Thousands storm WWII at Mall; Whooooooooo hoooooooooooo!

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The Daily Caller said "hundreds of people" not thousands. The pictures posted show a very small group and what struck me immediately is that the crowd is uniformly white and mostly male and not well dressed.

IOW, a small group of low income white males - the die hard Republican voters and TP supporters. Furthermore, none of them looked old enough to have served in WWII. Anyone who served in WWII would be close to 90 years old.

My brother lied about his age to join the army in 1944 at the age of 16 and he would be 88 today if he were still living.

All this does is underline how little support the TP has for their agenda.
You see what you want to see.

What dragonlady doesn't realize is that the majority of the men in the army before and during WWII were white, this was before the Army was fully integrated. Only a year had gone by after law was passed in 1940 to begin fully integrating the Armed Forces when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. So the process was still ongoing. The Armed Forces did not become fully integrated until 1965.

But my question though is how race would play a part in these vets wanting to see their own memorial?
Rock on!

Cruz, Lee and Palin were part of the crowd. Check this out.

WASHINGTON - Thousands of people converged on the World War II Memorial on the National Mall on Sunday morning and tore down the barricades blocking it off, protesting the closure of the memorial during the federal government shutdown.

Beginning at about 9:30 a.m., Sens. Mike Lee, R-Utah, and Ted Cruz, R-Texas, as well as former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, were among the luminaries in a crowd that chanted "Tear down these walls!" and sang "God Bless America" as well as other patriotic songs as they entered the memorial, which has been closed since the government shutdown that began Oct. 1.

Tractor-trailers headed down 17th Street toward the Mall, blaring their horns. The Metropolitan Police Department blocked off the street, prompting the crowd to head up the street, shouting at the police to move their vehicles.

Crowd storms World War II Memorial -

Doesn't look like thousands to me although you all usually embellish your numbers.
The Daily Caller said "hundreds of people" not thousands. The pictures posted show a very small group and what struck me immediately is that the crowd is uniformly white and mostly male and not well dressed.

IOW, a small group of low income white males - the die hard Republican voters and TP supporters. Furthermore, none of them looked old enough to have served in WWII. Anyone who served in WWII would be close to 90 years old.

My brother lied about his age to join the army in 1944 at the age of 16 and he would be 88 today if he were still living.

All this does is underline how little support the TP has for their agenda.

As for you, miss. How dare you impugn yourself on our greatest generation?! Without their blood you wouldn't have your freedom. How dare you accuse them of lying about something so hellish and gut wrenching? I am absolutely appalled by your words. You obviously have zero clue as to the history of the armed forces or the racial demographics during that time period.

You make me angry. I have had many generations of my family fight in wars all over the globe to protect freedom. WWII, Korea, Germany, Iwo Jima, Afghanistan, Iraq. You have no clue. None.
The government will remove the barricades and open the national mall for a immigration rally but the veteran's have to remove them themselves what bullshit.

Yeah, it's very sad. It's pretty in-your-face at this point. Our current Government cares much more about catering to Illegals than it does American Citizens. They see future votes. So it's 'To Hell with American Citizens." It's all about the Illegals now. We have a rogue criminal Government at this point.
Rock on!

Cruz, Lee and Palin were part of the crowd. Check this out.

WASHINGTON - Thousands of people converged on the World War II Memorial on the National Mall on Sunday morning and tore down the barricades blocking it off, protesting the closure of the memorial during the federal government shutdown.

Beginning at about 9:30 a.m., Sens. Mike Lee, R-Utah, and Ted Cruz, R-Texas, as well as former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, were among the luminaries in a crowd that chanted "Tear down these walls!" and sang "God Bless America" as well as other patriotic songs as they entered the memorial, which has been closed since the government shutdown that began Oct. 1.

Tractor-trailers headed down 17th Street toward the Mall, blaring their horns. The Metropolitan Police Department blocked off the street, prompting the crowd to head up the street, shouting at the police to move their vehicles.

Crowd storms World War II Memorial -

Doesn't look like thousands to me although you all usually embellish your numbers.

Actually that's what it says in the article, dimwit.
The Daily Caller said "hundreds of people" not thousands. The pictures posted show a very small group and what struck me immediately is that the crowd is uniformly white and mostly male and not well dressed.

