Threaten a public officials kids - 3+ years

AP News - Man who threatened congressman gets 3-year prison sentence

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — A man who left a voicemail message at an Ohio congressman's office mentioning a June shooting at a baseball practice for members of Congress has been sentenced to more than three years in prison.

Judge Michael Watson on Friday sentenced 69-year-old Stanley Hoff to 40 months in prison following Hoff's October guilty plea to threatening to assault and murder a United States official.
good. until people are held accountable it will continue.
Why does your op have no relationship to your title?
AP News - Man who threatened congressman gets 3-year prison sentence

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — A man who left a voicemail message at an Ohio congressman's office mentioning a June shooting at a baseball practice for members of Congress has been sentenced to more than three years in prison.

Judge Michael Watson on Friday sentenced 69-year-old Stanley Hoff to 40 months in prison following Hoff's October guilty plea to threatening to assault and murder a United States official.
good. until people are held accountable it will continue.
Why does your op have no relationship to your title?
to piss you off.
AP News - Man who threatened congressman gets 3-year prison sentence

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — A man who left a voicemail message at an Ohio congressman's office mentioning a June shooting at a baseball practice for members of Congress has been sentenced to more than three years in prison.

Judge Michael Watson on Friday sentenced 69-year-old Stanley Hoff to 40 months in prison following Hoff's October guilty plea to threatening to assault and murder a United States official.
good. until people are held accountable it will continue.
Why does your op have no relationship to your title?
to piss you off.
Ah, so you're just retarded then. Just like every other republican.
iceberg has admitted he has posted a trolling OP: an obvious fact of a degenerate mind.
AP News - Man who threatened congressman gets 3-year prison sentence

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — A man who left a voicemail message at an Ohio congressman's office mentioning a June shooting at a baseball practice for members of Congress has been sentenced to more than three years in prison.

Judge Michael Watson on Friday sentenced 69-year-old Stanley Hoff to 40 months in prison following Hoff's October guilty plea to threatening to assault and murder a United States official.
good. until people are held accountable it will continue.
Why does your op have no relationship to your title?
to piss you off.
Ah, so you're just retarded then. Just like every other republican.
who's more "retarded"?

the one who sets traps for morons or the moron who falls in it going WHY DO YOU DO THIS???

need help with this one? check your local mirror.
AP News - Man who threatened congressman gets 3-year prison sentence

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — A man who left a voicemail message at an Ohio congressman's office mentioning a June shooting at a baseball practice for members of Congress has been sentenced to more than three years in prison.

Judge Michael Watson on Friday sentenced 69-year-old Stanley Hoff to 40 months in prison following Hoff's October guilty plea to threatening to assault and murder a United States official.
good. until people are held accountable it will continue.
Why does your op have no relationship to your title?
to piss you off.
Ah, so you're just retarded then. Just like every other republican.
who's more "retarded"?

the one who sets traps for morons or the moron who falls in it going WHY DO YOU DO THIS???

need help with this one? check your local mirror.

LMAO are any moron who "sets a trap" on a message board. Are you really that stupid?
AP News - Man who threatened congressman gets 3-year prison sentence

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — A man who left a voicemail message at an Ohio congressman's office mentioning a June shooting at a baseball practice for members of Congress has been sentenced to more than three years in prison.

Judge Michael Watson on Friday sentenced 69-year-old Stanley Hoff to 40 months in prison following Hoff's October guilty plea to threatening to assault and murder a United States official.
good. until people are held accountable it will continue.
Why does your op have no relationship to your title?
to piss you off.
Ah, so you're just retarded then. Just like every other republican.
who's more "retarded"?

the one who sets traps for morons or the moron who falls in it going WHY DO YOU DO THIS???

need help with this one? check your local mirror.

LMAO are any moron who "sets a trap" on a message board. Are you really that stupid?
oh i can promise you it wasn't my intent but people who insist in directing arguments into their personal rabbit holes get what they get. in this case since you can't talk about the topic - just get stupid - i played along.

not my fault you're not smart enough to know how stupid you're being.

have a day.
Why does your op have no relationship to your title?
to piss you off.
Ah, so you're just retarded then. Just like every other republican.
who's more "retarded"?

the one who sets traps for morons or the moron who falls in it going WHY DO YOU DO THIS???

need help with this one? check your local mirror.

