
"they" are? I guess all the Zionists I know are doing it wrong. But surely, you know better about what we Zionists do.

all the time. Right now, also! Keep insisting!

you already do that. Congratulations -- you are living the dream.
What these stark-raving mad antisemites want to do is be free to spew obvious Jew-hate, and then insist their comments are not antisemitism. They are trying to normalize antisemitism.
What these stark-raving mad antisemites want to do is be free to spew obvious Jew-hate, and then insist their comments are not antisemitism. They are trying to normalize antisemitism.

What these stark-raving mad ultrasemites want to do is be free to spew obvious non-Jew hate, and then insist their comments are not ultrasemitism. They are trying to normalize ultrasemitism.

Do you understand what's going on here Lisa? the militant Zionists and the Zionist lobby have weaponized "antisemitism", indoctrinated the general public into an insensitivity as to how the term is applied. It is now a weapon, if someone says something you don't like about Israel then use the word as a weapon, label the critic and thereby silence them - but do not consider whether they are truthful or not, that doesn't matter, label and silence that's the strategy, it's you strategy.

Well two can play at that game, so take your ultrasemitic hatred and perverted definitions elsewhere.
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What these stark-raving mad ultrasemites want to do is be free to spew obvious non-Jew hate, and then insist their comments are not ultrasemitism. They are trying to normalize ultrasemitism.

Do you understand what's going on here Lisa? the militant Zionists and the Zionist lobby have weaponized "antisemitism", indoctrinated the general public into an insensitivity as to how the term is applied. It is now a weapon, if someone says something you don't like about Israel then use the word as a weapon, label the critic and thereby silence them - but do not consider whether they are truthful or not, that doesn't matter, label and silence that's the strategy, it's you strategy.

Well two can play at that game, so take your ultrasemitic hatred elsewhere.
I said to stop addressing me. I don’t lower myself to raging antisemites. Now stop harassing me. Even though I’m Jewish and you’re enjoying it, it is against the rules.

I said to stop addressing me. I don’t lower myself to raging antisemites. Now stop harassing me. Even though I’m Jewish and you’re enjoying it, it is against the rules.

Madam, this thread is about what the title says it's about, if you choose to participate and post specious accusations and hatred of non-Jews then you can fully expect people to respond to that.
What these stark-raving mad ultrasemites want to do is be free to spew obvious non-Jew hate, and then insist their comments are not ultrasemitism. They are trying to normalize ultrasemitism.

Do you understand what's going on here Lisa? the militant Zionists and the Zionist lobby have weaponized "antisemitism", indoctrinated the general public into an insensitivity as to how the term is applied. It is now a weapon, if someone says something you don't like about Israel then use the word as a weapon, label the critic and thereby silence them - but do not consider whether they are truthful or not, that doesn't matter, label and silence that's the strategy, it's you strategy.

Well two can play at that game, so take your ultrasemitic hatred and perverted definitions elsewhere.

Not label and silence. Label and shine a light on.

Israel and the Rise of Ultra-Semitism

From 2010:

A prominent Israeli rabbi whose party shares power in the Netanyahu government called for the extermination of Arabs in a recent sermon.

The 89-year-old Ovadia Yosef urged God to strike “these Ishmaelites and Palestinians with a plague; these evil haters of Israel.” He then singled out the Palestinian leader of Fatah, exclaiming that “Abu Mazen and all these evil people should perish from this earth.” Yosef is the spiritual leader of the Shas Party, an ultra-Orthodox right-wing outfit that governs in concert with other parties, including Likud.

In religious terminology, the Ishmaelites are the descendants of Ishmael, who was Abraham’s elder son. As the rabbi doubtless knows, the Arabs are considered the descendants of the Ishmaelites in Islamic tradition.

In response to the genocidal exhortation, Netanyahu issued a mild non-rebuke; his office meekly offered that the rabbi’s ravings “do not reflect” the views of the prime minister or the government. The lukewarm criticism is not surprising, since Netanyahu may harbor genocidal views of his own.


What all this confirms is the hardening of hatred in Israeli society. Israelis have grown increasingly indifferent to the fate they mete out to their victims. The public did not question the obscene one-sided massacre in Gaza in 2008 (euphemistically called a “war”), in which Israel slaughtered 1,000 Palestinians, half of them women and children, putatively in “response” to unguided rocket fire that had all but ended.