IOW, a small group of low income white males - the die hard Republican voters and TP supporters. Furthermore, none of them looked old enough to have served in WWII. Anyone who served in WWII would be close to 90 years old.

My brother lied about his age to join the army in 1944 at the age of 16 and he would be 88 today if he were still living.

All this does is underline how little support the TP has for their agenda.
Clearly you have no clue regarding the significance of the statement made by these folks. This is a reminder that the US run by the people and for the people.
The Daily Caller said "hundreds of people" not thousands. The pictures posted show a very small group and what struck me immediately is that the crowd is uniformly white and mostly male and not well dressed.

IOW, a small group of low income white males - the die hard Republican voters and TP supporters. Furthermore, none of them looked old enough to have served in WWII. Anyone who served in WWII would be close to 90 years old.

My brother lied about his age to join the army in 1944 at the age of 16 and he would be 88 today if he were still living.

All this does is underline how little support the TP has for their agenda.
Clearly you have no clue regarding the significance of the statement made by these folks. This is a reminder that the US run by the people and for the people.

The Daily Caller said "hundreds of people" not thousands. The pictures posted show a very small group and what struck me immediately is that the crowd is uniformly white and mostly male and not well dressed.

IOW, a small group of low income white males - the die hard Republican voters and TP supporters. Furthermore, none of them looked old enough to have served in WWII. Anyone who served in WWII would be close to 90 years old.

My brother lied about his age to join the army in 1944 at the age of 16 and he would be 88 today if he were still living.

All this does is underline how little support the TP has for their agenda.
You see what you want to see.

What dragonlady doesn't realize is that the majority of the men in the army before and during WWII were white, this was before the Army was fully integrated. Only a year had gone by after law was passed in 1940 to begin fully integrating the Armed Forces when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. So the process was still ongoing. The Armed Forces did not become fully integrated until 1965.

But my question though is how race would play a part in these vets wanting to see their own memorial?
With progressives, race plays a part in everything.

It's disgusting.
IOW, a small group of low income white males

Liberals are so fuckin disgusting! You jump up and down about racism then bring race into every argument. Ram it up your ass!!!!
The Daily Caller said "hundreds of people" not thousands. The pictures posted show a very small group and what struck me immediately is that the crowd is uniformly white and mostly male and not well dressed.

IOW, a small group of low income white males - the die hard Republican voters and TP supporters. Furthermore, none of them looked old enough to have served in WWII. Anyone who served in WWII would be close to 90 years old.

My brother lied about his age to join the army in 1944 at the age of 16 and he would be 88 today if he were still living.

All this does is underline how little support the TP has for their agenda.
Clearly you have no clue regarding the significance of the statement made by these folks. This is a reminder that the US run by the people and for the people.
Socialists cry “Power to the people”, and raise the clenched fist as they say it. We all know what they really mean—power over people, power to the State. ~ Margaret Thatcher
I didn't see a single person in these pictures who could have served in WWII. None of them are old enough. I see a small group of 40 to 60 year old white males using faux outrage to promote a losing agenda.

All three of my brothers volunteered to serve in WWII. My oldest brother was wounded on D-Day and carried shrapnel in his body from those wounds until the day he died.

I am disgusted that Palin, Cruz, et al are pretending to care about these people in order to further their agenda which hits the poor and the elderly on fixed incomes the hardest.
More insanity emerging from the rabid-right ...

One speaker went as far as saying the president was a Muslim and separately urged the crowd of hundreds to initiate a peaceful uprising.

"I call upon all of you to wage a second American nonviolent revolution, to use civil disobedience, and to demand that this president leave town, to get up, to put the Quran down, to get up off his knees, and to figuratively come out with his hands up," said Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch, a conservative political advocacy group.

Rallier tells Obama to ?put the Quran down? ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs
I didn't see a single person in these pictures who could have served in WWII. None of them are old enough. I see a small group of 40 to 60 year old white males using faux outrage to promote a losing agenda.

All three of my brothers volunteered to serve in WWII. My oldest brother was wounded on D-Day and carried shrapnel in his body from those wounds until the day he died.

I am disgusted that Palin, Cruz, et al are pretending to care about these people in order to further their agenda which hits the poor and the elderly on fixed incomes the hardest.