LMAO are any moron who "sets a trap" on a message board. Are you really that stupid?
oh i can promise you it wasn't my intent but people who insist in directing arguments into their personal rabbit holes get what they get. in this case since you can't talk about the topic - just get stupid - i played along.

not my fault you're not smart enough to know how stupid you're being.

have a day.
Lol, so suddenly now it's not a trap?

Some days you kids are just too much.
AP News - Man who threatened congressman gets 3-year prison sentence

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — A man who left a voicemail message at an Ohio congressman's office mentioning a June shooting at a baseball practice for members of Congress has been sentenced to more than three years in prison.

Judge Michael Watson on Friday sentenced 69-year-old Stanley Hoff to 40 months in prison following Hoff's October guilty plea to threatening to assault and murder a United States official.
good. until people are held accountable it will continue.

I have mixed feelings about this. If a neighbor threatened me, he probably would get a talking to by police and left alone. Hillary committed countless heinous federal crimes and hasn't served there days. This guy gets three years and he never actually did anything, other than to SAY he might do something. Words. In a way, it again elevates our politicians as being in a special class better than the rest of us.
to piss you off.
Ah, so you're just retarded then. Just like every other republican.
who's more "retarded"?

the one who sets traps for morons or the moron who falls in it going WHY DO YOU DO THIS???

need help with this one? check your local mirror.

LMAO are any moron who "sets a trap" on a message board. Are you really that stupid?
oh i can promise you it wasn't my intent but people who insist in directing arguments into their personal rabbit holes get what they get. in this case since you can't talk about the topic - just get stupid - i played along.

not my fault you're not smart enough to know how stupid you're being.

have a day.
Lol, so suddenly now it's not a trap?

Some days you kids are just too much.
it's whatever you need it to be, my child.

now go fix your sandcastle.
AP News - Man who threatened congressman gets 3-year prison sentence

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — A man who left a voicemail message at an Ohio congressman's office mentioning a June shooting at a baseball practice for members of Congress has been sentenced to more than three years in prison.

Judge Michael Watson on Friday sentenced 69-year-old Stanley Hoff to 40 months in prison following Hoff's October guilty plea to threatening to assault and murder a United States official.
good. until people are held accountable it will continue.

I have mixed feelings about this. If a neighbor threatened me, he probably would get a talking to by police and left alone. Hillary committed countless heinous federal crimes and hasn't served there days. This guy gets three years and he never actually did anything, other than to SAY he might do something. Words. In a way, it again elevates our politicians as being in a special class better than the rest of us.
i hate hillary as much as the next righteous thinking person, i suppose. but what did she every say in public like this to threaten anyone at all in the same manner?

seems like a tie-in to keep pushing a PUNISH HILLARY mantra even when she has nothing to be punished for centered around public threats like this.
AP News - Man who threatened congressman gets 3-year prison sentence

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — A man who left a voicemail message at an Ohio congressman's office mentioning a June shooting at a baseball practice for members of Congress has been sentenced to more than three years in prison.

Judge Michael Watson on Friday sentenced 69-year-old Stanley Hoff to 40 months in prison following Hoff's October guilty plea to threatening to assault and murder a United States official.
good. until people are held accountable it will continue.

I have mixed feelings about this. If a neighbor threatened me, he probably would get a talking to by police and left alone. Hillary committed countless heinous federal crimes and hasn't served there days. This guy gets three years and he never actually did anything, other than to SAY he might do something. Words. In a way, it again elevates our politicians as being in a special class better than the rest of us.
i hate hillary as much as the next righteous thinking person, i suppose. but what did she every say in public like this to threaten anyone at all in the same manner?

seems like a tie-in to keep pushing a PUNISH HILLARY mantra even when she has nothing to be punished for centered around public threats like this.

It's not about Hillary. Its about the fact that if your neighbor threatened you, he wouldn't even get arrested much less 3 years in jail. Just as I don't believe in "hate" crimes, I don't believe in stiffer penalties for someone being a federal employee. Why does that make them special? I think probation and community service would be more than adequate unless this guy had a past history of actually following through on threats or actually tried to carry them out. I am sick and tired of our two-tier system where the rich and powerful get one standard and everyone else gets another.
AP News - Man who threatened congressman gets 3-year prison sentence

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — A man who left a voicemail message at an Ohio congressman's office mentioning a June shooting at a baseball practice for members of Congress has been sentenced to more than three years in prison.

