Thousands of Migrants. There's One Problem

people are noticing that the Westen world is pretty stupid . The whole refugee , migrant invasion of the west is amazing to see .
people are noticing that the Westen world is pretty stupid . The whole refugee , migrant invasion of the west is amazing to see .
PC bullshit
No one really wants those fuckers in their communities.
Arabs are not really smarter than whites, but the guilt is undeniable. I guess a millennia of domination does something to limp wrists..
what does PGellar have to do with anything . Heck , Hungary built a border fence to exclude or control this migrant invasion . These invaders are camped out at 'calais' as they try to sneak into England . These invaders leave Libya and travel in boats and land on islands off the coast of Italy . After they get to Italy they travel though Europe . Pam Gellar is just reporting reality Pogo !! Course you know what I just said and probably are in favor of the invasion .
Well you asked a question and then supplied your own answer :rolleyes:

Pam Geller has never "reported reality". What she "reports" is "

I've just never been impressed by snake oil salesmen.
Well you asked a question and then supplied your own answer :rolleyes:

Pam Geller has never "reported reality". What she "reports" is "

I've just never been impressed by snake oil salesmen.

Man this thread got off track in record time....
So what do you think about all the "refugees" being men?
I find it disturbing personally.
Well you asked a question and then supplied your own answer :rolleyes:

Pam Geller has never "reported reality". What she "reports" is "

I've just never been impressed by snake oil salesmen.

Man this thread got off track in record time....
So what do you think about all the "refugees" being men?
I find it disturbing personally.

First off, I don't have any such info. I have a YouLube video from Pam Geller. Guess who puts titles on YouLube videos --- anybody. I could copy that video and retitle it "Welsh Sheep Fucking Festival Opens" and somebody would buy it.

Second, if you think the first represents actual news, we won't even bother with "second".
Well you asked a question and then supplied your own answer :rolleyes:

Pam Geller has never "reported reality". What she "reports" is "

I've just never been impressed by snake oil salesmen.

Man this thread got off track in record time....
So what do you think about all the "refugees" being men?
I find it disturbing personally.

First off, I don't have any such info. I have a YouLube video from Pam Geller. Guess who puts titles on YouLube videos --- anybody. I could copy that video and retitle it "Welsh Sheep Fucking Festival Opens" and somebody would buy it.

Second, if you think the first represents actual news, we won't even bother with "second".

Use the Google.
It's not like this is the first story about this.
So ill informed......:itsok:
just deflection by Pogo . Pam is reporting reality . There is an invasion by muslim invaders of quite a bit of Europe and Pams info should be seen as reality !!
think that this is CBS news report --- Hungary builds fence to keep migrants out of EU --- and its not just Hungary , its France , and Germany , probably England , Sweden and anywhere 'euro peon' that the invaders can get to . Jeez Pogo , you know the reality . With your spin and deflection you sound like mrobama !!
Refugees tryin' to make it through Slovenia...

Worried Slovenia might built fence to cope with migrant crisis
Fri Oct 23, 2015 - Slovenia said it will consider all options, including fencing off its border with Croatia, if European leaders fail to agree a common approach to the migrant crisis as thousands stream into the ex-Yugoslav republic.
Migrants began crossing into Slovenia last Saturday after Hungary closed its border with Croatia. The Slovenian Interior Ministry said that a total of 47,000 had entered the country since Saturday, including some 10,000 in the past 24 hours. A Reuters cameraman said about 3,000 people broke the fence at the border crossing at Sentilj and walked in to Austria on Friday morning. Slovenian officials said the country is too small and does not have enough resources to handle such large numbers of people. Prime Minister Miro Cerar accused Croatia of transporting too many people too quickly to Slovenia.


Migrants walk in Slovenia after passing through the Croatian village of Kljuc Brdovecki​

When asked if there was the possibility of building a fence on the border, Cerar told Slovenian state TV: "We are considering also those options." "At first we are seeking a European solution. If we lose hope on the European level, if we do not get enough on Sunday … then all options are possible as that would mean that we are on our own," Cerar said. Several European leaders are due to meet in Brussels on Sunday under the auspices of the European Commission to discuss the latest developments in the migrant crisis, Europe's biggest since World War.

Hundreds of thousands of people fleeing war and poverty in the Middle East, Asia and Africa have reached Europe this year, with hundreds losing their lives in risky voyages across the Mediterranean. Most are trying to reach Germany and other rich countries. Croatia began directing migrants into Slovenia, which is part of the European Union's open border Schengen Area, after Hungary closed its borders. But bottlenecks have built up along new routes and border crossing points in the Balkans, and aid workers fear the humanitarian crisis will deepen as winter weather sets in.


See also:

Germany speeds up new measures to deal with refugee influx
Fri Oct 23, 2015 - Germany is introducing measures to tackle its refugee crisis earlier than previously expected, a top government official said on Friday, allowing accelerated deportation procedures to begin as early as next week.
Germany expects a record influx of more than 800,000 migrants this year, by far the most in the European Union. With the new measures, Berlin is aiming to cope better with the unprecedented number of arrivals and to stem the influx. The tighter rules aim to speed up asylum and extradition procedures for migrants from southeastern Europe, in order to focus on refugees from war-torn countries such as Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. Peter Altmaier, Chancellor Angela Merkel's chief of staff, said the new measures could now be expected to come into effect before a previously foreseen start date of Nov. 1. "That would be a good signal," he told ARD television. "We want to get better and faster this year at the deportation of rejected applicants who have no claim to remain here," added Altmaier, who Merkel appointed earlier this month to oversee her government's handling of the refugee crisis.


