Thomas Sowell lists hilary's lack of accomplishment in her lifetime in politics...

Thomas Sowell, the economist, he is the right's version of the left wing's Paul Krugman, the economist.
Both are highly partisan economists who post articles in right/left hyper-partisan news sources/blogs. They both write articles, who's design is to fire up their ideologue base.
Thusly, they aren't exactly being objective with their thoughts. I have always been under the impression, that objectivity trumps partisanship every time when it comes to intellectual honesty.

But, you said nothing about his opinion as expressed in the Original Post. It made sense to me without regard to who wrote it.

Can you refute it?

What about what he said?

Do you have anything for that?

Note: They can't attack his argument so they attack him. That's a typical leftwing propaganda technique.

I'll take Dr. Thomas Sowell's words on things than any liberal/Democrat trying to discredit him. and He's usually RIGHT on the money

But, you said nothing about his opinion as expressed in the Original Post. It made sense to me without regard to who wrote it.

Can you refute it?

What about what he said?

Do you have anything for that?

Note: They can't attack his argument so they attack him. That's a typical leftwing propaganda technique.

Hmmm, it seems to me that I also"attacked" Krugman, but BriPat completely ignores that fact and I did it twice, just like Sowell.
Secondly, my posts didn't attack, it was more like discounting both Krugman and Sowell's opinions as they are political hacks.
If you want to get sucked in by hyper-partisanship, that's your problem. And it is a problem. BriPat, every one here knows you are an unwavering political hack who marches to just one drummer.
In my occupational field, no one lasts too long by just utilizing just one opinion, never. That's the playing field successful businesses use to expand business and to continue to be successful, looking at a variety of ideas objectively and then deciding the course they will take.

I always love it when people like you accuse us of not looking at a variety of ideas objectively and then deciding on a course they will take....when we choose one course over another that you either disagree with or want take both sides of to seem superior....for some reason.....I have been watching politics and the left and right divide for 30 years or more....and I have objectively decided that the left and what it stands for is destructive and foolish...having looked at many opinions by many different sides.....but thanks for playing....

Both parties have migrated away from the center. It seems that almost every day this country faces a changing world. Different problems are not solved my a single-minded approach. Which is why I used the business model approach which is different than how government approach issues/problems. Businesses evolve, Washington/our government doesn't evolve as it is driven by just two trains of thought. This leads to fewer solutions and fewer approaches.
We have a polarization issue within our government which gets worse day by day. The term "do nothing Congress" has been around ever since the polarization stopped exploring and exchanging ideas for consideration. If businesses used the same approach, they would fail. There's a reason why congress (no matter who is/was in control), gets such poor marks.
This country is being led by two ideologies and neither one represents the majority of the populace. A majority of Americans are much more to the center than either ideology. More Americans identify themselves as moderates/centralist than ever before and they are, without a doubt the largest segment of the American public. I would guess the reason for that is because both ideologies have gotten more extreme and don't recognize the will of the people. The last election clearly showed the apathy of the American public directed towards both political parties. Having the lowest voter turnout since 1942 (which was while the world was at war), says a lot.
We have problems/issues buddy. While the ideologies squabble, the world passes us by.

No, most identify as "moderate" because it sounds better when they answer a poll question.....and how do you see the Republican landslide of the congressional elections as "apathy?" And if people aren't willing to study the issues enough to vote then I don't really care if they stay home....

Most people don't understand the deeper issues involved in the life of this country.....

Did you stop to figure out that as only 36.3% of the voters turned out and the GOP garnered 52% of all votes, what it meant statistically? Now do the math, the GOP won about 19% of all the eligible voters vote. That's quite a mandate! :disbelief:
Regarding your claim about moderates, two separate exits polls in 2012 (one by Fox News) showed 44% of voters identified themselves as moderates, plus every single poll done regarding voter leanings have shown the same about the same thing. Is it a conspiracy by all right/left/neutral poll takers?:dunno::laugh:
Last edited:
And the revolution that freed this country was only supported by 1/3 of the people...if that.....were the moderates important then as well....?
Thread is now three pages long and not a single attempt to defend Hillary Clinton on her incredible lack of accomplishments in the various jobs she's been given simply because she's Bill Clinton's bogus wife.

