Three cops shot in Baton Rouge

Then you have never heard of Social Darwinism? I agree that prejudice can be confused with racism but that is not what this thread is trying to establish..
Prejudice and discrimination are two different terms, but racism is a type of prejudice and/or discrimination.

LWers can be prejudiced and/or discriminate against vets, but that doesn't make them racist. However, if they are prejudiced and/or discriminate others based on race, regardless if it's their race or another, they are racists.

Example; "Whigger". Ever here/see someone use the term? Is it racist? According to you, no, since, you believe people can't be racist against their own race. According to the broader M-W definition, it is racist.

Define prejudice and discrimination.

Racism is entirely a different thing...

you are coinfusing and co-mingly your terms because you have been indoctrinated into political correctness.
Career politicians are only concerned with their careers....look at Comey...many other examples...get rid of the professional politicians and everyone would be better off.
Right, the majority the Founders were career politicians..

Nonsense...who fed you that bullshite?

'The founders practiced a wide range of occupations, and many men pursued more than one career simultaneously. Thirty-five were lawyers or had benefited from legal training, though not all of them relied on the profession for a livelihood. Some had also become judges.

At the time of the convention, 13 individuals were businessmen, merchants, or shippers: Blount, Broom, Clymer, Dayton, Fitzsimons, Gerry, Gilman, Gorham, Langdon, Robert Morris, Pierce, Sherman, and Wilson. Six were major land speculators: Blount, Dayton, Fitzsimons, Gorham, Robert Morris, and Wilson. Eleven speculated in securities on a large scale: Bedford, Blair, Clymer, Dayton, Fitzsimons, Franklin, King, Langdon, Robert Morris, Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, and Sherman. Twelve owned or managed slave-operated plantations or large farms: Bassett, Blair, Blount, Butler, Carroll, Jenifer, Mason, Charles Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, Rutledge, Spaight, and Washington. Madison also owned slaves. Broom and Few were small farmers.

Nine of the men received a substantial part of their income from public office: Baldwin, Blair, Brearly, Gilman, Jenifer, Livingston, Madison, and Rutledge. Three had retired from active economic endeavors: Franklin, McHenry, and Mifflin. Franklin and Williamson were scientists, in addition to their other activities. McClurg, McHenry, and Williamson were physicians, and Johnson was a university president. Baldwin had been a minister, and Williamson, Madison, Ellsworth, and possibly others had studied theology but had never been ordained.

A few of the delegates were wealthy. Washington and Robert Morris ranked among the nation's most prosperous men. Carroll, Houston, Jenifer, and Mifflin were also extremely well-to-do. Most of the others had financial resources that ranged from good to excellent. Among those with the most straitened circumstances were Baldwin, Brearly, Broom, Few, Madison, Paterson, and Sherman, though they all managed to live comfortably.

A considerable number of the men were born into leading families: Blair, Butler, Carroll, Houston, Ingersoll, Jenifer, Johnson, Livingston, Mifflin, Gouverneur Morris, both Pinckneys, Randolph, Rutledge, Washington, and Wythe. Others were self-made men w ho had risen from humble beginnings: Few, Franklin, Gorham, Hamilton, and Sherman'.
Legislatures in today's society have their own professions also and come from the same backgrounds that the Founders had...So in you ideology, today's so called professional politicians were like the Founders, except now they actually pay members..Before you had to be well off to be a politician..

Today folks get into politics to become well-off.

Name some of the careers of todays professional politicians...most start out as lawyers but get into poliics as quick as they can and do their best to stay there....many perks...the best one being the ability to use insider trading knowledge to get wealthy.
My friend Craig Womack from NW Ark in Congress is a Stock brokers....Boozeman an optician..Claire McCaskill is a farmer...

Good for them...that is 3 out of how many in Congress.
Career politicians are only concerned with their careers....look at Comey...many other examples...get rid of the professional politicians and everyone would be better off.
Right, the majority the Founders were career politicians..

