Those who want to ban all guns do not live in the real world

If lefties were serious about gun related violence they would call for the indictment of Barry Hussein and his A.G. Eric Holder for gun running thousands of weapons to Mexican drug cartels and the murder of a U.S. Border Patrol Officer. they would also call for the indictment of Alec Baldwin for negligent homicide. Since the won't and don't, the argument must be about political power.
Look for Ray from Cleveland to be shooting people who jay walk. This will reduce crime in America and reduce our population.

The only people who are reducing population in this country are the Communists by lowering penalties for criminals and allowing people who illegally carry or use a firearm for criminal activity out of jail where they belonged.

CCW carriers are statistically the most law abiding citizens in our country. So don't worry about us, worry more about those who have a gun when they're not supposed to have one. That's who's going to get you, especially if you are not prepared to defend yourself.
One only has to look at how other developed nations have reduced firearms crime and the firearm homicide rate to see how it can be done.
Too many Americans are happy with other people's school children paying the price of their easy access to firearms for the situation to change. The personal sacrifice required to save those school children - the reduction of ease of access to firearms - is too great.

Assuming you believe in the stupidest theory of all that if you disarm law abiding citizens, you will somehow disarm criminals. If you actually lived here you'd understand you can never disarm the criminal. What you'd end up with is a disarmed law abiding society and an armed criminal element. How do you suppose that would work out for us? If you know a way to disarm criminals, let's hear about it. Because maybe we could use your theory to stop narcotics that have been illegal in this country all of my life, and yet the problem is the worst it's ever been.

Other countries? Well other countries are not nearly as diverse as the United States. Over half our murders are committed by only 7% of our population, and that is black males.
Other countries? Well other countries are not nearly as diverse as the United States. Over half our murders are committed by only 7% of our population, and that is black males.
See? No sacrifice for other people is too small for an American to refuse to make it.
And they can have one because the country is awash with the firearms demanded by 'the most law abiding citizens'.

Bullshit. As I explained repeatedly, if you took all our guns away, the criminals will always have theirs.
Bullshit. As I explained repeatedly, if you took all our guns away, the criminals will always have theirs.
Just like in all the other developed nations which control firearms more rigidly, no doubt.

And only you in this discussion is talking about 'all' firearms, you perpetual victim.
The same way it's worked out for the other developed nations, with lower firearm crime and homicide rates.

Another stupid theory: If a person wants to kill another person, they will abort their mission because they don't have a gun.
Criminals do not have access to legal firearms. Can't you read? Very few crimes are committed with a legally purchased firearm.
Why do you keep shifting goalposts?

How come you can't understand that having a country awash with firearms means they will be more easily obtained either illegally or legally?

Oh. Right. You're a rightard gun nut. My bad.
Another stupid theory: If a person wants to kill another person, they will abort their mission because they don't have a gun.
Yet other developed nations with more rigid firearm controls have neither the firearm crime nor firearm homicide rate of the US.
Why do you keep shifting goalposts?

How come you can't understand that having a country awash with firearms means they will be more easily obtained either illegally or legally?

Oh. Right. You're a rightard gun nut. My bad.

Because you can never stop the sale of illegal guns, that's why. If they don't get them from stealing them out of homes, they will make them. Ever hear of a 3-D printer? They make ghost guns. In other words guns that cannot be traced back to anybody. Guns are not that complicated of a tool. It's metal (and plastic in some cases) that can be manufactured by people with low cost machinery and you can make guns in your basement.

You just can't seem to get that out of your head. You actually believe by disarming society the bad guys will give up their guns and never buy more. Wrong. All it will do is stop good people from owning them.
Yet other developed nations with more rigid firearm controls have neither the firearm crime nor firearm homicide rate of the US.

And as I explained, because they are not a multi-culture society. And as I have explained, over half of all US murders are committed by black males. Take the people of color out of the mix and we will line up more closely to those in other all white or single culture countries.
Abatis is, obviously, a very freighted individual who finds security and self-esteem in owning a gun. A sad but very dangerous bunch. A gun makes them feel like they are somebody.
The majority of gun owners are not driven to own a gun by their cowardice but those who do, stick out with their whacky rhetoric.

That post is just the typical ad-hom pathetic projection we see from hoplophobes and statist authoritarians who would never trust themselves with a gun so they feel nobody else should have one. You can't actually make a reasoned argument so we must suffer your juvenile outbursts.

Your post, rather than insulting me, screams of your own insecurities and feelings of deep frustration, craving power but being completely impotent and only worthy of pity.
That post is just the typical ad-hom pathetic projection we see from hoplophobes and statist authoritarians who would never trust themselves with a gun so they feel nobody else should have one. You can't actually make a reasoned argument so we must suffer your juvenile outbursts.

Your post, rather than insulting me, screams of your own insecurities and feelings of deep frustration, craving power but being completely impotent and only worthy of pity.

It's always the people who never been to the US yet alone lived here that thinks they have the solution to all of our problems because they read shit. It's different reading shit and living it.

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