Donnie And Team Collude Collide Contrive Confab Conspire

The Donnie John Trump republican banana republic continues....

Trump may be the greatest example of the placebo effect on the white working class, just tell them anything at all.
Donnie bet you're glad Twitter doesn't ban fake news and lies, you'd have no way of spreading nonsense.
The Constitution is not a moral code it does not make an immoral man moral, Trump has dishonored most of the Ten Commandments, a moral code.
Putin and Trump have much in common, the fact they both lie about the Clintons is fascinating and bizarre and is just one laughable similarity.
A conservative SCOTUS uses the constitution as it always has, any act of worker concern is a slippery slope to corporate destruction,
Donnie just tell your snowflakes about Space Force and how great it will be, that will keep them distracted while you golf on their dime.
Donnie why no tariffs on Japan they embargo and Toyota dumps over a million cars on America killing jobs. Watsup.
Fifteen thousand a month to keep quiet, all Americans want that job. Where can we apply?
Donnie Trump hears about staff changes on the news how in charge is that I ask you. Real manager there.
Maybe Kavanaugh and team can reverse child labor laws and make America great with competitive Chinese wages, u think.
Twelve billion for farmers because of Trump's dumb economic policies! How about healthcare for Americans and their children.
Mexico still paying for that wall, you know the one, they still paying, your rally fans want to know. Can I hear a chorus.
Are Donnie and Rudie gaslighting or are their values the greatest example of confirmation bias in recorded history.
You must wonder how many votes twelve billion buys, coulda built Donnie's wall but then what would he and fans whine about.
Kim and Vlad playing Donnie's ego, how cute is that, is there a Noble for being played. Anyone know.
Could it be Trump hates immigrants because he married two, could that be it.
Stephen Miller* Trump's brain how sad a brain that must be, liar white supremacist and incel. Biitter men are sad.
Donald Jr posting fake news about your polling numbers, the acorn didn't fall far away from the tree.
Mexicans rapists, women dogs, blacks low IQ, MSM fake, Russian dictators and murders good, per Pres Donnie T.
Just say Constitution three times and while you've said nothing relevant you've excused injustice now for over two hundred years.
Stop covering Trump rallies as if they are policy, they are only entertainment pablum for the simple minded. Nonsense cheerleaders.
Oh I know it is not nice to call Trump fans snowflakes but who was it said political correctness was bad, who.
Banning news people who ask tough questions how fascist like is that, anuyone ever see an open minded fascist.

* Does Stephen Miller have any friends? An investigation
This thread should be titled...
This week in the OPs head, Trump.
.....and there's still no evidence of any collusion between Trump and the Russians. Progressives still believe that it was a crime to obstruct Hillary from the White House
Donnie John Trump self made Myth

The estimated federal deficit next year will exceed a trillion dollars, boosting the national debt past $21 trillion.
Trump had promised to eliminate that debt entirely, you go Donnie and republican hypocrites, bet that tax bill was good for you all.
Draft dodger Trump is the Dr Reo Symes of modern American life and his fans buy into the product line.
Fake university fake foundation fake wine company fake tax returns fake football team John Barron fake fake fake.
How about the ball-less republicans couldn't face a woman but turned cheerleaders for a lying spoiled rich boy.
After Sniffles Kavanaugh is confirmed, Roy Moore is next in line, a real devil's triangle in the SCOTUS.
Trump snowflakes now think the Clintons were behind hurricane Florence, what powers huh. You go Trumpies.
President Trump cites China's respect for his 'very, very large a brain' kinda like a large empty dump truck we guess.
Fox kowtows to Trump BS, can anyone explain why their news and opinion is so biased and lacking integrity. Anyone?
When did the religious, the Christians and evangelicals in America get so tainted that living children, immigrants, don't matter?
Donnie Trump's administration to cut Head Start, cancer research so they can fund child detention camps, how American is that.
Trump always claimed the world was laughing at us and our president, guess he wanted to continue the tradition.
Why is Puerto Rico complaining, didn't you toss them paper towels, good job Donnie. Heard John Barron agrees.
Five hundred plus days have passed and Mexico still hasn't paid for the wall, can I hear a rally chorus,,,who....
Rand Paul a civil libertarian wants to lie detector everyone over a letter to the editor, talk about a real libertarian.
They laughed at our president, they should really laugh at his supporters, they are the ones being played.
Rudy throws out nonsense followed by contradictory nonsense and Trump fans listen never realizing the difference.
Donald Trump said it best, “I love the uneducated.” Now everyone knows why.
According to John Barron, Donnie Trump is the greatest, the bestest, the most richest, the smartest....
Why is Trump making all these decisions? What is our congress for? Should we eliminate them, think of all the money America would save.
Trump rally stats: sixty eight percent of Donnie's claims are false, misleading or lacking evidence, you go Donnie.
Even Trump rally snowflakes are selected because they're kinda special, conditioned to cheer nonsense, a real great character trait.
Deep State, oh deep state wherefore art thou deep state. there is no deep state but please don't tell Trump snowflakes.
Breitbart is the National Inquirer of news on Trump and republicans, checkout line baloney for the easily deceived.
Donnie Trump likes Brett because they both lie and lie oh and lie. Birds of a feather flock together.
Donnie the majority of Americans want you impeached but many think you know what you are doing, sad huh.
Trump's marriage to the Evangelicals demonstrates clearly America's religious like Trump are not Christians or share Christian values.

