Moonbat Street was brought to you this week by the words "existential" and "eviscerate".

Trump being the chosen one is telegraphing the latest tweets through the air, hopefully they won't be garbled like much of his talk. Stay tuned.

....Some call me Beelzebub I love it sounds so Trump like ....
(Feel free to comment share or reply, this is still America)

Trump's 'Make America a Banana Republic transformation continues....

I stopped reading your swill right there.

Of course, I would expect that from you, willful ignorance is a defense mechanism. You wouldn't want to learn something which would prove your Messiah has clay feet.
Inside The mind of our leader - the Trolling Messiah Thinks ???

I am the chosen one, only I can save you, you are my people, believe, oh and support me with visits too.

Now that Americans along with Saudis and Russians support us, we are one happy family.

I do my best work from my golf cart so Americans should be happy I'm always working.

Alabama thanked me for mentioning them with Dorian, they said my penmanship was great.

I know they shot a lot of people here in El Paso but did you see my rally crowds what fans, huge just huge.

Some call my fans snowflakes but they are my snowflakes, signs and cheers and all, I tell them things they believe.

How about those doctors who left their operating rooms in El Paso to greet me, my fans are everywhere.

Some call me Beelzebub, I love it, sounds so Trump like, that may be why Evangelicals love me so much.

Melania likes Kim too, he reminds her of me only shorter and not blond, similar haircut.

Parscale and Miller told me name calling works better than thinking, my fans follow and cheer, they must be on to something.

I'll get those immigrants, my benefactors are polluting the planet greatly, heat, floods will get em even if ICE doesn't.

There are no saints in my cheering crowds thank god, only happy hat wearers holding signs.

All red hat Whites vote for me, I make them laugh and promise them things they won't get, can you believe it.

Greenland is green right, I like green, I think Melania has green eyes, oh sorry, that was a porn star.

Only kidding not enough Russians or Saudis will support me if I buy Greenland with their gracious support.

Golf, I like to golf, yep golf, I like to golf yep did I say I like to golf, but I will be working hard in my head, count on it.

My new deal is more for me and my friends, not these cheering hat wearers but they still cheer, can you believe it?

Single handedly I wiped out ISIS no one else could do that I did in no time at all, bone spurs and all.

And even though my ties and Ivanka's clothing are made in third world nations that doesn't mean we don't like America's over paid workers lots.

I am not racist even though I do lots of things that are considered racist, just follow, stop thinking, be red hat fans.

Reality TV was where I was was made and today where America lives and kinda believes and cheers, great great great.

I failed in business but this president job is a real gem, use my own places and the Saudis and Russians contribute too, nice.

I made ignorance and stupidity republican traits and you thought I was a business failure, gotcha.

My Campaign in a nutshell: walls and whites, birtherism. more money for me, come on what else matters?

What does messianic mean, they keep saying I'm messianic, Melania you know, no, oh well.

Anyone who loves me should love Kimmie and Vladie too they my bros. Melania, what does autocrat mean?

"On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." H. L. Mencken
Inside The mind of our leader - the Trolling Messiah Thinks ???

I am the chosen one, only I can save you, you are my people, believe, oh and support me with visits too.

Now that Americans along with Saudis and Russians support us, we are one happy family.

I do my best work from my golf cart so Americans should be happy I'm always working.

Alabama thanked me for mentioning them with Dorian, they said my penmanship was great.

I know they shot a lot of people here in El Paso but did you see my rally crowds what fans, huge just huge.

Some call my fans snowflakes but they are my snowflakes, signs and cheers and all, I tell them things they believe.

How about those doctors who left their operating rooms in El Paso to greet me, my fans are everywhere.

Some call me Beelzebub, I love it, sounds so Trump like, that may be why Evangelicals love me so much.

Melania likes Kim too, he reminds her of me only shorter and not blond, similar haircut.

Parscale and Miller told me name calling works better than thinking, my fans follow and cheer, they must be on to something.

I'll get those immigrants, my benefactors are polluting the planet greatly, heat, floods will get em even if ICE doesn't.

There are no saints in my cheering crowds thank god, only happy hat wearers holding signs.

All red hat Whites vote for me, I make them laugh and promise them things they won't get, can you believe it.

Greenland is green right, I like green, I think Melania has green eyes, oh sorry, that was a porn star.

Only kidding not enough Russians or Saudis will support me if I buy Greenland with their gracious support.

Golf, I like to golf, yep golf, I like to golf yep did I say I like to golf, but I will be working hard in my head, count on it.

