"This was a plot from the very beginning to frame Trump."

That's a quote from Rudy.

With Robert Mueller set to testify in a few days, Democrat Representative Adam Shiff just proposed a bill to end Citizens United.....? So that's called distraction. There's a huge reality check coming soon - the coup failed and now they think they can sweep it all under the deep state rug, but not this time kids. There's a new sheriff in town and his name is Bill Barr. He and IG Horowitz are on the case and Comey and his sleazy DNC cohorts should be sweating bullets right now.

Giuliani explains why Mueller should've never been special counsel

Guiliani is, as always, full of shit.

There was no "coup attempt", there was a legal and very necessary investigation into questionable and illegal behaviour by the Trump Campaign in regard to the Russian hacking of the DNC, which found a considerable amount of illegal activity by members of the Trump campaign, involving the Russian hackers.

Mueller said there was INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE of a conspiracy between Trump and the Russians to obtain a conviction for conspiracy, but there are 10 documented instances of obstruction of justice, and Mueller referred those for impeachment.

Given the behaviour of the Trump Campaign, and their public appearance of knowing in advance of WikiLeaks dumps, and their enthusiasm for both Russian assistance, the FBI, the CIA and the NSA would have been derelict to their duty to the oath they took to uphold the Constitution, to ignore these behaviours.

The entire behaviour of the Trump Administration, AG Barr, and the entire lying White House staff, has been despicable, unpatriotic, and have been done to the detriment of the rule of law, the the Constitution of the USA.

And Comey said....

Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.
That's a quote from Rudy.

With Robert Mueller set to testify in a few days, Democrat Representative Adam Shiff just proposed a bill to end Citizens United.....? So that's called distraction. There's a huge reality check coming soon - the coup failed and now they think they can sweep it all under the deep state rug, but not this time kids. There's a new sheriff in town and his name is Bill Barr. He and IG Horowitz are on the case and Comey and his sleazy DNC cohorts should be sweating bullets right now.

Giuliani explains why Mueller should've never been special counsel

Guiliani is, as always, full of shit.

There was no "coup attempt", there was a legal and very necessary investigation into questionable and illegal behaviour by the Trump Campaign in regard to the Russian hacking of the DNC, which found a considerable amount of illegal activity by members of the Trump campaign, involving the Russian hackers.

Mueller said there was INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE of a conspiracy between Trump and the Russians to obtain a conviction for conspiracy, but there are 10 documented instances of obstruction of justice, and Mueller referred those for impeachment.

Given the behaviour of the Trump Campaign, and their public appearance of knowing in advance of WikiLeaks dumps, and their enthusiasm for both Russian assistance, the FBI, the CIA and the NSA would have been derelict to their duty to the oath they took to uphold the Constitution, to ignore these behaviours.

The entire behaviour of the Trump Administration, AG Barr, and the entire lying White House staff, has been despicable, unpatriotic, and have been done to the detriment of the rule of law, the the Constitution of the USA.

And Comey said....

Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.

Notice the words "potential violations", not actual violations. Nor is there any evidence that classified information got into the wrong hands do to the careless handling of documents. It makes bringing charges and having them stick, impossible.

If no one received classified information they shouldn't have, there really isn't a crime, even if she had classified files stacked in her living room, unless they get into the wrong hands.
That's a quote from Rudy.

With Robert Mueller set to testify in a few days, Democrat Representative Adam Shiff just proposed a bill to end Citizens United.....? So that's called distraction. There's a huge reality check coming soon - the coup failed and now they think they can sweep it all under the deep state rug, but not this time kids. There's a new sheriff in town and his name is Bill Barr. He and IG Horowitz are on the case and Comey and his sleazy DNC cohorts should be sweating bullets right now.

Giuliani explains why Mueller should've never been special counsel

Guiliani is, as always, full of shit.

There was no "coup attempt", there was a legal and very necessary investigation into questionable and illegal behaviour by the Trump Campaign in regard to the Russian hacking of the DNC, which found a considerable amount of illegal activity by members of the Trump campaign, involving the Russian hackers.

Mueller said there was INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE of a conspiracy between Trump and the Russians to obtain a conviction for conspiracy, but there are 10 documented instances of obstruction of justice, and Mueller referred those for impeachment.

