Thousands storm WWII at Mall; Whooooooooo hoooooooooooo!

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And you would be right.

These rightwing imbeciles think they can undo the damage caused to the GOP by their idiocy to destroy the U.S. economy in order to get rid of ObamaCare by screaming about the WWII War Memorial. They idiotically think that will "rally the troops" against Obama and divert attention away from the GOP.

Meanwhile, Obama's JAR has gone up since the government shutdown while congressional Republicans have the lowest approval rating in the history of such polling.
Someone who can't think for himself has no business dictating what others think.

From someone who thinks I'm dictating what others think. :cuckoo:
And you would be right.

These rightwing imbeciles think they can undo the damage caused to the GOP by their idiocy to destroy the U.S. economy in order to get rid of ObamaCare by screaming about the WWII War Memorial. They idiotically think that will "rally the troops" against Obama and divert attention away from the GOP.

Meanwhile, Obama's JAR has gone up since the government shutdown while congressional Republicans have the lowest approval rating in the history of such polling.
Lol, you left wing loonies think you can hide the fact that the man child president is taking the ball home cause he didn't get his way, and taking it out on our great soldiers and vetrans is disgusting. You can try to blame the shut down on the republicans, bug the memorial closing is all obama. He is a piece of shit for doing it, and doesn't deserve the freedom they fought for to give him.
It's not just me who thinks Republicans are to blame for the government shut down.

Every single poll taken indicates that. Including one paid for by Ted Cruz. As far as the WWII memorial, everything under the National Park Service was shut down. There were no exceptions. If you don't like it, bitch and moan to those responsible for the shutdown -- the GOP.

It cracks me up how the right impedes on the governments abilities to pay all of its bills -- and then whines incessantly about not having access to public sites.

:eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo:
I thank those who posted pictures of actual WWII vets in attendance, however few there were and yes I am aware how few are still living. My three older brothers are all gone, but they were all more than 25 years older than me.

Many commented on my mention of the race of those attending the rally. I mention it because those who voted Republican in the last election were overwhelmingly white (80%) and male (60%). Those participating in this rally match that demographic. IOW, the participants were those would be TP supporters in the first place.

If Cruz and Palin are trying to delude people into thinking that the American people beyond their party faithful are supporting their histrionics, they need to think again. They've lost Wall Street and the Koch Brothers with their antics. They need to be broadening their appeal and they're doing the opposite.

Pretending they are helping WWII vets is not creditable.
More insanity emerging from the rabid-right ...

One speaker went as far as saying the president was a Muslim and separately urged the crowd of hundreds to initiate a peaceful uprising.

"I call upon all of you to wage a second American nonviolent revolution, to use civil disobedience, and to demand that this president leave town, to get up, to put the Quran down, to get up off his knees, and to figuratively come out with his hands up," said Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch, a conservative political advocacy group.

Rallier tells Obama to ?put the Quran down? ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Keep that bullshit to yourself Faun. You picked the wrong thread to be a liberal in. You show me right now you don't give a damn about our vets.



:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

No, I think you're a fucking [useful] idiot.

Speak for yourself, you insensitive prick!

The Daily Caller said "hundreds of people" not thousands. The pictures posted show a very small group and what struck me immediately is that the crowd is uniformly white and mostly male and not well dressed.

IOW, a small group of low income white males - the die hard Republican voters and TP supporters. Furthermore, none of them looked old enough to have served in WWII. Anyone who served in WWII would be close to 90 years old.

My brother lied about his age to join the army in 1944 at the age of 16 and he would be 88 today if he were still living.

All this does is underline how little support the TP has for their agenda.

Yeah, I just read an article that said "protesters in the dozens" lolol....
Keep that bullshit to yourself Faun. You picked the wrong thread to be a liberal in. You show me right now you don't give a damn about our vets.



:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

No, I think you're a fucking [useful] idiot.

And you would be right.

LOL, listen to the cheerleader!

After you accused TD of "embellishing her numbers" that was it! When I stopped you and told you that the article had made the claim, you sat back and played cheerleader. You and Faun are both useful idiots.
Time for all the threads on this to be merged into one and re-homed to make a less conspicuous showing....10...9....8...
I thank those who posted pictures of actual WWII vets in attendance, however few there were and yes I am aware how few are still living. My three older brothers are all gone, but they were all more than 25 years older than me.

