Those Nightmares Aren't 'PTSD' - It's 'TDS'!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Democrats traumatized by 2016 are having pre-midterms nightmares
Despite forecasts of a Democratic House takeover, liberals grappling with 'PTSD' are braced for another surprise election disaster.


It's NOT Post Traumatic Stress Disorder snowflakes are suffering from - It's TRUMP DERAMGEMENT SYNDROME! :p

"On the eve of the midterms, President Donald Trump’s approval is falling, young voters are energized, and Republicans look poised to lose their House majority.

It’s enough to make Democrats nervous, miserable wrecks.

Haunted by memories of 2016, liberals around the country are riven with anxiety in the campaign’s homestretch. They’re suspicious of favorable polls and making election night contingency plans in case their worst fears come true. Some report literal nightmares about a Democratic wipeout.

We're kind of just in the bed-wetting phase now," said Democratic pollster John Anzalone, a Hillary Clinton campaign alumnus who spent election night 2016 in Clinton’s Manhattan war room."


Democrats traumatized by 2016 are having pre-midterms nightmares

Democrats traumatized by 2016 are having pre-midterms nightmares
Despite forecasts of a Democratic House takeover, liberals grappling with 'PTSD' are braced for another surprise election disaster.

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It's NOT Post Traumatic Stress Disorder snowflakes are suffering from - It's TRUMP DERAMGEMENT SYNDROME! :p

"On the eve of the midterms, President Donald Trump’s approval is falling, young voters are energized, and Republicans look poised to lose their House majority.

It’s enough to make Democrats nervous, miserable wrecks.

Haunted by memories of 2016, liberals around the country are riven with anxiety in the campaign’s homestretch. They’re suspicious of favorable polls and making election night contingency plans in case their worst fears come true. Some report literal nightmares about a Democratic wipeout.

We're kind of just in the bed-wetting phase now," said Democratic pollster John Anzalone, a Hillary Clinton campaign alumnus who spent election night 2016 in Clinton’s Manhattan war room."


Democrats traumatized by 2016 are having pre-midterms nightmares

They have not been normal for awhile since Obama got into office. I can give not reason why...Any ideas.?


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As long as democrat voter fraud is kept to a minimum, Republicans should do very well on Tuesday. And that would be great for our country. And yes, it will be hilarious to see another TDS meltdown by the mentally ill folks who hate our country and support democrats. :p
They have not been normal for awhile since Obama got into office. I can give not reason why...Any ideas.?

Most of these people are SHEEP who have been thoroughly indoctrinated, IMHO.

For Example:


Check out this woman bawling her eyes out because Hillary lost. WHY?

Hillary spent the vast majority of her marriage, life, and political career demonizing, insulting, attacking, bullying, and silencing her sexual criminal deviant husband's victims - women - WHILE continuing to facilitate his insatiable criminal lust that drove him to commit these sex crimes / offenses.

When she lost the 2016 election...
- an election that was negatively impacted by a lifetime/career of scandal, abandoning Americans to die, compromising National Security, committing felony crimes, etc .. as well as running one of if not THE worst political campaigns in US history AFTER having to be GIVEN the Party nomination after failing to win it despite rigging primaries / cheating in debates / breaking laws, etc...
...Hillary BLAMED women for her loss, declaring women were weak and easily manipulated by their husbands into voting for Trump. (Of course, Hillary blamed EVERYONE for her loss - even the ones who kept her ass out of jail - except the only one who deserved all the credit -- herself!)

Yet these women still worshipped her, wept over her loss...


Another reason for Liberals/snowflakes to be paranoid / anxious / scared to death of losing is because ALL THE PRESSURE IS ON THEM!

I mean you Democrats / Liberals / Snowflakes KNOW, don't you, that historically the Party whose President is in power LOSES (Control of Congress) during the Mid-Terms, don't you? Historically it is almost a given that the Democrats ARE SUPPOSED TO WIN the House, if not the Senate as well, in the up-coming Mid-Terms.

If the GOP ends up losing the House and / or the Senate it is not a big thing because, again, historically speaking, that was supposed to happen.

If the DEMOCRATS do NOT take the House, it is going to be HUGE … a MASSIVE FAILURE … 2016's 'Landslide' debacle all over again!


