This would be HUGE!!! Mark Halperin hints Sarah Palin will endorse Trump tomorrow in Iowa!!!

Palin is as dumb as dumb can be but if it helps Trump so be it. I do agree with another member that it will hurt him in the general election. Palin is a wacko and will be used as fodder.

He'll flat out lose the general election if he appoints her as his VP but I think he's smart enough not to choose her
It is amazing but not surprising how much hatred the mere mention of her name brings out in the Democrats.

You're unamazingly stupid.

Those horns in your avatar. Did your wife put it there for you? Tell him not embarrass you in public like that.

They're antlers, not horns, city boy.

You are unamazingly stupid.
Nope...he just chooses to have pity on you and ignore your family attack....something I choose not to do....yes, we know what you were hinting at....
The mere mention of Governor Sarah Palin is sheer genius.

t will bring out the evil misogyny of the Democrats for everyone to see.
Yes...because no one is allowed to question the motives, the smarts, or the political ideas of a female....she's bullet proof from appropriate criticism because of her gender.

Is it kind of like no one is supposed to question the motives, the smarts, or the political ideas of the rape enabler, lying Democrat candidate? Is she bullet proof from appropriate criticism because of her gender? Or the name Clinton makes her impervious to well deserved doubts about her integrity?
Who are you talking about...."rape enabler"?

You don't know? The rape enabler is Hillary who all her life encouraged and enabled Bill to dilly-dally with, rape, force himself on any and all females in a fifty mile circle around them as long as she gets the leftovers.
The mere mention of Governor Sarah Palin is sheer genius.

t will bring out the evil misogyny of the Democrats for everyone to see.
Yes...because no one is allowed to question the motives, the smarts, or the political ideas of a female....she's bullet proof from appropriate criticism because of her gender.

Is it kind of like no one is supposed to question the motives, the smarts, or the political ideas of the rape enabler, lying Democrat candidate? Is she bullet proof from appropriate criticism because of her gender? Or the name Clinton makes her impervious to well deserved doubts about her integrity?
Who are you talking about...."rape enabler"?

You don't know? The rape enabler is Hillary who all her life encouraged and enabled Bill to dilly-dally with, rape, force himself on any and all females in a fifty mile circle around them as long as she gets the leftovers. are saying that when a man cheats on his wife, she's a "rape enabler"? Interesting how you put blame on the wife in these cases. And what do you mean by "leftovers"? You certainly seem afraid to just come out and say what you mean today.
The mere mention of Governor Sarah Palin is sheer genius.

t will bring out the evil misogyny of the Democrats for everyone to see.
Yes...because no one is allowed to question the motives, the smarts, or the political ideas of a female....she's bullet proof from appropriate criticism because of her gender.

Is it kind of like no one is supposed to question the motives, the smarts, or the political ideas of the rape enabler, lying Democrat candidate? Is she bullet proof from appropriate criticism because of her gender? Or the name Clinton makes her impervious to well deserved doubts about her integrity?
Who are you talking about...."rape enabler"?

You don't know? The rape enabler is Hillary who all her life encouraged and enabled Bill to dilly-dally with, rape, force himself on any and all females in a fifty mile circle around them as long as she gets the leftovers. are saying that when a man cheats on his wife, she's a "rape enabler"? Interesting how you put blame on the wife in these cases. And what do you mean by "leftovers"? You certainly seem afraid to just come out and say what you mean today.

Any decent wife, any decent woman would have kicked hubby to the curb after all the public humiliation Hillary had to go thru. Note that I did not say "had to suffer", because Hillary certainly did not suffer. She enjoyed the limelight of her husband's infidelity, his utter disrespect of her, his virtual smack of her face.

Hillary would put up with any and all humiliation in order to further her vain and never to became reality dream of being the first female president and nothing to stop her to achieve that dream.

Well, in 2008 she was stopped by a (half) black man whom she detested but kissed his ass by being his so called secretary of state.