THAT was what the O.P. was about. Any of you Socialists want to try to defend your next Democratic nominee against the charge that she's lazy and incompetent?

Any of you proud of her for making the Russian Ambassador push that ridiculous Red ReSet Button? That's about all she did as Secretary of State--beside hide Taxpayer owned e-mails.
Hmmmm....seems to me obama passed obamacare with only 1/3 support of the American people...and no Republican votes at all....seems like a lot can be done even when the American people don't vote.....
Thread is now three pages long and not a single attempt to defend Hillary Clinton on her incredible lack of accomplishments in the various jobs she's been given simply because she's Bill Clinton's wife.

THAT was what the O.P. was about. Any of you Socialists want to try to defend your next Democratic nominee?

Excellent point....but defending hilary would require a lot of lying....and they have to save up their energy for the entire election cycle.....
Thomas Sowell, the economist, he is the right's version of the left wing's Paul Krugman, the economist.
Both are highly partisan economists who post articles in right/left hyper-partisan news sources/blogs. They both write articles, who's design is to fire up their ideologue base.
Thusly, they aren't exactly being objective with their thoughts. I have always been under the impression, that objectivity trumps partisanship every time when it comes to intellectual honesty.

Sowell's credentials aren't the issue. What he says is either right or wrong based on the facts and logic he presents. Only left-wing turds think the correctness of a statement is determined by the credentials of the person who authors it.

The Irony fairy is on the way ...weeeee!
Thomas Sowell is a rightwing partisan hack devoid of credibility, and whose opinions are without merit.

Otherwise this is more evidence of the right's pathetic desperation.

In other words, you are unable to dispute his argument as well.

Thanks for playing!
You're also a rightwing partisan hack devoid of credibility, and whose opinions are without merit.

But, you said nothing about his opinion as expressed in the Original Post. It made sense to me without regard to who wrote it.

Can you refute it?

What about what he said?

Do you have anything for that?

Note: They can't attack his argument so they attack him. That's a typical leftwing propaganda technique.

Hmmm, it seems to me that I also"attacked" Krugman, but BriPat completely ignores that fact and I did it twice, just like Sowell.
Secondly, my posts didn't attack, it was more like discounting both Krugman and Sowell's opinions as they are political hacks.
If you want to get sucked in by hyper-partisanship, that's your problem. And it is a problem. BriPat, every one here knows you are an unwavering political hack who marches to just one drummer.
In my occupational field, no one lasts too long by just utilizing just one opinion, never. That's the playing field successful businesses use to expand business and to continue to be successful, looking at a variety of ideas objectively and then deciding the course they will take.

I always love it when people like you accuse us of not looking at a variety of ideas objectively and then deciding on a course they will take....when we choose one course over another that you either disagree with or want take both sides of to seem superior....for some reason.....I have been watching politics and the left and right divide for 30 years or more....and I have objectively decided that the left and what it stands for is destructive and foolish...having looked at many opinions by many different sides.....but thanks for playing....

Both parties have migrated away from the center. It seems that almost every day this country faces a changing world. Different problems are not solved my a single-minded approach. Which is why I used the business model approach which is different than how government approach issues/problems. Businesses evolve, Washington/our government doesn't evolve as it is driven by just two trains of thought. This leads to fewer solutions and fewer approaches.
We have a polarization issue within our government which gets worse day by day. The term "do nothing Congress" has been around ever since the polarization stopped exploring and exchanging ideas for consideration. If businesses used the same approach, they would fail. There's a reason why congress (no matter who is/was in control), gets such poor marks.
This country is being led by two ideologies and neither one represents the majority of the populace. A majority of Americans are much more to the center than either ideology. More Americans identify themselves as moderates/centralist than ever before and they are, without a doubt the largest segment of the American public. I would guess the reason for that is because both ideologies have gotten more extreme and don't recognize the will of the people. The last election clearly showed the apathy of the American public directed towards both political parties. Having the lowest voter turnout since 1942 (which was while the world was at war), says a lot.
We have problems/issues buddy. While the ideologies squabble, the world passes us by.