Given the behaviour of the Trump Campaign, and their public appearance of knowing in advance of WikiLeaks dumps, and their enthusiasm for both Russian assistance, the FBI, the CIA and the NSA would have been derelict to their duty to the oath they took to uphold the Constitution, to ignore these behaviours.

The entire behaviour of the Trump Administration, AG Barr, and the entire lying White House staff, has been despicable, unpatriotic, and have been done to the detriment of the rule of law, the the Constitution of the USA.

And Comey said....

Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.

Notice the words "potential violations", not actual violations. Nor is there any evidence that classified information got into the wrong hands do to the careless handling of documents. It makes bringing charges and having them stick, impossible.

If no one received classified information they shouldn't have, there really isn't a crime, even if she had classified files stacked in her living room, unless they get into the wrong hands.

That's a quote from Rudy.

With Robert Mueller set to testify in a few days, Democrat Representative Adam Shiff just proposed a bill to end Citizens United.....? So that's called distraction. There's a huge reality check coming soon - the coup failed and now they think they can sweep it all under the deep state rug, but not this time kids. There's a new sheriff in town and his name is Bill Barr. He and IG Horowitz are on the case and Comey and his sleazy DNC cohorts should be sweating bullets right now.

Giuliani explains why Mueller should've never been special counsel

Guiliani is, as always, full of shit.

There was no "coup attempt", there was a legal and very necessary investigation into questionable and illegal behaviour by the Trump Campaign in regard to the Russian hacking of the DNC, which found a considerable amount of illegal activity by members of the Trump campaign, involving the Russian hackers.

Mueller said there was INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE of a conspiracy between Trump and the Russians to obtain a conviction for conspiracy, but there are 10 documented instances of obstruction of justice, and Mueller referred those for impeachment.

Given the behaviour of the Trump Campaign, and their public appearance of knowing in advance of WikiLeaks dumps, and their enthusiasm for both Russian assistance, the FBI, the CIA and the NSA would have been derelict to their duty to the oath they took to uphold the Constitution, to ignore these behaviours.

The entire behaviour of the Trump Administration, AG Barr, and the entire lying White House staff, has been despicable, unpatriotic, and have been done to the detriment of the rule of law, the the Constitution of the USA.

You are deluded. The "investigation" was a fishing expedition that began before trump was even sworn into office and predicated on a dossier that everyone now admits was total garbage--a dossier, remember, procured by the Clinton campaign's law firm. If you want to talk illegal activity by a president, let's talk about the role Obama played in facilitating the illegal spying and sabotage of the Trump campaign.
The shit's gonna hit the fan on July 17th and Nadler, Schiff, Comey and the rest of them are gonna be standing right in front of it.

They already stood in front of the 'First Shit' and survived.
What "shit" was that?

The orange-colored one.
Funny guy. Wait until your butt buddies end up in prison and Trump's still President. Then we'll see how funny you are.

If they end up in prison they will have a big orange-haired obese butt to delight them.
The shit's gonna hit the fan on July 17th and Nadler, Schiff, Comey and the rest of them are gonna be standing right in front of it.

They already stood in front of the 'First Shit' and survived.
The first time it was constipation this time it will be the drizzling shits.

You appear to have hands-on intensive and extensive expertise of matters concerning the anus.
You seem to have a fascination with anuses since you brought of the subject punk. Now fuck off with your faggoty regards.

Do you hold the USMB anus franchise?
That's a quote from Rudy.

With Robert Mueller set to testify in a few days, Democrat Representative Adam Shiff just proposed a bill to end Citizens United.....? So that's called distraction. There's a huge reality check coming soon - the coup failed and now they think they can sweep it all under the deep state rug, but not this time kids. There's a new sheriff in town and his name is Bill Barr. He and IG Horowitz are on the case and Comey and his sleazy DNC cohorts should be sweating bullets right now.

Giuliani explains why Mueller should've never been special counsel

Guiliani is, as always, full of shit.

There was no "coup attempt", there was a legal and very necessary investigation into questionable and illegal behaviour by the Trump Campaign in regard to the Russian hacking of the DNC, which found a considerable amount of illegal activity by members of the Trump campaign, involving the Russian hackers.

Mueller said there was INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE of a conspiracy between Trump and the Russians to obtain a conviction for conspiracy, but there are 10 documented instances of obstruction of justice, and Mueller referred those for impeachment.

