Thousands storm WWII at Mall; Whooooooooo hoooooooooooo!

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Oh? How gutless do you have to be to insult these guys? How retarded are you? I think you speak for all of those liberal dumbasses in Washington who shut down this thing to begin with. You'll no doubt try to let this off as some ploy by right wing extremists and what not. Just what kind of a fool do you take me for?! Screw you.

Just who do I speak for you may ask? I speak for the men who defended my freedom all of those 70 years ago. You are vile and utterly disrespectful.
This just goes to show how fucking retarded you are, rightwingnut. I speak for no one but myself just as you do. Nobody elected you to be the hall monitor. And the only ones who I am insulting are
Funny, then, isn't it, that I have yet to read an original thought from you? All I see is recycled progressive Official and Approved Groupthink.

Groupthink. Isn't that an oxymoron? Especially where liberals of Faun's stripe are concerned?
From every source I've seen, turnout was closer to 200, not "thousands". Whatever makes you guys feel better.

I know a lot of you are new to the whole "protest" thing, but I think you might be over-estimating the relevance of this protest. Sounds like it worked out about as well as the "2 million bikers" and "2 million truckers" did.
Hey, I saw that on the TV earlier!
Palin was wearing a pink blouse and Lee was wearing a pink tie.
Time to pass the BUDGET and get our government open!!!!

Tell that to your pals in teh Democratic Party, ya big phony.

I am waiting for Obama to call out the goon squad. We might have our own Tiannamen Square.

Why should the other side that gave us our sequester and wanted to give us repeal of the medical device tax give us more? To run a government we have to be able to work out a deal that can pass.
Time to pass the BUDGET and get our government open!!!!

Open up the government so the right can shift from complaining about it being shut down to complaining about it being open and wasting money. These crybabies will always have something to bitch about.
Of course the MSM and their moonbat followers are going to try to spin this into some kind of fringe movement.

In reality, veterans who served our country are serving the cause of liberty once more by tearing down the So Aptly Named Barrycades.

It was nothing but a bunch of Conservative [non-WWII] vets who were joined by a few rightwing politicians. All of whom are too stupid to comprehend that it's the GOP who's primarily responsible for the government shutdown.

I would be willing to bet there were plenty of registered Democrats in that crowd. And they were as pissed as anyone else...

Saying that, I do wish the politicians would have kept their noses out of it...
This just goes to show how fucking retarded you are, rightwingnut. I speak for no one but myself just as you do. Nobody elected you to be the hall monitor. And the only ones who I am insulting are
Funny, then, isn't it, that I have yet to read an original thought from you? All I see is recycled progressive Official and Approved Groupthink.

Groupthink. Isn't that an oxymoron? Especially where liberals of Faun's stripe are concerned?
Hive mind. Many brains, one thought.
Is this kinda like that truckpocalypse thingy that was supposed to turn DC on its head? :lol:
Oh? How gutless do you have to be to insult these guys? How retarded are you? I think you speak for all of those liberal dumbasses in Washington who shut down this thing to begin with. You'll no doubt try to let this off as some ploy by right wing extremists and what not. Just what kind of a fool do you take me for?! Screw you.

Just who do I speak for you may ask? I speak for the men who defended my freedom all of those 70 years ago. You are vile and utterly disrespectful.
This just goes to show how fucking retarded you are, rightwingnut. I speak for no one but myself just as you do. Nobody elected you to be the hall monitor. And the only ones who I am insulting are Conservatives who put their ideology above the nation and deserve every insult thrown at them. You don't like it? Tough shit.

Are you too stupid to not repeat yourself? If you don't like our vets, that's tough too. Nobody hired you to be a park ranger.
I can't help that you are incapable of differentiating vets with Conservatives.
I will always back the veterans over the politicians the veterans were willing to sacrifice their lives to save the country where as the politicians are willing to sacrifice the nation for the good of their political careers.
I wonder if Caribou Barbie had to write stuff on her hand to remember who she's exploiting?
Someone who can't think for himself has no business dictating what others think.

