Thousands attend Gay Games

Aww, and I was gonna Thanks-ya for the gay jokes thing too. :)

Actually I heard they have light Sabre fights at the Gay Games, they use glow in the dark condoms.

The concession stand at the Gay Games has a sign that states - Unlike Gay Sex our
Microwave won't brown your sausage. We make our coffee like you like your women
Nowheres near your penis. [ Actually it is possible to get a gay man to have sex with a woman? Just **** in her ******.]

How do gay guys do a drive by?
They pull up in a Mazda Miata, throw a bunch of Skittles and yell, TASTE THE RAINBOW, *****ES!!!
Goodness, but if that isn't speaking from your own detailed experience I don't know what is.

I keep getting mixed up between claustrophobia and homophobia.
Which is the one about being in a closet?

I just read that one of the Gay AThletes competing in last years games got hurt. He and his partner were visiting a nearby zoo, when they found themselves at the
gorilla cage. The gorilla was sitting there with a huge erection. Unable
to contain himself - he reaches in to touch it.
As soon as his arm goes into the cage, the gorilla grabs him, and takes
him into the cage... slams him to the floor and rapes him senseless.
A few days later in hospital the boyfriend visits and asks his partner
if he is hurt...
"Hurt... Hurt... You bet I'm hurt. He hasn't phoned, he hasn't written..."

A sports caster was at last years games got chastised for speaking poorly about Gays - He mistakenly referred to them as HOBOS instead of HOMOS . What he didn''t realize is that a Hobo is a loner with no friends WHile a Homo has friends up the arse. And the Musicians - oh those poor musicians they came down with a New STD - a gay disease known as Bandaids. Two of the Irish Musicians appear to have been made for each other however Patrick Fitzhenry and Henry Fitzpatrick .

The LGBT executive board is considering changing the word Gay to Ambulance to describe Gay Men- WHY ? They both get loaded from the rear and go whoo-whoo!
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Let's legalize all gay activity so I don't have to hear about their shit anymore, then they can't be used a niche voting block either. Legalize all of it so I never have to fucking hear about their depraved agenda ever again.

This nation is in the middle of a CRISIS and we have a bunch of fags demanding "social justice" (for themselves) amidst it.
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And this is why we need a gay sub forum. But of course howey wouldnt use wouldnt work with his "We're queer and we're here" agenda.
Conversely, this is why we Really need a Far Right sub forum. For the We Do Nothing For Americans But Cut Their Benefits and Hate People agenda. You and your ilk are the best poster children to exemplify that need.
LOL. You need the toddler subforum. Maybe your wetnurse could help you find one?
And this is why we need a gay sub forum.
Then we also need a separate forum in case someone wants to post a photo of female cheerleaders. Yadda yadda yadda ...

None of this has any impact on straights. Give it a frikken rest already.

Actually I heard they have light Sabre fights at the Gay Games, they use glow in the dark condoms.

The concession stand at the Gay Games has a sign that states - Unlike Gay Sex our
Microwave won't brown your sausage. We make our coffee like you like your women
Nowheres near your penis. [ Actually it is possible to get a gay man to have sex with a woman? Just **** in her ******.]

How do gay guys do a drive by?
They pull up in a Mazda Miata, throw a bunch of Skittles and yell, TASTE THE RAINBOW, *****ES!!!
Goodness, but if that isn't speaking from your own detailed experience I don't know what is.

I keep getting mixed up between claustrophobia and homophobia.
Which is the one about being in a closet?

I just read that one of the Gay AThletes competing in last years games got hurt. He and his partner were visiting a nearby zoo, when they found themselves at the
gorilla cage. The gorilla was sitting there with a huge erection. Unable
to contain himself - he reaches in to touch it.
As soon as his arm goes into the cage, the gorilla grabs him, and takes
him into the cage... slams him to the floor and rapes him senseless.
A few days later in hospital the boyfriend visits and asks his partner
if he is hurt...
"Hurt... Hurt... You bet I'm hurt. He hasn't phoned, he hasn't written..."

A sports caster was at last years games got chastised for speaking poorly about Gays - He mistakenly referred to them as HOBOS instead of HOMOS . What he didn''t realize is that a Hobo is a loner with no friends WHile a Homo has friends up the arse. And the Musicians - oh those poor musicians they came down with a New STD - a gay disease known as Bandaids. Two of the Irish Musicians appear to have been made for each other however Patrick Fitzhenry and Henry Fitzpatrick .

