Thousands and thousands of people are coming up right now as we speak,thanks Biden


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
Trump says he will probably visit the southern border soon, in exclusive interview with Fox News | Fox News
"Thousands and thousands of people are coming up right now as we speak. And you're going to have millions of people pouring into our country. And it's going to destroy our country.

Trump handed the Biden Administration the most secure border in history

Biden will bankrupt and destroy the Country,Biden is nuts!
No, the American people are the ones that are nuts.

And they are getting EXACTLY what they deserve thanks to their looney left party from hell.

Did I mention Orange man bad? We should say it at least 23 times a day.
This crisis shows how the Democrat party always puts itself before our country and the American people.
Is there a petition to tell Biden to restore Trump's "Remain in Mexico" policy or to continue building the border fence? I can't find one to sign. Please create one or link us to one to sign.
Is there a petition to tell Biden to restore Trump's "Remain in Mexico" policy or to continue building the border fence? I can't find one to sign. Please create one or link us to one to sign.

Can you create one?
The people presumedly voted for Sleepy Joe and his plan to roll out the welcome mat for Illegal Aliens. Xiden's buddy, Beto, advocated ripping down the wall and having an open border and Joe listened with an air of approval.

If the people of America voted for this atrocity, they deserve it. It isn't a surprise.

Maybe we can move the illegals to East LA, San Francisco, Chicago, New York, all of your sanctuary areas, where they appreciate illegals. The only problem is that they aren't used to the unsanitary practices of crapping on the sidewalk that they have in San Fran- they are a lot more clean in San Bumphuck, El Salvador.
this 'surge' is not new - remember the caravans during donny's reign? yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.......... same thing, same time of year as always. the difference being donny cared not if them thar brownies ' infesting ' our country died waiting for their chance to be processed; whether it be for asylum or deportation. it also was quite detrimental ( & done on purpose ) to not help at all with the transition between the administration that LOST & the new administration that WON the election; not to mention that turtleboy still had the senate majority & refused to set confirmation hearings for many of biden's cabinet picks including the head of DHS.
Is there a petition to tell Biden to restore Trump's "Remain in Mexico" policy or to continue building the border fence? I can't find one to sign. Please create one or link us to one to sign.

No, didn’t you hear? This is all because of Trump‘S policies. The surge just happened to coincided with Biden removing nearly all if not all border policies in week one via exective order. That is purely coincidental. It is Trump’s fault, so says ole Joe.

Democrats are brain dead.
Trump says he will probably visit the southern border soon, in exclusive interview with Fox News | Fox News
"Thousands and thousands of people are coming up right now as we speak. And you're going to have millions of people pouring into our country. And it's going to destroy our country.

Trump handed the Biden Administration the most secure border in history

Biden will bankrupt and destroy the Country,Biden is nuts!
CIUDAD JUAREZ, Mexico (Reuters) - The United States is expelling migrants to Mexico far from where they are caught crossing the border, according to Reuters witnesses, in a move that circumvents the refusal of authorities in the Mexican state of Tamaulipas who stopped accepting the return of migrant families with younger children.
Is there a petition to tell Biden to restore Trump's "Remain in Mexico" policy or to continue building the border fence? I can't find one to sign. Please create one or link us to one to sign.

No, didn’t you hear? This is all because of Trump‘S policies. The surge just happened to coincided with Biden removing nearly all if not all border policies in week one via exective order. That is purely coincidental. It is Trump’s fault, so says ole Joe.

Democrats are brain dead.

there were more deportations under the obama administration than trump.

Deportations of migrant families spiked in 2020
Maria Sacchetti
Dec. 24, 2020 at 3:01 a.m. UTC

Trump had vowed to ratchet up immigration enforcement but ultimately fell short of his goals. The president won praise at the start of his term for declaring that any of the 11 million undocumented immigrants in the United States could be deported, while his predecessor, President Barack Obama, had pressed ICE agents to limit their work to criminals and recent border crossers.
Obama ultimately deported more immigrants: Trump removed about 935,000 people during his four-year term, compared with nearly 1.6 million during Obama’s first term, according to figures from the Migration Policy Institute.

covid also is impacting the speed of processing deportations & asylum hearings.
Trump's remain in Mexico rule was blocked by a federal court which is why we are seeing an increase in people seeking asylum.
the difference being donny cared not if them thar brownies ' infesting ' our country died waiting for their chance to be processed

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. . . as media is not being allowed to freely cover the border, and they tend to spin the coverage differently on both administrations on any information they DO get. . .

How can you even make this claim in good conscious? Do you have any critical thinking ability at all? :dunno:
What a cluster fuck , How do you pay for this shit, what will be the breaking point? The national debt is staggering.
$85,000,000 million for temp motels, what about feeding them, medical? What a shit sandwich.We have to be laughing stock of the world with that moron in office.
the difference being donny cared not if them thar brownies ' infesting ' our country died waiting for their chance to be processed

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. . . as media is not being allowed to freely cover the border, and they tend to spin the coverage differently on both administrations on any information they DO get. . .

How can you even make this claim in good conscious? Do you have any critical thinking ability at all? :dunno:

please point out where biden used the word ' infestation' when talking about illegals?

yep - there were unaccompanied minors put in 'cages' until they were processed in a relatively fast manner under obama.

donny put 'em in cages no matter what despite the fact that the vast majority were intact families & he had kids taken from their parents. some are still missing. & that cruelty wasn't the only thing he wanted to implement.

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