From someone who thinks I'm dictating what others think. :cuckoo:
You're not? Then who wrote this:
These rightwing imbeciles think they can undo the damage caused to the GOP by their idiocy to destroy the U.S. economy in order to get rid of ObamaCare by screaming about the WWII War Memorial. They idiotically think that will "rally the troops" against Obama and divert attention away from the GOP.​

Holy shit! :eusa_doh: What a pity you don't understand English.

That would be me describing what others think based on their actions. That is not "dictating" what others think. :cuckoo:

Words have meaning. You should learn them before you use them.
Oh? How gutless do you have to be to insult these guys? How retarded are you? I think you speak for all of those liberal dumbasses in Washington who shut down this thing to begin with. You'll no doubt try to let this off as some ploy by right wing extremists and what not. Just what kind of a fool do you take me for?! Screw you.

Just who do I speak for you may ask? I speak for the men who defended my freedom all of those 70 years ago. You are vile and utterly disrespectful.
This just goes to show how fucking retarded you are, rightwingnut. I speak for no one but myself just as you do. Nobody elected you to be the hall monitor. And the only ones who I am insulting are
Funny, then, isn't it, that I have yet to read an original thought from you? All I see is recycled progressive Official and Approved Groupthink.

Oh? I guess that means many people think you're a fucking retard; if you're seeing that repeatedly. :cool:
Of course the MSM and their moonbat followers are going to try to spin this into some kind of fringe movement.

In reality, veterans who served our country are serving the cause of liberty once more by tearing down the So Aptly Named Barrycades.

It was nothing but a bunch of Conservative [non-WWII] vets who were joined by a few rightwing politicians. All of whom are too stupid to comprehend that it's the GOP who's primarily responsible for the government shutdown.

I would be willing to bet there were plenty of registered Democrats in that crowd. And they were as pissed as anyone else...

Saying that, I do wish the politicians would have kept their noses out of it...

I saw Republican politicians and I saw teabaggers. Of course it's possible there were Democrats there, but I couldn't identify any of them.
Mrs. Palin handed out small American flags to bystanders and told the crowd to remember that “veterans allowed us to be here today.”

The rally was one of several protests scheduled for the Columbus Day holiday weekend, which began with several dozen truck drivers from across the country driving around the Beltway in what they called the “Truckers Ride for the Constitution.” The event fell far short of the thousands of participants organizers had promised, although organizers have hinted they might attempt to block Beltway traffic during the Monday morning commute.

By midday, about 200 people gathered in Lafayette Park across Pennsylvania Avenue from the White House although it wasn’t clear how many of them were tourists and how many were protesters. Some among the crowd held American flags and others held yellow “Don’t Tread on Me” flags and signs that said “Impeach Obama” and “Respect our vets.”

Hundreds of protesters storm WWII Memorial, Lafayette Square - Washington Times

Yet another tinydancer lie. The crowd was around 200 people (not thousands) and they don't know how many tourists were mixed in with the group.

Mrs. Palin handed out her patriotic little flags.. She's such a doof. :lol:
As a Division Commander of The American Legion, I was in charge of a meeting today with over 30 Veterans. In some of the discussion, there were deleterious comments about Obama, but I was careful not to fan the flames. There were some Veterans who were democrats, but were good Veterans and fine people. The democrat Veterans were somewhat silent understandably. The A.L. has a policy of being apolitical, but these are sure trying times with the scumbucket Obama as CIC!
Great to see. "Nothing can change if you don't get involved. The Communists/Progressives have seized power because they were allowed to. Too many have decided to do a lot of complaining, while doing very little doing. Ya gotta give the Communists/Progressives credit, they've been united and aggressive. Now it's time for Constitutional Conservatives to do the same.

Oh, please. right wingers are trying to rewrite history as it happens. "Nothing can change if you don't get involved"? How quintessentially ironic when it is the Republicans who are the ones responsible for shutting down the government!!!:cuckoo:
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As a Division Commander of The American Legion, I was in charge of a meeting today with over 30 Veterans. In some of the discussion, there were deleterious comments about Obama, but I was careful not to fan the flames. There were some Veterans who were democrats, but were good Veterans and fine people. The democrat Veterans were somewhat silent understandably. The A.L. has a policy of being apolitical, but these are sure trying times with the scumbucket Obama as CIC!

Sure you were..
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