Three Exculpatory Facts the MSM Continues to Overlook in the Arizona Shootings

The Democratic map blogger John uses come from the Democratic Leadership Committee. It was basically an internal memo designed for election strategy. NO ONE has ever called out GOP counterparts for similar maps. Palins's map was from a national figure who ran for Vice President. The DLC targets STATES, not individual Democrats.

Sarah Palin's map was put on her Facebook page and she used gunsight crosshairs that target individual Democrats. Sarah Palin was criticized the day she put the irresponsible and dangerous map on her Facebook page, her reply on Twitter was:

Commonsense Conservatives & lovers
of America: "Don't Retreat, Instead -
RELOAD!" Pls see my Facebook page.

9:31 AM Mar 23rd, 2010


“Sarah Palin has the crosshairs of a gun sight over our district and when people do that, they’ve gotta realize there are consequences to that action.”
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords

So of course you're saying Palin's political words and pictures caused the insane shooter to KILL people in Tucson.....unbelievable...

But how do you know whether it was Palin's words or Gifford's words that set off the shooter.....? You don't...

Do you even know what INSANE means....?

(probably not...because leftie arguments are all pretty much insane....)

Truth is the worst enemy of the Left, speaking of ...

Did you hear that the shooter was a "truther" and hated Bush ?


He's anti-government. Who on the left is anti-government? Aren't we the pro-government crowd?
really.stick to be have that nailed

you poor sob....the liberal media has you good and thoroughly brainwashed...:sad:

i dont watch cable news you dipshit. Nor do i watch nbc cbs abc news. I actually listen to rightwing talk radio the most, and get my news from the net.

Like i said, you have stupid nailed. Do society a favor and never breed. said "nailed" again.....that probably indicates a propensity for VIOLENCE on your better be careful before the civility police come get you and send you to rehab camp...
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We can find no evidence of the NYT calling the shooter a 'rightwing extremist' on the day of the shooting.

Please post it.
Or ever. :eusa_whistle:

In all fairness I want to give CG an ample opportunity to prove she isn't lying.

I looked at the first news story in the Times about this. No mention of 'rightwing extremist',

so without objection, it's time to declare this another lie from the pathological liar, CaliforniaGirl.
So of course you're saying Palin's political words and pictures caused the insane shooter to KILL people in Tucson.....unbelievable...

But how do you know whether it was Palin's words or Gifford's words that set off the shooter.....? You don't...

Do you even know what INSANE means....?

(probably not...because leftie arguments are all pretty much insane....)

Truth is the worst enemy of the Left, speaking of ...

Did you hear that the shooter was a "truther" and hated Bush ?


He's anti-government. Who on the left is anti-government? Aren't we the pro-government crowd?

Yet he is a radical left-wing, Marxist -loving, Hitler-loving, Bible-hating, flag-burning, atheistic pot-head....oops
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btw, Keith Olbermann has apologized outright for any violent rhetoric he might have used in the past.
That makes him the only one in the media, so far.
Truth is the worst enemy of the Left, speaking of ...

Did you hear that the shooter was a "truther" and hated Bush ?


He's anti-government. Who on the left is anti-government? Aren't we the pro-government crowd?

Yet he is a radical left-wing, Marxist -loving, Hitler-loving, Bible-hating, flag-burning, atheistic pot-head....oops

Shooter: a Marxist-loving, Hitler-loving, Bible-hating Atheist Doper | The Moral Liberal

My link is the to NY Times that speaks of how he was a 911 Truther who hated Bush. Wasn't that good enough for you?
He's anti-government. Who on the left is anti-government? Aren't we the pro-government crowd?

Yet he is a radical left-wing, Marxist -loving, Hitler-loving, Bible-hating, flag-burning, atheistic pot-head....oops

Shooter: a Marxist-loving, Hitler-loving, Bible-hating Atheist Doper | The Moral Liberal

My link is the to NY Times that speaks of how he was a 911 Truther who hated Bush. Wasn't that good enough for you?

so he may have been both.....

what part of INSANE do you not understand..........?????

I have an opinion, it's the SAME opinion I expressed last March when Palin placed that irresponsible and dangerous map on her website, but then she upped the rhetoric and used words like RELOAD, which SHE put in CAPITAL LETTERS.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to comprehend what her intent was, and who she was catering to. The right wing thugs who have been using 2nd amendment solution talk and images to try to intimidate Democrats and liberals.