Nonsense...who fed you that bullshite?

'The founders practiced a wide range of occupations, and many men pursued more than one career simultaneously. Thirty-five were lawyers or had benefited from legal training, though not all of them relied on the profession for a livelihood. Some had also become judges.

At the time of the convention, 13 individuals were businessmen, merchants, or shippers: Blount, Broom, Clymer, Dayton, Fitzsimons, Gerry, Gilman, Gorham, Langdon, Robert Morris, Pierce, Sherman, and Wilson. Six were major land speculators: Blount, Dayton, Fitzsimons, Gorham, Robert Morris, and Wilson. Eleven speculated in securities on a large scale: Bedford, Blair, Clymer, Dayton, Fitzsimons, Franklin, King, Langdon, Robert Morris, Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, and Sherman. Twelve owned or managed slave-operated plantations or large farms: Bassett, Blair, Blount, Butler, Carroll, Jenifer, Mason, Charles Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, Rutledge, Spaight, and Washington. Madison also owned slaves. Broom and Few were small farmers.

Nine of the men received a substantial part of their income from public office: Baldwin, Blair, Brearly, Gilman, Jenifer, Livingston, Madison, and Rutledge. Three had retired from active economic endeavors: Franklin, McHenry, and Mifflin. Franklin and Williamson were scientists, in addition to their other activities. McClurg, McHenry, and Williamson were physicians, and Johnson was a university president. Baldwin had been a minister, and Williamson, Madison, Ellsworth, and possibly others had studied theology but had never been ordained.

A few of the delegates were wealthy. Washington and Robert Morris ranked among the nation's most prosperous men. Carroll, Houston, Jenifer, and Mifflin were also extremely well-to-do. Most of the others had financial resources that ranged from good to excellent. Among those with the most straitened circumstances were Baldwin, Brearly, Broom, Few, Madison, Paterson, and Sherman, though they all managed to live comfortably.

A considerable number of the men were born into leading families: Blair, Butler, Carroll, Houston, Ingersoll, Jenifer, Johnson, Livingston, Mifflin, Gouverneur Morris, both Pinckneys, Randolph, Rutledge, Washington, and Wythe. Others were self-made men w ho had risen from humble beginnings: Few, Franklin, Gorham, Hamilton, and Sherman'.
Legislatures in today's society have their own professions also and come from the same backgrounds that the Founders had...So in you ideology, today's so called professional politicians were like the Founders, except now they actually pay members..Before you had to be well off to be a politician..

Today folks get into politics to become well-off.

Name some of the careers of todays professional politicians...most start out as lawyers but get into poliics as quick as they can and do their best to stay there....many perks...the best one being the ability to use insider trading knowledge to get wealthy.
My friend Craig Womack from NW Ark in Congress is a Stock brokers....Boozeman an optician..Claire McCaskill is a farmer...

Professional Politicians
The most common profession among members of Congress, though, is that of public servant. That's a nice-sounded term for career politician. More than half of our U.S. senators served in the House, for example.
My kitchen table has none and never has.My family members that have the same problems that have served used no pills either....the way to beat depression is to keep yourself busy and concentrate on other activities..
Dude, you are naive at best and either a liar or dangerously ignorant at worst. There is the possibility that you fit the category I mentioned earlier; mentally ill but abandoned by your government.

Mental illness isn't like being pregnant where either you are or your aren't. Just like there are all kinds of viruses, bacterial infections and other ailments, there are several types of mental illnesses with a wide range of severity. Depression, too, runs a wide range of severity from mild (just keep yourself busy) to major (suicidal). Just because a person has one mental illness doesn't mean they can't also have another, just like somone can have both cancer and the flu. Couple depression with bipolarism or paranoid-schizophrenia and it could result in a newsmaking story.
If you have friends or relatives with a mental problem....keep them away from the v.a. psychiatrists....they will only give them meds that will make them worse...most of those who comitt suicide have been dosed up with meds that provoke suicide.

