Three cops shot in Baton Rouge

One bad cop can make the entire force look bad, same with soldiers and any group, as with BLM, the majority doesn't believe in killing people to make a statement, but the ones that do and have, make the whole group look bad..
That is bigotry...
Bigotry based on race is racism.

Racism: discrimination or hatred based on race

  1. the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
    • prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
If you have friends or relatives with a mental problem....keep them away from the v.a. psychiatrists....they will only give them meds that will make them worse...most of those who comitt suicide have been dosed up with meds that provoke suicide.

The best way to treat post traumatic syndrome would be to set up retreats...give them plenty of rest, clean air, recreational activities, healthy meals, vitamins and herbs, acupuncture for pain and lots of exercise...drugs will not solve the problem.
All of which goes to prove both Congress and our CiC have failed our vets.
Thanks to congressional republicans and Dubya for refusing to allocate sufficient funding for treatment of PTSD.

The VA has been left out for many things for a long long time. You can go back to the 60's and the way the government has handled those in the VA system. So to blame Bush and the Republicans is partisan BS. 7 1/2 years and Obama and the Democrats have done nothing. The track record for government is not good.

The problems with the V.A. and the government are one and the same...political correctness. Which translates into no accountability...the only way to improve the V.A. would be to privatize it. The government is the problem...not the V.A.

The government wants to push veterans off to the side. As long as the Congress gets their elite benefits, they don't care.

Career politicians are only concerned with their careers....look at Comey...many other examples...get rid of the professional politicians and everyone would be better off.
Right, the majority the Founders were career politicians..

Nonsense...who fed you that bullshite?

'The founders practiced a wide range of occupations, and many men pursued more than one career simultaneously. Thirty-five were lawyers or had benefited from legal training, though not all of them relied on the profession for a livelihood. Some had also become judges.

At the time of the convention, 13 individuals were businessmen, merchants, or shippers: Blount, Broom, Clymer, Dayton, Fitzsimons, Gerry, Gilman, Gorham, Langdon, Robert Morris, Pierce, Sherman, and Wilson. Six were major land speculators: Blount, Dayton, Fitzsimons, Gorham, Robert Morris, and Wilson. Eleven speculated in securities on a large scale: Bedford, Blair, Clymer, Dayton, Fitzsimons, Franklin, King, Langdon, Robert Morris, Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, and Sherman. Twelve owned or managed slave-operated plantations or large farms: Bassett, Blair, Blount, Butler, Carroll, Jenifer, Mason, Charles Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, Rutledge, Spaight, and Washington. Madison also owned slaves. Broom and Few were small farmers.

Nine of the men received a substantial part of their income from public office: Baldwin, Blair, Brearly, Gilman, Jenifer, Livingston, Madison, and Rutledge. Three had retired from active economic endeavors: Franklin, McHenry, and Mifflin. Franklin and Williamson were scientists, in addition to their other activities. McClurg, McHenry, and Williamson were physicians, and Johnson was a university president. Baldwin had been a minister, and Williamson, Madison, Ellsworth, and possibly others had studied theology but had never been ordained.

A few of the delegates were wealthy. Washington and Robert Morris ranked among the nation's most prosperous men. Carroll, Houston, Jenifer, and Mifflin were also extremely well-to-do. Most of the others had financial resources that ranged from good to excellent. Among those with the most straitened circumstances were Baldwin, Brearly, Broom, Few, Madison, Paterson, and Sherman, though they all managed to live comfortably.

A considerable number of the men were born into leading families: Blair, Butler, Carroll, Houston, Ingersoll, Jenifer, Johnson, Livingston, Mifflin, Gouverneur Morris, both Pinckneys, Randolph, Rutledge, Washington, and Wythe. Others were self-made men w ho had risen from humble beginnings: Few, Franklin, Gorham, Hamilton, and Sherman'.
That is bigotry...
Bigotry based on race is racism.

Racism: discrimination or hatred based on race

  1. the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
    • prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
Why do you only choose to use a very narrow definition of Racism and not all of the fuller, more general definitions? Is it because you know I'm right? Because you know it will prove you to be a racist hypocrite? Why?
That is bigotry...
Bigotry based on race is racism.

Racism: discrimination or hatred based on race

  1. the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
    • prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

Politically Correct nonsense from a cheap dictionary.

In a nutshell all racism is.....the recognition of the role genetics plays in human capabilities and characteristics.