Kavanaugh Lies: All of Brett Kavanaugh’s Classmates Who Have Accused Him of Lying

Kavanaugh’s Yale Classmate Calls Out His ‘Blatant Lying’ at Hearing

Conservative on: Is the Republican Party Still Conservative? - The Atlantic

"But someone will say, “You have faith and I have works.” Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works." James 2:18
2018 Finale

Pres Donald you are so bad you may have inadvertently brought American democracy back to its roots of tolerance inclusion and law.
President Donald John Trump America's first president and felon, what an honor. Be best Donnie.
Donnie, how do you like being called 'Individual 1'? By the way it's not a compliment.
Trump voters made 'banana republic' American as apple pie, Be Best Trump snowflakes.
Who's gonna pay for the wall? Americans! Too funny. Can we hear a chorus. Who?
Donnie they are going to name a worm after you, worms are now an embarrassed species.
Donnie you finally got something right, there is no 'smocking gun'. Be Best Donnie.
Donnie, your new chief of staff thinks you're a terrible human being. How nice is that.
Social media is Donnie's only mental tool, any thing longer than a tweet confuses the poor boy.
Donnie should you lose Russian support there is always Fox media, they share anti American values like Russia.
Heard your gut is more accurate than statistics and reality, Donnie be best. Is it gonna rain tomorrow?
Donnie is it true after your presidency you're moving to Russia to escape jail?
Jared Kushner pays no taxes, how nice is that kinda like our president and felon in chief.
Heard a fossil fuels lobbyist to head the interior department, that swamp it is a growing.
Russia, Americans are already dumbed down by Fox media, save your money, vacation instead.
The Trump family dodged taxes but made sure their tenants paid. Be Best Trumps.
Like your new school lunch policies, more fatty stuff cause you are a fatty too, nice going Donnie.
On Thanksgiving Donald Trump claimed it was he we should be thankful for and his snowflakes kowtowed.
Smarmy Sean Hannity at a Trump Rally claimed all media is fake, guess he watches his re-runs. Be best Sean.
Donnie, Forbes called you the most fiscally reckless president in American history, you are the best.
Obamacare is working Donnie you tried to destroy a good thing for Americans and even failed that. Sad.
Donnie, sounds like Mar-a-Lago is not very electronically secure, hackers must love you.
Like how your foundation spent donations on your portrait Donnie, how patriotic was that.
Immigrants and the needy under this administration have proven Christianity is missing in America.
Anyone else wonder how many Trump Twitter followers are bots and Russians?