In 2016 she will be stopped by a radical and insane Jew who is not even a member of the party that Hillary belongs to.

This woman is a born loser. Her survival on the political stage has been for her connections, now severely unreveling by her own lies and stupidity.

Could not happen to an uglier person.
Yes...because no one is allowed to question the motives, the smarts, or the political ideas of a female....she's bullet proof from appropriate criticism because of her gender.

Is it kind of like no one is supposed to question the motives, the smarts, or the political ideas of the rape enabler, lying Democrat candidate? Is she bullet proof from appropriate criticism because of her gender? Or the name Clinton makes her impervious to well deserved doubts about her integrity?
Who are you talking about...."rape enabler"?

You don't know? The rape enabler is Hillary who all her life encouraged and enabled Bill to dilly-dally with, rape, force himself on any and all females in a fifty mile circle around them as long as she gets the leftovers. are saying that when a man cheats on his wife, she's a "rape enabler"? Interesting how you put blame on the wife in these cases. And what do you mean by "leftovers"? You certainly seem afraid to just come out and say what you mean today.

Any decent wife, any decent woman would have kicked hubby to the curb after all the public humiliation Hillary had to go thru. Note that I did not say "had to suffer", because Hillary certainly did not suffer. She enjoyed the limelight of her husband's infidelity, his utter disrespect of her, his virtual smack of her face.

Hillary would put up with any and all humiliation in order to further her vain and never to became reality dream of being the first female president and nothing to stop her to achieve that dream.

Well, in 2008 she was stopped by a (half) black man whom she detested but kissed his ass by being his so called secretary of state.

In 2016 she will be stopped by a radical and insane Jew who is not even a member of the party that Hillary belongs to.

This woman is a born loser. Her survival on the political stage has been for her connections, now severely unreveling by her own lies and stupidity.

Could not happen to an uglier person.

So....who made YOU the official arbitrator of what married couples do if one of them is a philanderer? Can we see a picture of your "Marriage Police" badge?
Palin is as dumb as dumb can be but if it helps Trump so be it. I do agree with another member that it will hurt him in the general election. Palin is a wacko and will be used as fodder.

He'll flat out lose the general election if he appoints her as his VP but I think he's smart enough not to choose her

Dumber than Nancy Pelosi? Dumber the Jeb Bush? The man's an imbecile.
Palin doesn't even agree with Trump on many issues. She is desperately trying to leap on what she thinks is the bandwagon.
Palin is as dumb as dumb can be but if it helps Trump so be it. I do agree with another member that it will hurt him in the general election. Palin is a wacko and will be used as fodder.

He'll flat out lose the general election if he appoints her as his VP but I think he's smart enough not to choose her

Dumber than Nancy Pelosi? Dumber the Jeb Bush? The man's an imbecile.

Are you smarter than Sarah Palin?
Another act of genius with Palin.... Takes away MANY Tea Party and Patriots that were leaning to Ted, also causes the MSM and the subversives idiots on USMB, and RINO moderates to continue to talk about Trump and Palin, thus SHUTTING OUT all other candidates, keeping Trump FIRST in the mind of most voters.....also completely shuts out ANYTHING that the lying, corrupt, criminal, murderous Hildebeast would have to say to the public..... BTW, where is the Hildebeast today, or for that matter, any of the other Republicans?..... PR taken to the NEXT LEVEL!!!
The Palin endorsement is going to fling the GOP establishment into a full on rage, Trump is taking them to school. :eusa_clap:
Only today''s Republicans would celebrate getting an endorsement from the dumbest, least successful person in GOP politics. Ah, for the days before the GOP was co-opted by religious zealots, reality show hosts/televangelists, and those fixated on shiny objects like Sarah Palin (and of course those so obsessed with the Clintons they can't think straight).
Intelligent, thoughtful, reasonable, conservatives are not extinct, but the GOP electorate by and large won't give them the time of day. Sad.

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