No, most identify as "moderate" because it sounds better when they answer a poll question.....and how do you see the Republican landslide of the congressional elections as "apathy?" And if people aren't willing to study the issues enough to vote then I don't really care if they stay home....

Most people don't understand the deeper issues involved in the life of this country.....

Actually, the more people study the issues, the more they tend to lean one way or the other. "Moderates" tend to be ignorant boobs who don't care about politics and don't know anything about politics.
Thomas Sowell, the economist, he is the right's version of the left wing's Paul Krugman, the economist.
Both are highly partisan economists who post articles in right/left hyper-partisan news sources/blogs. They both write articles, who's design is to fire up their ideologue base.
Thusly, they aren't exactly being objective with their thoughts. I have always been under the impression, that objectivity trumps partisanship every time when it comes to intellectual honesty.

Sowell's credentials aren't the issue. What he says is either right or wrong based on the facts and logic he presents. Only left-wing turds think the correctness of a statement is determined by the credentials of the person who authors it.

The Irony fairy is on the way ...weeeee!

Where's the irony?
Thread is now three pages long and not a single attempt to defend Hillary Clinton on her incredible lack of accomplishments in the various jobs she's been given simply because she's Bill Clinton's bogus wife.

THAT was what the O.P. was about. Any of you Socialists want to try to defend your next Democratic nominee against the charge that she's lazy and incompetent?

Any of you proud of her for making the Russian Ambassador push that ridiculous Red ReSet Button? That's about all she did as Secretary of State--beside hide Taxpayer owned e-mails.

Myself, I could care less about Hillary.
My thing on this thread is that I get pretty damn tired of threads that are based on hyper-partisan opinions that aren't objective at all. This thread is like preaching to the choir, only the choir cares about an opinion that's to their liking.
Note: They can't attack his argument so they attack him. That's a typical leftwing propaganda technique.

Hmmm, it seems to me that I also"attacked" Krugman, but BriPat completely ignores that fact and I did it twice, just like Sowell.
Secondly, my posts didn't attack, it was more like discounting both Krugman and Sowell's opinions as they are political hacks.
If you want to get sucked in by hyper-partisanship, that's your problem. And it is a problem. BriPat, every one here knows you are an unwavering political hack who marches to just one drummer.
In my occupational field, no one lasts too long by just utilizing just one opinion, never. That's the playing field successful businesses use to expand business and to continue to be successful, looking at a variety of ideas objectively and then deciding the course they will take.

I always love it when people like you accuse us of not looking at a variety of ideas objectively and then deciding on a course they will take....when we choose one course over another that you either disagree with or want take both sides of to seem superior....for some reason.....I have been watching politics and the left and right divide for 30 years or more....and I have objectively decided that the left and what it stands for is destructive and foolish...having looked at many opinions by many different sides.....but thanks for playing....

