Thousands storm WWII at Mall; Whooooooooo hoooooooooooo!

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Crowd storms World War II Memorial

WASHINGTON - Thousands of people converged on the World War II Memorial on the National Mall on Sunday morning and tore down the barricades blocking it off, protesting the closure of the memorial during the federal government shutdown.

Beginning at about 9:30 a.m., Sens. Mike Lee, R-Utah, and Ted Cruz, R-Texas, as well as former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, were among the luminaries in a crowd that chanted "Tear down these walls!" and sang "God Bless America" as well as other patriotic songs as they entered the memorial, which has been closed since the government shutdown that began Oct. 1.

Tractor-trailers headed down 17th Street toward the Mall, blaring their horns. The Metropolitan Police Department blocked off the street, prompting the crowd to head up the street, shouting at the police to move their vehicles.

Crowd storms World War II Memorial -

The people are rising against the White House. "This is OUR Memorial!"

God Bless America!

The authoritarian anti occupy wall street crowd is beginning to cheer protesters? What's next, anti war rallies, sit ins and singing kumbaya as long as it's anti Obama?

...and that creepy silent finger-wiggling thing!
Almost every veteran I know (And i obviously know lots of them) Don't care which side anyone is on right now. they simply want their country back.

Me? I'm part of the 60% who would prefer to fire everyone in Washington....

But these veterans there today deserve nothing more than respect. they know what they were there for and showed it to the world. And thousands of others all over the country who couldn't be in DC today met at more local monuments in protest....

60% don't think that, Ollie. You continuing to say it doesn't make it true.

I saw a poll somewhere, I forget where, But Knowing the people i know, I can believe it.
I've told people for years that i don't vote for incumbents, And I've been called a liar for it...But It doesn't matter, Veterans marched today, And you can only ask the left, Can you hear them now?
I didn't see a single person in these pictures who could have served in WWII. None of them are old enough. I see a small group of 40 to 60 year old white males using faux outrage to promote a losing agenda.

All three of my brothers volunteered to serve in WWII. My oldest brother was wounded on D-Day and carried shrapnel in his body from those wounds until the day he died.

I am disgusted that Palin, Cruz, et al are pretending to care about these people in order to further their agenda which hits the poor and the elderly on fixed incomes the hardest.

There were plenty of vets from WWII at todays protest, I have seen the pics. As for the ones posted you need to put you glasses on check out post #3 he looks about the right age. Reguardless of whether or not there were a lot WWII Vets there or not, this was a show of support for them so they can see thier monument. As you've pointed out they are not getting any younger. They shouldn't be denied their chance to see the memorial just because of some bullshit in Washington. Uh you do know they might stop SS payments with the shutdown right?
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I didn't see a single person in these pictures who could have served in WWII. None of them are old enough. I see a small group of 40 to 60 year old white males using faux outrage to promote a losing agenda.

All three of my brothers volunteered to serve in WWII. My oldest brother was wounded on D-Day and carried shrapnel in his body from those wounds until the day he died.

I am disgusted that Palin, Cruz, et al are pretending to care about these people in order to further their agenda which hits the poor and the elderly on fixed incomes the hardest.

There were plenty of vets from WWII at todays protest, I have seen the pics. As for the ones posted you need to put you glasses on check out post #3. Uh you do know they might stop SS payments with the shutdown right?

Yes, everyone knows that. Obama has threatened us with that before, I'm sure he's waiting for an opportunity to make good on it...this is tailor-made.
Rock on!

Cruz, Lee and Palin were part of the crowd. Check this out.

WASHINGTON - Thousands of people converged on the World War II Memorial on the National Mall on Sunday morning and tore down the barricades blocking it off, protesting the closure of the memorial during the federal government shutdown.

Beginning at about 9:30 a.m., Sens. Mike Lee, R-Utah, and Ted Cruz, R-Texas, as well as former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, were among the luminaries in a crowd that chanted "Tear down these walls!" and sang "God Bless America" as well as other patriotic songs as they entered the memorial, which has been closed since the government shutdown that began Oct. 1.

