Three cops shot in Baton Rouge

Press conference -

They believe there are multiple suspects,Sherriffs spokesman, 1 suspect down and securing scene in case of explosives. Multiple officers shot and some have been killed. Shooting outside, and possibly inside as well. Sending in robot now.
Police don't like to be targeted. The black community says "Really?" :cool:

THIS right here is why we're in the mess we're in. You have no sense of reality....NONE

It is also proof of my other thread. You condone this violence. Perhaps one day it will come for you and your tune will change.

Your accusations are lame. Point is that cops don't seem to like it when they are targeted. No one does. Yet they target blacks with impunity and now cry that THEY are unfairly targeted. It's ironic.

Well the assholes that pulled this shit today will guarantee that more blacks die. The bogus 911 call they used will cause officers to hesitate to respond to future calls and that will cost lives. BTW blacks only account for 26% of police involved killings.

More blacks dying by cops is inevitable anyway. They get away with it everytime. Maybe people are tired of being targeted.
If they don't want to be targeted...stop acting like a target.
Yes....everyone knows that a broken tail light makes you a target. Stop.
Democrats acting like ISIS.
Mission Accomplished

One dressed in all black another in fatigues

Believes it was a planned attack
Press conference -

They believe there are multiple suspects,Sherriffs spokesman, 1 suspect down and securing scene in case of explosives. Multiple officers shot and some have been killed. Shooting outside, and possibly inside as well. Sending in robot now.

Hope it's loaded with c-4

THIS right here is why we're in the mess we're in. You have no sense of reality....NONE

It is also proof of my other thread. You condone this violence. Perhaps one day it will come for you and your tune will change.

Your accusations are lame. Point is that cops don't seem to like it when they are targeted. No one does. Yet they target blacks with impunity and now cry that THEY are unfairly targeted. It's ironic.

Well the assholes that pulled this shit today will guarantee that more blacks die. The bogus 911 call they used will cause officers to hesitate to respond to future calls and that will cost lives. BTW blacks only account for 26% of police involved killings.

More blacks dying by cops is inevitable anyway. They get away with it everytime. Maybe people are tired of being targeted.
If they don't want to be targeted...stop acting like a target.
Yes....everyone knows that a broken tail light makes you a target. Stop.
I've been stopped for a broken light...thank God they didn't shoot me. You are nuts.
Well, the widows and orphans will have GOP thoughts and prayers to console them.

Just can't bring yourself to criticizing BLM can you? Ya condemn the righties on this forum who have done nothing but mind their own business or sucker punch killers.

BLM strikes me as the same people who go looting and call it demonstrating. Whatever (if any) useful message they have is overshadowed by the militants.

The righties on this board will offer thoughts and prayers only to the survivors.

If the shooters are any religion other than Islam, they will be lone wolf nut jobs. If they are Muslims the shooters will represent all 1.5 billion plus Muslims.


Of course I am
...and what if the shooter is a righty?

Well the officers were set up by a bogus 911 call made by a black male, so tell us the odds the shooter was a righty.
This in your opinion, there is no chance that a caller that sounds like a black male would be a righty......

Right wouldn't target the police....
Police don't like to be targeted. The black community says "Really?" :cool:

THIS right here is why we're in the mess we're in. You have no sense of reality....NONE

It is also proof of my other thread. You condone this violence. Perhaps one day it will come for you and your tune will change.

Your accusations are lame. Point is that cops don't seem to like it when they are targeted. No one does. Yet they target blacks with impunity and now cry that THEY are unfairly targeted. It's ironic.

Well the assholes that pulled this shit today will guarantee that more blacks die. The bogus 911 call they used will cause officers to hesitate to respond to future calls and that will cost lives. BTW blacks only account for 26% of police involved killings.

More blacks dying by cops is inevitable anyway. They get away with it everytime. Maybe people are tired of being targeted.

Only thing that is inevitable is your lies. No one is forcing blacks to commit crimes at rates 13 times higher than the rest of the population and when you commit crimes you're more likely to be confronted by police. If you resist or fail to comply you're more likely to be shot, it's just that simple.
Just can't bring yourself to criticizing BLM can you? Ya condemn the righties on this forum who have done nothing but mind their own business or sucker punch killers.

BLM strikes me as the same people who go looting and call it demonstrating. Whatever (if any) useful message they have is overshadowed by the militants.

The righties on this board will offer thoughts and prayers only to the survivors.

If the shooters are any religion other than Islam, they will be lone wolf nut jobs. If they are Muslims the shooters will represent all 1.5 billion plus Muslims.


Of course I am
...and what if the shooter is a righty?

Well the officers were set up by a bogus 911 call made by a black male, so tell us the odds the shooter was a righty.
This in your opinion, there is no chance that a caller that sounds like a black male would be a righty......

Well using the lefts numbers there is a 97% probability they wouldn't be.
So, you agree with those numbers. Just checkin'
The man's son held a news conference to try to prevent this....

Whites will spin it saying that he didn't really mean it and he's really a pro cop killing BLM member! Stoke that fear guys. Stoke it good!

Yeah it's all spin with was really the KKK right closed???

No, that's the difference between me and you. IDK who did it, yet here yiu are defending putting it onto an entire group you want restraint? Hypocrite.

We don't know who....yet...but we all suspect...and we'll see....I'm pretty sure BLM is more involved that the klan.
While true, all things being equal and since 77% of the US population is white, 71% is actually low given US demographics.

"Instead, 71% of police who've been shot and killed so far in 2016 have been killed by good old-fashioned white men."

Given that standard, we should only expect to see 13% of police officers to be shot by black men. Yet the article is silent on that statistic.

The recent Harvard study shows a distinct difference in the use of force by police against white and black offenders, but it revealed no statistical difference between the races of people shot by police. Can the same be said of police being shot by offenders of different races? Given what stats have been posted, I expect the difference between a population of 77% whites and 71% white offenders shooting police to reveal in increase above population percentages based on race.

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