Three cops shot in Baton Rouge

Police need to scan these people social media interrogate every one of their friends...anyone who posts a positive comment and owns a gun needs it to be seized
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Given blacks penchant for violence I'd bet it is.
Skin color has nothing to do with a propensity for violence. It's a matter of culture. Europeans think Americans have a "culture of violence" because of our gun rights, Wild West heritage and love of violent movies. American inner-city blacks have a strong cultural propensity to idolize the Hip-Hop Gangsta image and lifestyle.

Notice the "shot and killed" list of dead Hip-Hop artists: List of deceased hip hop artists - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Without reading your link....I will guess they are all male.
Police don't like to be targeted. The black community says "Really?" :cool:

THIS right here is why we're in the mess we're in. You have no sense of reality....NONE

It is also proof of my other thread. You condone this violence. Perhaps one day it will come for you and your tune will change.

Your accusations are lame. Point is that cops don't seem to like it when they are targeted. No one does. Yet they target blacks with impunity and now cry that THEY are unfairly targeted. It's ironic.

Well the assholes that pulled this shit today will guarantee that more blacks die. The bogus 911 call they used will cause officers to hesitate to respond to future calls and that will cost lives. BTW blacks only account for 26% of police involved killings.

More blacks dying by cops is inevitable anyway. They get away with it everytime. Maybe people are tired of being targeted.

Great line of thought....maybe the cops should rope off black areas and let you guys just kill each other?? Is that a better plan?
The left want to pretend this is a civil rights issue when in reality it is just targeted assassinations.

If the black community wants ANY sort of dialogue between them and the police this will ensue that it NEVER happens.
Will there be any sort of dialogue between the male community and the police to cut down on the VAST MAJORITY of violent crimes?

The police try...but you have to have two to tango...shooting cops doesn't help.
The left want to pretend this is a civil rights issue when in reality it is just targeted assassinations.

If the black community wants ANY sort of dialogue between them and the police this will ensue that it NEVER happens.
Will there be any sort of dialogue between the male community and the police to cut down on the VAST MAJORITY of violent crimes?
It's almost time to put you back on ignore. You've repeated the same shit a half dozen times now. We get it, you hate men, hence you're a Lebo. Time to move on to new material carpet muncher
I'm sorry.....are you making a case that since I point out the Fact that almost all violent crimes are committing by men, that I hate men?

THIS right here is why we're in the mess we're in. You have no sense of reality....NONE

It is also proof of my other thread. You condone this violence. Perhaps one day it will come for you and your tune will change.

Your accusations are lame. Point is that cops don't seem to like it when they are targeted. No one does. Yet they target blacks with impunity and now cry that THEY are unfairly targeted. It's ironic.

Well the assholes that pulled this shit today will guarantee that more blacks die. The bogus 911 call they used will cause officers to hesitate to respond to future calls and that will cost lives. BTW blacks only account for 26% of police involved killings.

More blacks dying by cops is inevitable anyway. They get away with it everytime. Maybe people are tired of being targeted.
If they don't want to be targeted...stop acting like a target.
Yes....everyone knows that a broken tail light makes you a target. Stop.

Ive been stopped for a broken tailight, I guess my white privledge didn't prevent me from being pulled over.
The left want to pretend this is a civil rights issue when in reality it is just targeted assassinations.

If the black community wants ANY sort of dialogue between them and the police this will ensue that it NEVER happens.
Will there be any sort of dialogue between the male community and the police to cut down on the VAST MAJORITY of violent crimes?
It's almost time to put you back on ignore. You've repeated the same shit a half dozen times now. We get it, you hate men, hence you're a Lebo. Time to move on to new material carpet muncher
I'm sorry.....are you making a case that since I point out the Fact that almost all violent crimes are committing by men, that I hate men?

And saying black areas of the cities are the most dangerous, doesn't make one racist....about time you get it
Police need to scan these people interrogate every one of their friends...anyone who posts a positive comment and owns a gun needs it to be seized
Seriously? You want to set a precedent for violating the First, Second, Fourth and Fifth Amendment rights of US citizens out of expediency? Are you a Democrat? You're certainly not a Libertarian. If you're a Republican, I suggest you really think through the precedent of violating the rights of Americans because it "feels good".
BLM strikes me as the same people who go looting and call it demonstrating. Whatever (if any) useful message they have is overshadowed by the militants.