Nor did the public quiver over the 2006 assault on Lebanon, during which Israel shattered Lebanese civilian infrastructure because Hezbollah kidnapped two soldiers. All told, 1,000 Lebanese were killed and entire neighborhoods were flattened; compare that with the Israeli death toll of 43 civilians and 117 soldiers.
Perhaps shining the light first before labelling someone a Jew-hater would have been the better ordering of terms...
human perception is generally label and create a provisional set of expectations and then observe and test expectations as needed. Relabel as necessary and try again.
human perception is generally label and create a provisional set of expectations and then observe and test expectations as needed. Relabel as necessary and try again.
Your norms are not mine. To publicly label a person a "Jew hater" on the basis of them expressing an uncomfortable view, the truth of which is yet to be established, tells me all I need to know about your "human perception".
Your norms are not mine. To publicly label a person a "Jew hater" on the basis of them expressing an uncomfortable view, the truth of which is yet to be established, tells me all I need to know about your "human perception".
did I label anyone by that term? Can you show me where I used that term? Or were you using the second person pronoun in some idiosyncratic way again?
so where in those two articles is an example of ultrasemitism? As far as you were using the word, it meant "a person who strives to suppress political dissent against the state or government of Israel by making the accusation that one is an antisemite".
Yes, I had a feeling you'd see nothing inappropriate in that report!
Yes, I had a feeling you'd see nothing inappropriate in that report!
can you show me where in my response you get the sense that I see nothing inappropriate in those articles? I made no value judgment about them but asked you to identify the specific element which satisfied the definition you established for a word you created.
did I label anyone by that term? Can you show me where I used that term? Or were you using the second person pronoun in some idiosyncratic way again?

You advocated label BEFORE shining a light, you did so in response to this statement I made earlier to another poster:

Perhaps shining the light first before labelling someone a Jew-hater would have been the better ordering of terms...

In my answer I referred to your "human perception". I never accused you of labelling anything or anyone.
can you show me where in my response you get the sense that I see nothing inappropriate in those articles? I made no value judgment about them but asked you to identify the specific element which satisfied the definition you established for a word you created.

Read it man, at the end of the article you'll find this:

And what public relations it is. As Netanyahu smugly observed to a settler audience some years ago, “I know what America is. America is a thing you can move very easily, move it in the right direction.”

Yes, the “right direction”—as determined by Israeli fanatics who openly clamor for genocide and Israel-first lobbies who suppress criticism with hysterical charges of “anti-Semitism.”

And so long as Americans adhere to the fiction of Israeli victimhood, Netanyahu’s boasts will remain well-grounded.

You advocated label BEFORE shining a light, you did so in response to this statement I made earlier to another poster:
I did not advocate, I simply tried to shine a light on the concepts of perception and learning. And I said that a standard method of integrating experiences is to begin with a provisional sense of expectation attached to a label. Do you argue with this? You wrote a sentence beginning with "To publicly label" someone tells you all you need to know about MY perception. But I didn't label anyone that so you can therefore not have leaned anything about my perception. Try again.
In my answer I referred to your "human perception". I never accused you of labelling anything or anyone.
I'll try to start simple. What is the subject of your sentence?
Read it man, at the end of the article you'll find this:

thanks. I had only read the two excerpts you posted, expecting the relevant fact to be there. Was there anything in the article related to the other pull out section you posted that would fill your definition of the word?
Oh look. Yet another definition of ultrasemitism.
Yes, it's a bit like "antisemitism" sometimes people even make up a definition of that term as they're talking. This means they can in effect do as Hajo Meyer told us they do:


See? someone takes a dislike to me for something I say and "Hey Presto" I'm an antisemite, no matter what I was saying, that's no longer a subject of discussion, that can be set aside, it's great system of indoctrination, the Nazis did similar stuff.
Perhaps shining the light first before labelling someone a Jew-hater would have been the better ordering of terms...
I didn't suggest an order of operations in my statement. I, personally, try to refrain from labelling people and instead try to label behaviors. On a discussion board, the language chosen by posters is the behavior. The behavior presents by the very act of participation. The shining a light is requesting clarification and discussion.

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