Thousands Fleeing Obama's New Cuba

Allowing them to come here does not mean they get citizenship. It's the same with all the illegals. Why don't we give them a path to becoming legal residents so they will pay taxes like everyone else, without the option of becoming citizens?
That will only encourage more to come. Send them home!

If you want to send 11 million or more illegals home, go for it. You will help destroy many local economies, put a hole in GDP growth, and create more problems than it is worth. Many of these illegals don't know anywhere else as home except for the US, because they have lived here most of their entire lives.
Obama's open borders policy isn't about making other countries better or allowing individuals an opportunity to better their own lives, it's to lower the standard of living of Americans down to the same level of squalor of third world shitholes.

YOu realize that automatically granting Cubans asylum if they can reach the US has been our policy for at least a generation, right?
Obama's open borders policy isn't about making other countries better or allowing individuals an opportunity to better their own lives, it's to lower the standard of living of Americans down to the same level of squalor of third world shitholes.
Basically, that is the plan.

Obama's link to Wall Street was established via Eric Holder, the sleazy pimp he'd appointed Attorney General. Holder has deep roots in Wall street, Matt Taibbi: Eric Holder Back to Wall Street-Tied Law Firm After Years of Refusing to Jail Bankers | Democracy Now! which is the beating heart of the corporatocracy that rules this Country and has been patiently and methodically, step by little step, ever since engineering the installation of Ronald Reagan, The Man From General Electric, as President, to decimate the middle class. Barack Obama's path to the Presidency was greased by Wall Street and the banks.

Bernie Sanders knows exactly how it was done and he knows how to reverse it. Please do not allow an erroneous understanding of what socialism means cloud your judgment and prejudice you against Bernie. If you are a working class American, he is your friend -- and you need him in the White House.

You do not need a billionaire power freak in there. You don't need Bill Clinton's puppet in there. And you don't need Cruz, an intelligent version of George W. Bush milking that job for all he can get out of it. America desperately needs a political revolution and Bernie Sanders is standing on the barricade.

Do yourself, and the rest of us, a favor and vote for him.
But I thought Dear Leader Barrack opened up Cuba so the people would no longer suffer so much under a dictatorship. If that's the case, shouldn't they be wanting to stay to take advantage of a better life?

Stop lying. You didn't think at all.
Just ran across this. don't think Obama didn't know this wouldn't happen. this man has been a traitor to us and you sit and do nothing

Raul Castro Is Launching a ‘Weapon of Mass Migration’ against the U.S. Cuban President Raul Castro by Ian Smith January 28, 2016 4:00 AM

As you read this, a convoy of buses carrying an estimated 8,000 Cuban nationals is arriving at our southern borders after departing from Costa Rica and El Salvador. The circuitous route is due to an increased Coast Guard presence in the Florida Straits, which itself is a response to record-level illegal crossings from Cuba this year.

What’s driving this exodus may not be due to completely natural factors, however. Writing in the Miami Herald, Maria Werlau of the Cuba Archive, says that what’s arriving at our door is nothing but a “fabricated crisis,” intentionally designed by Cuba to “stir humanitarian” and “anti-immigration sentiments” in America.

According to Werlau, President Raul Castro has pushed the outflow to force President Obama into repealing Cuba’s remaining sanctions. The timing of the dramatic migration certainly supports Werlau’s thesis. Obama began normalization talks last summer; and, if his party loses the election this year, Raul would be forced to deal with people such as Senator Ted Cruz, the son of a Cuban dissident; Jeb Bush, a Floridian; Senator Marco Rubio, also the son of a Cuban dissident as well as a Floridian; or Donald Trump.
Read more at: Raul Castro Is Launching a ‘Weapon of Mass Migration’ against the U.S.
They are flooding us with illegal immigrants they are now calling, refugees from every culture and hell hole around the world, but white and Christian. there a reason for all this "white hating" going on in this country. you might want to buy more ammo.

They are flooding us with illegal immigrants they are now calling, refugees from every culture and hell hole around the world, but white and Christian. there a reason for all this "white hating" going on in this country. you might want to buy more ammo.
The purpose for the flood of immigrants, most of whom are peasant class laborers but many of whom are skilled tradesmen and semi-professionals, should be obvious to the least politically oriented American. The objective is to drive wages down to the level that existed prior to the Union Movement in the late 1930s.

Today I am quite surprised at how many otherwise intelligent Americans actually approve of the attack on unions by such measures as emergence of Right-To-Work states and the virtually unchallenged flood of Mexican laborers across the Southern border. Anyone who believes this influx of illegal immigrants can't be stopped is simply naive. And now we have the Muslim epidemic.

The simple answer to any questions one might have about what is going on in America is the deliberate, methodical destruction of the Great American Middle Class! All who have the intelligence to see that and the will to do something about it will vote for Bernie Sanders. Because any of the other candidates will give us more of the same.
It goes a step further. There is a huge push in the Latino community to get people to apply for citizenship. Labor unions are offering symposium's and help in filling out the forms - $685 just to submit the form! Add another $200 for have someone fill out the form for you.
It goes a step further. There is a huge push in the Latino community to get people to apply for citizenship. Labor unions are offering symposium's and help in filling out the forms - $685 just to submit the form! Add another $200 for have someone fill out the form for you.
yes they are. My guy is so upset with his Union after being at Ford for 28years. he thinks they are in bed with the company. and they stood with Obama backing his Amnesty push
Obama's open borders policy isn't about making other countries better or allowing individuals an opportunity to better their own lives, it's to lower the standard of living of Americans down to the same level of squalor of third world shitholes.

LOL- what is funny about that claim is that the only group that we do actually have an 'Open Border" policy for- is Cubans.

There are no 'illegal alien' Cubans in America- because unlike every other Latin American if they get on American soil they are here legally.
It goes a step further. There is a huge push in the Latino community to get people to apply for citizenship. Labor unions are offering symposium's and help in filling out the forms - $685 just to submit the form! Add another $200 for have someone fill out the form for you.

Oh no- Latino's applying for citizenship.

Can't have that.

Except for Cubans of course.
yes they are. My guy is so upset with his Union after being at Ford for 28years. he thinks they are in bed with the company. and they stood with Obama backing his Amnesty push
One of the effects of long periods of satisfactory conditions is complacency on the part of union members. They get lazy, stop paying attention, stop going to meetings -- and they don't bother to vote. The result is the wrong people get elected and corruption emerges.

Your friend needs to start raising hell, speaking out and distributing flyers. Kick out the leadership and put in trusted people. Unions are democracies.
yes they are. My guy is so upset with his Union after being at Ford for 28years. he thinks they are in bed with the company. and they stood with Obama backing his Amnesty push
One of the effects of long periods of satisfactory conditions is complacency on the part of union members. They get lazy, stop paying attention, stop going to meetings -- and they don't bother to vote. The result is the wrong people get elected and corruption emerges.

Your friend needs to start raising hell, speaking out and distributing flyers. Kick out the leadership and put in trusted people. Unions are democracies.

I'll let him know your advice. t/y

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