If you can't see it, you are either a liar or a fucking moron.


ooooooo....CAPITAL LETTERS.....scaryscary....:cuckoo:

Your accusation of being dangerous does not compute in the real world...most people are sane....and most people believe in the Constitution which says everybody has the right to FREE speech... why don't you go and commit "dangerous acts" by burning another flag with your leftie buddies...i could put up many pics of left wing intimidation and uncivility's just one small representative sample of leftie civility...

Keep on trying to bullshit.....but the fact is most people have seen right through this latest Leftie attack on Palin...

BUT since you guys are now all so fucking interested in CIVILITY i expect in the future to see NO MORE anti-Palin threads....


I agree that 'most people are sane....and most people believe in the Constitution which says everybody has the right to FREE speech...'

But there are some people who are NOT sane, and could take Palin's irresponsible and dangerous rhetoric and images as sanction to literally 'RELOAD'...and pull the trigger.

Our founding fathers had the intelligence to make freedom of speech the first amendment. But, the pretext to the Constitution is the Declaration of Independence which clearly states:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

For six American citizens in Arizona, the unalienable rights endowed by their Creator to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness no longer exists.

You folks on the right keep threatening 2nd amendment solutions...and when some nut actually spills the blood of patriots, you and assholes like Palin are the fucking victims...

The attempted assassination of a member of Congress seems depressingly like the inevitable conclusion of two years of hysterical revolutionary language from the right saturating every domestic political debate.

The Tea Parties are based around the rhetoric of the American Revolution, which was a violent insurrection.

Joyce Kaufman, Representative Allen West's (R-Fla.) Chief Of Staff

What's your point, we know that the shooting had nothing to do with the right.

The killer was an insane left winger who was a 911 Truther who hated Bush

Odds are you are someone who hated Bush and maybe even a 911 Truther
What's your point, we know that the shooting had nothing to do with the right.

The killer was an insane left winger who was a 911 Truther who hated Bush

Odds are you are someone who hated Bush and maybe even a 911 Truther

Why am I not surprised you unethical right wing fucks will try to paint is guy as a leftist.

There are plenty of beliefs this nut held that are right wing. But don't let the truth enter into your propaganda.
I have an opinion, it's the SAME opinion I expressed last March when Palin placed that irresponsible and dangerous map on her website, but then she upped the rhetoric and used words like RELOAD, which SHE put in CAPITAL LETTERS.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to comprehend what her intent was, and who she was catering to. The right wing thugs who have been using 2nd amendment solution talk and images to try to intimidate Democrats and liberals.

If you can't see it, you are either a liar or a fucking moron.


ooooooo....CAPITAL LETTERS.....scaryscary....:cuckoo:

Your accusation of being dangerous does not compute in the real world...most people are sane....and most people believe in the Constitution which says everybody has the right to FREE speech... why don't you go and commit "dangerous acts" by burning another flag with your leftie buddies...i could put up many pics of left wing intimidation and uncivility's just one small representative sample of leftie civility...

Keep on trying to bullshit.....but the fact is most people have seen right through this latest Leftie attack on Palin...

BUT since you guys are now all so fucking interested in CIVILITY i expect in the future to see NO MORE anti-Palin threads....


I agree that 'most people are sane....and most people believe in the Constitution which says everybody has the right to FREE speech...'

But there are some people who are NOT sane, and could take Palin's irresponsible and dangerous rhetoric and images as sanction to literally 'RELOAD'...and pull the trigger.

Our founding fathers had the intelligence to make freedom of speech the first amendment. But, the pretext to the Constitution is the Declaration of Independence which clearly states:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

For six American citizens in Arizona, the unalienable rights endowed by their Creator to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness no longer exists.

You folks on the right keep threatening 2nd amendment solutions...and when some nut actually spills the blood of patriots, you and assholes like Palin are the fucking victims...

The attempted assassination of a member of Congress seems depressingly like the inevitable conclusion of two years of hysterical revolutionary language from the right saturating every domestic political debate.

The Tea Parties are based around the rhetoric of the American Revolution, which was a violent insurrection.

Joyce Kaufman, Representative Allen West's (R-Fla.) Chief Of Staff


Your selective blame is falling on deaf ears....

