Thousands attend Gay Games

Some of the events in one of the UK sorta things looked cool. Run up to a moat in which is a vertical pole, jump and grab a hold of it and try to 'half-vault' to the other side. Would never try it myself but it's fun to watch :)

I bet you just tried to use that pole for "Something else" now didn't you ? :lol:

Aww, and I was gonna Thanks-ya for the gay jokes thing too. :)

Actually I heard they have light Sabre fights at the Gay Games, they use glow in the dark condoms.

The concession stand at the Gay Games has a sign that states - Unlike Gay Sex our
Microwave won't brown your sausage. We make our coffee like you like your women
Nowheres near your penis. [ Actually it is possible to get a gay man to have sex with a woman? Just shit in her vagina.]

How do gay guys do a drive by?
They pull up in a Mazda Miata, throw a bunch of Skittles and yell, TASTE THE RAINBOW, BITCHES!!!
Thousands attend Gay Games in Cleveland - Video

The Gay Games are going Strong and many new participants are joining all the time. That should show others that such athletic games are not just geared to one particular sexual orientation.

Any breakdown on how many of the "spectators" were NOT gay?

Shouldn't there be some sort of vetting system to keep non-gay people from infiltrating the "gay games"?

What is stopping some top tier non-gay athlete from showing up at the "gay games" and taking home a suitcase full of medals, prize money, and endorsements, just for the helluva it?

How does one prove they are gay without performing a homosexual sex act in the presence of a "gay games" official, or WITH a "gay games" official?

Are the typical gay stereotypes sufficient to prove you are gay?

Maybe a questionnaire? For example.................

Gay Men:

1. Do you wear very bright-colored clothing, including short shorts?

2. Do you have an excessive fondness for rainbows?

3. Are you currently, or have you ever been, a member of NAMBLA?

4. Do you have an obsession with the movie "The Wizard of Oz"?

5. Do you speak with a lisp?

6. Do you often notice that your wrists are limp?

7. Do you enjoy gladiator movies?

8. Are you a collector of Playgirl magazines?

9. Do you belong to a health club but never leave the shower/locker room?

10. Do you have an excessive amount of female friends?
And this is why we need a gay sub forum. But of course howey wouldnt use wouldnt work with his "We're queer and we're here" agenda.
Conversely, this is why we Really need a Far Right sub forum. For the We Do Nothing For Americans But Cut Their Benefits and Hate People agenda. You and your ilk are the best poster children to exemplify that need.
Why can't they compete in games that don't specify sexual orientation? Is there something about a hairy man in a dress lifting weights that makes for compelling athletic drama? Do the guys run the 100 yd dash in high heels?
Thousands attend Gay Games in Cleveland - Video

The Gay Games are going Strong and many new participants are joining all the time. That should show others that such athletic games are not just geared to one particular sexual orientation.

Any breakdown on how many of the "spectators" were NOT gay?

Shouldn't there be some sort of vetting system to keep non-gay people from infiltrating the "gay games"?

What is stopping some top tier non-gay athlete from showing up at the "gay games" and taking home a suitcase full of medals, prize money, and endorsements, just for the helluva it?

How does one prove they are gay without performing a homosexual sex act in the presence of a "gay games" official, or WITH a "gay games" official?

Are the typical gay stereotypes sufficient to prove you are gay?

Maybe a questionnaire? For example.................

Gay Men:

1. Do you wear very bright-colored clothing, including short shorts?

2. Do you have an excessive fondness for rainbows?

3. Are you currently, or have you ever been, a member of NAMBLA?

4. Do you have an obsession with the movie "The Wizard of Oz"?

5. Do you speak with a lisp?

6. Do you often notice that your wrists are limp?

7. Do you enjoy gladiator movies?

8. Are you a collector of Playgirl magazines?

9. Do you belong to a health club but never leave the shower/locker room?

10. Do you have an excessive amount of female friends?
Those are all of the things that could also apply to Straights, only the males would be hard pressed to admit it.
I bet you just tried to use that pole for "Something else" now didn't you ? :lol:

Aww, and I was gonna Thanks-ya for the gay jokes thing too. :)

Actually I heard they have light Sabre fights at the Gay Games, they use glow in the dark condoms.

The concession stand at the Gay Games has a sign that states - Unlike Gay Sex our
Microwave won't brown your sausage. We make our coffee like you like your women
Nowheres near your penis. [ Actually it is possible to get a gay man to have sex with a woman? Just **** in her ******.]

How do gay guys do a drive by?
They pull up in a Mazda Miata, throw a bunch of Skittles and yell, TASTE THE RAINBOW, *****ES!!!
Goodness, but if that isn't speaking from your own detailed experience I don't know what is.
Okay fine if nobody will do the obvious, I got it...

Sounds like a bunch of Nazis pretending that sodomites are the new world order. Why can't they just play nice and not shove their sexual orientation in everyone's face?
Sounds like a bunch of Nazis pretending that sodomites are the new world order. Why can't they just play nice and not shove their sexual orientation in everyone's face?
You sound like someone who can't convince anyone to enjoy a nice round of sodomy with them.

And this is why we need a gay sub forum. But of course howey wouldnt use wouldnt work with his "We're queer and we're here" agenda.
Conversely, this is why we Really need a Far Right sub forum. For the We Do Nothing For Americans But Cut Their Benefits and Hate People agenda. You and your ilk are the best poster children to exemplify that need.

Talk about pulling something out of your ass .....:lol:
Thousands attend Gay Games in Cleveland - Video

The Gay Games are going Strong and many new participants are joining all the time. That should show others that such athletic games are not just geared to one particular sexual orientation.

Any breakdown on how many of the "spectators" were NOT gay?

Shouldn't there be some sort of vetting system to keep non-gay people from infiltrating the "gay games"?

What is stopping some top tier non-gay athlete from showing up at the "gay games" and taking home a suitcase full of medals, prize money, and endorsements, just for the helluva it?

How does one prove they are gay without performing a homosexual sex act in the presence of a "gay games" official, or WITH a "gay games" official?

Are the typical gay stereotypes sufficient to prove you are gay?

Maybe a questionnaire? For example.................

Gay Men:

1. Do you wear very bright-colored clothing, including short shorts?

2. Do you have an excessive fondness for rainbows?

3. Are you currently, or have you ever been, a member of NAMBLA?

4. Do you have an obsession with the movie "The Wizard of Oz"?

5. Do you speak with a lisp?

6. Do you often notice that your wrists are limp?

7. Do you enjoy gladiator movies?

8. Are you a collector of Playgirl magazines?

9. Do you belong to a health club but never leave the shower/locker room?

10. Do you have an excessive amount of female friends?

I doubt that they care that the participants are gay or straight as long as they are supporting gays.
What's the point to the "gay games"? Were spectators tricked into believing that the gay games were going to be examples of Nazi torture or homophobic porn? Did it turn out to be "dykes on bikes" bar bashing or just track and field events by (only) homosexual competitors? Ho Hum
And this is why we need a gay sub forum.

Then we also need a separate forum in case someone wants to post a photo of female cheerleaders. Yadda yadda yadda ...

None of this has any impact on straights. Give it a frikken rest already.
There is also a possibility that uninformed Americans might assume that the word "gay" might still mean happy instead of aggressive sodomite anarchist.

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