This woman demanded that a soldier removes his service dog from a restaurant...


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

Ok there is and was no reason for this bs, as the dumb bitch screams WHORE, says FK U bitch etc.. Mmm k she's so worry about her kid but uses those words.
What was a "service dog" doing in a restaurant? Was the "Soldier" in uniform? These so-called "service dogs" seem to be everywhere and 99% of the time they perform no function other than peeing on the freaking floor.
What was a "service dog" doing in a restaurant? Was the "Soldier" in uniform? These so-called "service dogs" seem to be everywhere and 99% of the time they perform no function other than peeing on the freaking floor.

I take the kids to see veterans. A few have service dogs, wonderful dogs and a few help the vets with PTSD. Dont be quick to judge on this
She's black. This is what they do. Why do we still allow them in public without a keeper?

Service animals are allowed everywhere. You might be thinking of emotional support animals which are usually phony.
Whoever is in charge of that place should've called the law and had them haul her hump right out of there if she had no intention of shutting up. Yeah she has a right to put her crap out there, but when you find yourself outnumbered like she obviously was, what do you think is going to happen if you do not give it a rest?

God bless you and those who fell victim to her attack always!!!


P.S. The fact that her outburst didn't get the dog worked up to me speaks volumes.
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So-called "service animals" used to be limited to assist the infirm and now the definition has been expanded to "comfort animals". In other words depressed democrats who can't seem to cope with last year's election are able to drag a mutt into a restaurant for comfort regardless of the discomfort of other patrons. We need to know a hell of a lot more about this story before we allow ourselves to become outraged by the propaganda.
It's clear that a lot of people do not know exactly what a "service dog" is or how it is trained to support its owner.
Service dog or not, they can be a problem. My good friend was put in a life-threatening situation by one...he is allergic to dogs, and athsmatic. The dog resulted in an ambulance ride, overnight in the hospital on oxygen, and 2 days off work.
In my American city, I have noticed that not a few people take their emotional support dogs into supermarkets.

The stores usually have a clear sign: "NO DOGS" (except service dogs).

But not a few people feel that the rules do not apply to them.

So they walk in with the attitude of "What are you going to do about it?"

The usual answer is: Nothing. (The staff do not want a confrontation.)


I am a senior citizen.

I have seen our country go from a place where the laws were too strict to a place where people think that they can do anything they want (and often do).
Service dog or not, they can be a problem. My good friend was put in a life-threatening situation by one...he is allergic to dogs, and athsmatic. The dog resulted in an ambulance ride, overnight in the hospital on oxygen, and 2 days off work.

But you are ok with third world idiots working in a restaurant serving food and they use their hands to wipe their asses. Oh wait that's just a conspiracy. I bet you voted for Obama and Clinton .
What was a "service dog" doing in a restaurant? Was the "Soldier" in uniform? These so-called "service dogs" seem to be everywhere and 99% of the time they perform no function other than peeing on the freaking floor.

One of the offices where I worked had to research the whole *emotional therapy pet* *service pet* thing because some crazy person brought a giant cockatoo into the office and it was terrorizing people.

In Oregon, the animal has to have been trained to perform an actual task. So long as they know what the task is and affirm that the animal has had actual training to perform it, they are ok.

But like every other privilege granted to those who are truly disabled, who truly need them...the fags and mentally ill have seized upon and abused the privilege, claiming it for themselves, so that instead of it being a way to accomodate those who truly need it, it has become a stick that they beat those around them with.

More mental hospitals, more prisons, and leave the nuts in them. After a generation, we'll have a lot less crime, a lot less crazies walking the streets and making things difficult for everybody.

That lady should have been locked up for good long before she whelped.
Service dog or not, they can be a problem. My good friend was put in a life-threatening situation by one...he is allergic to dogs, and athsmatic. The dog resulted in an ambulance ride, overnight in the hospital on oxygen, and 2 days off work.

But you are ok with third world idiots working in a restaurant serving food and they use their hands to wipe their asses. Oh wait that's just a conspiracy. I bet you voted for Obama and Clinton .
Now You Can Legally Defecate and Urinate on Denver Sidewalks (Thanks, Liberals!)
Service dog or not, they can be a problem. My good friend was put in a life-threatening situation by one...he is allergic to dogs, and athsmatic. The dog resulted in an ambulance ride, overnight in the hospital on oxygen, and 2 days off work.

In case you thought I was kidding about ppl shitting in food basically and yes it is going on in the US too.


Algerian who sprayed food with faeces still not deported | Daily Mail Online

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