My new deal is more for me and my friends, not these cheering hat wearers but they still cheer, can you believe it?

Single handedly I wiped out ISIS no one else could do that I did in no time at all, bone spurs and all.

And even though my ties and Ivanka's clothing are made in third world nations that doesn't mean we don't like America's over paid workers lots.

I am not racist even though I do lots of things that are considered racist, just follow, stop thinking, be red hat fans.

Reality TV was where I was was made and today where America lives and kinda believes and cheers, great great great.

I failed in business but this president job is a real gem, use my own places and the Saudis and Russians contribute too, nice.

I made ignorance and stupidity republican traits and you thought I was a business failure, gotcha.

My Campaign in a nutshell: walls and whites, birtherism. more money for me, come on what else matters?

What does messianic mean, they keep saying I'm messianic, Melania you know, no, oh well.

Anyone who loves me should love Kimmie and Vladie too they my bros. Melania, what does autocrat mean?

"On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." H. L. Mencken
I've never seen so much idiocy in a single place.
Could not read it all, but pretty funny stuff just little long winded for a late summer read.
Inside The mind of our leader - the Trolling Messiah Thinks ???

I am the chosen one, only I can save you, you are my people, believe, oh and support me with visits too.

Now that Americans along with Saudis and Russians support us, we are one happy family.

I do my best work from my golf cart so Americans should be happy I'm always working.

Alabama thanked me for mentioning them with Dorian, they said my penmanship was great.

I know they shot a lot of people here in El Paso but did you see my rally crowds what fans, huge just huge.

Some call my fans snowflakes but they are my snowflakes, signs and cheers and all, I tell them things they believe.

How about those doctors who left their operating rooms in El Paso to greet me, my fans are everywhere.

Some call me Beelzebub, I love it, sounds so Trump like, that may be why Evangelicals love me so much.

Melania likes Kim too, he reminds her of me only shorter and not blond, similar haircut.

Parscale and Miller told me name calling works better than thinking, my fans follow and cheer, they must be on to something.

I'll get those immigrants, my benefactors are polluting the planet greatly, heat, floods will get em even if ICE doesn't.

There are no saints in my cheering crowds thank god, only happy hat wearers holding signs.

All red hat Whites vote for me, I make them laugh and promise them things they won't get, can you believe it.

Greenland is green right, I like green, I think Melania has green eyes, oh sorry, that was a porn star.

Only kidding not enough Russians or Saudis will support me if I buy Greenland with their gracious support.

Golf, I like to golf, yep golf, I like to golf yep did I say I like to golf, but I will be working hard in my head, count on it.

My new deal is more for me and my friends, not these cheering hat wearers but they still cheer, can you believe it?

Single handedly I wiped out ISIS no one else could do that I did in no time at all, bone spurs and all.

And even though my ties and Ivanka's clothing are made in third world nations that doesn't mean we don't like America's over paid workers lots.

I am not racist even though I do lots of things that are considered racist, just follow, stop thinking, be red hat fans.

Reality TV was where I was was made and today where America lives and kinda believes and cheers, great great great.

I failed in business but this president job is a real gem, use my own places and the Saudis and Russians contribute too, nice.

I made ignorance and stupidity republican traits and you thought I was a business failure, gotcha.

My Campaign in a nutshell: walls and whites, birtherism. more money for me, come on what else matters?

What does messianic mean, they keep saying I'm messianic, Melania you know, no, oh well.

Anyone who loves me should love Kimmie and Vladie too they my bros. Melania, what does autocrat mean?

"On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." H. L. Mencken
I've never seen so much idiocy in a single place.

Check out trump rallies on utube.
This week in Trump World:

He wins the North Carolina elections, thousands of jobs created, Unemployment still at a 50 year low (amazing!) and the economy is still booming.

Inside The mind of our leader - the Trolling Messiah Thinks ???

I am the chosen one, only I can save you, you are my people, believe, oh and support me with visits too.

Now that Americans along with Saudis and Russians support us, we are one happy family.

I do my best work from my golf cart so Americans should be happy I'm always working.

Alabama thanked me for mentioning them with Dorian, they said my penmanship was great.

I know they shot a lot of people here in El Paso but did you see my rally crowds what fans, huge just huge.

Some call my fans snowflakes but they are my snowflakes, signs and cheers and all, I tell them things they believe.

How about those doctors who left their operating rooms in El Paso to greet me, my fans are everywhere.

Some call me Beelzebub, I love it, sounds so Trump like, that may be why Evangelicals love me so much.