Migrants are escorted by German police to a registration centre, after crossing the Austrian-German border in Wegscheid near Passau, Germany​

Support for Merkel's conservatives has fallen due to concern over the refugee crisis. Many Germans feel the country cannot cope with the record influx. A poll for ARD showed three-quarters of Germans expect the influx of refugees to change German society. Several European leaders are due to meet on Sunday to tackle the migrant crisis in the western Balkans as thousands trying to reach Germany are trapped in deteriorating conditions.

Hungary has responded to the largest migration wave Europe has seen since World War Two by building a steel fence along its borders with Serbia and Croatia, a step both welcomed and criticized by various leaders around Europe. "The more fences are erected the greater the misery," Altmaier said. "Europe must see to it that this movement and this influx is orderly and structured." The head of Germany's police trade union, Rainer Wendt, said the crisis was stretching police resources thin. "I have personally told the chancellor: we can't be in two places at once," Wendt told newspaper Die Welt.

Germany speeds up new measures to deal with refugee influx
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the only thing wrong with ALL of these little 'euro peon' countries is that they are feeding , housing and accepting any of the muslim invaders . Same thoughts for Germany , France and England . And especialy the USA !! All western countries should block entry of these muslim invaders to their western first world countries. Block them , turn them around and send them back to the third world that they come from . Its simply common sense !!
Migrants may cause demise of EU...

‘Extraordinary times’: Refugee flow unabated as EU leaders hold summit on crisis
Oct 25, 2015, : As thousands of Syrians, Afghans and others kept up their relentless march through the Balkans, European Union leaders held an emergency summit on Sunday to find ways of easing the plight of those caught up in the continent's greatest immigration crisis in decades.
In a draft of the meeting's conclusions seen by Associated Press, the leaders were looking to shore up Greece's porous border with Turkey and slow the flow of people heading north toward the European Union's heartland. "Extraordinary times demand extraordinary measures," German Chancellor Angela Merkel said of the summit called on short notice that brought 11 leaders from the EU and the Balkans to Brussels. Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic said he was prepared for "hard, not very pleasant" talks, but hoped the leaders could work out a "comprehensive solution". He said Serbia would not "put up any walls" — unlike Hungary's new razor wire-topped border fences — but suggested his country will not agree to host tens of thousands of stranded refugees if countries further west closed their borders.


Refugees move past a chapel after crossing from Croatia, in Rigonce, near a border crossing between Croatia and Slovenia.​

Other Balkan officials say the 28-nation EU needs to get control of the migrant flow at the bloc's external border between EU-member Greece and Turkey. Migration experts, however, say the flood of refugees won't be halted until the world resolves the war in Syria, which is driving millions out of the country. Nearly 250,000 migrants have passed through the Balkans since mid-September and the surge is not being deterred by either cold weather or colder waters off Greece. Croatia said 11,500 people crossed into the country on Saturday, the highest in a single day since asylum-seekers were blocked by Hungary and started coming into Croatia in mid-September.

At Slovenia's overwhelmed Brezice refugee camp near the border with Croatia, a spokesman for the UN refugee agency urged leaders to come up with a system to register and screen newcomers when they first enter Europe, rather than in piecemeal attempts at borders along the way. "But also very important is to help Syria's neighboring countries, where there are around 4 million refugees," said UNHCR spokesman Babar Baloch. "These people don't need to take these risky journeys if there are legal pathways to come to Europe."


See also:

EU will 'start falling apart' if no quick action on migrants: Slovenia

Oct 25, 2015, : The European Union will "start falling apart" if it fails to take concrete action to tackle the migrant crisis within the next few weeks, Slovenian Prime Minister Miro Cerar warned today. "If we do not deliver some immediate and concrete actions on the ground in the next few days and weeks I believe the EU and Europe as a whole will start falling apart," said Cerar, whose tiny country of two million has been swamped by more than 60,000 migrants in a matter of days.
Cerar, who spoke as he went into an emergency summit on the migrant influx, said his country was facing a "very serious" situation and could not cope on its own for much longer. The numbers arriving in Slovenia were proportionate to half a million arriving in Germany in one day, he said. "We will not be able to endure this for weeks if we do not get help," the prime minister said, calling on neighbour Croatia not to continue pushing migrants onward to Slovenia on their way to other countries in the EU.

An unprecedented 670,000 people, mainly fleeing conflict in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, have flooded into Europe so far this year in the continent's worst crisis of its kind since World War II. The majority cross from Turkey into Greece and then on through the Balkans with the aim mostly of getting to Germany. Faced with a huge influx over the summer, Hungary clamped down on its border with Serbia, prompting the refugees to switch into Croatia which in turn imposed border controls, pushing them into Slovenia. Germany and Austria have also introduced border controls after earlier opening their arms to the wave of arrivals, which has put Europe's cherished system of borderless travel in jeopardy.

Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia yesterday warned they would not accept being turned into a "buffer zone" for the tens of thousands of arrivals streaming into Europe and would close their borders if Austria and Germany did so. Today's mini summit, called by European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, groups the heads of 10 EU nations, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel, plus the leaders of non-EU Albania, Serbia and Macedonia.

EU will 'start falling apart' if no quick action on migrants: Slovenia - Times of India
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"Migrants"? The correct term is "refugees" but that's not right either. Maybe you can call it a stealth invasion army.

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