Both parties have migrated away from the center. It seems that almost every day this country faces a changing world. Different problems are not solved my a single-minded approach. Which is why I used the business model approach which is different than how government approach issues/problems. Businesses evolve, Washington/our government doesn't evolve as it is driven by just two trains of thought. This leads to fewer solutions and fewer approaches.
We have a polarization issue within our government which gets worse day by day. The term "do nothing Congress" has been around ever since the polarization stopped exploring and exchanging ideas for consideration. If businesses used the same approach, they would fail. There's a reason why congress (no matter who is/was in control), gets such poor marks.
This country is being led by two ideologies and neither one represents the majority of the populace. A majority of Americans are much more to the center than either ideology. More Americans identify themselves as moderates/centralist than ever before and they are, without a doubt the largest segment of the American public. I would guess the reason for that is because both ideologies have gotten more extreme and don't recognize the will of the people. The last election clearly showed the apathy of the American public directed towards both political parties. Having the lowest voter turnout since 1942 (which was while the world was at war), says a lot.
We have problems/issues buddy. While the ideologies squabble, the world passes us by.

No, most identify as "moderate" because it sounds better when they answer a poll question.....and how do you see the Republican landslide of the congressional elections as "apathy?" And if people aren't willing to study the issues enough to vote then I don't really care if they stay home....

Most people don't understand the deeper issues involved in the life of this country.....

Actually, the more people study the issues, the more they tend to lean one way or the other. "Moderates" tend to be ignorant boobs who don't care about politics and don't know anything about politics.

Oh boy, another great opinion from an ideological goose-stepper.
Do you wait to wipe your ass until you get instruction on how to wipe your ass from your ideological masters?
I would think in your case the answer is "yes".
Hmmm, it seems to me that I also"attacked" Krugman, but BriPat completely ignores that fact and I did it twice, just like Sowell.
Secondly, my posts didn't attack, it was more like discounting both Krugman and Sowell's opinions as they are political hacks.
If you want to get sucked in by hyper-partisanship, that's your problem. And it is a problem. BriPat, every one here knows you are an unwavering political hack who marches to just one drummer.
In my occupational field, no one lasts too long by just utilizing just one opinion, never. That's the playing field successful businesses use to expand business and to continue to be successful, looking at a variety of ideas objectively and then deciding the course they will take.

I always love it when people like you accuse us of not looking at a variety of ideas objectively and then deciding on a course they will take....when we choose one course over another that you either disagree with or want take both sides of to seem superior....for some reason.....I have been watching politics and the left and right divide for 30 years or more....and I have objectively decided that the left and what it stands for is destructive and foolish...having looked at many opinions by many different sides.....but thanks for playing....

Both parties have migrated away from the center. It seems that almost every day this country faces a changing world. Different problems are not solved my a single-minded approach. Which is why I used the business model approach which is different than how government approach issues/problems. Businesses evolve, Washington/our government doesn't evolve as it is driven by just two trains of thought. This leads to fewer solutions and fewer approaches.
We have a polarization issue within our government which gets worse day by day. The term "do nothing Congress" has been around ever since the polarization stopped exploring and exchanging ideas for consideration. If businesses used the same approach, they would fail. There's a reason why congress (no matter who is/was in control), gets such poor marks.
This country is being led by two ideologies and neither one represents the majority of the populace. A majority of Americans are much more to the center than either ideology. More Americans identify themselves as moderates/centralist than ever before and they are, without a doubt the largest segment of the American public. I would guess the reason for that is because both ideologies have gotten more extreme and don't recognize the will of the people. The last election clearly showed the apathy of the American public directed towards both political parties. Having the lowest voter turnout since 1942 (which was while the world was at war), says a lot.
We have problems/issues buddy. While the ideologies squabble, the world passes us by.

No, most identify as "moderate" because it sounds better when they answer a poll question.....and how do you see the Republican landslide of the congressional elections as "apathy?" And if people aren't willing to study the issues enough to vote then I don't really care if they stay home....

Most people don't understand the deeper issues involved in the life of this country.....

Actually, the more people study the issues, the more they tend to lean one way or the other. "Moderates" tend to be ignorant boobs who don't care about politics and don't know anything about politics.

Oh boy, another great opinion from an ideological goose-stepper.
Do you wait to wipe your ass until you get instruction on how to wipe your ass from your ideological masters?
I would think in your case the answer is "yes".