Many commented on my mention of the race of those attending the rally. I mention it because those who voted Republican in the last election were overwhelmingly white (80%) and male (60%). Those participating in this rally match that demographic. IOW, the participants were those would be TP supporters in the first place.

If Cruz and Palin are trying to delude people into thinking that the American people beyond their party faithful are supporting their histrionics, they need to think again. They've lost Wall Street and the Koch Brothers with their antics. They need to be broadening their appeal and they're doing the opposite.

Pretending they are helping WWII vets is not creditable.

Did it ever occur to you that not all of them were WWII vets but their families and supporters? Or are we not using our noggin? Why must it be racial to you? All you can do is make the political argument as to why our government would deny these vets the right to a memorial they fought (and in some cases died) for.
These rightwing imbeciles think they can undo the damage caused to the GOP by their idiocy to destroy the U.S. economy in order to get rid of ObamaCare by screaming about the WWII War Memorial. They idiotically think that will "rally the troops" against Obama and divert attention away from the GOP.

Meanwhile, Obama's JAR has gone up since the government shutdown while congressional Republicans have the lowest approval rating in the history of such polling.
Lol, you left wing loonies think you can hide the fact that the man child president is taking the ball home cause he didn't get his way, and taking it out on our great soldiers and vetrans is disgusting. You can try to blame the shut down on the republicans, bug the memorial closing is all obama. He is a piece of shit for doing it, and doesn't deserve the freedom they fought for to give him.
It's not just me who thinks Republicans are to blame for the government shut down.

Every single poll taken indicates that. Including one paid for by Ted Cruz. As far as the WWII memorial, everything under the National Park Service was shut down. There were no exceptions. If you don't like it, bitch and moan to those responsible for the shutdown -- the GOP.

It cracks me up how the right impedes on the governments abilities to pay all of its bills -- and then whines incessantly about not having access to public sites.

:eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo:

I already negged you for the first insult you made against the veterans.

This and your other posts are over the top as well. Too bad about the 48 hour rule.

Oh and by the way, this was an open air memorial that they had no business shutting down.

They put more armed guards there than Obama had at Benghazi. Shows how petty and vindictive he is.

But after all now every one can see his true colors. He's the Prick in Chief.

Here, I'll post the image for you:

Lol, you left wing loonies think you can hide the fact that the man child president is taking the ball home cause he didn't get his way, and taking it out on our great soldiers and vetrans is disgusting. You can try to blame the shut down on the republicans, bug the memorial closing is all obama. He is a piece of shit for doing it, and doesn't deserve the freedom they fought for to give him.
It's not just me who thinks Republicans are to blame for the government shut down.

Every single poll taken indicates that. Including one paid for by Ted Cruz. As far as the WWII memorial, everything under the National Park Service was shut down. There were no exceptions. If you don't like it, bitch and moan to those responsible for the shutdown -- the GOP.

It cracks me up how the right impedes on the governments abilities to pay all of its bills -- and then whines incessantly about not having access to public sites.

:eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo:

I already negged you for the first insult you made against the veterans.

This and your other posts are over the top as well. Too bad about the 48 hour rule.

Oh and by the way, this was an open air memorial that they had no business shutting down.

They put more armed guards there than Obama had at Benghazi. Shows how petty and vindictive he is.

But after all now every one can see his true colors. He's the Prick in Chief.
Awww, poor, baby. I insulted no veterans. I insulted Conservatives who are using veterans to further their political agenda.

And like it or not, understand it or not, that memorial falls under the umbrella of the National Park Service.
Veterans are now removing the barricades and are bringing them to the White House. Oh I so wish I could see this.

Veterans Remove Barricades from Memorials and Bring Them to WH

:eusa_liar: looks like 20-somethings are moving them on your *cough* "breitbart" link :eusa_hand: How many people are there? 50? 100? Cruz, Lee, Palin & their handlers/staff?

The number involved is not reflected in the pictures and it is also not the point.