"Half his tweets show utter weakness. They are plaintive, shrill little cries, usually just after dawn." Peggy Noonan

38 times Stephen King absolutely slammed Donald Trump on Twitter
38 times Stephen King absolutely slammed Donald Trump on Twitter

Fake News and Weaponized Bots: How Algorithms Inflate Profiles, Spread Disinfo and Disrupt Democracy
2018 Finale

Pres Donald you are so bad you may have inadvertently brought American democracy back to its roots of tolerance inclusion and law.
President Donald John Trump America's first president and felon, what an honor. Be best Donnie.
Donnie, how do you like being called 'Individual 1'? By the way it's not a compliment.
Trump voters made 'banana republic' American as apple pie, Be Best Trump snowflakes.
Who's gonna pay for the wall? Americans! Too funny. Can we hear a chorus. Who?
Donnie they are going to name a worm after you, worms are now an embarrassed species.
Donnie you finally got something right, there is no 'smocking gun'. Be Best Donnie.
Donnie, your new chief of staff thinks you're a terrible human being. How nice is that.
Social media is Donnie's only mental tool, any thing longer than a tweet confuses the poor boy.
Donnie should you lose Russian support there is always Fox media, they share anti American values like Russia.
Heard your gut is more accurate than statistics and reality, Donnie be best. Is it gonna rain tomorrow?
Donnie is it true after your presidency you're moving to Russia to escape jail?
Jared Kushner pays no taxes, how nice is that kinda like our president and felon in chief.
Heard a fossil fuels lobbyist to head the interior department, that swamp it is a growing.
Russia, Americans are already dumbed down by Fox media, save your money, vacation instead.
The Trump family dodged taxes but made sure their tenants paid. Be Best Trumps.
Like your new school lunch policies, more fatty stuff cause you are a fatty too, nice going Donnie.
On Thanksgiving Donald Trump claimed it was he we should be thankful for and his snowflakes kowtowed.
Smarmy Sean Hannity at a Trump Rally claimed all media is fake, guess he watches his re-runs. Be best Sean.
Donnie, Forbes called you the most fiscally reckless president in American history, you are the best.
Obamacare is working Donnie you tried to destroy a good thing for Americans and even failed that. Sad.
Donnie, sounds like Mar-a-Lago is not very electronically secure, hackers must love you.
Like how your foundation spent donations on your portrait Donnie, how patriotic was that.
Immigrants and the needy under this administration have proven Christianity is missing in America.
Anyone else wonder how many Trump Twitter followers are bots and Russians?

"Half his tweets show utter weakness. They are plaintive, shrill little cries, usually just after dawn." Peggy Noonan

38 times Stephen King absolutely slammed Donald Trump on Twitter
38 times Stephen King absolutely slammed Donald Trump on Twitter

Fake News and Weaponized Bots: How Algorithms Inflate Profiles, Spread Disinfo and Disrupt Democracy
Thanks for collecting all of Stephen King's idiocies in one place. I haven't read any of his books since I was 18, and now I understand why.
2018 Finale

Pres Donald you are so bad you may have inadvertently brought American democracy back to its roots of tolerance inclusion and law.
President Donald John Trump America's first president and felon, what an honor. Be best Donnie.
Donnie, how do you like being called 'Individual 1'? By the way it's not a compliment.
Trump voters made 'banana republic' American as apple pie, Be Best Trump snowflakes.
Who's gonna pay for the wall? Americans! Too funny. Can we hear a chorus. Who?
Donnie they are going to name a worm after you, worms are now an embarrassed species.
Donnie you finally got something right, there is no 'smocking gun'. Be Best Donnie.
Donnie, your new chief of staff thinks you're a terrible human being. How nice is that.
Social media is Donnie's only mental tool, any thing longer than a tweet confuses the poor boy.
Donnie should you lose Russian support there is always Fox media, they share anti American values like Russia.
Heard your gut is more accurate than statistics and reality, Donnie be best. Is it gonna rain tomorrow?
Donnie is it true after your presidency you're moving to Russia to escape jail?
Jared Kushner pays no taxes, how nice is that kinda like our president and felon in chief.
Heard a fossil fuels lobbyist to head the interior department, that swamp it is a growing.
Russia, Americans are already dumbed down by Fox media, save your money, vacation instead.
The Trump family dodged taxes but made sure their tenants paid. Be Best Trumps.
Like your new school lunch policies, more fatty stuff cause you are a fatty too, nice going Donnie.
On Thanksgiving Donald Trump claimed it was he we should be thankful for and his snowflakes kowtowed.
Smarmy Sean Hannity at a Trump Rally claimed all media is fake, guess he watches his re-runs. Be best Sean.
Donnie, Forbes called you the most fiscally reckless president in American history, you are the best.
Obamacare is working Donnie you tried to destroy a good thing for Americans and even failed that. Sad.
Donnie, sounds like Mar-a-Lago is not very electronically secure, hackers must love you.
Like how your foundation spent donations on your portrait Donnie, how patriotic was that.
Immigrants and the needy under this administration have proven Christianity is missing in America.
Anyone else wonder how many Trump Twitter followers are bots and Russians?