For 12 American citizens in Texas, the unalienable rights endowed by their Creator to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness no longer exists either...

When 12 patriot Americans were killed and 31 wounded in the Fort Hood shooting by a violent muslim insurrectionist the media pretty much hushed it up real quick...lefties practically ignored it...guess because you couldn't link it to the Tea Party...
What's your point, we know that the shooting had nothing to do with the right.

The killer was an insane left winger who was a 911 Truther who hated Bush

Odds are you are someone who hated Bush and maybe even a 911 Truther

Why am I not surprised you unethical right wing fucks will try to paint is guy as a leftist.

There are plenty of beliefs this nut held that are right wing. But don't let the truth enter into your propaganda.

A 911 Truther who Hated Bush

Sounds like Van Jones

You remember him, the czar of Obama's that got kicked out?

The Left is just mad because this template has failed with the American public
ooooooo....CAPITAL LETTERS.....scaryscary....:cuckoo:

Your accusation of being dangerous does not compute in the real world...most people are sane....and most people believe in the Constitution which says everybody has the right to FREE speech... why don't you go and commit "dangerous acts" by burning another flag with your leftie buddies...i could put up many pics of left wing intimidation and uncivility's just one small representative sample of leftie civility...

Keep on trying to bullshit.....but the fact is most people have seen right through this latest Leftie attack on Palin...

BUT since you guys are now all so fucking interested in CIVILITY i expect in the future to see NO MORE anti-Palin threads....


I agree that 'most people are sane....and most people believe in the Constitution which says everybody has the right to FREE speech...'

But there are some people who are NOT sane, and could take Palin's irresponsible and dangerous rhetoric and images as sanction to literally 'RELOAD'...and pull the trigger.

Our founding fathers had the intelligence to make freedom of speech the first amendment. But, the pretext to the Constitution is the Declaration of Independence which clearly states:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

For six American citizens in Arizona, the unalienable rights endowed by their Creator to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness no longer exists.

You folks on the right keep threatening 2nd amendment solutions...and when some nut actually spills the blood of patriots, you and assholes like Palin are the fucking victims...

The attempted assassination of a member of Congress seems depressingly like the inevitable conclusion of two years of hysterical revolutionary language from the right saturating every domestic political debate.

The Tea Parties are based around the rhetoric of the American Revolution, which was a violent insurrection.

Joyce Kaufman, Representative Allen West's (R-Fla.) Chief Of Staff


Your selective blame is falling on deaf ears....

For 12 American citizens in Texas, the unalienable rights endowed by their Creator to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness no longer exists either...

When 12 patriot Americans were killed and 31 wounded in the Fort Hood shooting by a violent muslim insurrectionist the media pretty much hushed it up real quick...lefties practically ignored it...guess because you couldn't link it to the Tea Party...

WOW, you are one scurrilous fuck. Every American was horrified and saddened by the Fort Hood shootings.

You just lost by default. THAT was as low as someone who CALLS himself a patriot can get.
ooooooo....CAPITAL LETTERS.....scaryscary....:cuckoo:

Your accusation of being dangerous does not compute in the real world...most people are sane....and most people believe in the Constitution which says everybody has the right to FREE speech... why don't you go and commit "dangerous acts" by burning another flag with your leftie buddies...i could put up many pics of left wing intimidation and uncivility's just one small representative sample of leftie civility...

Keep on trying to bullshit.....but the fact is most people have seen right through this latest Leftie attack on Palin...

BUT since you guys are now all so fucking interested in CIVILITY i expect in the future to see NO MORE anti-Palin threads....


I agree that 'most people are sane....and most people believe in the Constitution which says everybody has the right to FREE speech...'

But there are some people who are NOT sane, and could take Palin's irresponsible and dangerous rhetoric and images as sanction to literally 'RELOAD'...and pull the trigger.

Our founding fathers had the intelligence to make freedom of speech the first amendment. But, the pretext to the Constitution is the Declaration of Independence which clearly states:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

For six American citizens in Arizona, the unalienable rights endowed by their Creator to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness no longer exists.

You folks on the right keep threatening 2nd amendment solutions...and when some nut actually spills the blood of patriots, you and assholes like Palin are the fucking victims...