WWII vets are too old to storm.. Maybe they just strolled. Storming sounds like a bit much for them.
Of course the MSM and their moonbat followers are going to try to spin this into some kind of fringe movement.

In reality, veterans who served our country are serving the cause of liberty once more by tearing down the So Aptly Named Barrycades.
The Daily Caller said "hundreds of people" not thousands. The pictures posted show a very small group and what struck me immediately is that the crowd is uniformly white and mostly male and not well dressed.

IOW, a small group of low income white males - the die hard Republican voters and TP supporters. Furthermore, none of them looked old enough to have served in WWII. Anyone who served in WWII would be close to 90 years old.

My brother lied about his age to join the army in 1944 at the age of 16 and he would be 88 today if he were still living.

All this does is underline how little support the TP has for their agenda.
You see what you want to see.

What dragonlady doesn't realize is that the majority of the men in the army before and during WWII were white, this was before the Army was fully integrated. Only a year had gone by after law was passed in 1940 to begin fully integrating the Armed Forces when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. So the process was still ongoing. The Armed Forces did not become fully integrated until 1965.

But my question though is how race would play a part in these vets wanting to see their own memorial?

If a black vetran was pictured, she would call him an uncle tom. Disgusting but true.
I didn't see a single person in these pictures who could have served in WWII. None of them are old enough. I see a small group of 40 to 60 year old white males using faux outrage to promote a losing agenda.

All three of my brothers volunteered to serve in WWII. My oldest brother was wounded on D-Day and carried shrapnel in his body from those wounds until the day he died.

I am disgusted that Palin, Cruz, et al are pretending to care about these people in order to further their agenda which hits the poor and the elderly on fixed incomes the hardest.

They don't care about anything other than their 15 minutes of fame that they keep trying to get by jumping out in front of other patriotic American's parades.
You see what you want to see.

What dragonlady doesn't realize is that the majority of the men in the army before and during WWII were white, this was before the Army was fully integrated. Only a year had gone by after law was passed in 1940 to begin fully integrating the Armed Forces when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. So the process was still ongoing. The Armed Forces did not become fully integrated until 1965.

But my question though is how race would play a part in these vets wanting to see their own memorial?
With progressives, race plays a part in everything.

It's disgusting.

I know! Always playing the ever predictable race card! always! always!!!!!

don't they ever get tired?

I guess not.:mad:
I didn't see a single person in these pictures who could have served in WWII. None of them are old enough. I see a small group of 40 to 60 year old white males using faux outrage to promote a losing agenda.

All three of my brothers volunteered to serve in WWII. My oldest brother was wounded on D-Day and carried shrapnel in his body from those wounds until the day he died.

I am disgusted that Palin, Cruz, et al are pretending to care about these people in order to further their agenda which hits the poor and the elderly on fixed incomes the hardest.

They don't care about anything other than their 15 minutes of fame that they keep trying to get by jumping out in front of other patriotic American's parades.

This is one of your most hateful and vile posts.

Congrats on a new low.
I didn't see a single person in these pictures who could have served in WWII. None of them are old enough. I see a small group of 40 to 60 year old white males using faux outrage to promote a losing agenda.

All three of my brothers volunteered to serve in WWII. My oldest brother was wounded on D-Day and carried shrapnel in his body from those wounds until the day he died.

I am disgusted that Palin, Cruz, et al are pretending to care about these people in order to further their agenda which hits the poor and the elderly on fixed incomes the hardest.
You stupid cow.




YOU should stop pretending to care about veterans. Because you plainly don't.
I didn't see a single person in these pictures who could have served in WWII. None of them are old enough. I see a small group of 40 to 60 year old white males using faux outrage to promote a losing agenda.

All three of my brothers volunteered to serve in WWII. My oldest brother was wounded on D-Day and carried shrapnel in his body from those wounds until the day he died.

I am disgusted that Palin, Cruz, et al are pretending to care about these people in order to further their agenda which hits the poor and the elderly on fixed incomes the hardest.

Not one single person, eh? Because you weren't looking hard enough. That wouldn't fit your whiny, deceitful leftist agenda to actually SEE, now would it.

Most of those people are the families of WWII vets, many dead my dad, and many of whom are ALSO in the US military.

Get a frickin clue for a refreshing change.
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