The best way to treat post traumatic syndrome would be to set up retreats...give them plenty of rest, clean air, recreational activities, healthy meals, vitamins and herbs, acupuncture for pain and lots of exercise...drugs will not solve the problem.
All of which goes to prove both Congress and our CiC have failed our vets.

Our whole healthcare system is one giant clusterfuck. The V.A. though is a huge part of it...the problems with the V.A. began decades ago...too much politics in it is the main problem...a dumping ground for minorities and foreigners.

In most V.A. hospitals practically all of the doctors are foreigners...and all or the great majority of the low level jobs are held by negroes....not all of them bad...but many of them have no respect for Veterans...quite rude many of them. But there are some good ones.

Another big problem is the V.A. is overwhelmed due to many folks not having any private insurance....if they want medical treatment their only option is the V.A.

Instead of the miserable screwed up program obama offered up...he should have lowered the age for elgibility for medicare...that would have been simpler and worked much better.
Politically Correct nonsense from a cheap dictionary.

In a nutshell all racism is.....the recognition of the role genetics plays in human capabilities and characteristics.

You can be racist and not prejudiced....too many dumb asses coinfuse prejudice with racism.
All human beings share 99.5% of the same genetic makeup.

Due to advances in genetics, it is widely recognized that old definitions of race (e.g. caucasoid, negroid, mongoloid and aboriginoid) are not applicable since they inadequately explain the differences between people (that 0.5%).
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There is a percentage that can never be helped, it is up to the individual to change and take charge of their own mental health............
Dude, that's like telling a person dying of cancer they are responsible for their own health because it's their body.

By definition, a mentally ill person may not be able to make sound, rational decisions because they are mentally ill. Just giving up on them like you advise is precisely the problem I am pointing out.
You can always tell who's actually served in the military and who's lying. Someone who treats PTSD like it's a few extra pounds to lose...the closest they ever came to serving in combat is watching MASH reruns.
One bad cop can make the entire force look bad, same with soldiers and any group, as with BLM, the majority doesn't believe in killing people to make a statement, but the ones that do and have, make the whole group look bad..

The whole bunch of them are bad, misled, ignorant and just want more stuff...their tactic is a old one...originated by Jesse Jackson aka......first make them feel guilty and then make them pay....we can also thank our public schools for indoctrinating generations of white students into feeling guilty for being white.
you are coinfusing and co-mingly your terms because you have been indoctrinated into political correctness.

Let me help you use a dictionary:
Definition of PREJUDICE

    • : injury or damage resulting from some judgment or action of another in disregard of one's rights; especially : detriment to one's legal rights or claims
    • a (1) : preconceived judgment or opinion (2) : an adverse opinion or leaning formed without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge
b : an instance of such judgment or opinion
c : an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their supposed characteristics

1. a : the act of discriminating

b : the process by which two stimuli differing in some aspect are responded to differently

2: the quality or power of finely distinguishing

3. a : the act, practice, or an instance of discriminating categorically rather than individually
b : prejudiced or prejudicial outlook, action, or treatment <racial discrimination>

You can always tell who's actually served in the military and who's lying. Someone who treats PTSD like it's a few extra pounds to lose...the closest they ever came to serving in combat is watching MASH reruns.
Or are in denial. Either way, it's more fucked up than a football bat and they are doing a disservice to our veterans, whether intentional or not.
Politically Correct nonsense from a cheap dictionary.

In a nutshell all racism is.....the recognition of the role genetics plays in human capabilities and characteristics.

You can be racist and not prejudiced....too many dumb asses coinfuse prejudice with racism.
All human beings share 99.5% of the same genetic makeup.

Due to advances in genetics, it is widely recognized that old definitions of race (e.g. caucasoid, negroid, mongoloid and aboriginoid) are not applicable since they are inadequately explain the differences between people (that 0.5%).