Judge Michael Watson on Friday sentenced 69-year-old Stanley Hoff to 40 months in prison following Hoff's October guilty plea to threatening to assault and murder a United States official.
good. until people are held accountable it will continue.

I have mixed feelings about this. If a neighbor threatened me, he probably would get a talking to by police and left alone. Hillary committed countless heinous federal crimes and hasn't served there days. This guy gets three years and he never actually did anything, other than to SAY he might do something. Words. In a way, it again elevates our politicians as being in a special class better than the rest of us.
i hate hillary as much as the next righteous thinking person, i suppose. but what did she every say in public like this to threaten anyone at all in the same manner?

seems like a tie-in to keep pushing a PUNISH HILLARY mantra even when she has nothing to be punished for centered around public threats like this.

It's not about Hillary. Its about the fact that if your neighbor threatened you, he wouldn't even get arrested much less 3 years in jail. Just as I don't believe in "hate" crimes, I don't believe in stiffer penalties for someone being a federal employee. Why does that make them special? I think probation and community service would be more than adequate unless this guy had a past history of actually following through on threats or actually tried to carry them out. I am sick and tired of our two-tier system where the rich and powerful get one standard and everyone else gets another.
if its not about her then don't bring her up.

and if some of my neighbors were getting constant calls threatening me and it didn't stop and something happened to them - what then?

the problem is we ignore people making these threats and one day they go shoot up a school and we go back and say "wow, how did we miss THAT sign?"

i guess i'm sick of people using any example they can to further their views even if it has nothing to do with the discussion at hand. you just need to get your hate in and go WELL WHAT ABOUT???

i think we can all do that and have at times but it does de-rail conversations. if there's a direct link between what hillary did and what we're talking about, she's fair game. if not, rabbit hole.
Crepitus has toobfreek and iceberg running away and weeping. The creep got the right sentence.

You alt righties don't get to threaten without punishment: will always be that way.
iceberg in another fine mess

AP News - Man who threatened congressman gets 3-year prison sentence

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — A man who left a voicemail message at an Ohio congressman's office mentioning a June shooting at a baseball practice for members of Congress has been sentenced to more than three years in prison.

Judge Michael Watson on Friday sentenced 69-year-old Stanley Hoff to 40 months in prison following Hoff's October guilty plea to threatening to assault and murder a United States official.
good. until people are held accountable it will continue.

I have mixed feelings about this. If a neighbor threatened me, he probably would get a talking to by police and left alone. Hillary committed countless heinous federal crimes and hasn't served there days. This guy gets three years and he never actually did anything, other than to SAY he might do something. Words. In a way, it again elevates our politicians as being in a special class better than the rest of us.
i hate hillary as much as the next righteous thinking person, i suppose. but what did she every say in public like this to threaten anyone at all in the same manner?

seems like a tie-in to keep pushing a PUNISH HILLARY mantra even when she has nothing to be punished for centered around public threats like this.

It's not about Hillary. Its about the fact that if your neighbor threatened you, he wouldn't even get arrested much less 3 years in jail. Just as I don't believe in "hate" crimes, I don't believe in stiffer penalties for someone being a federal employee. Why does that make them special? I think probation and community service would be more than adequate unless this guy had a past history of actually following through on threats or actually tried to carry them out. I am sick and tired of our two-tier system where the rich and powerful get one standard and everyone else gets another.
if its not about her then don't bring her up.

and if some of my neighbors were getting constant calls threatening me and it didn't stop and something happened to them - what then?

the problem is we ignore people making these threats and one day they go shoot up a school and we go back and say "wow, how did we miss THAT sign?"

i guess i'm sick of people using any example they can to further their views even if it has nothing to do with the discussion at hand. you just need to get your hate in and go WELL WHAT ABOUT???

i think we can all do that and have at times but it does de-rail conversations. if there's a direct link between what hillary did and what we're talking about, she's fair game. if not, rabbit hole.