Tractor-trailers headed down 17th Street toward the Mall, blaring their horns. The Metropolitan Police Department blocked off the street, prompting the crowd to head up the street, shouting at the police to move their vehicles.

Crowd storms World War II Memorial -

Wish I was there. :(
I didn't see a single person in these pictures who could have served in WWII. None of them are old enough. I see a small group of 40 to 60 year old white males using faux outrage to promote a losing agenda.

All three of my brothers volunteered to serve in WWII. My oldest brother was wounded on D-Day and carried shrapnel in his body from those wounds until the day he died.

I am disgusted that Palin, Cruz, et al are pretending to care about these people in order to further their agenda which hits the poor and the elderly on fixed incomes the hardest.

There were plenty of vets from WWII at todays protest, I have seen the pics. As for the ones posted you need to put you glasses on check out post #3. Uh you do know they might stop SS payments with the shutdown right?

Yes, everyone knows that. Obama has threatened us with that before, I'm sure he's waiting for an opportunity to make good on it...this is tailor-made.

Obama better not cut SS payments. You think people are pissed now... Not for nothing but that's my parents he's thinking of cutting off,I won't stand for it and I doubt anyone else will either. They worked hard all thier lives, they deserve their retirement. If he wants to cut something he better cut welfare, they ain't worked for shit.
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Does this mean Republicans are going to come to their senses and raise the debt ceiling?

Good stuff.

Boehner has no problem with raising the debt ceiling as long as President Obama agrees to negotiate spending cuts.

This has been out there for weeks.
There were plenty of vets from WWII at todays protest, I have seen the pics. As for the ones posted you need to put you glasses on check out post #3. Uh you do know they might stop SS payments with the shutdown right?

Yes, everyone knows that. Obama has threatened us with that before, I'm sure he's waiting for an opportunity to make good on it...this is tailor-made.

Obama better not cut SS payments. You think people are pissed now... Not for nothing but that's my parents he's thinking of cutting off,I won't stand for it and I doubt anyone else will either. They worked hard all thier lives, they deserve their retirement. If he wants to cut something he better cut wellfare, they ain't worked for shit.

He won't. That is what this is about. He's waiting for the people to move against the regime, so they can be justified in killing us, placing us under martial law, and indefinitely *suspending* elections.

You watch. I knew this was going to happen from the moment I knew he was going to be *re-elected*.
Republicans closed the government and then tricked WWII veterans into believing it was Obama. Republicans are such despicable people. What scum to trick old people that way. Remember, they're who want to turn old people's Medicare into a voucher program and reduce their Social Security. Republicans, always preying on the elderly and the poor. They have to be monsters. What else could it be?

It's shameful the way they're using these nice war vets. The teabaggers had just better get government open before they fade into oblivion, history will not be kind to these idiots.

Oh bite me :lol:

Don't play "shame on conservatives".

Dems use dead children as props for a variety of issues every time they can. Sandy Hook comes to mind.
Yes, everyone knows that. Obama has threatened us with that before, I'm sure he's waiting for an opportunity to make good on it...this is tailor-made.

Obama better not cut SS payments. You think people are pissed now... Not for nothing but that's my parents he's thinking of cutting off,I won't stand for it and I doubt anyone else will either. They worked hard all thier lives, they deserve their retirement. If he wants to cut something he better cut wellfare, they ain't worked for shit.

He won't. That is what this is about. He's waiting for the people to move against the regime, so they can be justified in killing us, placing us under martial law, and indefinitely *suspending* elections.

You watch. I knew this was going to happen from the moment I knew he was going to be *re-elected*.

He can't get us all.
I didn't see a single person in these pictures who could have served in WWII. None of them are old enough. I see a small group of 40 to 60 year old white males using faux outrage to promote a losing agenda.