Melania likes Kim too, he reminds her of me only shorter and not blond, similar haircut.

Parscale and Miller told me name calling works better than thinking, my fans follow and cheer, they must be on to something.

I'll get those immigrants, my benefactors are polluting the planet greatly, heat, floods will get em even if ICE doesn't.

There are no saints in my cheering crowds thank god, only happy hat wearers holding signs.

All red hat Whites vote for me, I make them laugh and promise them things they won't get, can you believe it.

Greenland is green right, I like green, I think Melania has green eyes, oh sorry, that was a porn star.

Only kidding not enough Russians or Saudis will support me if I buy Greenland with their gracious support.

Golf, I like to golf, yep golf, I like to golf yep did I say I like to golf, but I will be working hard in my head, count on it.

My new deal is more for me and my friends, not these cheering hat wearers but they still cheer, can you believe it?

Single handedly I wiped out ISIS no one else could do that I did in no time at all, bone spurs and all.

And even though my ties and Ivanka's clothing are made in third world nations that doesn't mean we don't like America's over paid workers lots.

I am not racist even though I do lots of things that are considered racist, just follow, stop thinking, be red hat fans.

Reality TV was where I was was made and today where America lives and kinda believes and cheers, great great great.

I failed in business but this president job is a real gem, use my own places and the Saudis and Russians contribute too, nice.

I made ignorance and stupidity republican traits and you thought I was a business failure, gotcha.

My Campaign in a nutshell: walls and whites, birtherism. more money for me, come on what else matters?

What does messianic mean, they keep saying I'm messianic, Melania you know, no, oh well.

Anyone who loves me should love Kimmie and Vladie too they my bros. Melania, what does autocrat mean?

"On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." H. L. Mencken
Inside The mind of our leader - the Trolling Messiah Thinks ???

I am the chosen one, only I can save you, you are my people, believe, oh and support me with visits too.

Now that Americans along with Saudis and Russians support us, we are one happy family.

I do my best work from my golf cart so Americans should be happy I'm always working.

Alabama thanked me for mentioning them with Dorian, they said my penmanship was great.

I know they shot a lot of people here in El Paso but did you see my rally crowds what fans, huge just huge.

Some call my fans snowflakes but they are my snowflakes, signs and cheers and all, I tell them things they believe.

How about those doctors who left their operating rooms in El Paso to greet me, my fans are everywhere.

Some call me Beelzebub, I love it, sounds so Trump like, that may be why Evangelicals love me so much.

Melania likes Kim too, he reminds her of me only shorter and not blond, similar haircut.

Parscale and Miller told me name calling works better than thinking, my fans follow and cheer, they must be on to something.

I'll get those immigrants, my benefactors are polluting the planet greatly, heat, floods will get em even if ICE doesn't.

There are no saints in my cheering crowds thank god, only happy hat wearers holding signs.

All red hat Whites vote for me, I make them laugh and promise them things they won't get, can you believe it.

Greenland is green right, I like green, I think Melania has green eyes, oh sorry, that was a porn star.

Only kidding not enough Russians or Saudis will support me if I buy Greenland with their gracious support.

Golf, I like to golf, yep golf, I like to golf yep did I say I like to golf, but I will be working hard in my head, count on it.

My new deal is more for me and my friends, not these cheering hat wearers but they still cheer, can you believe it?

Single handedly I wiped out ISIS no one else could do that I did in no time at all, bone spurs and all.

And even though my ties and Ivanka's clothing are made in third world nations that doesn't mean we don't like America's over paid workers lots.

I am not racist even though I do lots of things that are considered racist, just follow, stop thinking, be red hat fans.

Reality TV was where I was was made and today where America lives and kinda believes and cheers, great great great.

I failed in business but this president job is a real gem, use my own places and the Saudis and Russians contribute too, nice.

I made ignorance and stupidity republican traits and you thought I was a business failure, gotcha.

My Campaign in a nutshell: walls and whites, birtherism. more money for me, come on what else matters?

What does messianic mean, they keep saying I'm messianic, Melania you know, no, oh well.

Anyone who loves me should love Kimmie and Vladie too they my bros. Melania, what does autocrat mean?

"On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." H. L. Mencken
I've never seen so much idiocy in a single place.

Check out trump rallies on utube.
You mean Biden rallies, don't you? Calling them "rallies" is a joke in itself.
Inside The mind of our leader - the Trolling Messiah Thinks ???

I am the chosen one, only I can save you, you are my people, believe, oh and support me with visits too.