ROFL! I don't have any "ideological masters." I simply study the issues and then adopt the positions that I believe to be consistent with logic and the known facts. Any person who does that would instantly be labelled an "extremist" by the likes of you.
I always love it when people like you accuse us of not looking at a variety of ideas objectively and then deciding on a course they will take....when we choose one course over another that you either disagree with or want take both sides of to seem superior....for some reason.....I have been watching politics and the left and right divide for 30 years or more....and I have objectively decided that the left and what it stands for is destructive and foolish...having looked at many opinions by many different sides.....but thanks for playing....

Both parties have migrated away from the center. It seems that almost every day this country faces a changing world. Different problems are not solved my a single-minded approach. Which is why I used the business model approach which is different than how government approach issues/problems. Businesses evolve, Washington/our government doesn't evolve as it is driven by just two trains of thought. This leads to fewer solutions and fewer approaches.
We have a polarization issue within our government which gets worse day by day. The term "do nothing Congress" has been around ever since the polarization stopped exploring and exchanging ideas for consideration. If businesses used the same approach, they would fail. There's a reason why congress (no matter who is/was in control), gets such poor marks.
This country is being led by two ideologies and neither one represents the majority of the populace. A majority of Americans are much more to the center than either ideology. More Americans identify themselves as moderates/centralist than ever before and they are, without a doubt the largest segment of the American public. I would guess the reason for that is because both ideologies have gotten more extreme and don't recognize the will of the people. The last election clearly showed the apathy of the American public directed towards both political parties. Having the lowest voter turnout since 1942 (which was while the world was at war), says a lot.
We have problems/issues buddy. While the ideologies squabble, the world passes us by.

No, most identify as "moderate" because it sounds better when they answer a poll question.....and how do you see the Republican landslide of the congressional elections as "apathy?" And if people aren't willing to study the issues enough to vote then I don't really care if they stay home....

Most people don't understand the deeper issues involved in the life of this country.....

Actually, the more people study the issues, the more they tend to lean one way or the other. "Moderates" tend to be ignorant boobs who don't care about politics and don't know anything about politics.

Oh boy, another great opinion from an ideological goose-stepper.
Do you wait to wipe your ass until you get instruction on how to wipe your ass from your ideological masters?
I would think in your case the answer is "yes".

ROFL! I don't have any "ideological masters." I simply study the issues and then adopt the positions that I believe to be consistent with logic and the known facts. Any person who does that would instantly be labelled an "extremist" by the likes of you.

Well, if that's the case, you have been on here for almost four years and I still haven't seen "you walk the walk", you're more of a "talk the talk" guy. So until I ever see any independence from you and see you "walking the walk", I'll remain unconvinced.
I always love it when people like you accuse us of not looking at a variety of ideas objectively and then deciding on a course they will take....when we choose one course over another that you either disagree with or want take both sides of to seem superior....for some reason.....I have been watching politics and the left and right divide for 30 years or more....and I have objectively decided that the left and what it stands for is destructive and foolish...having looked at many opinions by many different sides.....but thanks for playing....

Both parties have migrated away from the center. It seems that almost every day this country faces a changing world. Different problems are not solved my a single-minded approach. Which is why I used the business model approach which is different than how government approach issues/problems. Businesses evolve, Washington/our government doesn't evolve as it is driven by just two trains of thought. This leads to fewer solutions and fewer approaches.
We have a polarization issue within our government which gets worse day by day. The term "do nothing Congress" has been around ever since the polarization stopped exploring and exchanging ideas for consideration. If businesses used the same approach, they would fail. There's a reason why congress (no matter who is/was in control), gets such poor marks.
This country is being led by two ideologies and neither one represents the majority of the populace. A majority of Americans are much more to the center than either ideology. More Americans identify themselves as moderates/centralist than ever before and they are, without a doubt the largest segment of the American public. I would guess the reason for that is because both ideologies have gotten more extreme and don't recognize the will of the people. The last election clearly showed the apathy of the American public directed towards both political parties. Having the lowest voter turnout since 1942 (which was while the world was at war), says a lot.
We have problems/issues buddy. While the ideologies squabble, the world passes us by.