"Half his tweets show utter weakness. They are plaintive, shrill little cries, usually just after dawn." Peggy Noonan

38 times Stephen King absolutely slammed Donald Trump on Twitter
38 times Stephen King absolutely slammed Donald Trump on Twitter

Fake News and Weaponized Bots: How Algorithms Inflate Profiles, Spread Disinfo and Disrupt Democracy
Happy 2019! Best year ever!
(Feel free to comment share or reply, this is still America)

Trump's 'Make America a Banana Republic transformation continues....

Trump is a reflection of the dumbing down of America caused by dark money politics and (add your reason). Mine: Amoral people like Brad Parscale
Trump rallies, tribal feasts and exhibitions in which emotional surrender is given over to the lies of the tribal leader Donnie John Trump.
Republicans and Trump supporters represent a modern 'banality of evil' concerning immigrant children, how did America lose its heart and its soul?
Donnie, forty tweets on day thirty of your shutdown of government, what did you do, miscount or do you really think your writing is worth our time?
Question of the day, why didn't the native Americans build a wall to keep the republican Trump snowflakes out?
Donnie no worries your snowflakes knew you didn't work hard it is only tribalism and mutual ignorance that keep them cheering you.
With the addition of Gorsuch and Kavanaugh the Robert's court may become the most regressive and undemocratic SCOTUS in our history.
Trump has proved beyond any doubt Evangelicals are about political power and control and not Christian values.
Donnie. love how Giuliani repeats the investigative news after you and he first deny it, you must think Trump snowflakes are really dumb, are they?
Donnie should you lose Russian support there is always Fox media, they too share anti American values just like Russia.
Even Trump's so called religious youth snowflakes are disrespectful and kinda stupid, how un-American is that.
Isn't it kinda curious that Sarah Sanders' God hates immigrants too. You go Donnie and gang.
Donnie throws kisses to Putin and Kim and his snowflakes cheer, how cute is that.
Group affiliation frees the Trump snowflake from life and its complexity giving them succor from thought in shouts and rally chants.
Donnie, the only person with a ten foot wall is you and it is around your brain preventing reality from coming through.
Donnie, just tell your snowflakes the wall has been completed, they appear to believe all your other lies like the great great healthcare lie.
Trump is a modern day shaman his followers do not question, they believe and cheer their new priest.
It has to be clear now Trump isn't presidential, is he auditioning for another job or just performing, unaware and totally lost.
Draft dodger Donnie Trump says His Generals Are 'Better Looking Than Tom Cruise and Stronger', 'His generals' Huh!
Donnie your tax giveaway to the unneedy didn't work but given nothing you do works I guess that's not surprising.
Foxconn another Trump mistake but then again think Atlantic City and the casinos, nothing new.
Trump has made whites especially victims and he play them but the question is why whites allow themselves to be victims
Fake university, fake foundation, lie number six thousand and counting and Donnie calls media fake.
Last year Donnie Trump gave us covfefe. This year Smocking Gun, what will next year bring.
Trump has referred to reporters “enemies of the people,” a term once used by Joseph Stalin, who American is that!
Trump loves autocrats and wants to be one and his American supporters are too blind and obsessed in tribalism to realize they are supporting un-American values.

'We can't take credit for creating the Trump snowflake but because they are followers and mostly uneducated we were able to exploit that character in Americans, especially white Americans and oddly even religious Americans and Evangelicals.' 'Soviet Federate Socialist'

"A new lawsuit filed in federal court Monday accuses President Donald Trump and his children of convincing consumers to invest in get-rich-quick schemes, while also accepting 'large, secret payments' from the companies they were pitching." "The Trumps are congenitally unable to take personal responsibility.'' News item
Tweets as Sarah Sanders leaves. Readers of history often look back and wonder how people and situations came to be. Did anyone look close. Hindsight can confuse, we think how could this happen, how could some believe, how could people follow, why did this happen. Then you move forward and you listen to Sarah Sanders prevaricate, excuse, misinform, engage in smoke screens, and you are now in history. Nothing is real unless we acknowledge it and accept it as real. Nothing is true unless we accept it as true. So the play continues as Shakespeare wrote. Enjoy.

