Thoughts on the Romney/Ryan*Candidacy


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
by sfcmac @ Thoughts on the Romney/Ryan Candidacy « The Foxhole

Mitt Romney:

I’ll get this out front: I admit I’m very leery of the Mormon religion. I’m agnostic, so I don’t care for religion in general. I care even less for one that by it’s very nature, is exclusive and cultist.

Joseph Smith was a neurotic con man who concocted the “Gold Bible,” engraved on metal plates in an “Egyptian dialect” only he could read, with the aid of magic goggles. He dictated this manuscript to several secretaries from behind a curtain, which is amazing considering he was illiterate.

Brigham Young, the other prominent Mormon figure, was a cold-blooded murderer. (Mountain Meadows Massacre in 1857)

It’s hard to respect followers of a religion founded by a couple of wackjobs. The history of the Mormons in Utah reads like a chapter out of the Book of Mafia.

In fairness, I went to Romney’s campaign website to get specifics about where he stands on the issues facing America. His plans for repealing ObamaCare and replacing it with a more sound policy, the military, the 2nd Amendment, illegal aliens, foreign policy, taxes, social security, spending, and smaller, limited government, seem pretty sound.

In the past he talked the conservative talk, but didn’t walk the walk. Hopefully, he’s learned his lesson.


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I'm Christian, and i know a lot of people just can't believe a Christian would vote for a Mormon. I don't vote for the person's religion, i vote for the person that i think would be best. I really don't think Romney isn't going to try to "force" any of his religious views on anyone. I really believe he has a big chance of turning this country around.

My best friend really cannot stand Romney....but she also wants Obama gone. She really likes Ryan though and that's the only reason she's voting for Romney, otherwise she'd probably go 3rd party. Picking Ryan for a running mate was one of the best things Romney did....
by sfcmac @ Thoughts on the Romney/Ryan Candidacy « The Foxhole

Mitt Romney:

I’ll get this out front: I admit I’m very leery of the Mormon religion. I’m agnostic, so I don’t care for religion in general. I care even less for one that by it’s very nature, is exclusive and cultist.

Joseph Smith was a neurotic con man who concocted the “Gold Bible,” engraved on metal plates in an “Egyptian dialect” only he could read, with the aid of magic goggles. He dictated this manuscript to several secretaries from behind a curtain, which is amazing considering he was illiterate.

Brigham Young, the other prominent Mormon figure, was a cold-blooded murderer. (Mountain Meadows Massacre in 1857)

It’s hard to respect followers of a religion founded by a couple of wackjobs. The history of the Mormons in Utah reads like a chapter out of the Book of Mafia.

In fairness, I went to Romney’s campaign website to get specifics about where he stands on the issues facing America. His plans for repealing ObamaCare and replacing it with a more sound policy, the military, the 2nd Amendment, illegal aliens, foreign policy, taxes, social security, spending, and smaller, limited government, seem pretty sound.

In the past he talked the conservative talk, but didn’t walk the walk. Hopefully, he’s learned his lesson.

From what I’ve listened to in his speeches and read in his voting record, as long as Mitt Romney doesn’t allow the fringes of Mormonism or his brief lapses into flip-flopping to cloud his judgement and decision-making, he can get this country back on the right track.

Paul Ryan:

A visit to his website shows strong positions on domestic, international, and economic issues. He’s committed to repealing ObamaCare, strengthening America’s national security and foreign policies, dealing with illegals, supporting the military and veterans’ benefits, improving jobs and the economy, an apology-free approach to the war against Islamofascism, and support of Israel.

Romney made an excellent choice by picking Ryan as his running mate. He’s smart, articulate, and he’s not timid when it comes to standing up to Dem union hacks or Obama’s arrogant narcissism. He impressed the hell out of me when he single-handedly chewed Obama a new asshole over the reality of ObamaCare, spending, the debt, and the deficit.

He will make a fine Vice President.

The campaign has been amateurish from the outset, was not built to deal with a well-funded challenger, failed to define Romney early on, managed their gaffe's with all of the finesse of a bulldozer, and had a most casual relationship to the truths. They were a JV team on a Varsity stage. This is why they lost.

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