Given the behaviour of the Trump Campaign, and their public appearance of knowing in advance of WikiLeaks dumps, and their enthusiasm for both Russian assistance, the FBI, the CIA and the NSA would have been derelict to their duty to the oath they took to uphold the Constitution, to ignore these behaviours.

The entire behaviour of the Trump Administration, AG Barr, and the entire lying White House staff, has been despicable, unpatriotic, and have been done to the detriment of the rule of law, the the Constitution of the USA.

1. There was a coup attempt, but start at the beginning. The illegal investigation into the Trump campaign included using intel assets, illegal surveillance using improper FISA warrants based on the Clinton paid for Steele Dossier. A political conspiracy by the deep state Trump Haters like Strzok, McCabe, and Comey. The illegally based "Mueller Investigation" was called their "insurance policy" in the unlikely case Trump won.

2. Please define the "illegal behavior" by the Trump campaign regarding the Russian hacking. Mueller made no such charge, so its bullshit. The 10 documented instances of "obstruction" are bullshit too, just ask AG Barr. So stop with the fairy tales. No collusion, no obstruction is what Mueller found. (Yet Comey had Hillary's illegal activities documented and declined to prosecute, that is a crime, not to mention her colluding with and paying Russians for the Steele Dossier.)

3. The behavior of the Trump admin defeating the deep state's attempted coups was outstanding. Just wait for the Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz reports and indictments. You will see who the real criminals are, and you will see that the Obama admin is tarred with the biggest political scandal in US history.
The shit's gonna hit the fan on July 17th and Nadler, Schiff, Comey and the rest of them are gonna be standing right in front of it.

They already stood in front of the 'First Shit' and survived.
What "shit" was that?

The orange-colored one.
Funny guy. Wait until your butt buddies end up in prison and Trump's still President. Then we'll see how funny you are.

If they end up in prison they will have a big orange-haired obese butt to delight them.
Dream on, funny man. And stop fixating on butt sex, freak.
That's a quote from Rudy.

With Robert Mueller set to testify in a few days, Democrat Representative Adam Shiff just proposed a bill to end Citizens United.....? So that's called distraction. There's a huge reality check coming soon - the coup failed and now they think they can sweep it all under the deep state rug, but not this time kids. There's a new sheriff in town and his name is Bill Barr. He and IG Horowitz are on the case and Comey and his sleazy DNC cohorts should be sweating bullets right now.

Giuliani explains why Mueller should've never been special counsel

Guiliani is, as always, full of shit.

There was no "coup attempt", there was a legal and very necessary investigation into questionable and illegal behaviour by the Trump Campaign in regard to the Russian hacking of the DNC, which found a considerable amount of illegal activity by members of the Trump campaign, involving the Russian hackers.

Mueller said there was INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE of a conspiracy between Trump and the Russians to obtain a conviction for conspiracy, but there are 10 documented instances of obstruction of justice, and Mueller referred those for impeachment.

Given the behaviour of the Trump Campaign, and their public appearance of knowing in advance of WikiLeaks dumps, and their enthusiasm for both Russian assistance, the FBI, the CIA and the NSA would have been derelict to their duty to the oath they took to uphold the Constitution, to ignore these behaviours.

The entire behaviour of the Trump Administration, AG Barr, and the entire lying White House staff, has been despicable, unpatriotic, and have been done to the detriment of the rule of law, the the Constitution of the USA.

And Comey said....

Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.

Notice the words "potential violations", not actual violations. Nor is there any evidence that classified information got into the wrong hands do to the careless handling of documents. It makes bringing charges and having them stick, impossible.

If no one received classified information they shouldn't have, there really isn't a crime, even if she had classified files stacked in her living room, unless they get into the wrong hands.

LOL that is NOT how the law works dumb ass. Or in order to prosecute people that do espionage our legal system would have to allow the Information to actually pass into enemy hands. Not safe guarding it IS a crime. ALL by its self.
Currently, there is a serious imbalance of justice as the dems continue to deceive and lie to cover up their tawdry affairs.
how do you frame someone that cant be indicted ?

oh thats right. YOU DONT.
That's a quote from Rudy.

With Robert Mueller set to testify in a few days, Democrat Representative Adam Shiff just proposed a bill to end Citizens United.....? So that's called distraction. There's a huge reality check coming soon - the coup failed and now they think they can sweep it all under the deep state rug, but not this time kids. There's a new sheriff in town and his name is Bill Barr. He and IG Horowitz are on the case and Comey and his sleazy DNC cohorts should be sweating bullets right now.

