
I didn't suggest an order of operations in my statement. I, personally, try to refrain from labelling people and instead try to label behaviors. On a discussion board, the language chosen by posters is the behavior. The behavior presents by the very act of participation. The shining a light is requesting clarification and discussion.

That's commendable, but not all Zionists take that approach. The very next post of hers is even worse, she accused me thus "he would want to see another Holocaust applied to the entire state of Israel".

Nobody calls out her lies though, not you, not anyone, just look the other way as she lies - I've asked her to share the post that she interpreted as me advocating "another holocaust" but there isn't one, she knows that she just said it because she can, she's entitled like many Zionists are, entitled and empowered by the weaponizing of "antisemite".

Walk into a bar and shout "fuckin child molester" at a man, any man, walk in, shout that, stamp your feet, act outraged and leave - do you think his acquaintances will just ignore that and carry on drinking with him?

Some people do not grasp that calling a person "antisemite" and "Jew hater" is hurtful, terrible in fact, not to say damaging, but that's militant Zionism for you - create actual victims by pretending to be a victim.

So despicable people like that get no free pass from me, there's lots of ultrasemitism about and it's just as destructive as antisemitism.
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From 2005 - COUNTER PUNCH: Antisemitism or Ultrasemitism?


Bear in mind this predates Oct 7th by twenty years...

The first step in this task is to understand who is hurling the accusations of anti-Semitism at pro-Palestinian activists. We are already familiar with the general picture: the accusers are well-connected players invariably ensconced in powerful political cliques, elite think tanks, right-wing publications, and other multi-million dollar institutions – in a word, the usual “allies” of victims of racism everywhere. But beyond this it would do us well to understand that the accusers are, above all else, magicians.

Any magician worth his name can imbue the ordinary with magical powers. The champion of Israel waves his wand and performs this feat on the pro-Palestinian activist from the outset. For the activist – a young student, a college professor, or any other concerned citizen – loses his humble status as a more or less ordinary person as soon as he opens his mouth in defense of the uprooted and expropriated Palestinian. He is catapulted into some kind of world-historic force, conspiring, in the words of Israel’s sycophants, to “destroy Israel”, to “viciously attack and demonize” it, and perhaps even to “wipe out the Jews.” It is not clear just how the activist is rendered into a great power capable of confronting, never mind “destroying”, a state with the world’s 4th largest military and two hundred nuclear warheads paid for by the activist’s tax dollars, no less. Such a truly awesome transformation can only be explained by magic.

This trick brings us to yet another attribute of the magician: the ability to make things vanish. For just as the activist is made into an all-powerful force, the Palestinian is made to disappear. Frightening rhetoric which posits the evil activist as “out to get” Israel completely tosses aside the actually-existing reality of Israel’s ongoing campaign to exterminate Palestinians as a national and political entity. This second magical feat fulfills on the ideological level what one-time Israeli PM Golda Meir declared on the political level: “The Palestinians do not exist.”

The dual process of deception (1) elevating the activist to the level of omnipotence on the one hand, and (2) denigrating the Palestinian to the level of non-existence on the other – is neither arbitrary nor accidental. Rather, it is a revealing comment on the mindset of Zionists. If we look closely, we can see that it furnishes us ample proof of the very traits they desperately try to deny: self-absorption, stemming from (1), and racism, stemming from (2).

In their hysterical attempts to brand pro-Palestinians as anti-Semites, then, Zionists reveal themselves as ultra-Semites: they view themselves as racially superior to their victims, and harbor deeply racist attitudes toward them. Moreover, they claim their victims aren’t really victims at all precisely because they consider them to be wild animals (or worse) compared to themselves. And because of this moral blindness, support for their victims is automatically and instantaneously construed as an attack on them, when it is in fact only an “attack” on their racism – also known among normal people as a defense of the oppressed. This utter inability to distinguish an “attack” on Zionist racism between an attack on the ethnic group and nation Zionism claims to represent indicates just how deeply Zionists are entwined with their racism.
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Well fatso, nobody asked you to barge in here, why don't ya reach for it, or walk away...

I could throw you over my head and bodyslam you, bitchboi.
Most likely I could grab you by the nuts and neck, military press your ass and slam you to the ground.
I'm not the one to mess with.
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Zionists are throwing "antisemite" around as they see fit, they can accuse anyone they want of that without formal proof, they can just say it and be done. It happens all the time in this forum, on TV, in interviews.

Well I want to be able to do that too, accuse a person of something whenever I feel it's appropriate, you say whatever you want so I will do that too.
Why is that? Do you view Jewish people as your enemy?
If so, why?
What these stark-raving mad ultrasemites want to do is be free to spew obvious non-Jew hate, and then insist their comments are not ultrasemitism. They are trying to normalize ultrasemitism.

Do you understand what's going on here Lisa? the militant Zionists and the Zionist lobby have weaponized "antisemitism", indoctrinated the general public into an insensitivity as to how the term is applied. It is now a weapon, if someone says something you don't like about Israel then use the word as a weapon, label the critic and thereby silence them - but do not consider whether they are truthful or not, that doesn't matter, label and silence that's the strategy, it's you strategy.

Well two can play at that game, so take your ultrasemitic hatred and perverted definitions elsewhere.
Oh, she understands perfectly in the case of you.
Oh look. Yet another definition of ultrasemitism.
"We believe U.S. security and world stability are best advanced through a commitment to peace, justice, and environmental protection, as well as economic, political, and social rights. We advocate that diplomatic solutions, global cooperation, and grassroots participation guide foreign policy."
Globalist UN-type UNRWA turds. Fuck off, shitbird.

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