Note many Replying to @realDonaldTrump

OMG thoughts and prayers DO work.

TONIGHT: Sarah Huckabee Sanders is leaving the job she hasn’t been doing for months.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders handled her job like a drunk person at a traffic stop denying she's in a car at all.

BREAKING: Sarah Sanders resigns, goes back to lying for free.

we're seated at the precipice of fascism and Sarah Sanders was instrumental in unabashedly ushering in that state of affairs. may she walk a path strewn with legos in her bare feet for the remainder of her days.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the grotesquely rude pathological lying propaganda sycophant with no moral compass who proudly served a criminal is leaving our White House. Good riddance. May she be shamed and shunned for the rest of her miserable days. #ByeFelicia

BREAKING: Sarah Huckabee Sanders leaving the White House. Reportedly she wants to spend more time lying to her family.

Did you let Sarah Huckabee know she is leaving?

Sarah Huckabee Sanders will be the 437th person to leave the Trump administration since the beginning.

Which reality television contestant will be able to replicate that melodious whine?

"She’s basically quit being press secretary the same way Trump quit Crossfit." Trevor Noah

“So I literally and figuratively will not miss her, either.” Nicole Wallace.

"Some of Sarah Sanders' most controversial claims as press secretary"

Some of Sarah Sanders' most controversial claims as press secretary
How funny would it be if Trump picks either Sarah Palin or some Russian as the new spokesperson
TW is a hodgepodge of Trump quotes, tweets, cabinet advice, and Trump news friends, on topics and ideas not fake at all.

Shawn Spicer will try to clarity any news in TW which conflicts with reality or seems virtually impossible.
Global warming is not only a hoax but is being caused by the last administration.
Donald Jr has zero contact with his father except when they talk on the phone which isn't really contact per DJT.
Donald does his best thinking while golfing a Mar-a-Lago, Trump advisers claim the universe is in better alignment there.
Trump believes what he believes because he believes what he believes, does that help?
VP Pence is in the deep South compassionately explaining healthcare as government overreach to patients dying of needed care.
Pres Trump is saving all his tweets on a private server so he can sell them and make money for Sasquatch victims.
Pizzagate was almost as bad as Watergate except there were no burglars, no gate, but they did have pizza.
Pres Trump doesn't drink because he wants to maintain complete mental control when tweeting.
Pres Trump informed Jeff Sessions there was no need for cross burning on the White House lawn.
Scott Pruitt thinks there is no need for environmental regulations since Armageddon is right around the corner.
Trump finds proof of wire tapping, a loose wire was found under rug in WH.
Three million illegal Hillary voters were found in caves near Roswell and are now running back to Mexico.
Digital cameras were rigged by the Obama administration so that only part of Trump's inaugural crowd was shown.

Stay tuned for more important and not fake or made up news from Trump and the associated news agencies that verify the truth of Trump World.

TW best Tweets of Week:

Healthcare under Trumpcare will be the bestest and most likest in history and cheapest too!
Did you see the crowds at Mar-a-Lago jealous huh!
Shot a 69 at Mar-a-logo people laughed did they think I was lying!
Snow storm coming bad bad Dem's fault told you Global warming was made up!
Proof? Kellyann sees microwaves messages almost daily, they're real!
I have the best sources the best news the best friends the best hotels!
Don't I look so good saluting! Real soldier like!
Obamacare is imploding, all these people getting healthcare, un-American!
Media is rude I'm not they sure suck!
I get my best news from the best National Inquirer no fake news read it the best!
You see me on Fox and Friends, they are the bestest bet they read the Nat Inquirer too!

Sources, advisers, and publicists for Trump World information: Breitbart, National Inquirer, Townhall, Red State, AlexJones, Newsmax, Fox, OAN, Rush, and especially Friends at Fox.