Now that Americans along with Saudis and Russians support us, we are one happy family.

I do my best work from my golf cart so Americans should be happy I'm always working.

Alabama thanked me for mentioning them with Dorian, they said my penmanship was great.

I know they shot a lot of people here in El Paso but did you see my rally crowds what fans, huge just huge.

Some call my fans snowflakes but they are my snowflakes, signs and cheers and all, I tell them things they believe.

How about those doctors who left their operating rooms in El Paso to greet me, my fans are everywhere.

Some call me Beelzebub, I love it, sounds so Trump like, that may be why Evangelicals love me so much.

Melania likes Kim too, he reminds her of me only shorter and not blond, similar haircut.

Parscale and Miller told me name calling works better than thinking, my fans follow and cheer, they must be on to something.

I'll get those immigrants, my benefactors are polluting the planet greatly, heat, floods will get em even if ICE doesn't.

There are no saints in my cheering crowds thank god, only happy hat wearers holding signs.

All red hat Whites vote for me, I make them laugh and promise them things they won't get, can you believe it.

Greenland is green right, I like green, I think Melania has green eyes, oh sorry, that was a porn star.

Only kidding not enough Russians or Saudis will support me if I buy Greenland with their gracious support.

Golf, I like to golf, yep golf, I like to golf yep did I say I like to golf, but I will be working hard in my head, count on it.

My new deal is more for me and my friends, not these cheering hat wearers but they still cheer, can you believe it?

Single handedly I wiped out ISIS no one else could do that I did in no time at all, bone spurs and all.

And even though my ties and Ivanka's clothing are made in third world nations that doesn't mean we don't like America's over paid workers lots.

I am not racist even though I do lots of things that are considered racist, just follow, stop thinking, be red hat fans.

Reality TV was where I was was made and today where America lives and kinda believes and cheers, great great great.

I failed in business but this president job is a real gem, use my own places and the Saudis and Russians contribute too, nice.

I made ignorance and stupidity republican traits and you thought I was a business failure, gotcha.

My Campaign in a nutshell: walls and whites, birtherism. more money for me, come on what else matters?

What does messianic mean, they keep saying I'm messianic, Melania you know, no, oh well.

Anyone who loves me should love Kimmie and Vladie too they my bros. Melania, what does autocrat mean?

"On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." H. L. Mencken
I've never seen so much idiocy in a single place.

Check out trump rallies on utube.
You mean Biden rallies, don't you? Calling them "rallies" is a joke in itself.

Like I said before, although I'm not a hillary fan, not that many people showed up at her events but she did win the popular vote by millions. I'm seeing trump as another hitler. Seems no matter what stupid things he says or does his fans go 'trump trump trump'. one link below.
Leading Civil Rights Lawyer Shows 20 Ways Trump Is Copying Hitler’s Early Rhetoric and Policies
-The Deep Hidden [?] Thoughts of DJT Revealed-

Hillary is a saint compared to me but my republican tools made her the devil thus our work on Biden, we sure play the people better than the Dem's do. Accuse accuse accuse and they follow.

Why do some republicans dislike me, they created the dishonest environment and I fit, surely I could not be a democrat or democratic or even American. Republicans paved the road, made it easy to play their base.

Deficits deficits who cares, that's only for democrats to care, only a talking point, no meaning today, republicans and corporations love my tax giveaway, if a Dems wins we reverse policy of course.

I tell my red hat fans things are 'PERFECT' just like me, they aren't readers or too sophisticated so I use words they understand. Simple words simple slogans.

Thank goodness Pence isn't too religious he likes the VP perks, so religion comes second or third, immigrant children and the poor don't matter when you fly around like a king. You go Mickey.

Face it folks Joe Biden is a better more honest person than me, but my fans don't care so long as I share their hatreds even when I don't. The labeling works, they cheer, how happy enemies makes people.

Staying at my Mar-a-lago pays the bills for my kids, they are like me, they know how to sponge off dad's new con job. Great great kids just like dad.

Gotta get the blacks to stay home again this election, they may just stay home anyway I sure love the blacks.

Don't you just luv my tweets, all lies and BS, and made up stuff, but Fox and my red hats listen and luv them too.

My third wife Melania is an airhead like the first two, but doesn't she look great in designer clothing we get for free. Just perfect. Be best and be best dressed, makes me look good next to her.

I just tell em the wall is being built and it is PERFECT and they cheer and follow like children in that fairy tale, you know the one they follow and cheer, makes me smile.