The attempted assassination of a member of Congress seems depressingly like the inevitable conclusion of two years of hysterical revolutionary language from the right saturating every domestic political debate.

The Tea Parties are based around the rhetoric of the American Revolution, which was a violent insurrection.

Joyce Kaufman, Representative Allen West's (R-Fla.) Chief Of Staff


Your selective blame is falling on deaf ears....

For 12 American citizens in Texas, the unalienable rights endowed by their Creator to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness no longer exists either...

When 12 patriot Americans were killed and 31 wounded in the Fort Hood shooting by a violent muslim insurrectionist the media pretty much hushed it up real quick...lefties practically ignored it...guess because you couldn't link it to the Tea Party...

No one hushed it up and no lefties ignored it. Youre just angry at democrats.
I agree that 'most people are sane....and most people believe in the Constitution which says everybody has the right to FREE speech...'

But there are some people who are NOT sane, and could take Palin's irresponsible and dangerous rhetoric and images as sanction to literally 'RELOAD'...and pull the trigger.

Our founding fathers had the intelligence to make freedom of speech the first amendment. But, the pretext to the Constitution is the Declaration of Independence which clearly states:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

For six American citizens in Arizona, the unalienable rights endowed by their Creator to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness no longer exists.

You folks on the right keep threatening 2nd amendment solutions...and when some nut actually spills the blood of patriots, you and assholes like Palin are the fucking victims...

The attempted assassination of a member of Congress seems depressingly like the inevitable conclusion of two years of hysterical revolutionary language from the right saturating every domestic political debate.

The Tea Parties are based around the rhetoric of the American Revolution, which was a violent insurrection.

Joyce Kaufman, Representative Allen West's (R-Fla.) Chief Of Staff

Your selective blame is falling on deaf ears....

For 12 American citizens in Texas, the unalienable rights endowed by their Creator to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness no longer exists either...

When 12 patriot Americans were killed and 31 wounded in the Fort Hood shooting by a violent muslim insurrectionist the media pretty much hushed it up real quick...lefties practically ignored it...guess because you couldn't link it to the Tea Party...

WOW, you are one scurrilous fuck. Every American was horrified and saddened by the Fort Hood shootings.

You just lost by default. THAT was as low as someone who CALLS himself a patriot can get.

oooooo.....better watch that civility....:lol:

I'm not talking about how "horrified and saddened" everybody was....i'm talking about the blame game....

With this incident Lefties are linking blame all over the right....Palin, Tea Party, the public discourse, and on and on...

However with the Fort Hood incident.....from the Left there was not a peep about linking blame....altho the shooters connections became quite apparent...
Your selective blame is falling on deaf ears....

For 12 American citizens in Texas, the unalienable rights endowed by their Creator to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness no longer exists either...

When 12 patriot Americans were killed and 31 wounded in the Fort Hood shooting by a violent muslim insurrectionist the media pretty much hushed it up real quick...lefties practically ignored it...guess because you couldn't link it to the Tea Party...

WOW, you are one scurrilous fuck. Every American was horrified and saddened by the Fort Hood shootings.

You just lost by default. THAT was as low as someone who CALLS himself a patriot can get.

oooooo.....better watch that civility....:lol:

I'm not talking about how "horrified and saddened" everybody was....i'm talking about the blame game....

With this incident Lefties are linking blame all over the right....Palin, Tea Party, the public discourse, and on and on...

However with the Fort Hood incident.....from the Left there was not a peep about linking blame....altho the shooters connections became quite apparent...

Is there a point in your rantings? The guy was a Muslim. What does that have to do with the left? Should we round up all Muslims?
WOW, you are one scurrilous fuck. Every American was horrified and saddened by the Fort Hood shootings.

You just lost by default. THAT was as low as someone who CALLS himself a patriot can get.

oooooo.....better watch that civility....:lol:

I'm not talking about how "horrified and saddened" everybody was....i'm talking about the blame game....

With this incident Lefties are linking blame all over the right....Palin, Tea Party, the public discourse, and on and on...

However with the Fort Hood incident.....from the Left there was not a peep about linking blame....altho the shooters connections became quite apparent...

Is there a point in your rantings? The guy was a Muslim. What does that have to do with the left? Should we round up all Muslims?

Is there a point in your rantings? The guy was an insane doper. What does that have to do with the right? Should we round up all Tea Partyers?

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