Thomas Sowell lists hilary's lack of accomplishment in her lifetime in politics...

Yeah, it's amazing that those on the right think Sowell on target and the reason is simple, he's from the right and his views reflect that ideology. Is he objective? No. He's a true ideologue, when that happens objective logic is thrown out the window.
My opinion of Krugman is the same as my opinion of Sowell. If I want objectivity and intellectual honesty, I'd be best served ignoring any ideologue.
If people have a rough time understanding why I refuse to consider a hyper-ideologue for objectivity, well they have already stunted their thinking process.
You're an idiot, like thats news.
Sowell is correct because he is correct. Krugman is wrong because he is wrong. Ideology has little to do with it. But ignorant turds like you who can'[t read a graph to save your lives can't hack the intellectual barrier of showing why a statement or position is wrong. So you deflect to personalities and generally banal characterizations. Because you're stupid.

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