Just point to inner cities or elite coastal areas and my fans are so well trained you can rob them and they'd cheer and wish maybe they lived where we rich people live. Gated, away from the riffraff, my loyal fans.

Trade war keeps my fans occupied and happy, I don't care I still make sure the government is using my facilities, what a racket huh, kinda like a mob boss.

I'm not a conspiracy thinker I checked with Alex Jones and Manafort and they know or think it was Ukraine, who cares, I gotta keep Vlad happy hotel in Moscow here we come.

News folk, please stop telling my snowflakes they are cutting holes in our wall, that will make them sad, they are simple people unlike me who doesn't give a shat so long as I can use the wall to make them happy.

Darn Judges keep ruling against my cruel actions on families, how am I gonna keep my religious fans happy if I don't hurt children while they love cells, weird huh.

Who cares if Stephen Miller is a racist and white supremacist, I mostly agree and I don't like most people, only cats, get it.

Of course I want absolved war criminals to campaign for me, makes this draft dodger look kinda interested in the military.

I have to tell my military people not to tell me secrets of any sort I'm too much a braggart and never served anyway. Too hard for we privileged people. Let the poor serve.

Only 19 women, ah come on, I grabbed more cats than that, like my joke, cats. I'm smart ain't I. Smart to play this game and win. In business I ain't so good. Oh well.

Listen I've only used Russia Ukraine and China for dirt, Brad and Miller called around but they were finding dirt on me too often. Now Barr is covering the world looking for dirt, you think Hillary was accused of falsehoods wait till my presidential opponent shows up.

Healthcare what a joke, a great diversion I tell them I can do it, great things, that's for saints and good people, republicans ain't good and I fit right in. Who knew.

Bribery like deficits are only bad when the Dems are in power, quid pro quid is a republican value, words change meaning and our fans follow. Great great fans.

I gotta get AJ Barr to select judges like him, followers not thinkers. When you have the law in your pocket there is no need for gulags. We get another scotus choice and it will be too easy.

I will continue to use simple talk, it keeps the base happy and we'll continue to pollute and give tax benefits to wealthy, all is right in the worlds or at least America's privileged classes.

And my boys Parscale and Miller love Facebook's dishonest reporting, it is their primary job we have free speech right, doesn't mean it has to be honest does it.

Please folks don't share my true feelings, oh heck, share them no one believes media today, confusion reigns, ain't that great for me that is.

"These are just words. A bunch of words. It doesn't mean anything." Donald John Trump

Editors note: we are unsure how the writer was able to convey DJT vain but honest thought but we appreciate the clarity of these words.

'Trump speech analysis' "Trump did not emphasize democracy..."

Trump speech analysis: What words tell us about Trump
-The Deep Hidden [?] Thoughts of DJT Revealed-

Hillary is a saint compared to me but my republican tools made her the devil thus our work on Biden, we sure play the people better than the Dem's do. Accuse accuse accuse and they follow.

Why do some republicans dislike me, they created the dishonest environment and I fit, surely I could not be a democrat or democratic or even American. Republicans paved the road, made it easy to play their base.

Deficits deficits who cares, that's only for democrats to care, only a talking point, no meaning today, republicans and corporations love my tax giveaway, if a Dems wins we reverse policy of course.

I tell my red hat fans things are 'PERFECT' just like me, they aren't readers or too sophisticated so I use words they understand. Simple words simple slogans.

Thank goodness Pence isn't too religious he likes the VP perks, so religion comes second or third, immigrant children and the poor don't matter when you fly around like a king. You go Mickey.

Face it folks Joe Biden is a better more honest person than me, but my fans don't care so long as I share their hatreds even when I don't. The labeling works, they cheer, how happy enemies makes people.

Staying at my Mar-a-lago pays the bills for my kids, they are like me, they know how to sponge off dad's new con job. Great great kids just like dad.

Gotta get the blacks to stay home again this election, they may just stay home anyway I sure love the blacks.

Don't you just luv my tweets, all lies and BS, and made up stuff, but Fox and my red hats listen and luv them too.

My third wife Melania is an airhead like the first two, but doesn't she look great in designer clothing we get for free. Just perfect. Be best and be best dressed, makes me look good next to her.

I just tell em the wall is being built and it is PERFECT and they cheer and follow like children in that fairy tale, you know the one they follow and cheer, makes me smile.

Just point to inner cities or elite coastal areas and my fans are so well trained you can rob them and they'd cheer and wish maybe they lived where we rich people live. Gated, away from the riffraff, my loyal fans.