Upcoming in TW: DJT finds WMDs, Gov Christie helps DJT with diet advice, DJT and Sarah Palin practice shooting at a gun range proving mentally challenged people are OK with guns.
Putin Called:'

He wants his butt plug back.
Tweets as Sarah Sanders leaves. Readers of history often look back and wonder how people and situations came to be. Did anyone look close. Hindsight can confuse, we think how could this happen, how could some believe, how could people follow, why did this happen. Then you move forward and you listen to Sarah Sanders prevaricate, excuse, misinform, engage in smoke screens, and you are now in history. Nothing is real unless we acknowledge it and accept it as real. Nothing is true unless we accept it as true. So the play continues as Shakespeare wrote. Enjoy.

Note many Replying to @realDonaldTrump

OMG thoughts and prayers DO work.

TONIGHT: Sarah Huckabee Sanders is leaving the job she hasn’t been doing for months.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders handled her job like a drunk person at a traffic stop denying she's in a car at all.

BREAKING: Sarah Sanders resigns, goes back to lying for free.

we're seated at the precipice of fascism and Sarah Sanders was instrumental in unabashedly ushering in that state of affairs. may she walk a path strewn with legos in her bare feet for the remainder of her days.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the grotesquely rude pathological lying propaganda sycophant with no moral compass who proudly served a criminal is leaving our White House. Good riddance. May she be shamed and shunned for the rest of her miserable days. #ByeFelicia

BREAKING: Sarah Huckabee Sanders leaving the White House. Reportedly she wants to spend more time lying to her family.

Did you let Sarah Huckabee know she is leaving?

Sarah Huckabee Sanders will be the 437th person to leave the Trump administration since the beginning.

Which reality television contestant will be able to replicate that melodious whine?

"She’s basically quit being press secretary the same way Trump quit Crossfit." Trevor Noah

“So I literally and figuratively will not miss her, either.” Nicole Wallace.

"Some of Sarah Sanders' most controversial claims as press secretary"

Some of Sarah Sanders' most controversial claims as press secretary
You still working on creating more Social Media accounts for Iran?



Have you listened to Bernie Sanders?
He's offering Americans the very same things as Stalin's U.S.S.R.
He's a communist.
Tweets as Sarah Sanders leaves. Readers of history often look back and wonder how people and situations came to be. Did anyone look close. Hindsight can confuse, we think how could this happen, how could some believe, how could people follow, why did this happen. Then you move forward and you listen to Sarah Sanders prevaricate, excuse, misinform, engage in smoke screens, and you are now in history. Nothing is real unless we acknowledge it and accept it as real. Nothing is true unless we accept it as true. So the play continues as Shakespeare wrote. Enjoy.

Note many Replying to @realDonaldTrump

OMG thoughts and prayers DO work.

TONIGHT: Sarah Huckabee Sanders is leaving the job she hasn’t been doing for months.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders handled her job like a drunk person at a traffic stop denying she's in a car at all.

BREAKING: Sarah Sanders resigns, goes back to lying for free.

we're seated at the precipice of fascism and Sarah Sanders was instrumental in unabashedly ushering in that state of affairs. may she walk a path strewn with legos in her bare feet for the remainder of her days.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the grotesquely rude pathological lying propaganda sycophant with no moral compass who proudly served a criminal is leaving our White House. Good riddance. May she be shamed and shunned for the rest of her miserable days. #ByeFelicia

BREAKING: Sarah Huckabee Sanders leaving the White House. Reportedly she wants to spend more time lying to her family.

Did you let Sarah Huckabee know she is leaving?

Sarah Huckabee Sanders will be the 437th person to leave the Trump administration since the beginning.

Which reality television contestant will be able to replicate that melodious whine?

"She’s basically quit being press secretary the same way Trump quit Crossfit." Trevor Noah

“So I literally and figuratively will not miss her, either.” Nicole Wallace.

"Some of Sarah Sanders' most controversial claims as press secretary"

Some of Sarah Sanders' most controversial claims as press secretary
Look at all the brain damaged morons self identifying.
TW is a hodgepodge of Trump quotes, tweets, cabinet advice, and Trump news friends, on topics and ideas not fake at all.

