sanders
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Clearly it was rigged, but apparently many D voters are fine with long as they can bitch about Trump, as they are directed to do by the DNC media.
Obama left the DNC $24 MILLION in the hole, leaving the DNC to the mercy of Hillary Clinton like a delinquent parent asking a pedophile to watch her child while she goes shopping...

Obama left the DNC $24 MILLION in the hole, leaving the DNC to the mercy of Hillary Clinton like a delinquent parent asking a pedophile to watch her child while she goes shopping...


Thankfully democrats are so extremely charitable with their money. The hole will be immediately filled with donations.
Thankfully democrats are so extremely charitable with their money. The hole will be immediately filled with donations.
Yes, in the midst of the DNC scandal-plagued meltdown donors are going to hand over basketfuls of cash to the criminal, collapsing DNC...

...meanwhile Obama is still screwing the DNC. :p

Obama Foundation Donations Pour In While DNC Donations Plummet

Analysis | The DNC’s money woes persist

DNC fires its top fundraiser

"The committee’s slow fundraising has been a serious problem for the party since the 2016 election. The Democratic National Committee dismissed its top fundraiser Thursday after just five months on the job... Skeptical donors have stayed away from the DNC, while giving more to individual candidates and other committees. The party had just $7 million on hand heading into October, according to Federal Election Commission filings."

Thanks to Barry and Hillary, the DNC won't be able to do any PR for their 2018 races unless donations pick up...and if criminals within their DNC don't stop stealing all the money. :p
Seems all the media who avoided the truth now have egg on their faces after the Donna Brazille revelations, which really just confirmed what most suspected (if they were paying attention). No surprise there, you'd have to have your head in the sand to see how the Primary was being operated in the interests of Clinton.

All of the articles links below are from 2016, they illustrate just how willing so many were to try and destroy this narrative in hopes the Sanders voters would forgive and forget and pull the lever for Clinton.

This is why I repeat over and over, there is something to the Uranium One scandal, no matter how many people say that there is nothing there. I would bet my right arm the Russians rewarded the Clintons quite well for their assistance. I would just love to hear who was behind the scenes fighting hard for the comrades. The media can continue to ignore it and pretend that Hillary just did her job, the amount of money siphoned to their Foundation and Bill defies logic without some purpose behind it.

The Toronto Police, Ontario Provincial Police, CSIS and RCMP all looked away, while a Uranium company in Toronto is purchased by Russia. Based on the type of business they are in, this almost ensures that the Russian government purchased this. Of course in turn, with her friends to the North allowing it to happen (I even recall Clinton was in Canada meeting with the Premier of Ontario, NOT our PM), Clinton benefited.

Shame, Shame!

No, the DNC Didn’t Rig the Primary in Favor of Hillary
No, the DNC Didn’t Rig the Primary in Favor of Hillary

The Democratic Primary Wasn’t Rigged

The Democratic Primary Wasn’t Rigged

The System Isn’t ‘Rigged’ Against Sanders

The System Isn’t ‘Rigged’ Against Sanders

Exit Polls, and Why the Primary Was Not Stolen From Bernie Sanders

Exit Polls, and Why the Primary Was Not Stolen From Bernie Sanders

Again you prove you are a liar. The primaries were not rigged. The controversy involves whether the DNC was neutral. They clearly supported Clinton. The RNC and DNC have never been neutral although they are supposed to be. The RNC has been worse as they have tried to fix the rules to get the candidate they want.
They also ran Romney out of the race. The DNC was clearly backing Clinton but they did not change the rules to benefit Clinton. The Democrat rules require proportional representation. That ,means for example in SC, Sanders got 25% of the delegates even though he only got 25% of the vote. 68% of voters in SC voted against Trump and were disenfranchised. The DNC did not get Clinton 75% of the vote in SC, 80% in Mississippi and Louisiana, and 65% in Florida and Texas, if they has that power, Clinton would have been the nominee in 2009 not Obama.

There is nothing to the Uranium One deal, It had to be approved by 9 different agencies. It was not Clinton's decision A objection from 1 agency would have killed it. There is not even any evidence she was present when it was decided. Trump supporters are so desperate to deflect from Trump's troubles that they will try to make something out of nothing.

Shame , shame on you.
Thankfully democrats are so extremely charitable with their money. The hole will be immediately filled with donations.
Yes, in the midst of the DNC scandal-plagued meltdown donors are going to hand over basketfuls of cash to the criminal, collapsing DNC...

...meanwhile Obama is still screwing the DNC. :p

Obama Foundation Donations Pour In While DNC Donations Plummet

Analysis | The DNC’s money woes persist

DNC fires its top fundraiser

"The committee’s slow fundraising has been a serious problem for the party since the 2016 election. The Democratic National Committee dismissed its top fundraiser Thursday after just five months on the job... Skeptical donors have stayed away from the DNC, while giving more to individual candidates and other committees. The party had just $7 million on hand heading into October, according to Federal Election Commission filings."

Thanks to Barry and Hillary, the DNC won't be able to do any PR for their 2018 races unless donations pick up...and if criminals within their DNC don't stop stealing all the money. :p

Actually Democrat House candidates seem to doing fine in fundraising. I have always given directly to candidates rather than the RNC. The DNC problems do not mean that Democrat candidates will not do well.
Actually Democrat House candidates seem to doing fine in fundraising. I have always given directly to candidates rather than the RNC. The DNC problems do not mean that Democrat candidates will not do well.
If you have no money, usually you don't do well - there are exceptions.

The problem for the Democrats is / was that after Hillary 'Bought' the DNC, by paying off Barry's debts, she then controlled the entire DNC's finances. They had to check with her and get her approval to spend money...and, as Brazile exposed...she skimmed money intended for other candidates to use for her failed race.

I expect many Democrats will now do for quite a while what you have done - abandon the DNC and contribute directly to individual candidates.

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