Trade war keeps my fans occupied and happy, I don't care I still make sure the government is using my facilities, what a racket huh, kinda like a mob boss.

I'm not a conspiracy thinker I checked with Alex Jones and Manafort and they know or think it was Ukraine, who cares, I gotta keep Vlad happy hotel in Moscow here we come.

News folk, please stop telling my snowflakes they are cutting holes in our wall, that will make them sad, they are simple people unlike me who doesn't give a shat so long as I can use the wall to make them happy.

Darn Judges keep ruling against my cruel actions on families, how am I gonna keep my religious fans happy if I don't hurt children while they love cells, weird huh.

Who cares if Stephen Miller is a racist and white supremacist, I mostly agree and I don't like most people, only cats, get it.

Of course I want absolved war criminals to campaign for me, makes this draft dodger look kinda interested in the military.

I have to tell my military people not to tell me secrets of any sort I'm too much a braggart and never served anyway. Too hard for we privileged people. Let the poor serve.

Only 19 women, ah come on, I grabbed more cats than that, like my joke, cats. I'm smart ain't I. Smart to play this game and win. In business I ain't so good. Oh well.

Listen I've only used Russia Ukraine and China for dirt, Brad and Miller called around but they were finding dirt on me too often. Now Barr is covering the world looking for dirt, you think Hillary was accused of falsehoods wait till my presidential opponent shows up.

Healthcare what a joke, a great diversion I tell them I can do it, great things, that's for saints and good people, republicans ain't good and I fit right in. Who knew.

Bribery like deficits are only bad when the Dems are in power, quid pro quid is a republican value, words change meaning and our fans follow. Great great fans.

I gotta get AJ Barr to select judges like him, followers not thinkers. When you have the law in your pocket there is no need for gulags. We get another scotus choice and it will be too easy.

I will continue to use simple talk, it keeps the base happy and we'll continue to pollute and give tax benefits to wealthy, all is right in the worlds or at least America's privileged classes.

And my boys Parscale and Miller love Facebook's dishonest reporting, it is their primary job we have free speech right, doesn't mean it has to be honest does it.

Please folks don't share my true feelings, oh heck, share them no one believes media today, confusion reigns, ain't that great for me that is.

"These are just words. A bunch of words. It doesn't mean anything." Donald John Trump

Editors note: we are unsure how the writer was able to convey DJT vain but honest thought but we appreciate the clarity of these words.

'Trump speech analysis' "Trump did not emphasize democracy..."

Trump speech analysis: What words tell us about Trump
Oddball, how you doing? Hope well. I still see some of the old posters, but many of the new republican or conservative posters appear to be troll like in the number of threads and posts. Too busy, which seems more like confusion rather than thought. Kinda like Trump and his sycophants. Did you read my Russian troll satirical piece. Years ago we discussed election trolls, today it appears we have constant trolls. Life is too short to waste it posting balderdash. Of course I am guilty too. My wife loves jeopardy, drives me crazy as many contestants are too fast for my old head. Anyway, take care.

Back on topic: Excellent analysis

'Impeachment Defenses' Impeachment Defenses

Russian Troll: CDZ - Russian Troll Talks

Edit: Full piece here as original was edited: Russian Troll Talks

And a few oldies for the interested reader.

Education For A Republican
Who should rule test?
A Conservative Wakes Up
CDZ - Information Sources
Last edited:
Inside The mind of our leader - the Trolling Messiah Thinks ???

I am the chosen one, only I can save you, you are my people, believe, oh and support me with visits too.

Now that Americans along with Saudis and Russians support us, we are one happy family.

I do my best work from my golf cart so Americans should be happy I'm always working.

Alabama thanked me for mentioning them with Dorian, they said my penmanship was great.

I know they shot a lot of people here in El Paso but did you see my rally crowds what fans, huge just huge.

Some call my fans snowflakes but they are my snowflakes, signs and cheers and all, I tell them things they believe.

How about those doctors who left their operating rooms in El Paso to greet me, my fans are everywhere.

Some call me Beelzebub, I love it, sounds so Trump like, that may be why Evangelicals love me so much.

Melania likes Kim too, he reminds her of me only shorter and not blond, similar haircut.

Parscale and Miller told me name calling works better than thinking, my fans follow and cheer, they must be on to something.

I'll get those immigrants, my benefactors are polluting the planet greatly, heat, floods will get em even if ICE doesn't.

There are no saints in my cheering crowds thank god, only happy hat wearers holding signs.

All red hat Whites vote for me, I make them laugh and promise them things they won't get, can you believe it.