Some want to talk genetics...not knowing a damn thing about it. For example: chimps share 97 per cent of the same dna as humans.....but oh what a difference that 3 percent makes.

A very small difference in genes has huge,huge ramifications...

also it is documented that Africans are the closest relatives of the chimps...and these ignorant people innately know it...that is why they become so furious when compared to monkeys.
Professional Politicians
The most common profession among members of Congress, though, is that of public servant. That's a nice-sounded term for career politician. More than half of our U.S. senators served in the House, for example.
Another reason why we need both election reform and term limits for Congress.
you are coinfusing and co-mingly your terms because you have been indoctrinated into political correctness.

Let me help you use a dictionary:
Definition of PREJUDICE

    • : injury or damage resulting from some judgment or action of another in disregard of one's rights; especially : detriment to one's legal rights or claims
    • a (1) : preconceived judgment or opinion (2) : an adverse opinion or leaning formed without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge
b : an instance of such judgment or opinion
c : an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their supposed characteristics

1. a : the act of discriminating

b : the process by which two stimuli differing in some aspect are responded to differently

2: the quality or power of finely distinguishing

3. a : the act, practice, or an instance of discriminating categorically rather than individually
b : prejudiced or prejudicial outlook, action, or treatment <racial discrimination>

First of all you do not even know what a dictionary merely repeats the most common use of tell me how they determine how most woids are they do surveys or what?

If one wants to really know what a woid or term means you must get into etymology....etymologists study and research the history of words aka...get to the source...the real meaning of woids.
Some want to talk genetics...not knowing a damn thing about it. For example: chimps share 97 per cent of the same dna as humans.....but oh what a difference that 3 percent makes.

A very small difference in genes has huge,huge ramifications...

also it is documented that Africans are the closest relatives of the chimps...and these ignorant people innately know it...that is why they become so furious when compared to monkeys.
Correct about chimps, but we're talking 0.5%, not six times that figure.

Dude, as anyone with a modicum or more of scientific knowledge knows, we're all "African" one way or another. If you know as much about genetics as you claim, then you also know all human beings share the same ancestor back 200,000 years as proved through mitochondrial DNA. Humans and chimps split over 4,000,000 years ago. To claim "Africans" are closer to chimps than Whites is Aryan Asshole nonsense. That said, I'd love to see any evidence you can link supporting your position.


Comparative genomics of higher primates

Age Confirmed for 'Eve,' Mother of All Humans
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First of all you do not even know what a dictionary merely repeats the most common use of tell me how they determine how most woids are they do surveys or what?

If one wants to really know what a woid or term means you must get into etymology....etymologists study and research the history of words aka...get to the source...the real meaning of woids.

You are free to write your own dictionary to fit your own politically correct world. I'll stick with Merriam-Webster.
Some want to talk genetics...not knowing a damn thing about it. For example: chimps share 97 per cent of the same dna as humans.....but oh what a difference that 3 percent makes.

A very small difference in genes has huge,huge ramifications...

also it is documented that Africans are the closest relatives of the chimps...and these ignorant people innately know it...that is why they become so furious when compared to monkeys.
Correct about chimps, but we're talking 0.5%, not six times that figure.

Dude, as anyone with a modicum or more of scientific knowledge knows, we're all "African" one way or another. If you know as much about genetics as you claim, then you also know all human beings share the same ancestor back 200,000 years as proved through mitochondrial DNA. Humans and chimps split over 4,000,000 years ago. To claim "Africans" are closer to chimps than Whites is Aryan Asshole nonsense. That said, I'd love to see any evidence you can link supporting your position.


Comparative genomics of higher primates

Age Confirmed for 'Eve,' Mother of All Humans

Harsh Reality

Things change rapidly in science. You should try and keep up.