The righties on this board will offer thoughts and prayers only to the survivors.

If the shooters are any religion other than Islam, they will be lone wolf nut jobs. If they are Muslims the shooters will represent all 1.5 billion plus Muslims.


Of course I am
...and what if the shooter is a righty?

Well the officers were set up by a bogus 911 call made by a black male, so tell us the odds the shooter was a righty.
This in your opinion, there is no chance that a caller that sounds like a black male would be a righty......

Well using the lefts numbers there is a 97% probability they wouldn't be.
So, you agree with those numbers. Just checkin'

Just using numbers you would agree with, I've talked to many blacks that are ABC just like me.
Police don't like to be targeted. The black community says "Really?" :cool:

THIS right here is why we're in the mess we're in. You have no sense of reality....NONE

It is also proof of my other thread. You condone this violence. Perhaps one day it will come for you and your tune will change.

Your accusations are lame. Point is that cops don't seem to like it when they are targeted. No one does. Yet they target blacks with impunity and now cry that THEY are unfairly targeted. It's ironic.

Well the assholes that pulled this shit today will guarantee that more blacks die. The bogus 911 call they used will cause officers to hesitate to respond to future calls and that will cost lives. BTW blacks only account for 26% of police involved killings.

More blacks dying by cops is inevitable anyway. They get away with it everytime. Maybe people are tired of being targeted.
What a racist comment.

People of all color eventually being shot and killed by cops is inevitable. More cops being killed by blacks AND whites is inevitable. More blacks being killed by blacks in black-on-black crime is inevitable. More non-Muslims being killed by Muslim terrorists is inevitable. You saying something racist / stupid again is inevitable...

Let me adjust your post a bit...
People of all color eventually being shot and killed by cops is inevitable. More cops being killed by male blacks AND male whites is inevitable. More blacks being killed by male blacks in black-on-black crime is inevitable. More whites being killed by male whites in white-on-white crime is inevitable. More non-Muslims being killed by male Muslim terrorists is inevitable.
Police don't like to be targeted. The black community says "Really?" :cool:

THIS right here is why we're in the mess we're in. You have no sense of reality....NONE

It is also proof of my other thread. You condone this violence. Perhaps one day it will come for you and your tune will change.

Your accusations are lame. Point is that cops don't seem to like it when they are targeted. No one does. Yet they target blacks with impunity and now cry that THEY are unfairly targeted. It's ironic.

Well the assholes that pulled this shit today will guarantee that more blacks die. The bogus 911 call they used will cause officers to hesitate to respond to future calls and that will cost lives. BTW blacks only account for 26% of police involved killings.

More blacks dying by cops is inevitable anyway. They get away with it everytime. Maybe people are tired of being targeted.
What a racist comment.

People of all color eventually being shot and killed by cops is inevitable. More cops being killed by blacks AND whites is inevitable. More blacks being killed by blacks in black-on-black crime is inevitable. More non-Muslims being killed by Muslim terrorists is inevitable. You saying something racist / stupid again is inevitable...

Expected by someone who doesn't know the definition of racist. I bet you'll say this comment is racist too, one trick pony
These stupid Moon Bats are not capable of thinking for themselves.

Instead of blaming these police murders on Obama's racial hared rhetoric they will somehow blame it on the world's largest gun safety ionization.
Police don't like to be targeted. The black community says "Really?" :cool:

THIS right here is why we're in the mess we're in. You have no sense of reality....NONE

It is also proof of my other thread. You condone this violence. Perhaps one day it will come for you and your tune will change.

Your accusations are lame. Point is that cops don't seem to like it when they are targeted. No one does. Yet they target blacks with impunity and now cry that THEY are unfairly targeted. It's ironic.

Well the assholes that pulled this shit today will guarantee that more blacks die. The bogus 911 call they used will cause officers to hesitate to respond to future calls and that will cost lives. BTW blacks only account for 26% of police involved killings.

More blacks dying by cops is inevitable anyway. They get away with it everytime. Maybe people are tired of being targeted.
If they don't want to be targeted...stop acting like a target.

Tell that to the cops.
And saying black areas of the cities are the most dangerous, doesn't make one racist....about time you get it
Agreed, but I think we can all agree the most dangerous parts of a city are often those with the lowest economic development and lowest per capita income.

High per capita income = Higher Tax revenue = more police support = less crime.

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