Greenland is green right, I like green, I think Melania has green eyes, oh sorry, that was a porn star.

Only kidding not enough Russians or Saudis will support me if I buy Greenland with their gracious support.

Golf, I like to golf, yep golf, I like to golf yep did I say I like to golf, but I will be working hard in my head, count on it.

My new deal is more for me and my friends, not these cheering hat wearers but they still cheer, can you believe it?

Single handedly I wiped out ISIS no one else could do that I did in no time at all, bone spurs and all.

And even though my ties and Ivanka's clothing are made in third world nations that doesn't mean we don't like America's over paid workers lots.

I am not racist even though I do lots of things that are considered racist, just follow, stop thinking, be red hat fans.

Reality TV was where I was was made and today where America lives and kinda believes and cheers, great great great.

I failed in business but this president job is a real gem, use my own places and the Saudis and Russians contribute too, nice.

I made ignorance and stupidity republican traits and you thought I was a business failure, gotcha.

My Campaign in a nutshell: walls and whites, birtherism. more money for me, come on what else matters?

What does messianic mean, they keep saying I'm messianic, Melania you know, no, oh well.

Anyone who loves me should love Kimmie and Vladie too they my bros. Melania, what does autocrat mean?

"On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." H. L. Mencken
Spot on.
Inside The mind of our leader - the Trolling Messiah Thinks ???

I am the chosen one, only I can save you, you are my people, believe, oh and support me with visits too.

Now that Americans along with Saudis and Russians support us, we are one happy family.

I do my best work from my golf cart so Americans should be happy I'm always working.

Alabama thanked me for mentioning them with Dorian, they said my penmanship was great.

I know they shot a lot of people here in El Paso but did you see my rally crowds what fans, huge just huge.

Some call my fans snowflakes but they are my snowflakes, signs and cheers and all, I tell them things they believe.

How about those doctors who left their operating rooms in El Paso to greet me, my fans are everywhere.

Some call me Beelzebub, I love it, sounds so Trump like, that may be why Evangelicals love me so much.

Melania likes Kim too, he reminds her of me only shorter and not blond, similar haircut.

Parscale and Miller told me name calling works better than thinking, my fans follow and cheer, they must be on to something.

I'll get those immigrants, my benefactors are polluting the planet greatly, heat, floods will get em even if ICE doesn't.

There are no saints in my cheering crowds thank god, only happy hat wearers holding signs.

All red hat Whites vote for me, I make them laugh and promise them things they won't get, can you believe it.

Greenland is green right, I like green, I think Melania has green eyes, oh sorry, that was a porn star.

Only kidding not enough Russians or Saudis will support me if I buy Greenland with their gracious support.

Golf, I like to golf, yep golf, I like to golf yep did I say I like to golf, but I will be working hard in my head, count on it.

My new deal is more for me and my friends, not these cheering hat wearers but they still cheer, can you believe it?

Single handedly I wiped out ISIS no one else could do that I did in no time at all, bone spurs and all.

And even though my ties and Ivanka's clothing are made in third world nations that doesn't mean we don't like America's over paid workers lots.

I am not racist even though I do lots of things that are considered racist, just follow, stop thinking, be red hat fans.

Reality TV was where I was was made and today where America lives and kinda believes and cheers, great great great.

I failed in business but this president job is a real gem, use my own places and the Saudis and Russians contribute too, nice.

I made ignorance and stupidity republican traits and you thought I was a business failure, gotcha.

My Campaign in a nutshell: walls and whites, birtherism. more money for me, come on what else matters?

What does messianic mean, they keep saying I'm messianic, Melania you know, no, oh well.

Anyone who loves me should love Kimmie and Vladie too they my bros. Melania, what does autocrat mean?

"On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." H. L. Mencken
I've never seen so much idiocy in a single place.

Check out trump rallies on utube.
You mean Biden rallies, don't you? Calling them "rallies" is a joke in itself.

Like I said before, although I'm not a hillary fan, not that many people showed up at her events but she did win the popular vote by millions. I'm seeing trump as another hitler. Seems no matter what stupid things he says or does his fans go 'trump trump trump'. one link below.
Leading Civil Rights Lawyer Shows 20 Ways Trump Is Copying Hitler’s Early Rhetoric and Policies
Anyone who compares Trump to Hitler is suffering from brain damage.
Inside The mind of our leader - the Trolling Messiah Thinks ???

I am the chosen one, only I can save you, you are my people, believe, oh and support me with visits too.

