Those At The Top Suck(WEENIES)


Gold Member
Aug 20, 2015

"Just 62 people own as much wealth as the 3.5 billion people in the bottom half of the world’s income scale, the charity Oxfam reported on Monday in its annual study of inequality, which found that the gap between rich and poor has continued to widen at an alarming rate. As recently as five years ago, the fortunes of 388 billionaires were needed to reach that halfway mark.

The annual World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, this week — noted that a global network of tax havens contributed to the divide by allowing the rich to hide trillions of dollars in assets from their countries’ governments.

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Well, here are the 62 from


With the exception of the Arab Sheikhs, it just might show that every one of them PRODUCED something that the general populations wants!!!!! Isn't that simply awful? Why the hell should they have more money for producing than those who sit on their asses and draw welfare?

The OP doesn't stop to think that much of that wealth may not exist today if not for these exceptional few people. There isn't some finite pot of wealth out there to be divided up, net new wealth is created each and every day by hard working individuals. If you took every cent Gates has pretty soon he'd be filthy rich again and you would be here bitching about it. Here's an idea get off your fat lazy lard ass and generate your own wealth.

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