I only brought Hillary up to contrast one extreme with another. I'm not saying the guy isn't dangerous or something shouldn't have been done, just pointing out the great disparity in ways the law deals with people. So much for EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER THE LAW! You could threaten a business CEO and get one response but threaten a mailman (federal employee) and you get the harshest sentencing possible. This guy here was a crumb and a kook, but his biggest mistake was getting caught threatening a federal employee.
AP News - Man who threatened congressman gets 3-year prison sentence

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — A man who left a voicemail message at an Ohio congressman's office mentioning a June shooting at a baseball practice for members of Congress has been sentenced to more than three years in prison.

Judge Michael Watson on Friday sentenced 69-year-old Stanley Hoff to 40 months in prison following Hoff's October guilty plea to threatening to assault and murder a United States official.
good. until people are held accountable it will continue.

I have mixed feelings about this. If a neighbor threatened me, he probably would get a talking to by police and left alone. Hillary committed countless heinous federal crimes and hasn't served there days. This guy gets three years and he never actually did anything, other than to SAY he might do something. Words. In a way, it again elevates our politicians as being in a special class better than the rest of us.
i hate hillary as much as the next righteous thinking person, i suppose. but what did she every say in public like this to threaten anyone at all in the same manner?

seems like a tie-in to keep pushing a PUNISH HILLARY mantra even when she has nothing to be punished for centered around public threats like this.

It's not about Hillary. Its about the fact that if your neighbor threatened you, he wouldn't even get arrested much less 3 years in jail. Just as I don't believe in "hate" crimes, I don't believe in stiffer penalties for someone being a federal employee. Why does that make them special? I think probation and community service would be more than adequate unless this guy had a past history of actually following through on threats or actually tried to carry them out. I am sick and tired of our two-tier system where the rich and powerful get one standard and everyone else gets another.
if its not about her then don't bring her up.

and if some of my neighbors were getting constant calls threatening me and it didn't stop and something happened to them - what then?

the problem is we ignore people making these threats and one day they go shoot up a school and we go back and say "wow, how did we miss THAT sign?"

i guess i'm sick of people using any example they can to further their views even if it has nothing to do with the discussion at hand. you just need to get your hate in and go WELL WHAT ABOUT???

i think we can all do that and have at times but it does de-rail conversations. if there's a direct link between what hillary did and what we're talking about, she's fair game. if not, rabbit hole.

I only brought Hillary up to contrast one extreme with another. I'm not saying the guy isn't dangerous or something shouldn't have been done, just pointing out the great disparity in ways the law deals with people. So much for EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER THE LAW! You could threaten a business CEO and get one response but threaten a mailman (federal employee) and you get the harshest sentencing possible. This guy here was a crumb and a kook, but his biggest mistake was getting caught threatening a federal employee.
it's a start.
Not there in the OP. And "families" is not "kids" anyway.

Again --- learn what the fuck click-bait is.
No, dummy. Read it here at your beloved Washington Post

Once AGAIN --- I don't read the WaPo since it counts a quota per month and that burns a view that could be used for something worthwhile. In fact the OP's own link did the same thing, which I didn't know and read it anyway and it TOO says nothing about any "kids", so his entire click-bait song and dance is bullshit, which he in fact already admitted. To wit, "to piss you off". Then he wants to individually point fingers at every reader who calls him on that bullshit --- even though he just admitted it. And then wants to run and hide under the "Ignore" safe-space blankie because it interrupts the flow of his bullshit.

This thread isn't about "kids" and it isn't even about people threatening Congresscritters. It's about basic honesty and the lack thereof and a rank demonstration of the latter. When you have to make shit up to make a point --- you don't have a point. You just have a reputation for mendacity.

See thread title.

Then READ PAST thread title.

Then recognize that thread title is naught but click-bait with no relation to the topic.

You want me to come out there to Belize and actually read it aloud to you? Is that what you need?
Send plane ticket and I'll consider it.
I quoted it so you wouldn't have to actually read anything. Here it is again:

"We are coming to get every (expletive) one of you and your families," Hoff said.

Not there in the OP. And "families" is not "kids" anyway.

Again --- learn what the fuck click-bait is.
In the link, toady. Learn how to click links.

My kids are my family. You wouldn't know about that.
he's just trolling. that's what pogo does. looks to twist what people say so he can derail the original discussion with a rabbit hole up his ass.

WHO exactly hacked into your account to post "kids" in the title where no kids were mentioned, as you already admitted?

Huh liar?

You derailed yourself, Dippy. Next time try dealing with the actual story instead of making up your own.

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