The LGBT executive board is considering changing the word Gay to Ambulance to describe Gay Men- WHY ? They both get loaded from the rear and go whoo-whoo!
And here all the time we thought you were an adult only to learn that you are a mere juvenile.
And this is why we need a gay sub forum.
Then we also need a separate forum in case someone wants to post a photo of female cheerleaders. Yadda yadda yadda ...

None of this has any impact on straights. Give it a frikken rest already.

Goodness, but if that isn't speaking from your own detailed experience I don't know what is.

I keep getting mixed up between claustrophobia and homophobia.
Which is the one about being in a closet?

I just read that one of the Gay AThletes competing in last years games got hurt. He and his partner were visiting a nearby zoo, when they found themselves at the
gorilla cage. The gorilla was sitting there with a huge erection. Unable
to contain himself - he reaches in to touch it.
As soon as his arm goes into the cage, the gorilla grabs him, and takes
him into the cage... slams him to the floor and rapes him senseless.
A few days later in hospital the boyfriend visits and asks his partner
if he is hurt...
"Hurt... Hurt... You bet I'm hurt. He hasn't phoned, he hasn't written..."

A sports caster was at last years games got chastised for speaking poorly about Gays - He mistakenly referred to them as HOBOS instead of HOMOS . What he didn''t realize is that a Hobo is a loner with no friends WHile a Homo has friends up the arse. And the Musicians - oh those poor musicians they came down with a New STD - a gay disease known as Bandaids. Two of the Irish Musicians appear to have been made for each other however Patrick Fitzhenry and Henry Fitzpatrick .

The LGBT executive board is considering changing the word Gay to Ambulance to describe Gay Men- WHY ? They both get loaded from the rear and go whoo-whoo!
And here all the time we thought you were an adult only to learn that you are a mere juvenile.

Juvenile or Sophomoric humor refers to base comedy that would normally be expected from an adolescent. It is used to refer to a type of comedy that often includes bathroom humor and gags that are based on and appeal to a silly sense of immaturity. Juvenile as an adjective is used to refer to and describe something or someone that is conceited, overconfident, poorly informed and immature - which as per many scholarly articles describes the Gay Community - Why do a lot of gays display such an immature behavior? | IGN Boards

Immature , self loathing and sophmoric which is why these jokes are here - for the entertainment of the faggots - It's a promising thread designed to Keep them from cumming!. Here's a few more for you

Why did God create gay men?- So fat girls could dance.

What's the difference between a gay man and a refrigerator? - Refrigerators don't fart when you pull the meat out.

Four homosexuals are sitting in a hot tub. They notice some sperm rising to the surface. One of them says, "Ok, who farted?"
A reporter for the games felt his belly rumble from the concession food he'd been eating and couldn't help himself, he let a rip roaring fart go. A gay synchronize swim team heard it and exclaimed "Oh... my... God. Did you hear that? A virgin!"
See, this is what I don't get. Homosexuals claim to want equality, right? Then why are there 'gay games' specifically for homosexuals? That separates heteros and homos, it doesn't foster equality. And if there are 'gay games' then it's ok to have 'straight games', that are specifically for heteros. If that were to happen, though, I'm sure there would be screaming and outrage because that would be deemed as discriminatory or something.

So equality is demanded ... except for where it isn't.


Thousands attend Gay Games in Cleveland - Video

The Gay Games are going Strong and many new participants are joining all the time. That should show others that such athletic games are not just geared to one particular sexual orientation.

Yeah ... they were gay alright. If you don't mind, I'll pass. :lol:
Well hey, don't let the door hit you where the good Lord split you. :lol:
The thought of there being "Gay" or "Straight" games is asinine, in my humble opinion. Though I don't support homosexuality or GM, I see no reason why the Olympics can't be comprised of gay/bi/straight members, or why there should be separate Olympics for each.
A reporter for the games felt his belly rumble from the concession food he'd been eating and couldn't help himself, he let a rip roaring fart go. A gay synchronize swim team heard it and exclaimed "Oh... my... God. Did you hear that? A virgin!"
Uh, better get ready for school, sonny, or you'll be late. :D
The thought of there being "Gay" or "Straight" games is asinine, in my humble opinion. Though I don't support homosexuality or GM, I see no reason why the Olympics can't be comprised of gay/bi/straight members, or why there should be separate Olympics for each.
Well yeah, but you have to stop to consider all of the asinine jokes that are constantly being made in the locker rooms and elsewhere against Gay athletes by Straight athletes so do you blame them for organizing their own group in order to be able to play sports in peace? I'm sure if there wasn't that kind of taunting and denigration going on there wouldn't have been a need for them to organize their own games.

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