All three of my brothers volunteered to serve in WWII. My oldest brother was wounded on D-Day and carried shrapnel in his body from those wounds until the day he died.

I am disgusted that Palin, Cruz, et al are pretending to care about these people in order to further their agenda which hits the poor and the elderly on fixed incomes the hardest.

Pretty damned stupid. No one said this was a WW2 veteran march. It has been set up by the organizers on FB as a million Veteran march on the monuments. Not only the ones in DC but hundreds of places all over the USA. There were small groups of Veterans some as young as their early 20's who met at monuments all over the states. If i wasn't home taking care of Mrs O I would have made the drive down to DC myself.

However that doesn't mean I don't have the utmost respect for your brothers, in fact I salute them. I wonder what they would have thought of open air monuments being closed.....

Better yet, what would they think of her attitude towards our veterans?
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Almost every veteran I know (And i obviously know lots of them) Don't care which side anyone is on right now. they simply want their country back.

Me? I'm part of the 60% who would prefer to fire everyone in Washington....

But these veterans there today deserve nothing more than respect. they know what they were there for and showed it to the world. And thousands of others all over the country who couldn't be in DC today met at more local monuments in protest....

60% don't think that, Ollie. You continuing to say it doesn't make it true.

Think before you speak.

NBC/WSJ poll: 60 percent say fire every member of Congress - First Read
These rightwing imbeciles think they can undo the damage caused to the GOP by their idiocy to destroy the U.S. economy in order to get rid of ObamaCare by screaming about the WWII War Memorial. They idiotically think that will "rally the troops" against Obama and divert attention away from the GOP.

Meanwhile, Obama's JAR has gone up since the government shutdown while congressional Republicans have the lowest approval rating in the history of such polling.
Someone who can't think for himself has no business dictating what others think.

From someone who thinks I'm dictating what others think. :cuckoo:
You're not? Then who wrote this:
These rightwing imbeciles think they can undo the damage caused to the GOP by their idiocy to destroy the U.S. economy in order to get rid of ObamaCare by screaming about the WWII War Memorial. They idiotically think that will "rally the troops" against Obama and divert attention away from the GOP.​


When retards come to the internet, they will choose the username "hazlnut".
This just goes to show how retarded you really are.

Who do you think I am speaking for if not myself?


Oh? How gutless do you have to be to insult these guys? How retarded are you? I think you speak for all of those liberal dumbasses in Washington who shut down this thing to begin with. You'll no doubt try to let this off as some ploy by right wing extremists and what not. Just what kind of a fool do you take me for?! Screw you.

Just who do I speak for you may ask? I speak for the men who defended my freedom all of those 70 years ago. You are vile and utterly disrespectful.
This just goes to show how fucking retarded you are, rightwingnut. I speak for no one but myself just as you do. Nobody elected you to be the hall monitor. And the only ones who I am insulting are
Funny, then, isn't it, that I have yet to read an original thought from you? All I see is recycled progressive Official and Approved Groupthink.
Republicans closed the government and then tricked WWII veterans into believing it was Obama. Republicans are such despicable people. What scum to trick old people that way. Remember, they're who want to turn old people's Medicare into a voucher program and reduce their Social Security. Republicans, always preying on the elderly and the poor. They have to be monsters. What else could it be?

That you're a retard. Yes, that's much more likely.
Republicans closed the government and then tricked WWII veterans into believing it was Obama. Republicans are such despicable people. What scum to trick old people that way. Remember, they're who want to turn old people's Medicare into a voucher program and reduce their Social Security. Republicans, always preying on the elderly and the poor. They have to be monsters. What else could it be?

some of them prolly know that they're being lied to but they are loyal Murdoch (Fox) TV viewers so they don't care. They don't like the different-looking guy, w/ the different-sounding name & the normal family to be in the WH
The Race Card yet again?

I accept your acknowledgement that you have nothing rational to say.
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