Three cops shot in Baton Rouge

Obama and Hillary do not have the backs of cops...they are stabbing cops in the back.

Consequences will be hard, but who cares about consequences?

Cops are no angels....the problem confronting us is that da negroes are trying to claim it is a racial problem.

The stats have been presented here...but people ignore them...cops kill more whites than blacks and out of all proportion to their percentage of the population.

Even the President has not been presented the correct stats..he consistently refers to erroneous stats. It could be he knows better...just trying to legitimize his agenda.
Soldiers do have the availability of mental healthcare at many VA's.. I go to one that has a wing dedicated to such...
Yes, they have one, but why is it failing our troops?



Yeah crazy nut did kill 3 cops, but if you think cops are racist, why kill the black guy, because he's an uncle tom?

To any normal person the killing of the black guy indicate it wasn't about race. Not to you tho. You're dedicated to the lie

It was about him stopping cops from killing blacks, so there is a race element to it.
You can't be racist against your own race..

He was stopping police violence against blacks, the black officer was collateral damage.
Or so you say..Just like Freddy Grey was killed by black cops..Was Freddy collateral damage by black cops?

No, Grey was a lack of respect by police for the mentally ill.
Homey killed 3 officers including a black one, so what's the talking story this time?
Honorably Discharged Marine former Sergeant loses it and ends up in deadly Suicide-By-Cop scenario.

Thanks Obama for both fixing the VA system and bridging the racial divide. /sarcasm
Thanks to congressional republicans and Dubya for refusing to allocate sufficient funding for treatment of PTSD.

The VA has been left out for many things for a long long time. You can go back to the 60's and the way the government has handled those in the VA system. So to blame Bush and the Republicans is partisan BS. 7 1/2 years and Obama and the Democrats have done nothing. The track record for government is not good.

The problems with the V.A. and the government are one and the same...political correctness. Which translates into no accountability...the only way to improve the V.A. would be to privatize it. The government is the problem...not the V.A.

The government wants to push veterans off to the side. As long as the Congress gets their elite benefits, they don't care.

Career politicians are only concerned with their careers....look at Comey...many other examples...get rid of the professional politicians and everyone would be better off.
Obama and Hillary do not have the backs of cops...they are stabbing cops in the back.

Consequences will be hard, but who cares about consequences?

Cops are no angels....the problem confronting us is that da negroes are trying to claim it is a racial problem.

The stats have been presented here...but people ignore them...cops kill more whites than blacks and out of all proportion to their percentage of the population.

Even the President has not been presented the correct stats..he consistently refers to erroneous stats. It could be he knows better...just trying to legitimize his agenda.
Don't be stupid...but that is apparently going to be difficult for you.

Did I or anyone post cops are angels....fool?

Since we are jumping conclusions, you are fine with cops getting killed.
You can't be racist against your own race..
Sure you can. Haven't you ever seen Black Democrats label Black Republicans "Uncle Tom"?
That is bigotry...

You are overly concerned with your opinion which makes you the bigot.

Here...let me attempt to enlighten you>>>>>
bigot Definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary
bigot definition, meaning, what is bigot: a person who has strong, unreasonable beliefs and who does not like other people who have…. Learn more.
Honorably Discharged Marine former Sergeant loses it and ends up in deadly Suicide-By-Cop scenario.

Thanks Obama for both fixing the VA system and bridging the racial divide. /sarcasm
Thanks to congressional republicans and Dubya for refusing to allocate sufficient funding for treatment of PTSD.

The VA has been left out for many things for a long long time. You can go back to the 60's and the way the government has handled those in the VA system. So to blame Bush and the Republicans is partisan BS. 7 1/2 years and Obama and the Democrats have done nothing. The track record for government is not good.

The problems with the V.A. and the government are one and the same...political correctness. Which translates into no accountability...the only way to improve the V.A. would be to privatize it. The government is the problem...not the V.A.

The government wants to push veterans off to the side. As long as the Congress gets their elite benefits, they don't care.

Career politicians are only concerned with their careers....look at Comey...many other examples...get rid of the professional politicians and everyone would be better off.
Right, the majority the Founders were career politicians..
Soldiers do have the availability of mental healthcare at many VA's.. I go to one that has a wing dedicated to such...
Yes, they have one, but why is it failing our troops?




If you have friends or relatives with a mental problem....keep them away from the v.a. psychiatrists....they will only give them meds that will make them worse...most of those who comitt suicide have been dosed up with meds that provoke suicide.

The best way to treat post traumatic syndrome would be to set up retreats...give them plenty of rest, clean air, recreational activities, healthy meals, vitamins and herbs, acupuncture for pain and lots of exercise...drugs will not solve the problem.
Cops are no angels....the problem confronting us is that da negroes are trying to claim it is a racial problem.

The stats have been presented here...but people ignore them...cops kill more whites than blacks and out of all proportion to their percentage of the population.

Even the President has not been presented the correct stats..he consistently refers to erroneous stats. It could be he knows better...just trying to legitimize his agenda.
Agreed cops are no angels, but there are only a few bad cops who need to be rooted out. Most are public servants working a dangerous, largely thankless job for low to average pay.

A correction on the stats. According to the recent Harvard study, there is no statistical difference between the rate of cops shooting whites or blacks. OTOH, there is a higher rate of police using force (handcuffs, face on the car hood or ground, etc) against blacks than whites.
Homey killed 3 officers including a black one, so what's the talking story this time?
Crazed gunman kills police officers....

Yeah crazy nut did kill 3 cops, but if you think cops are racist, why kill the black guy, because he's an uncle tom?

To any normal person the killing of the black guy indicate it wasn't about race. Not to you tho. You're dedicated to the lie

It was about him stopping cops from killing blacks, so there is a race element to it.

Everything has a "race element". But if he believes this was about racism AND knowing he killed a black cop also, can it be racism according to the victims? Sure, only if you claim he was racist against blacks and whites
Soldiers do have the availability of mental healthcare at many VA's.. I go to one that has a wing dedicated to such...
Yes, they have one, but why is it failing our troops?




If you have friends or relatives with a mental problem....keep them away from the v.a. psychiatrists....they will only give them meds that will make them worse...most of those who comitt suicide have been dosed up with meds that provoke suicide.

The best way to treat post traumatic syndrome would be to set up retreats...give them plenty of rest, clean air, recreational activities, healthy meals, vitamins and herbs, acupuncture for pain and lots of exercise...drugs will not solve the problem.
I have seen the VA psychiatrist and they didn't offer me pills...

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