Those who want to ban all guns do not live in the real world

Why not register all guns. We register all cars, all houses.
You are a paranoid coward that thinks then government will come for your guns. IDIOT

And why not? Did you read Biden's gun plans when he was running for President? I did.

He wanted all gun owners to have to get a federal license to own the guns they've owned for years or even generations. He wanted to force every gun owner to have a psychological exam at your cost of $800.00. Some anti-gun shrink would interview you, your employer, your coworkers, your neighbors, your ex-wife, everybody. Then he would make a determination as to whether you could own a gun or not based on their answers.

Mind you Dementia never carried through with his plans, but the Congress did try to pass his measures. That's why you don't want the federal government to know about your guns. If he got his way, you would be getting a notice that you must get this federal license for the guns you legally own, or else.........
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There are plenty of reasons to have a gun for protection but in truth private ownership, more often, is used to intimidate, shootings in domestic arguments, suicide etc.. You are more likely to be harmed by a gun, if you own a gun.

You are more likely to be harmed or killed in a car if you own a car. What's your point?
Eight years of conservatives lying about guns being ‘banned’ and ‘confiscated.’

It never happened.

Another Democratic president and conservatives are lying again about guns being ‘banned’ and ‘confiscated’ – and again it won’t happen.

Listen to the thundering applause.

You can shut the fuck up now.
There are plenty of reasons to have a gun for protection but in truth private ownership, more often, is used to intimidate, shootings in domestic arguments, suicide etc.. You are more likely to be harmed by a gun, if you own a gun.

Although definitions of defensive gun use vary, it is generally defined as the use of a firearm to protect and defend one’s self, family, others, and/or property against crime or victimization.

Estimates of defensive gun use vary depending on the questions asked, populations studied, timeframe, and other factors related to the design of studies. The report Priorities for Research to Reduce the Threat of Firearm-Related Violenceexternal icon indicates a range of 60,000 to 2.5 million defensive gun uses each year.

There’s nothing in the history, text, or case law of the Second Amendment that ‘authorizes’ insurrectionist dogma.

“…the insurrectionist interpretation of the Declaration of Rights is fundamentally flawed. An historically sound understanding of the Second Amendment's English heritage belies the proposition that the Second Amendment was intended to grant an individual right to keep or bear arms against governmental tyranny.”

All that bullshit spanning 100 pages only to say that "the words of the 2nd Amendment don't mean what they say."
And why doesn't it? Because the MSM never reports those stories. At best on a slow news day, your local news may make mention of it. But it happens dozens of times every single day in this country.
Given the low number of justifiable homicides, I find it unbelievable that more then a few hundred lives per year are saved with guns.

Most of us have seen hundreds of action movies, thus our perception is biased.
Given the low number of justifiable homicides, I find it unbelievable that more then a few hundred lives per year are saved with guns.

Most of us have seen hundreds of action movies, thus our perception is biased.
Take that up with the CDC and the source it cites stating that defensive use of firearms range from 60,000 to 2.5 million per year.

You may be mistakenly ignoring non-shooting incidents, which occur regularly.
According to rabidly anti-gun Violence Prevention Center, at least 100,000 firearms are used each year in self-defense.

The devastation guns inflict on our nation each and every year is clear. In 2018, guns killed nearly 40,000 Americans with many more wounded, leaving an untold
number of lives traumatized and communities shattered.15 Unexamined claims of the efficacy and frequency of the self-defense use of firearms are the default rationale
offered by the gun lobby and gun industry for this unceasing, bloody toll. The idea that firearms are frequently used in self-defense is the primary argument that the gun
lobby and firearms industry use to expand the carrying of firearms into an ever-increasing number of public spaces and even to prevent the regulation of military-style
semiautomatic assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines. Yet this argument is hollow and the assertions false. When analyzing the most reliable data available, what is most striking is that in a nation of more than 300 million guns, how rarely firearms are used in self-defense.16
When analyzing the most reliable data available, what is most striking is that in a nation of more than 300 million guns, how rarely firearms are used in self-defense.16
And yet, it happens at least 10x more often than a gun is used to commit murder.
If >100,000/year is rare, what is <10,000/year?
The devastation guns inflict on our nation each and every year is clear. In 2018, guns killed nearly 40,000 Americans with many more wounded, leaving an untold
number of lives traumatized and communities shattered.15 Unexamined claims of the efficacy and frequency of the self-defense use of firearms are the default rationale
offered by the gun lobby and gun industry for this unceasing, bloody toll. The idea that firearms are frequently used in self-defense is the primary argument that the gun
lobby and firearms industry use to expand the carrying of firearms into an ever-increasing number of public spaces and even to prevent the regulation of military-style
semiautomatic assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines. Yet this argument is hollow and the assertions false. When analyzing the most reliable data available, what is most striking is that in a nation of more than 300 million guns, how rarely firearms are used in self-defense.16
Thank you!

This is an updated version of a resource I use.

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