You can be racist and not prejudiced....too many dumb asses coinfuse prejudice with racism.
Homey killed 3 officers including a black one, so what's the talking story this time?
Crazed gunman kills police officers....

Yeah crazy nut did kill 3 cops, but if you think cops are racist, why kill the black guy, because he's an uncle tom?

To any normal person the killing of the black guy indicate it wasn't about race. Not to you tho. You're dedicated to the lie

It was about him stopping cops from killing blacks, so there is a race element to it.
You can't be racist against your own race..
Sure you can.
The VA has been left out for many things for a long long time. You can go back to the 60's and the way the government has handled those in the VA system. So to blame Bush and the Republicans is partisan BS. 7 1/2 years and Obama and the Democrats have done nothing. The track record for government is not good.

The problems with the V.A. and the government are one and the same...political correctness. Which translates into no accountability...the only way to improve the V.A. would be to privatize it. The government is the problem...not the V.A.

The government wants to push veterans off to the side. As long as the Congress gets their elite benefits, they don't care.

Career politicians are only concerned with their careers....look at Comey...many other examples...get rid of the professional politicians and everyone would be better off.
Right, the majority the Founders were career politicians..

Nonsense...who fed you that bullshite?

'The founders practiced a wide range of occupations, and many men pursued more than one career simultaneously. Thirty-five were lawyers or had benefited from legal training, though not all of them relied on the profession for a livelihood. Some had also become judges.

At the time of the convention, 13 individuals were businessmen, merchants, or shippers: Blount, Broom, Clymer, Dayton, Fitzsimons, Gerry, Gilman, Gorham, Langdon, Robert Morris, Pierce, Sherman, and Wilson. Six were major land speculators: Blount, Dayton, Fitzsimons, Gorham, Robert Morris, and Wilson. Eleven speculated in securities on a large scale: Bedford, Blair, Clymer, Dayton, Fitzsimons, Franklin, King, Langdon, Robert Morris, Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, and Sherman. Twelve owned or managed slave-operated plantations or large farms: Bassett, Blair, Blount, Butler, Carroll, Jenifer, Mason, Charles Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, Rutledge, Spaight, and Washington. Madison also owned slaves. Broom and Few were small farmers.

Nine of the men received a substantial part of their income from public office: Baldwin, Blair, Brearly, Gilman, Jenifer, Livingston, Madison, and Rutledge. Three had retired from active economic endeavors: Franklin, McHenry, and Mifflin. Franklin and Williamson were scientists, in addition to their other activities. McClurg, McHenry, and Williamson were physicians, and Johnson was a university president. Baldwin had been a minister, and Williamson, Madison, Ellsworth, and possibly others had studied theology but had never been ordained.

A few of the delegates were wealthy. Washington and Robert Morris ranked among the nation's most prosperous men. Carroll, Houston, Jenifer, and Mifflin were also extremely well-to-do. Most of the others had financial resources that ranged from good to excellent. Among those with the most straitened circumstances were Baldwin, Brearly, Broom, Few, Madison, Paterson, and Sherman, though they all managed to live comfortably.

A considerable number of the men were born into leading families: Blair, Butler, Carroll, Houston, Ingersoll, Jenifer, Johnson, Livingston, Mifflin, Gouverneur Morris, both Pinckneys, Randolph, Rutledge, Washington, and Wythe. Others were self-made men w ho had risen from humble beginnings: Few, Franklin, Gorham, Hamilton, and Sherman'.
Legislatures in today's society have their own professions also and come from the same backgrounds that the Founders had...So in you ideology, today's so called professional politicians were like the Founders, except now they actually pay members..Before you had to be well off to be a politician..
Soldiers do have the availability of mental healthcare at many VA's.. I go to one that has a wing dedicated to such...
Yes, they have one, but why is it failing our troops?




If you have friends or relatives with a mental problem....keep them away from the v.a. psychiatrists....they will only give them meds that will make them worse...most of those who comitt suicide have been dosed up with meds that provoke suicide.

The best way to treat post traumatic syndrome would be to set up retreats...give them plenty of rest, clean air, recreational activities, healthy meals, vitamins and herbs, acupuncture for pain and lots of exercise...drugs will not solve the problem.
I have seen the VA psychiatrist and they didn't offer me pills...

