Thousands storm WWII at Mall; Whooooooooo hoooooooooooo!

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One other thing, [MENTION=41417]Dragonlady[/MENTION]

Stop pretending to give a damn, 'cause it's clear as day you don't.

I give a damn that the TP is playing politics with the world economy hanging in the balance. I give a damn that the Republican Congress refuses to work with the Senate or the President to stimulate job creation. Otherwise I would welcome their wrong-headed partisan antics which is driving moderate Republicans and monied interests into the arms of the Democrats.

The recovery is still too fragile to withstand this bullshit and the country needs Congress to work in the best interests of the people, not their party.
Faun, i'm sure it is costing more to keep the parks closed than open. That dumb fuck you call president is trying to hurt our great soldiers and veterans. Which makes him and yourself a piece of shit.
One other thing, [MENTION=41417]Dragonlady[/MENTION]

Stop pretending to give a damn, 'cause it's clear as day you don't.

I give a damn that the TP is playing politics with the world economy hanging in the balance. I give a damn that the Republican Congress refuses to work with the Senate or the President to stimulate job creation. Otherwise I would welcome their wrong-headed partisan antics which is driving moderate Republicans and monied interests into the arms of the Democrats.

The recovery is still too fragile to withstand this bullshit and the country needs Congress to work in the best interests of the people, not their party.

What does the economic recovery have to do with anything the vets did? What planet are you on? How is this political? Why is this political? It sure as hell wasn't political when they spilled their guts on Normandy beach!

One other thing, [MENTION=41417]Dragonlady[/MENTION]

Stop pretending to give a damn, 'cause it's clear as day you don't.

I give a damn that the TP is playing politics with the world economy hanging in the balance. I give a damn that the Republican Congress refuses to work with the Senate or the President to stimulate job creation. Otherwise I would welcome their wrong-headed partisan antics which is driving moderate Republicans and monied interests into the arms of the Democrats.

The recovery is still too fragile to withstand this bullshit and the country needs Congress to work in the best interests of the people, not their party.

All the republicans want is a year for private citizens not to be penalized for obamacare, like he did for buisnesses. Oh the horror.
I wonder if Obama and the police understand the tiger they have by the tail.

The best thing they can do is reopen the memorials.

I don't expect arrogant Obama to back down.

If the police go after those veterans, get rough with them...the authorities will look back longingly to the times a million veteran march was hyperbole.
I wonder if Obama and the police understand the tiger they have by the tail.

The best thing they can do is reopen the memorials.

I don't expect arrogant Obama to back down.

If the police go after those veterans, get rough with them...the authorities will look back longingly to the times a million veteran march was hyperbole.

The best thing to do is not shutdown government in the first place. Let the Teaparty open it up and nobody's gonna get hurt. :lol:
All the republicans want is a year for private citizens not to be penalized for obamacare, like he did for buisnesses. Oh the horror.

The Republicans want that year because they think they'll get a majority in the Senate in the midterms and overturn the ACA. And they fear that if people insurance rates go down and people find they like the ACA, the Democrats will win over more voters.

The one year delay for businesses has only been given because the regulations and reporting mechanisms aren't ready. The exchanges and websites for individuals to enroll are ready and should proceed now.

This whole TP charade today isn't about getting WWII vets access to their Memorial. It's a photo op for the TP to pretend to care about the people. They're using the vets to promote their agenda and that is disgusting.

What is sad is the number if posters here who have fallen for it, hook line and sinker. But then it's the usual defenders of the TP. The ones who call liberals "sheeple", who are the TP's staunchest defenders, who are defending using WWII vets to promote the TP agenda.
They don't care about anything other than their 15 minutes of fame that they keep trying to get by jumping out in front of other patriotic American's parades.

I hear you...



Well, it was a weak response on your part but at least you're not trying to put poor patriotic Palin up as some sort of saint.

its only weak becasue like most on your side of the number line, you're pathologically selective....
Speak for yourself, you insensitive prick!

This just goes to show how retarded you really are.

Who do you think I am speaking for if not myself?


Oh? How gutless do you have to be to insult these guys? How retarded are you? I think you speak for all of those liberal dumbasses in Washington who shut down this thing to begin with. You'll no doubt try to let this off as some ploy by right wing extremists and what not. Just what kind of a fool do you take me for?! Screw you.

Just who do I speak for you may ask? I speak for the men who defended my freedom all of those 70 years ago. You are vile and utterly disrespectful.
This just goes to show how fucking retarded you are, rightwingnut. I speak for no one but myself just as you do. Nobody elected you to be the hall monitor. And the only ones who I am insulting are
Speak for yourself, you insensitive prick!

This just goes to show how retarded you really are.

Who do you think I am speaking for if not myself?


Oh? How gutless do you have to be to insult these guys? How retarded are you? I think you speak for all of those liberal dumbasses in Washington who shut down this thing to begin with. You'll no doubt try to let this off as some ploy by right wing extremists and what not. Just what kind of a fool do you take me for?! Screw you.

Just who do I speak for you may ask? I speak for the men who defended my freedom all of those 70 years ago. You are vile and utterly disrespectful.
This just goes to show how fucking retarded you are, rightwingnut. I speak for no one but myself just as you do. Nobody elected you to be the hall monitor. And the only ones who I am insulting are Conservatives who put their ideology above the nation and deserve every insult thrown at them. You don't like it? Tough shit.
This just goes to show how retarded you really are.

Who do you think I am speaking for if not myself?


Oh? How gutless do you have to be to insult these guys? How retarded are you? I think you speak for all of those liberal dumbasses in Washington who shut down this thing to begin with. You'll no doubt try to let this off as some ploy by right wing extremists and what not. Just what kind of a fool do you take me for?! Screw you.

Just who do I speak for you may ask? I speak for the men who defended my freedom all of those 70 years ago. You are vile and utterly disrespectful.
This just goes to show how fucking retarded you are, rightwingnut. I speak for no one but myself just as you do. Nobody elected you to be the hall monitor. And the only ones who I am insulting are Conservatives who put their ideology above the nation and deserve every insult thrown at them. You don't like it? Tough shit.

Are you too stupid to not repeat yourself? If you don't like our vets, that's tough too. Nobody hired you to be a park ranger.
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