If they do FAIL to win the House / Senate, once again they have no one to blame but themselves, the DNC, and their horrifically incompetent leadership as well as their own actions that have sabotaged what should have been an easy victory:

All of the existing evidence of Democrat crimes and the Obama administration Watergate / Conspiracy against Trump being exposed...

Schumer and the Democrats openly declaring they were 100% committed to opposing everything the GOP / President tried to do for the country for the benefit of themselves and their own party...

All the violent rhetoric, violence, calls for violence, etc.....their violent rhetoric inspired an assassination attempt on GOP politicians and the shooting of R-Scalise, Waters and others calling for their nut jobs to publicly harass Conservatives, Democrats calling for the President's son to be stripped from his mother's arms ad raped by Pedophiles, calling for women on the Trump team to be kidnapped / caged / beaten / raped on camera, and last but not least the Democratic Party's criminal 2016 and-picked Presidential candidate - who says she is going to run again in 2020 - openly calling for an end to civility, calling for more violence, and calling for more violent intolerance...with her and Nancy Pelosi promising this will continue until the Demo0crats regain power!?

The despicable attempt to 'Herman Cain' Justice Kavanaugh, to personally destroy a man's whole life, family, marriage...based on lies / innuendo / accusations / no evidence while declaring the Democratic Party believes that any NON-Democrat is GUILTY until proven Innocent and that the burden of proof is on the Non-Democrat, not the accuser, if accused of something...This one even had women walking away from the Democratic Party...again!

Much like Hillary in 2016, the Democrats have done just about everything they can to LOSE the Mid-terms, which, again, they historically should walk easily away from with a huge win.
Not post traumatic stress.

Pre traumatic Trump derangement.
Not post traumatic stress. Pre traumatic Trump derangement.
Strongest economy in decades.
Lowest unemployment rate in decades.
Lowest minority unemployment rate in recorded history.
Most Americans working at one time.
Higher wages, raises, bonuses
Strong / record stock market
Highest Consumer Confidence in decades.
Factories Obama said would NEVER come back are back
Better trade deals for America
NATO Countries taking advantage of the US now paying their fair share
Getting back US captives without paying ransoms
NOT financing/supplying/aiding/abetting/defending/protecting terrorists
NO Un-Constitutional / UN-Authorized wars
NO arming Mexican Drug Cartels
NO illegally spying on reporters / media / US Senators / USSC Justices
NO using the IRS to criminally target US citizens
NO record-setting criminal non-compliance w/the FOIA ('most transparent admin. evuh')
NO 'Contempt of Court', violating the Constitution / Rule of Law
NO abandoning Ame3ricans to die or calling terrorist attacks cases of 'Workplace Violence'
NO handing Russia 20% of the US supply of Uranium
NO discovering Russian Interference / Spying yet letting them continue to do so for 2 years
NO killing Americans, denying their right to Due Process, with his own personal drone assassination program....

….yeah, President Trump is just 'insane'. :p
Not post traumatic stress. Pre traumatic Trump derangement.
Strongest economy in decades.
Lowest unemployment rate in decades.
Lowest minority unemployment rate in recorded history.
Most Americans working at one time.
Higher wages, raises, bonuses
Strong / record stock market
Highest Consumer Confidence in decades.
Factories Obama said would NEVER come back are back
Better trade deals for America
NATO Countries taking advantage of the US now paying their fair share
Getting back US captives without paying ransoms
NOT financing/supplying/aiding/abetting/defending/protecting terrorists
NO Un-Constitutional / UN-Authorized wars
NO arming Mexican Drug Cartels
NO illegally spying on reporters / media / US Senators / USSC Justices
NO using the IRS to criminally target US citizens
NO record-setting criminal non-compliance w/the FOIA ('most transparent admin. evuh')
NO 'Contempt of Court', violating the Constitution / Rule of Law
NO abandoning Ame3ricans to die or calling terrorist attacks cases of 'Workplace Violence'
NO handing Russia 20% of the US supply of Uranium
NO discovering Russian Interference / Spying yet letting them continue to do so for 2 years
NO killing Americans, denying their right to Due Process, with his own personal drone assassination program....

….yeah, President Trump is just 'insane'. :p

And yet they believe in a blue wave. The blue pondlet will be their undoing.

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