Consider yourself fortunate....but if you had requested them...what would they have done. Folks look for quick remedies they go to the doctor and ax for pills.

Ever visited a V.A. Psychiatric patient?....their kitchen table will be covered with various medications.
That is bigotry...
Bigotry based on race is racism.

Racism: discrimination or hatred based on race

  1. the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
    • prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

Politically Correct nonsense from a cheap dictionary.

In a nutshell all racism is.....the recognition of the role genetics plays in human capabilities and characteristics.

You can be racist and not prejudiced....too many dumb asses coinfuse prejudice with racism.
Then you have never heard of Social Darwinism? I agree that prejudice can be confused with racism but that is not what this thread is trying to establish..
Soldiers do have the availability of mental healthcare at many VA's.. I go to one that has a wing dedicated to such...
Yes, they have one, but why is it failing our troops?




If you have friends or relatives with a mental problem....keep them away from the v.a. psychiatrists....they will only give them meds that will make them worse...most of those who comitt suicide have been dosed up with meds that provoke suicide.

The best way to treat post traumatic syndrome would be to set up retreats...give them plenty of rest, clean air, recreational activities, healthy meals, vitamins and herbs, acupuncture for pain and lots of exercise...drugs will not solve the problem.
I have seen the VA psychiatrist and they didn't offer me pills...

Consider yourself fortunate....but if you had requested them...what would they have done. Folks look for quick remedies they go to the doctor and ax for pills.

Ever visited a V.A. Psychiatric patient?....their kitchen table will be covered with various medications.
My kitchen table has none and never has.My family members that have the same problems that have served used no pills either....the way to beat depression is to keep yourself busy and concentrate on other activities..
The problems with the V.A. and the government are one and the same...political correctness. Which translates into no accountability...the only way to improve the V.A. would be to privatize it. The government is the problem...not the V.A.

The government wants to push veterans off to the side. As long as the Congress gets their elite benefits, they don't care.

Career politicians are only concerned with their careers....look at Comey...many other examples...get rid of the professional politicians and everyone would be better off.
Right, the majority the Founders were career politicians..

Nonsense...who fed you that bullshite?

'The founders practiced a wide range of occupations, and many men pursued more than one career simultaneously. Thirty-five were lawyers or had benefited from legal training, though not all of them relied on the profession for a livelihood. Some had also become judges.

At the time of the convention, 13 individuals were businessmen, merchants, or shippers: Blount, Broom, Clymer, Dayton, Fitzsimons, Gerry, Gilman, Gorham, Langdon, Robert Morris, Pierce, Sherman, and Wilson. Six were major land speculators: Blount, Dayton, Fitzsimons, Gorham, Robert Morris, and Wilson. Eleven speculated in securities on a large scale: Bedford, Blair, Clymer, Dayton, Fitzsimons, Franklin, King, Langdon, Robert Morris, Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, and Sherman. Twelve owned or managed slave-operated plantations or large farms: Bassett, Blair, Blount, Butler, Carroll, Jenifer, Mason, Charles Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, Rutledge, Spaight, and Washington. Madison also owned slaves. Broom and Few were small farmers.

Nine of the men received a substantial part of their income from public office: Baldwin, Blair, Brearly, Gilman, Jenifer, Livingston, Madison, and Rutledge. Three had retired from active economic endeavors: Franklin, McHenry, and Mifflin. Franklin and Williamson were scientists, in addition to their other activities. McClurg, McHenry, and Williamson were physicians, and Johnson was a university president. Baldwin had been a minister, and Williamson, Madison, Ellsworth, and possibly others had studied theology but had never been ordained.

A few of the delegates were wealthy. Washington and Robert Morris ranked among the nation's most prosperous men. Carroll, Houston, Jenifer, and Mifflin were also extremely well-to-do. Most of the others had financial resources that ranged from good to excellent. Among those with the most straitened circumstances were Baldwin, Brearly, Broom, Few, Madison, Paterson, and Sherman, though they all managed to live comfortably.

A considerable number of the men were born into leading families: Blair, Butler, Carroll, Houston, Ingersoll, Jenifer, Johnson, Livingston, Mifflin, Gouverneur Morris, both Pinckneys, Randolph, Rutledge, Washington, and Wythe. Others were self-made men w ho had risen from humble beginnings: Few, Franklin, Gorham, Hamilton, and Sherman'.
Legislatures in today's society have their own professions also and come from the same backgrounds that the Founders had...So in you ideology, today's so called professional politicians were like the Founders, except now they actually pay members..Before you had to be well off to be a politician..