No, most identify as "moderate" because it sounds better when they answer a poll question.....and how do you see the Republican landslide of the congressional elections as "apathy?" And if people aren't willing to study the issues enough to vote then I don't really care if they stay home....

Most people don't understand the deeper issues involved in the life of this country.....

Actually, the more people study the issues, the more they tend to lean one way or the other. "Moderates" tend to be ignorant boobs who don't care about politics and don't know anything about politics.

Oh boy, another great opinion from an ideological goose-stepper.
Do you wait to wipe your ass until you get instruction on how to wipe your ass from your ideological masters?
I would think in your case the answer is "yes".

ROFL! I don't have any "ideological masters." I simply study the issues and then adopt the positions that I believe to be consistent with logic and the known facts. Any person who does that would instantly be labelled an "extremist" by the likes of you.

Notice it is the "moderate" who thinks you and I and others like us have to have someone spoon feeding us our beliefs....the term for what he is doing is "projection"......
Both parties have migrated away from the center. It seems that almost every day this country faces a changing world. Different problems are not solved my a single-minded approach. Which is why I used the business model approach which is different than how government approach issues/problems. Businesses evolve, Washington/our government doesn't evolve as it is driven by just two trains of thought. This leads to fewer solutions and fewer approaches.
We have a polarization issue within our government which gets worse day by day. The term "do nothing Congress" has been around ever since the polarization stopped exploring and exchanging ideas for consideration. If businesses used the same approach, they would fail. There's a reason why congress (no matter who is/was in control), gets such poor marks.
This country is being led by two ideologies and neither one represents the majority of the populace. A majority of Americans are much more to the center than either ideology. More Americans identify themselves as moderates/centralist than ever before and they are, without a doubt the largest segment of the American public. I would guess the reason for that is because both ideologies have gotten more extreme and don't recognize the will of the people. The last election clearly showed the apathy of the American public directed towards both political parties. Having the lowest voter turnout since 1942 (which was while the world was at war), says a lot.
We have problems/issues buddy. While the ideologies squabble, the world passes us by.

No, most identify as "moderate" because it sounds better when they answer a poll question.....and how do you see the Republican landslide of the congressional elections as "apathy?" And if people aren't willing to study the issues enough to vote then I don't really care if they stay home....

Most people don't understand the deeper issues involved in the life of this country.....

Actually, the more people study the issues, the more they tend to lean one way or the other. "Moderates" tend to be ignorant boobs who don't care about politics and don't know anything about politics.

Oh boy, another great opinion from an ideological goose-stepper.
Do you wait to wipe your ass until you get instruction on how to wipe your ass from your ideological masters?
I would think in your case the answer is "yes".

ROFL! I don't have any "ideological masters." I simply study the issues and then adopt the positions that I believe to be consistent with logic and the known facts. Any person who does that would instantly be labelled an "extremist" by the likes of you.

Notice it is the "moderate" who thinks you and I and others like us have to have someone spoon feeding us our beliefs....the term for what he is doing is "projection"......

Furthermore, Kiwiman ain't no "moderate." He's a hardcore leftist.