Shawn Spicer will try to clarity any news in TW which conflicts with reality or seems virtually impossible.
Global warming is not only a hoax but is being caused by the last administration.
Donald Jr has zero contact with his father except when they talk on the phone which isn't really contact per DJT.
Donald does his best thinking while golfing a Mar-a-Lago, Trump advisers claim the universe is in better alignment there.
Trump believes what he believes because he believes what he believes, does that help?
VP Pence is in the deep South compassionately explaining healthcare as government overreach to patients dying of needed care.
Pres Trump is saving all his tweets on a private server so he can sell them and make money for Sasquatch victims.
Pizzagate was almost as bad as Watergate except there were no burglars, no gate, but they did have pizza.
Pres Trump doesn't drink because he wants to maintain complete mental control when tweeting.
Pres Trump informed Jeff Sessions there was no need for cross burning on the White House lawn.
Scott Pruitt thinks there is no need for environmental regulations since Armageddon is right around the corner.
Trump finds proof of wire tapping, a loose wire was found under rug in WH.
Three million illegal Hillary voters were found in caves near Roswell and are now running back to Mexico.
Digital cameras were rigged by the Obama administration so that only part of Trump's inaugural crowd was shown.

Stay tuned for more important and not fake or made up news from Trump and the associated news agencies that verify the truth of Trump World.

TW best Tweets of Week:

Healthcare under Trumpcare will be the bestest and most likest in history and cheapest too!
Did you see the crowds at Mar-a-Lago jealous huh!
Shot a 69 at Mar-a-logo people laughed did they think I was lying!
Snow storm coming bad bad Dem's fault told you Global warming was made up!
Proof? Kellyann sees microwaves messages almost daily, they're real!
I have the best sources the best news the best friends the best hotels!
Don't I look so good saluting! Real soldier like!
Obamacare is imploding, all these people getting healthcare, un-American!
Media is rude I'm not they sure suck!
I get my best news from the best National Inquirer no fake news read it the best!
You see me on Fox and Friends, they are the bestest bet they read the Nat Inquirer too!

Sources, advisers, and publicists for Trump World information: Breitbart, National Inquirer, Townhall, Red State, AlexJones, Newsmax, Fox, OAN, Rush, and especially Friends at Fox.

Upcoming in TW: DJT finds WMDs, Gov Christie helps DJT with diet advice, DJT and Sarah Palin practice shooting at a gun range proving mentally challenged people are OK with guns.
Putin Called:'

He wants his butt plug back.
Refuse. We can't give him Mayor Pete.
Tweets as Sarah Sanders leaves. Readers of history often look back and wonder how people and situations came to be. Did anyone look close. Hindsight can confuse, we think how could this happen, how could some believe, how could people follow, why did this happen. Then you move forward and you listen to Sarah Sanders prevaricate, excuse, misinform, engage in smoke screens, and you are now in history. Nothing is real unless we acknowledge it and accept it as real. Nothing is true unless we accept it as true. So the play continues as Shakespeare wrote. Enjoy.

Note many Replying to @realDonaldTrump

OMG thoughts and prayers DO work.

TONIGHT: Sarah Huckabee Sanders is leaving the job she hasn’t been doing for months.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders handled her job like a drunk person at a traffic stop denying she's in a car at all.

BREAKING: Sarah Sanders resigns, goes back to lying for free.

we're seated at the precipice of fascism and Sarah Sanders was instrumental in unabashedly ushering in that state of affairs. may she walk a path strewn with legos in her bare feet for the remainder of her days.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the grotesquely rude pathological lying propaganda sycophant with no moral compass who proudly served a criminal is leaving our White House. Good riddance. May she be shamed and shunned for the rest of her miserable days. #ByeFelicia

BREAKING: Sarah Huckabee Sanders leaving the White House. Reportedly she wants to spend more time lying to her family.

Did you let Sarah Huckabee know she is leaving?

Sarah Huckabee Sanders will be the 437th person to leave the Trump administration since the beginning.

Which reality television contestant will be able to replicate that melodious whine?

"She’s basically quit being press secretary the same way Trump quit Crossfit." Trevor Noah

“So I literally and figuratively will not miss her, either.” Nicole Wallace.

"Some of Sarah Sanders' most controversial claims as press secretary"

Some of Sarah Sanders' most controversial claims as press secretary
You still working on creating more Social Media accounts for Iran?




The nomination is Big Mikey's for the asking.

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