Today folks get into politics to become well-off.

Name some of the careers of todays professional politicians...most start out as lawyers but get into poliics as quick as they can and do their best to stay there....many perks...the best one being the ability to use insider trading knowledge to get wealthy.

How Did the Clintons Become So Rich?
Then you have never heard of Social Darwinism? I agree that prejudice can be confused with racism but that is not what this thread is trying to establish..
Prejudice and discrimination are two different terms, but racism is a type of prejudice and/or discrimination.

LWers can be prejudiced and/or discriminate against vets, but that doesn't make them racist. However, if they are prejudiced and/or discriminate others based on race, regardless if it's their race or another, they are racists.

Example; "Whigger". Ever here/see someone use the term? Is it racist? According to you, no, since, you believe people can't be racist against their own race. According to the broader M-W definition, it is racist.
There is a percentage that can never be helped, it is up to the individual to change and take charge of their own mental health............
Dude, that's like telling a person dying of cancer they are responsible for their own health because it's their body.

By definition, a mentally ill person may not be able to make sound, rational decisions because they are mentally ill. Just giving up on them like you advise is precisely the problem I am pointing out.
The government wants to push veterans off to the side. As long as the Congress gets their elite benefits, they don't care.

Career politicians are only concerned with their careers....look at Comey...many other examples...get rid of the professional politicians and everyone would be better off.
Right, the majority the Founders were career politicians..

Nonsense...who fed you that bullshite?

'The founders practiced a wide range of occupations, and many men pursued more than one career simultaneously. Thirty-five were lawyers or had benefited from legal training, though not all of them relied on the profession for a livelihood. Some had also become judges.

At the time of the convention, 13 individuals were businessmen, merchants, or shippers: Blount, Broom, Clymer, Dayton, Fitzsimons, Gerry, Gilman, Gorham, Langdon, Robert Morris, Pierce, Sherman, and Wilson. Six were major land speculators: Blount, Dayton, Fitzsimons, Gorham, Robert Morris, and Wilson. Eleven speculated in securities on a large scale: Bedford, Blair, Clymer, Dayton, Fitzsimons, Franklin, King, Langdon, Robert Morris, Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, and Sherman. Twelve owned or managed slave-operated plantations or large farms: Bassett, Blair, Blount, Butler, Carroll, Jenifer, Mason, Charles Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, Rutledge, Spaight, and Washington. Madison also owned slaves. Broom and Few were small farmers.

Nine of the men received a substantial part of their income from public office: Baldwin, Blair, Brearly, Gilman, Jenifer, Livingston, Madison, and Rutledge. Three had retired from active economic endeavors: Franklin, McHenry, and Mifflin. Franklin and Williamson were scientists, in addition to their other activities. McClurg, McHenry, and Williamson were physicians, and Johnson was a university president. Baldwin had been a minister, and Williamson, Madison, Ellsworth, and possibly others had studied theology but had never been ordained.

A few of the delegates were wealthy. Washington and Robert Morris ranked among the nation's most prosperous men. Carroll, Houston, Jenifer, and Mifflin were also extremely well-to-do. Most of the others had financial resources that ranged from good to excellent. Among those with the most straitened circumstances were Baldwin, Brearly, Broom, Few, Madison, Paterson, and Sherman, though they all managed to live comfortably.

A considerable number of the men were born into leading families: Blair, Butler, Carroll, Houston, Ingersoll, Jenifer, Johnson, Livingston, Mifflin, Gouverneur Morris, both Pinckneys, Randolph, Rutledge, Washington, and Wythe. Others were self-made men w ho had risen from humble beginnings: Few, Franklin, Gorham, Hamilton, and Sherman'.
Legislatures in today's society have their own professions also and come from the same backgrounds that the Founders had...So in you ideology, today's so called professional politicians were like the Founders, except now they actually pay members..Before you had to be well off to be a politician..

Today folks get into politics to become well-off.

Name some of the careers of todays professional politicians...most start out as lawyers but get into poliics as quick as they can and do their best to stay there....many perks...the best one being the ability to use insider trading knowledge to get wealthy.
My friend Craig Womack from NW Ark in Congress is a Stock brokers....Boozeman an optician..Claire McCaskill is a farmer...

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