Thousands storm WWII at Mall; Whooooooooo hoooooooooooo!

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One other thing, [MENTION=41417]Dragonlady[/MENTION]

Stop pretending to give a damn, 'cause it's clear as day you don't.

I give a damn that the TP is playing politics with the world economy hanging in the balance. I give a damn that the Republican Congress refuses to work with the Senate or the President to stimulate job creation. Otherwise I would welcome their wrong-headed partisan antics which is driving moderate Republicans and monied interests into the arms of the Democrats.

The recovery is still too fragile to withstand this bullshit and the country needs Congress to work in the best interests of the people, not their party.

What Recovery?
Okay, admit that it is only okay with you when Democrats resist Republican Legislation. You are just one sided. I am so glad I could help you with that. The Tea Party is Not the Boogy Man. It's okay with people to see things differently than you, isn't it? Think on that, before you answer.
...and the tea Party, which has been discredited by everyone except themselves, are still celebrating, as their ship slowly disappears under the waves, with confederate flag flying high.....
...and the tea Party, which has been discredited by everyone except themselves, are still celebrating, as their ship slowly disappears under the waves, with confederate flag flying high.....

Well, Bachmann is happier than she's ever been. Must be something great happening with the idiots.

Or is there..
Crowd storms World War II Memorial

WASHINGTON - Thousands of people converged on the World War II Memorial on the National Mall on Sunday morning and tore down the barricades blocking it off, protesting the closure of the memorial during the federal government shutdown.

Beginning at about 9:30 a.m., Sens. Mike Lee, R-Utah, and Ted Cruz, R-Texas, as well as former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, were among the luminaries in a crowd that chanted "Tear down these walls!" and sang "God Bless America" as well as other patriotic songs as they entered the memorial, which has been closed since the government shutdown that began Oct. 1.

Tractor-trailers headed down 17th Street toward the Mall, blaring their horns. The Metropolitan Police Department blocked off the street, prompting the crowd to head up the street, shouting at the police to move their vehicles.

Crowd storms World War II Memorial -

The people are rising against the White House. "This is OUR Memorial!"

God Bless America!

The authoritarian anti occupy wall street crowd is beginning to cheer protesters? What's next, anti war rallies, sit ins and singing kumbaya as long as it's anti Obama?

I heard there was a drum circle and poetry reading
Okay, admit that it is only okay with you when Democrats resist Republican Legislation. You are just one sided. I am so glad I could help you with that. The Tea Party is Not the Boogy Man. It's okay with people to see things differently than you, isn't it? Think on that, before you answer.

Don't assume you know what's OK with me or what side I'm on because you don't have a clue.

You'd better tell Boehner that the TP is not the Boogey Man because he's so scared they will turf him out as Speaker and primary him in the next election that he won't even bring a CR to a vote in the House.
I didn't see a single person in these pictures who could have served in WWII. None of them are old enough. I see a small group of 40 to 60 year old white males using faux outrage to promote a losing agenda.

All three of my brothers volunteered to serve in WWII. My oldest brother was wounded on D-Day and carried shrapnel in his body from those wounds until the day he died.

I am disgusted that Palin, Cruz, et al are pretending to care about these people in order to further their agenda which hits the poor and the elderly on fixed incomes the hardest.

Pretty damned stupid. No one said this was a WW2 veteran march. It has been set up by the organizers on FB as a million Veteran march on the monuments. Not only the ones in DC but hundreds of places all over the USA. There were small groups of Veterans some as young as their early 20's who met at monuments all over the states. If i wasn't home taking care of Mrs O I would have made the drive down to DC myself.

However that doesn't mean I don't have the utmost respect for your brothers, in fact I salute them.I wonder what they would have thought of open air monuments being closed.....
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Republicans closed the government and then tricked WWII veterans into believing it was Obama. Republicans are such despicable people. What scum to trick old people that way. Remember, they're who want to turn old people's Medicare into a voucher program and reduce their Social Security. Republicans, always preying on the elderly and the poor. They have to be monsters. What else could it be?
Republicans closed the government and then tricked WWII veterans into believing it was Obama. Republicans are such despicable people. What scum to trick old people that way. Remember, they're who want to turn old people's Medicare into a voucher program and reduce their Social Security. Republicans, always preying on the elderly and the poor. They have to be monsters. What else could it be?

some of them prolly know that they're being lied to but they are loyal Murdoch (Fox) TV viewers so they don't care. They don't like the different-looking guy, w/ the different-sounding name & the normal family to be in the WH
You betcha.

The regime is closing off open air monuments as a punishment to Americans, and to send a message to the world...the old America is dead, despised, and on the way out. We have a new, socialist country now.

Let's see...what comes after the monuments are pulled down...Oh I know, arrest warrants. Stand by. People are going to be arrested. In large numbers.
Repubs lose elections and its, all of a sudden, the end times. Quelle surprise..... NOT! "Elections mean things" where have I heard that before? :eusa_think: ;)
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Republicans closed the government and then tricked WWII veterans into believing it was Obama. Republicans are such despicable people. What scum to trick old people that way. Remember, they're who want to turn old people's Medicare into a voucher program and reduce their Social Security. Republicans, always preying on the elderly and the poor. They have to be monsters. What else could it be?

It's shameful the way they're using these nice war vets. The teabaggers had just better get government open before they fade into oblivion, history will not be kind to these idiots.
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Republicans closed the government and then tricked WWII veterans into believing it was Obama. Republicans are such despicable people. What scum to trick old people that way. Remember, they're who want to turn old people's Medicare into a voucher program and reduce their Social Security. Republicans, always preying on the elderly and the poor. They have to be monsters. What else could it be?

It's shameful the way they're using these nice war vets. They'd just better get government open before they fade into oblivion, history will not be kind to these idiots.

^ that. Why are Repubs putting those old soldiers through their gov't shutdown? :(
Almost every veteran I know (And i obviously know lots of them) Don't care which side anyone is on right now. they simply want their country back.

Me? I'm part of the 60% who would prefer to fire everyone in Washington....

But these veterans there today deserve nothing more than respect. they know what they were there for and showed it to the world. And thousands of others all over the country who couldn't be in DC today met at more local monuments in protest....
Almost every veteran I know (And i obviously know lots of them) Don't care which side anyone is on right now. they simply want their country back.

Me? I'm part of the 60% who would prefer to fire everyone in Washington....

But these veterans there today deserve nothing more than respect. they know what they were there for and showed it to the world. And thousands of others all over the country who couldn't be in DC today met at more local monuments in protest....

60% don't think that, Ollie. You continuing to say it doesn't make it true.
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