What is popular one day, is not the next. Theories come, and theories go. And so it is with mitochondrial Eve. She once was in vogue as “the woman of the moment,” so to speak. Now, she has become virtually the “crazy aunt in the attic” that no one wants to admit even exists.

The Demise of Mitochondrial Eve -- TrueOrigin Archive
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There is a percentage that can never be helped, it is up to the individual to change and take charge of their own mental health............
Dude, that's like telling a person dying of cancer they are responsible for their own health because it's their body.

By definition, a mentally ill person may not be able to make sound, rational decisions because they are mentally ill. Just giving up on them like you advise is precisely the problem I am pointing out.
You can always tell who's actually served in the military and who's lying. Someone who treats PTSD like it's a few extra pounds to lose...the closest they ever came to serving in combat is watching MASH reruns.
I served but not in combat. I did, however work civil service at a VA hospital for 3.5 years while in college back in the mid to late 70s. It was FUBARed back them. Government employees that didn't give a rat's ass about anything but a good income and security, with great bennies.

I saw people die from incompetence. Medical care should not be government work. Some are very good but I think it would have been far better to just shut down VA health and pay for the care in private hospitals.
Hilary and her ilk are up to their eyeballs in this shit. It appears no one recalls H Rap Brown so here is a little history note to fit things in perspective for some people looking for why cops and why even a black cop.

"Let’s be clear: Islam is not our adversary. Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism."— Hillary Clinton. "The Third Way." It is pretty clear that with Bill's wife as President we will have it again but with an added twist "The Hillary Way." Not even she knows what that is yet.

"When you talk of black power, you talk of building a movement that will smash everything Western civilization has created,''-- Stokely Carmichael. Became a Muslim perhaps better known as Kwame Ture.

"I say violence is necessary. It is as American as cherry pie. If America don't come around, we're gonna' burn it down." H. Rap Brown. Another who became a Muslim perhaps better known now as Imam Jimal Abdullah Al Amin.

"As it was [the U.S. government] chopped off the head [of the Black liberation movement] and left the body there armed. That's why all these young bloods are out there now, they've got the rhetoric but are without the political direction... and they've got the guns." Eldridge Cleaver a year before he died.

Hillary Clinton would have you believe she steadfastly champions on behalf of civil rights but I beg to differ with her. Even this guy understood what Hillary cannot.
"Any unarmed people are slaves or are subject to slavery at any given moment. If the guns are taken out of the hands of the people and only the pigs have guns then it's off to the concentration camps the gas chambers or whatever the fascist in America come up with. One of the democratic rights of the United States, the Second Amendment to the Constitution, gives the people the right to bear arms. However, there is a greater right, the right of human dignity that gives all men the right to defend themselves." -- Huey P. Newton

Right or wrong, men and women of conviction and principle have not only dedicated their self to causes but have in fact in many cases, gave their life to such cause. What does Hillary Clinton do, change parties or jump ship. Her cause is for money power and stature. "I was a Goldwater girl" she said. Well Hillary, you ship jumping old hag, "What difference does it make?"
Homey killed 3 officers including a black one, so what's the talking story this time?
Crazed gunman kills police officers....

Yeah crazy nut did kill 3 cops, but if you think cops are racist, why kill the black guy, because he's an uncle tom?
No because he was a cop....which shows his true motivation..

Soooooo, it's not racial?
When a black man kills a black officer it would be hard to categorize it as racist..

So when the Klan was killing white republicans in the wasn't racial????
Homey killed 3 officers including a black one, so what's the talking story this time?
Crazed gunman kills police officers....

Yeah crazy nut did kill 3 cops, but if you think cops are racist, why kill the black guy, because he's an uncle tom?

To any normal person the killing of the black guy indicate it wasn't about race. Not to you tho. You're dedicated to the lie

It was about him stopping cops from killing blacks, so there is a race element to it.
You can't be racist against your own race..

Explain house ******, oreo, uncle.tom, ****** lover, or race traitor.

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