Now that Americans along with Saudis and Russians support us, we are one happy family.

I do my best work from my golf cart so Americans should be happy I'm always working.

Alabama thanked me for mentioning them with Dorian, they said my penmanship was great.

I know they shot a lot of people here in El Paso but did you see my rally crowds what fans, huge just huge.

Some call my fans snowflakes but they are my snowflakes, signs and cheers and all, I tell them things they believe.

How about those doctors who left their operating rooms in El Paso to greet me, my fans are everywhere.

Some call me Beelzebub, I love it, sounds so Trump like, that may be why Evangelicals love me so much.

Melania likes Kim too, he reminds her of me only shorter and not blond, similar haircut.

Parscale and Miller told me name calling works better than thinking, my fans follow and cheer, they must be on to something.

I'll get those immigrants, my benefactors are polluting the planet greatly, heat, floods will get em even if ICE doesn't.

There are no saints in my cheering crowds thank god, only happy hat wearers holding signs.

All red hat Whites vote for me, I make them laugh and promise them things they won't get, can you believe it.

Greenland is green right, I like green, I think Melania has green eyes, oh sorry, that was a porn star.

Only kidding not enough Russians or Saudis will support me if I buy Greenland with their gracious support.

Golf, I like to golf, yep golf, I like to golf yep did I say I like to golf, but I will be working hard in my head, count on it.

My new deal is more for me and my friends, not these cheering hat wearers but they still cheer, can you believe it?

Single handedly I wiped out ISIS no one else could do that I did in no time at all, bone spurs and all.

And even though my ties and Ivanka's clothing are made in third world nations that doesn't mean we don't like America's over paid workers lots.

I am not racist even though I do lots of things that are considered racist, just follow, stop thinking, be red hat fans.

Reality TV was where I was was made and today where America lives and kinda believes and cheers, great great great.

I failed in business but this president job is a real gem, use my own places and the Saudis and Russians contribute too, nice.

I made ignorance and stupidity republican traits and you thought I was a business failure, gotcha.

My Campaign in a nutshell: walls and whites, birtherism. more money for me, come on what else matters?

What does messianic mean, they keep saying I'm messianic, Melania you know, no, oh well.

Anyone who loves me should love Kimmie and Vladie too they my bros. Melania, what does autocrat mean?

"On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." H. L. Mencken
I've never seen so much idiocy in a single place.

Check out trump rallies on utube.
You mean Biden rallies, don't you? Calling them "rallies" is a joke in itself.

Like I said before, although I'm not a hillary fan, not that many people showed up at her events but she did win the popular vote by millions. I'm seeing trump as another hitler. Seems no matter what stupid things he says or does his fans go 'trump trump trump'. one link below.
Leading Civil Rights Lawyer Shows 20 Ways Trump Is Copying Hitler’s Early Rhetoric and Policies
Anyone who compares Trump to Hitler is suffering from brain damage.

Republicans are in denial about trump. Either that or they just depend on the likes of know nothings like rush, hannity, and the fox news team for their info and do no research on their own. I did vote for trump but little by little realized this guy is a monster in the making. Seems like you people who continue to defend him are either hypnotized, stupid, or a combination of both if you still don't see what's happening. One link below about bad dudes pulling the wool over the sheep's eyes.

What My Escape From Hitler’s Germany Taught Me About Trump’s America
I've never seen so much idiocy in a single place.

Check out trump rallies on utube.
You mean Biden rallies, don't you? Calling them "rallies" is a joke in itself.

Like I said before, although I'm not a hillary fan, not that many people showed up at her events but she did win the popular vote by millions. I'm seeing trump as another hitler. Seems no matter what stupid things he says or does his fans go 'trump trump trump'. one link below.
Leading Civil Rights Lawyer Shows 20 Ways Trump Is Copying Hitler’s Early Rhetoric and Policies
Anyone who compares Trump to Hitler is suffering from brain damage.

Republicans are in denial about trump. Either that or they just depend on the likes of know nothings like rush, hannity, and the fox news team for their info and do no research on their own. I did vote for trump but little by little realized this guy is a monster in the making. Seems like you people who continue to defend him are either hypnotized, stupid, or a combination of both if you still don't see what's happening. One link below about bad dudes pulling the wool over the sheep's eyes.

What My Escape From Hitler’s Germany Taught Me About Trump’s America
No one believes you voted for Trump, douchebag.
If you believe trumps people didn't talk to Russians ,that Russians didn't fk with our elections THEN you believe the watergate break under Nixon was just a 3rd rate burglary too

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