Three Cops Being Charged with Murder

So we hire retarded dumb jock macho men to become our law enforcement. Why don't we have higher standards?

So we hire retarded dumb jock macho men to become our law enforcement. Why don't we have higher standards?

Would you rather have Russian law-enforcement? Or Chinese? How about North Korean?
Why don't you put some of your Democrat tea-sipping Dr. Denton-wearing metrosexuals in to police the city neighborhoods?
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Must be a full moon tonight. Three cops are actually being charged with murdering two different unarmed people. Maybe they're finally figuring it out.

Judge Orders New Mexico Cops To Stand Trial For Killing Of Homeless Man

Virginia cop s arrest reveals larger cracks in blue wall of silence -
Are you and your punk cop hater friends throwing a party?

Wow, that was really unexpected. Three cops being charged with murder at the same time, unbelievable. It's not like it happens way too often... Cops are sneaky bastards indeed...

So we hire retarded dumb jock macho men to become our law enforcement. Why don't we have higher standards?

Would you rather have Russian law-enforcement? Or Chinese? How about North Korean?

How about we quit just accepting that our police departments are where schoolyard bullies and sadists go for careers?

So you want a police force made up of touchy-feelie politically-correct wimps to keep the real schoolyard bullies and sadists from kicking in your door, raping your wife and kids, and putting a bullet in your head?

How the fuck is that going to work out? It's pretty obvious you've never had many dealings with the criminal element in your hood. How would you deal with the criminals? Maybe sit down with them around a camp fire, roasting Smores, and singing a couple rounds of "Kumbaya"?

Good luck.
OOOOOR..........with the age of internet....these local stories become national and everyone reads them. And cop hating idiots (Uh hum) post them all day.

So while statistically rare....the dozen or so out of 1,000,000 draw a lot of it seems like a widespread problem .

25 years ago....the NM one would've been in the local news...and nowhere else. Now? Everyone from Albequrque to Juneau to Nantucket can instantly read about it.

Like the Jaws effect. Millions of people swim amongst millions 9f sharks. A few a year get bit. But thanks to media....people think odds are high of being bitten.

So....yeah...the system decided these 3 should be charged. System works almost every single time.
Just for a statistical comparison....Dallas is a city of about a million people. Same as a million cops. Dallas is a city well known for its handle on crime. Relatively low crime rate for a big city. It had I think 120 murders in 2014. Doesn't count self defense shootings.

Police? In 2014...maybe 10 clear murders? None are acceptable. But as a statistic....this is incredibly low. Especially considering all are armed. All are sent into high stress environments. And most are males. You'd think tempers and morals would malfunction more. But they dont.

So yeah....DontTazeMeBro can bitch and whine. He can celebrate each dead or jailed cop.

But a reasonable analysis of the raw numbers....shows what an incredibly good and disciplined job American police do.

Now...I'll let DontTazeMeBro and the libs get back to their sophomoric cop hating.

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