Thousands of People Should be Blamed For INCITING A RIOT.


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Right now, I estimate the number of people who are inciting rioting in America, is in the thousands. Here's a few examples >>

1. Magic Johnson - "I am very disappointed with decision in the Mike Brown case in Ferguson, MO. We must work together to stop the unnecessary loss of young men of color. Justice was not served in Ferguson."

2. Kobe Bryant - "The system enables young black men to be killed behind the mask of law."

3. Serena Williams - "Wow. Just wow. Shameful. What will it take???"

4. Steve Nash - "Disgusted by decision in furguson. Racism is learned. Accepted is systematic suffocation of education and opportunity. What are we saying?"

5. Leslie McSpadden (Michael Brown's mother) - "I don't think he wanted to kill my son, but he wanted to kill someone,"
" my son... would never provoke anyone to do anything to him, and he would never do anything to anybody."


6.Anthony Gray (Brown family attorney) - Claims only reason for shooting was Brown telling Wilson "Fuck off!" Claims Wilson was lying. Disparages the GJ verdict.

7. Benjamin Crump (Brown family attorney) - Preaches that the system is killing black people. Preaches hatred for police. Says the police treat Black kids differently. Suggests having body cameras for police (I agree with him on that).

8. Mark Geragos - "This was a foregone conclusion. Rigged game"

9. Missouri Rep. Lacy Clay - Says even though the GJ decided not to indict, a trial should be held anyway. Suggests the appointment of a special prosecutor, and having a trial. Denigrates the GJ verdict; says it was biased.

10. Colonel William Brooks - (Pres. NAACP) - advocates "reform" of state & local police and laws against racial profiling. Calls Wilson's remarks "laughable". Says "Americans across the country are asking themselves the question, how is it that you have an unarmed teenager meeting an adult with a gun and a badge that results with the teenager dead in that instance, heavy use of force?"

11. Al Sharpton - Says we need to fight for new way of policing.
Complained about 12 year old with toy gun, shot by police. Says if you're on Brown's side , you're for law & order. Announces a meeting to set up marches and boycotts to protest Brown shooting. Claims the shooting has lit a new energy for police accountability (but I don't think he means why were they so weak on Nov. 24 ?)

12. Lisa Bloom (MSNBC) - "Wilson was not pressed by the Grand Jury"

13. Chris Hayes (MSNBC) - "The scenario told by Wilson is highly unusual."

14. Sonny Hostin (CNN) - "I think this investigation and procedure was extremely troubling."

15. Rachel Maddow (MSNBC) - Criticized the GJ for claimed some of the "witnesses" were not credible. Says there is deep distrust of the system.

16. Nancy Grace (HLN) - (Get ready for a really stupid one here) - Claims Wilson didn't even have a bruise. Says the DA used the GJ, and presented in a way that the GJ would drop charges. Says that with a big guy charging at him, Wilson could have "put the pedal to the metal, and drive off" (Gee, wouldn't that be great if all our cops did that, every time they encounter criminal activity ? Pheeeeww!! High-pitched whistle
Lastly, she says she will have Michael Brown's parents on her show, tonight (How about Darren Wilson's parents ?)

17. Lawrence O'Donnell (MSNBC) - "Most legal experts don't accept the GJ decision" (the ones on MSNBC, perhaps ?)

18. Van Jones (CNN) - says "Darren Wilson is 6'4" tall and 210 pounds. He is huge." (Is this guy kidding, or what ?

19. Dorian Johnson -"He had his hands up" (that was proven false)

20. Saved the best for last >> Louis Head (Michael Brown's stepfather) - "Burn this bitch down."
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If Louis Head is not in jail right now, something is really wrong. Dozens of store owners who lost their livelihoods should be livid, if he is still free.
Since every day more and more white haters and cop haters mouth off on liberal TV stations, the 20 examples of riot inciters I listed in the OP, could really be in the hundreds.

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