This year’s college grads think they’ll earn over $100,000 from their first job.

That is the ironic part, productivity has never been higher in the US.

Most civilized countries have found that you do not have to work 70 hours to be productive.
The productivity may be "highest ever" but it's still not enough to:
  • Lower the deficit
  • Lower inflation
  • Raise wages
  • Reduce costs to borrowing
Basically, people have stopped working because they are lazy shits and entitled morons. They will soon learn that "daddy Democrats" won't save them, and they will be eating cat food in about 2 years.
Where have people stopped working? That's hogwash. Yes things are a mess but it has NOTHING to do with work ethic nor people not working. BAD businesses can't find workers and I fully SUPPORT that they struggle.
Where have people stopped working? That's hogwash. Yes things are a mess but it has NOTHING to do with work ethic nor people not working. BAD businesses can't find workers and I fully SUPPORT that they struggle.
It's the "Labor Participation Rate" duh.

So most of America is a bad business now? Which is it? Highest productivity or bad business? LOLOL

You Democrats are so fucking stupid
If a business needs workers it's solely on them to attract the workers. If they can't then they need to change things. They aren't owed laborers as you seem to think.
The productivity may be "highest ever" but it's still not enough to:
  • Lower the deficit
  • Lower inflation
  • Raise wages
  • Reduce costs to borrowing
Basically, people have stopped working because they are lazy shits and entitled morons. They will soon learn that "daddy Democrats" won't save them, and they will be eating cat food in about 2 years.

People could work 1000 hours a week and it would do nothing to lower the deficit because workers do not make the deficit, the fucks you vote into office do.

The rest of you post is even more fucking stupid than the idea workers control the fucking deficit.
It's the "Labor Participation Rate" duh.

Starting to head back up after it crashed under Trump

There is some truth to this. The younger generation is finally deciding that there is more to living than working. They look around at the most of the indusltarlized world and say "why are we killing ourselves for our employers??

For my generation it was a point of pride to brag about working 70 or even 90 hours a week. Today it is looked at with scorn. Personally I see this a good thing.
That's how I made my $Million. :)
there are a lot of those on this forum. Hell one of the folks on here claims ot have made 300 million plus on BitCoin.

Fun times!
One $Million isn't that much. It took me until I was 80 to reach it. I have a good income and a spartan lifestyle. At this point it's just numbers. It does make life better, not having to worry, or even really think, about money. My kids will get most of it, hopefully making their lives better.
One $Million isn't that much. It took me until I was 80 to reach it. I have a good income and a spartan lifestyle. At this point it's just numbers. It does make life better, not having to worry, or even really think, about money. My kids will get most of it, hopefully making their lives better.

What is the point of a spartan lifestyle if you cannot enjoy life till you are 80?

The trick in life is to have the right mix of saving for the future but also living today.
What is the point of a spartan lifestyle if you cannot enjoy life till you are 80?

The trick in life is to have the right mix of saving for the future but also living today.
I thoroughly enjoy my life. My enjoyment just doesn't cost that much.

It may be of interest that I'm nearly through a project to see how cheaply I can eat and remain healthy and energetic. I've gotten my monthly food costs down to $126, but my goal is $120 (I actually believe I can get it down to $100). I'm actually doing it to demonstrate the savings possibility by reducing food costs. For most families the savings would be substantial, all the while maintaining or even improving health, as people generally eat way too much.
I thoroughly enjoy my life. My enjoyment just doesn't cost that much.

That is good to hear, most people do not equate "spartan" with enjoyment.

The wife and I were in both our opinions too focused on retirement and not enough on "now'. So we found a new financial planner and now focus on both. My brother-in-law died 2 years before he had planned to retire. Was diagnosed with a hereditary heart condition and was dead 6 months later. While they had a good life there was also a lot of things they put off for retirement.

If we do nothing different than we are doing now over the next 10 years we will have about 150 grand a year when we retire till the age of 92 and then run out of money. But we will do more as our expense will get smaller when we are no longer partially supporting our youngest and we will both make more each year.

But at the same time we were able to take a trip to Florida for 5 days and get away from it all.

It may be of interest that I'm nearly through a project to see how cheaply I can eat and remain healthy and energetic. I've gotten my monthly food costs down to $126, but my goal is $120 (I actually believe I can get it down to $100). I'm actually doing it to demonstrate the savings possibility by reducing food costs. For most families the savings would be substantial, all the while maintaining or even improving health, as people generally eat way too much.

Interesting project. We spend way more than that, but still have our youngest living at home for the time being. Also, we buy quality regardless of price. I do agree most people, including us eat too much. But we spend more on quality than quantity.

We were a one income, 4 person home for much of our marriage and could not afford "good" things, now we buy what we want and eat what we want. Since retiring from the Marines and having more time on my hands I have been able to pursue my passion for baking/cooking. It is not always a cheap hobby!
Tuition Is Bribery

"Earn" is the wrong word to use for the money extracted in the jobs their Daddies, or the Great Rainbow Father in Washington, bought for them.
These unfit brats and brown-noses are the hidden reason the American economy has steadily declined from its peak in the 1950s, when one-third of even the CEOs had not graduated from college.
Are you...on LSD?
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