Thousands storm WWII at Mall; Whooooooooo hoooooooooooo!

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Crowd storms World War II Memorial

WASHINGTON - Thousands of people converged on the World War II Memorial on the National Mall on Sunday morning and tore down the barricades blocking it off, protesting the closure of the memorial during the federal government shutdown.

Beginning at about 9:30 a.m., Sens. Mike Lee, R-Utah, and Ted Cruz, R-Texas, as well as former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, were among the luminaries in a crowd that chanted "Tear down these walls!" and sang "God Bless America" as well as other patriotic songs as they entered the memorial, which has been closed since the government shutdown that began Oct. 1.

Tractor-trailers headed down 17th Street toward the Mall, blaring their horns. The Metropolitan Police Department blocked off the street, prompting the crowd to head up the street, shouting at the police to move their vehicles.

Crowd storms World War II Memorial -

The people are rising against the White House. "This is OUR Memorial!"

God Bless America!
Crowd storms World War II Memorial

WASHINGTON - Thousands of people converged on the World War II Memorial on the National Mall on Sunday morning and tore down the barricades blocking it off, protesting the closure of the memorial during the federal government shutdown.

Beginning at about 9:30 a.m., Sens. Mike Lee, R-Utah, and Ted Cruz, R-Texas, as well as former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, were among the luminaries in a crowd that chanted "Tear down these walls!" and sang "God Bless America" as well as other patriotic songs as they entered the memorial, which has been closed since the government shutdown that began Oct. 1.

Tractor-trailers headed down 17th Street toward the Mall, blaring their horns. The Metropolitan Police Department blocked off the street, prompting the crowd to head up the street, shouting at the police to move their vehicles.

Crowd storms World War II Memorial -

The people are rising against the White House. "This is OUR Memorial!"

God Bless America!

The authoritarian anti occupy wall street crowd is beginning to cheer protesters? What's next, anti war rallies, sit ins and singing kumbaya as long as it's anti Obama?
Nobody is rising against the White House. You are just retarded enough to think this is cool.

We would all be better off if dummies like you would figure out that you are being played.
Great to see. Nothing can change if you don't get involved. The Communists/Progressives have seized power because they were allowed to. Too many have decided to do a lot of complaining, while doing very little doing. Ya gotta give the Communists/Progressives credit, they've been united and aggressive. Now it's time for Constitutional Conservatives to do the same.

A vet was wearing this fabulous T shirt! I want one.


The government will remove the barricades and open the national mall for a immigration rally but the veteran's have to remove them themselves what bullshit.

Selective enforcement of the laws is what these leftists are all about. And only those "on-board" with their leftist agenda get to break the same rules and laws that you and I must abide by.
Normandy? Yeah they stormed that one too. The Germans didn't know what hit them. The World War II memorial? They stormed that as well. Obama didn't know what hit him either.


The Daily Caller said "hundreds of people" not thousands. The pictures posted show a very small group and what struck me immediately is that the crowd is uniformly white and mostly male and not well dressed.

IOW, a small group of low income white males - the die hard Republican voters and TP supporters. Furthermore, none of them looked old enough to have served in WWII. Anyone who served in WWII would be close to 90 years old.

My brother lied about his age to join the army in 1944 at the age of 16 and he would be 88 today if he were still living.

All this does is underline how little support the TP has for their agenda.
The Daily Caller said "hundreds of people" not thousands. The pictures posted show a very small group and what struck me immediately is that the crowd is uniformly white and mostly male and not well dressed.

IOW, a small group of low income white males - the die hard Republican voters and TP supporters. Furthermore, none of them looked old enough to have served in WWII. Anyone who served in WWII would be close to 90 years old.

My brother lied about his age to join the army in 1944 at the age of 16 and he would be 88 today if he were still living.

All this does is underline how little support the TP has for their agenda.
You see what you want to see.
The Daily Caller said "hundreds of people" not thousands. The pictures posted show a very small group and what struck me immediately is that the crowd is uniformly white and mostly male and not well dressed.

IOW, a small group of low income white males - the die hard Republican voters and TP supporters. Furthermore, none of them looked old enough to have served in WWII. Anyone who served in WWII would be close to 90 years old.

My brother lied about his age to join the army in 1944 at the age of 16 and he would be 88 today if he were still living.

All this does is underline how little support the TP has for their agenda.

I'm in too good a mood to neg you, but you really need to be bitch slapped for this post.


You should be royally pissed off that Obama put more guards at an open air monument to WWII veterans then he had at Benghazi.

You should be royally pissed off that any CIC would block Veterans from a place that they should be able to come and respect for their fallen comrades day or night.

But no, you have to trash out those good men and women who are there with your vile comments.
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