Giuliani explains why Mueller should've never been special counsel

Guiliani is, as always, full of shit.

There was no "coup attempt", there was a legal and very necessary investigation into questionable and illegal behaviour by the Trump Campaign in regard to the Russian hacking of the DNC, which found a considerable amount of illegal activity by members of the Trump campaign, involving the Russian hackers.

Mueller said there was INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE of a conspiracy between Trump and the Russians to obtain a conviction for conspiracy, but there are 10 documented instances of obstruction of justice, and Mueller referred those for impeachment.

Given the behaviour of the Trump Campaign, and their public appearance of knowing in advance of WikiLeaks dumps, and their enthusiasm for both Russian assistance, the FBI, the CIA and the NSA would have been derelict to their duty to the oath they took to uphold the Constitution, to ignore these behaviours.

The entire behaviour of the Trump Administration, AG Barr, and the entire lying White House staff, has been despicable, unpatriotic, and have been done to the detriment of the rule of law, the the Constitution of the USA.

And Comey said....

Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.

Notice the words "potential violations", not actual violations. Nor is there any evidence that classified information got into the wrong hands do to the careless handling of documents. It makes bringing charges and having them stick, impossible.

If no one received classified information they shouldn't have, there really isn't a crime, even if she had classified files stacked in her living room, unless they get into the wrong hands.

So I guess attempted murder and attempted robbery are not a thing?

Negligence is also not an excuse for breaking the law. Ever heard of negligent homicide?
That's a quote from Rudy.

With Robert Mueller set to testify in a few days, Democrat Representative Adam Shiff just proposed a bill to end Citizens United.....? So that's called distraction. There's a huge reality check coming soon - the coup failed and now they think they can sweep it all under the deep state rug, but not this time kids. There's a new sheriff in town and his name is Bill Barr. He and IG Horowitz are on the case and Comey and his sleazy DNC cohorts should be sweating bullets right now.

Giuliani explains why Mueller should've never been special counsel

Guiliani is, as always, full of shit.

There was no "coup attempt", there was a legal and very necessary investigation into questionable and illegal behaviour by the Trump Campaign in regard to the Russian hacking of the DNC, which found a considerable amount of illegal activity by members of the Trump campaign, involving the Russian hackers.

Mueller said there was INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE of a conspiracy between Trump and the Russians to obtain a conviction for conspiracy, but there are 10 documented instances of obstruction of justice, and Mueller referred those for impeachment.

Given the behaviour of the Trump Campaign, and their public appearance of knowing in advance of WikiLeaks dumps, and their enthusiasm for both Russian assistance, the FBI, the CIA and the NSA would have been derelict to their duty to the oath they took to uphold the Constitution, to ignore these behaviours.

The entire behaviour of the Trump Administration, AG Barr, and the entire lying White House staff, has been despicable, unpatriotic, and have been done to the detriment of the rule of law, the the Constitution of the USA.

You are deluded. The "investigation" was a fishing expedition that began before trump was even sworn into office and predicated on a dossier that everyone now admits was total garbage--a dossier, remember, procured by the Clinton campaign's law firm. If you want to talk illegal activity by a president, let's talk about the role Obama played in facilitating the illegal spying and sabotage of the Trump campaign.

The investigation started long before the Dossier appeared. And it started because Papadopolous, like everyone else around Trump, is an idiot

The dossier is not garbage. Much of it has been verified.

I love how all of you still want to lock Hillary up, but will let all of Trump’s crimes slide. The traitorous relationship with Russia, the emoluments, the sexual assaults, the money laundering.
Currently, there is a serious imbalance of justice as the dems continue to deceive and lie to cover up their tawdry affairs.

Here’s the problem for you asshats: Democrats don’t have to lie cheat steal or commit illegal acts to win elections. They’ve won the popular vote in every election since 2000. The only way the Republicans can remain in power is to do everything possible to suppress the Democratic vote.

If Republicans didn’t lie cheat and steal they never get elected and they never stay in power it is.
[QUOTE="Angelo, post: 22708308, member: 71720" video deleted[/QUOTE]

I couldn’t get past the “big lies” in the in the asshole’s opening remarks.

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