Trump and Evangelical religion pro's and con's. Should Religion even be involved in the election?

Well you are mostly right, but all leftists are evil incarnate.
Your error is in assuming that all socialists are leftists or Marxists. That's Cold War propaganda. I'm a non-Marxist socialist, who recognizes the accuracy of the Marxist critique of capitalism but rejects its views on materialism, God, religion, family, sexuality..etc. Some socialists are nationalists and socially conservative. They're not atheistic, materialists..etc. There are different types of socialism.
Your error is in assuming that all socialists are leftists or Marxists. That's Cold War propaganda. I'm a non-Marxist socialist, who recognizes the accuracy of the Marxist critique of capitalism but rejects its views on materialism, God, religion, family, sexuality..etc. Some socialists are nationalists and socially conservative. They're not atheistic, materialists..etc. There are different types of socialism.
And they all share is the ambition: to put government in charge of the means of production.
And they all share is the ambition: to put government in charge of the means of production.
In our case, since we don't have the US trying to destroy us, we wouldn't centralize power, as they did, hence an American socialist government would be fully accountable to the American people, through an electoral, democratic process. The government in collaboration with American labor, would mass produce and deliver, all of the goods and services that we all consume. Rational central planning would continue until each consumer in America personally owns the technology to produce all of the goods and services they consume, without government infrastructure or anyone else.

That's the way to avoid techno-feudalism, which leads to 94% of the population, a.k.a. the working class, being consigned to the compost heap. I prefer democratic, national socialism, to feudalism.

“The 10,000 lives lost each year to late term abortions should compel even those who do not call themselves pro-life to join us as we work to end the violence and provide women and children with the resources, love and support they need to thrive.”​

Your writer is a liar. I think she’s calling any any Abortion after 15 weeks a late term abortion. She does not provide her definition of late term abortion nor does she provide data proving that there are 10,000 abortions every year performed electively casually just decided not to give birth to their baby. There are easily 10 pregnancies a year that result in some form of crisis pregnancy after 21 weeks.

What is a so-called “late-term” abortion?​

“Late term” abortion typically refers to abortions obtained at or after 21 weeks, however it is not an accepted medical term, nor is there a consensus around to which gestational ages it refers. Members of the medical community have criticized the term “late-term” abortion, as it implies abortions are taking place after a pregnancy has reached “term” (37 weeks) or “late term” (>41 weeks) which is false. In fact, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) has written that “late-term abortion” has no medical meaning. As such, this brief discusses abortions occurring at ≥21 weeks gestation as abortions later in pregnancy, but it should be noted that 21 weeks is a largely arbitrary cutoff based on how the CDC collects data on abortions. Abortions at this stage in pregnancy are sometimes referred to as “later abortions” by the medical community as well.

Of course. Like government always are. :rolleyes:

I prefer freedom to both.
You can live in the wilderness with the wild animals. Modern civilized human beings have a government, to provide needed services. You say you prefer freedom to both, but you're not free without a community or living in scarcity. When you find yourself going hungry or unable to access healthcare or other services we'll see how "free" you are.
You can live in the wilderness with the wild animals. Modern civilized human beings have a government, to provide needed services. You say you prefer freedom to both, but you're not free without a community or living in scarcity. When you find yourself going hungry or unable to access healthcare or other services we'll see how "free" you are.
Better than enslaving ourselves to government. You can keep your national socialism.
Your error is in assuming that all socialists are leftists or Marxists. That's Cold War propaganda. I'm a non-Marxist socialist, who recognizes the accuracy of the Marxist critique of capitalism but rejects its views on materialism, God, religion, family, sexuality..etc. Some socialists are nationalists and socially conservative. They're not atheistic, materialists..etc. There are different types of socialism.
All leftists are socialist or marxist
“The 10,000 lives lost each year to late term abortions should compel even those who do not call themselves pro-life to join us as we work to end the violence and provide women and children with the resources, love and support they need to thrive.”​

Your writer is a liar. I think she’s calling any any Abortion after 15 weeks a late term abortion. She does not provide her definition of late term abortion nor does she provide data proving that there are 10,000 abortions every year performed electively casually just decided not to give birth to their baby. There are easily 10 pregnancies a year that result in some form of crisis pregnancy after 21 weeks.

What is a so-called “late-term” abortion?​

“Late term” abortion typically refers to abortions obtained at or after 21 weeks, however it is not an accepted medical term, nor is there a consensus around to which gestational ages it refers. Members of the medical community have criticized the term “late-term” abortion, as it implies abortions are taking place after a pregnancy has reached “term” (37 weeks) or “late term” (>41 weeks) which is false. In fact, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) has written that “late-term abortion” has no medical meaning. As such, this brief discusses abortions occurring at ≥21 weeks gestation as abortions later in pregnancy, but it should be noted that 21 weeks is a largely arbitrary cutoff based on how the CDC collects data on abortions. Abortions at this stage in pregnancy are sometimes referred to as “later abortions” by the medical community as well.

That is a baby at 15 week ghoul!
Trump has been "using" the Evangelicals and quoting God as a way to get elected. and recently with the attempted assassination attempt he experienced, according to Trump, God is watching out for him and that is the reason why he was not killed. In addition, Megan Kelly tried to confirm that by making the case that Trump was shot at 6:11pm and that is meaningful on a biblical basis............In reading Ephesian 6:11 where it says "Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes." Megan Kelly says that it means that Trump has the "full armor of God" on his side and the Democratic "devils" were the ones trying to kill him.

Nonetheless, this video makes the very good case that the opposite meaning is most likely to be the case, quoting other 6:11's verses in the Bible. See this and have a good laugh

I have 2 questions for you:

1) "Should Trump be using God and Religion to win the presidency"?
2) "Knowing who Trump is and hearing the above video, should the Evangelicals be supporting Trump"?

You need to ask Muslims in Dearborn.
Democrat hypocrisy deluxe.
Does that mean you want them dead?

I'm just curious about exactly how psychotic you are.
Not at all, send them to a country of their liking where they can practice their sacrificing to Molech, and be controlled by the Government
You need to ask Muslims in Dearborn.
Democrat hypocrisy deluxe.
Why would I do that? Their issue (in Dearborn) was about Biden's handling of the Israel/Hamas war.

and by the way, should Biden or the Democrats be against Israel and for Hamas? After all, Muslims are mostly Arabs and Arabs are mostly against Israel. Are you in agreement with the Arab Muslims?
Why would I do that? Their issue (in Dearborn) was about Biden's handling of the Israel/Hamas war.

and by the way, should Biden or the Democrats be against Israel and for Hamas? After all, Muslims are mostly Arabs and Arabs are mostly against Israel. Are you in agreement with the Arab Muslims?
You isolated your post about Christians while ignoring Muslims.

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