Not even remotely.
I thank those who posted pictures of actual WWII vets in attendance, however few there were and yes I am aware how few are still living. My three older brothers are all gone, but they were all more than 25 years older than me.

Many commented on my mention of the race of those attending the rally. I mention it because those who voted Republican in the last election were overwhelmingly white (80%) and male (60%). Those participating in this rally match that demographic. IOW, the participants were those would be TP supporters in the first place.

If Cruz and Palin are trying to delude people into thinking that the American people beyond their party faithful are supporting their histrionics, they need to think again. They've lost Wall Street and the Koch Brothers with their antics. They need to be broadening their appeal and they're doing the opposite.

Pretending they are helping WWII vets is not creditable.

You are truly being an over the top liberal douche bag today.


To address your continuing attack on caucasians I want to point out that white comes in many shades you liberal fool.
American Italians are white, American Croatians are white, American Iranians are white,American Irish are white, American Brazilians are white.

What's wrong with the white vote you fool? Who the hell elected Obama?

Blacks are only approximately 14 % of the US population.

So guess who elected Obama? White people moron.

Your shots at Palin and Cruz are bullshit. They are steady. No histrionics here. This is a conservative push back against whacked out liberal policies that have no problem buying a $50,000 mechanical bull for the National Guard while closing down memorials to Veterans to inflict pain.

That was the Prick in Chiefs game. Pain. Inflict pain.
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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

No, I think you're a fucking [useful] idiot.

Speak for yourself, you insensitive prick!

This just goes to show how retarded you really are.

Who do you think I am speaking for if not myself?


Oh? How gutless do you have to be to insult these guys? How retarded are you? I think you speak for all of those liberal dumbasses in Washington who shut down this thing to begin with. You'll no doubt try to let this off as some ploy by right wing extremists and what not. Just what kind of a fool do you take me for?! Screw you.

Just who do I speak for you may ask? I speak for the men who defended my freedom all of those 70 years ago. You are vile and utterly disrespectful.
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It's not just me who thinks Republicans are to blame for the government shut down.

Every single poll taken indicates that. Including one paid for by Ted Cruz. As far as the WWII memorial, everything under the National Park Service was shut down. There were no exceptions. If you don't like it, bitch and moan to those responsible for the shutdown -- the GOP.

It cracks me up how the right impedes on the governments abilities to pay all of its bills -- and then whines incessantly about not having access to public sites.

:eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo:

I already negged you for the first insult you made against the veterans.

This and your other posts are over the top as well. Too bad about the 48 hour rule.

Oh and by the way, this was an open air memorial that they had no business shutting down.

They put more armed guards there than Obama had at Benghazi. Shows how petty and vindictive he is.

But after all now every one can see his true colors. He's the Prick in Chief.
Awww, poor, baby. I insulted no veterans. I insulted Conservatives who are using veterans to further their political agenda.

And like it or not, understand it or not, that memorial falls under the umbrella of the National Park Service.

Oh? And you thought some piddly fence was going to stop them? How does that work with only 18% of the government shut down?
It's not just me who thinks Republicans are to blame for the government shut down.

Every single poll taken indicates that. Including one paid for by Ted Cruz. As far as the WWII memorial, everything under the National Park Service was shut down. There were no exceptions. If you don't like it, bitch and moan to those responsible for the shutdown -- the GOP.

It cracks me up how the right impedes on the governments abilities to pay all of its bills -- and then whines incessantly about not having access to public sites.

:eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo:

I already negged you for the first insult you made against the veterans.

This and your other posts are over the top as well. Too bad about the 48 hour rule.

Oh and by the way, this was an open air memorial that they had no business shutting down.

They put more armed guards there than Obama had at Benghazi. Shows how petty and vindictive he is.

But after all now every one can see his true colors. He's the Prick in Chief.
Awww, poor, baby. I insulted no veterans. I insulted Conservatives who are using veterans to further their political agenda.

And like it or not, understand it or not, that memorial falls under the umbrella of the National Park Service.
So why is the admin allocating more funds towards it now than they were before?

That's might odd. Hiring people to guard it, and calling out cops in riot gear to stand by.... when no guard was required previously?
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