I always marvel when leftists claim we don't read their cack. How do they think we come up with all these arguments against their idiotic agenda?
Both parties have migrated away from the center. It seems that almost every day this country faces a changing world. Different problems are not solved my a single-minded approach. Which is why I used the business model approach which is different than how government approach issues/problems. Businesses evolve, Washington/our government doesn't evolve as it is driven by just two trains of thought. This leads to fewer solutions and fewer approaches.
We have a polarization issue within our government which gets worse day by day. The term "do nothing Congress" has been around ever since the polarization stopped exploring and exchanging ideas for consideration. If businesses used the same approach, they would fail. There's a reason why congress (no matter who is/was in control), gets such poor marks.
This country is being led by two ideologies and neither one represents the majority of the populace. A majority of Americans are much more to the center than either ideology. More Americans identify themselves as moderates/centralist than ever before and they are, without a doubt the largest segment of the American public. I would guess the reason for that is because both ideologies have gotten more extreme and don't recognize the will of the people. The last election clearly showed the apathy of the American public directed towards both political parties. Having the lowest voter turnout since 1942 (which was while the world was at war), says a lot.
We have problems/issues buddy. While the ideologies squabble, the world passes us by.

No, most identify as "moderate" because it sounds better when they answer a poll question.....and how do you see the Republican landslide of the congressional elections as "apathy?" And if people aren't willing to study the issues enough to vote then I don't really care if they stay home....

Most people don't understand the deeper issues involved in the life of this country.....

Actually, the more people study the issues, the more they tend to lean one way or the other. "Moderates" tend to be ignorant boobs who don't care about politics and don't know anything about politics.

Oh boy, another great opinion from an ideological goose-stepper.
Do you wait to wipe your ass until you get instruction on how to wipe your ass from your ideological masters?
I would think in your case the answer is "yes".

ROFL! I don't have any "ideological masters." I simply study the issues and then adopt the positions that I believe to be consistent with logic and the known facts. Any person who does that would instantly be labelled an "extremist" by the likes of you.

Well, if that's the case, you have been on here for almost four years and I still haven't seen "you walk the walk", you're more of a "talk the talk" guy. So until I ever see any independence from you and see you "walking the walk", I'll remain unconvinced.

How would I demonstrate that I "walk the walk," by spouting leftwing idiocies? I looked at all the facts and the logic and I concluded that liberalism and socialism are moronic. They are based on falsehoods. No one has proven me wrong so-far.
No, most identify as "moderate" because it sounds better when they answer a poll question.....and how do you see the Republican landslide of the congressional elections as "apathy?" And if people aren't willing to study the issues enough to vote then I don't really care if they stay home....

Most people don't understand the deeper issues involved in the life of this country.....

Actually, the more people study the issues, the more they tend to lean one way or the other. "Moderates" tend to be ignorant boobs who don't care about politics and don't know anything about politics.

Oh boy, another great opinion from an ideological goose-stepper.
Do you wait to wipe your ass until you get instruction on how to wipe your ass from your ideological masters?
I would think in your case the answer is "yes".

ROFL! I don't have any "ideological masters." I simply study the issues and then adopt the positions that I believe to be consistent with logic and the known facts. Any person who does that would instantly be labelled an "extremist" by the likes of you.

Well, if that's the case, you have been on here for almost four years and I still haven't seen "you walk the walk", you're more of a "talk the talk" guy. So until I ever see any independence from you and see you "walking the walk", I'll remain unconvinced.

How would I demonstrate that I "walk the walk," by spouting leftwing idiocies? I looked at all the facts and the logic and I concluded that liberalism and socialism are moronic. They are based on falsehoods. No one has proven me wrong so-far.

Don't forget that they are also based on jealousy, greed, hate, and a false sense of superiority....
Yeah, it's amazing that those on the right think Sowell on target and the reason is simple, he's from the right and his views reflect that ideology. Is he objective? No. He's a true ideologue, when that happens objective logic is thrown out the window.
My opinion of Krugman is the same as my opinion of Sowell. If I want objectivity and intellectual honesty, I'd be best served ignoring any ideologue.
If people have a rough time understanding why I refuse to consider a hyper-ideologue for objectivity, well they have already stunted their thinking process.

Ignore the truth ... regardless the source ... Is what liberals always do. That's why Democrat voters are so stoopid they can't get a proper I.D., and they can't figure out a Butterfly Ballet.

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