Those who want to ban all guns do not live in the real world

I was telling you my position. That is my common sense. Is it yours also.
Under the current system of background checks, No.

I do believe a system could be created where my answer would change. I don’t see that happening any time soon.
Why shouldn't every gun purchased in the US require a background check. Private sells included.
That is common sense.
But who is the arbiter of those checks? Who makes more and more rules and laws up squeezing the rights away from people? Agenda after agenda is the same with Progs. The abortion industry has expanded so much that a baby can actually be born and killed at full term.
And you anti-gunners are fine and dandy with police, the military, federal LE agencies and private security details packing any level of firepower in whatever public spaces. When it comes to small arms, the People must be allowed to possess the same firearms as the government.

Years ago, I took my then two young nieces to a carnival at their elementary school in rural Pennsylvania. One of the local cops on patrol there was packing a Glock 18 loaded up with a 32 round magazine. What in the hell does a cop assigned to a small rural police department need with a fully automatic handgun? If the government can have it, carry it, and is licensed to use it, then so should the public.

There’s nothing in the history, text, or case law of the Second Amendment that ‘authorizes’ insurrectionist dogma.

“…the insurrectionist interpretation of the Declaration of Rights is fundamentally flawed. An historically sound understanding of the Second Amendment's English heritage belies the proposition that the Second Amendment was intended to grant an individual right to keep or bear arms against governmental tyranny.”

But who is the arbiter of those checks? Who makes more and more rules and laws up squeezing the rights away from people? Agenda after agenda is the same with Progs. The abortion industry has expanded so much that a baby can actually be born and killed at full term.
The people and the government are the same – laws are enacted at the behest of the people reflecting the will of the people; acts of government reflecting the will of the people are presumed to be Constitutional, in no manner ‘taking’ from the people their rights.

And when the people err and enact laws repugnant to the Constitution, those adversely affected are at liberty to seek relief in the courts; and if such acts are found to be unlawful, invalidated.

Likewise, when the people enact measures placing limits and restrictions on the Second Amendment right consistent with Second Amendment jurisprudence, no rights are ‘taken away’; limits and restrictions consistent with Second Amendment jurisprudence neither ‘violate’ nor ‘infringe upon' the Second Amendment.
Under the current system of background checks, No.

I do believe a system could be created where my answer would change. I don’t see that happening any time soon.
I feel you are making it too complex losing any common sense in your position
Eight years of conservatives lying about guns being ‘banned’ and ‘confiscated.’

It never happened.

Another Democratic president and conservatives are lying again about guns being ‘banned’ and ‘confiscated’ – and again it won’t happen.
Eight years?

It's been going on for decades.

I sure don't want all guns banned. Hell I own four of em.

I believe the ammosexuals on this forum think I'm pretty far left
Eight years of conservatives lying about guns being ‘banned’ and ‘confiscated.’

It never happened.

Another Democratic president and conservatives are lying again about guns being ‘banned’ and ‘confiscated’ – and again it won’t happen.

Maybe if the left shut their mouths about getting our guns, it wouldn't be an issue. Read Dementia's plan on guns in this country while he was running. It used to be on his website, but perhaps he removed it after he supposedly won. But I'm sure it's on the net somewhere.
Why shouldn't every gun purchased in the US require a background check. Private sells included.
That is common sense.

Telling the government which guns, how many guns, what kind of guns you own is not common sense.

Guns are not a problem until somebody uses one to commit a crime. But instead of going after the criminal, we go after guns instead.
Those who want to ban all guns do not live in the real world.
Those who fight all gun regulations do not live in the real world.

We need intelligent people, who understand the real world, to develop common sense gun regulations to stop the insanity of the gun culture in the USA

Give us an example of common sense gun regulations that will only work on criminals and not interfere with law abiding citizens to own firearms.
And you anti-gunners are fine and dandy with police, the military, federal LE agencies and private security details packing any level of firepower in whatever public spaces. When it comes to small arms, the People must be allowed to possess the same firearms as the government.

Years ago, I took my then two young nieces to a carnival at their elementary school in rural Pennsylvania. One of the local cops on patrol there was packing a Glock 18 loaded up with a 32 round magazine. What in the hell does a cop assigned to a small rural police department need with a fully automatic handgun? If the government can have it, carry it, and is licensed to use it, then so should the public.
What in the hell does a cop assigned to a small rural police department need with a fully automatic handgun?
a Glock 18 is not a fully automatic handgun, unless it was illegally modified.
I feel you are making it too complex losing any common sense in your position
Again, without details you assume my system is more complex than the current system. In fact my system would utilize currently issued state id’s and drivers licenses and be overseen in a single, National database. Far less complex than the current system.
This is an exaggeration -- the real number is 9.


Lives saved from crime = a large portion of the 1.2 million times a year guns are used by law abiding Americans to stop rapes, roberries, murders, beatings and stabbings.......according to the CDC....

One estimate puts the number of lives saved at about 175,000 a year.....

Can you tell which numbers are bigger?

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